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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 2nd, 2024

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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Gun violence is just too pervasive in this country!  I like a rotisserie chicken and I will raise a glass to St. Erasmus.  Sentimental quote, no to the drink/wine and never been to the port (but I want to go so bad but the cost for one + flights?????!!!!!!????).  But the tart!!!  Hmmmm, I will have to get a tart pan!  I saved the last recipe as I not sure I want to try the other 2.  I have watched the Marconi presentation twice now on a BHB - interesting.  Queen Elizabeth was such an amazing person but I was not even a twinkle in my parent's eye on her coronation day; they weren't even married yet.




Another warm day in the desert and it looks like it won't let up.  it is already 75F at 0720 in the morning heading up to maybe 100F.  Humidity is low at 16% so I may need to start up my humidifier to get it close to around 20-25% in my living room.  I cringe when read on here about the high humidity others are experiencing.  I just couldn't handle that.  An excessive heat watch was just issued for this coming Thursday - temps 105-110F.  




I had some plans for yesterday but, true to form, I never left the house.  I seem to do that a lot; when I lived in Dubai, I would pack up stuff to go to the beach, put on my swim suit and then never leave my apartment.  Sometimes it takes a concerted effort - albeit necessary one - to leave my humble abode.




So today, I will force myself to go out.  Grocery store and probably the farmer's market.  I may even buy something.  Maybe I will find a tart pan!!




Bon Voyage @luvteaching and Happy retirement to @Horizon chaser 1957 DH.  @kazu Jacqui your flowers are beautiful - both in the vase and outside.  Thoughts for all who are experiencing challenges and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day!  Now I got to get moving!!  LOL!!



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

It's hard not to be aware of gun violence; sadly there were several shootings in the greater metro area here last night, and it seems daily when I turn on the morning news. I like rotisserie chicken, but usually buy it at a big box store already cooked. St. Eramus is the patron saint of sailors and abdominal conditions/diseases. Such a sweet sentiment in the quote. I like the "meal", pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Moorea. 2 great days in history.


It's cloudy here, with passing showers, and temps in the 60's. I was successful yesterday in not doing much of anything. I finished the memoir of Patrick Stewart that I had been reading. Today I'm getting laundry done. I considered a grocery store run, but think I'll wait until tomorrow.


@luvteaching Bon Voyage!

@Horizon chaser 1957 Happy Retirement to your DH!

@kazu I'm glad you got an appointment with the vascular surgeon, but sorry you have to wait so long. I'm sorry you're still in so much pain. Be careful when you try to work in the garden. The flowers you received are beautiful.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad your weather was good for Stockholm. Great Moorea photos. The water is such a pretty color. 

@Crazy For Cats Good news on more hospitals coming back online. Beautiful visitor you had.

@cat shepard Thanks. I am busier than I had planned, due to trying to help BFF. I do try to take precautions with lifting and bending, as instructed. I do think it's helping me get stronger. I still have trouble going up and down the stairs, but take my time and use a cane to help. I'm anxious to get back to PT, if I get the ok later this week.

@Heartgrove I hope the harness works for Sam.

@aliaschief I hope that resting today fixes up your back situation.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent photos. Thanks.

@marshhawk Don't you get a break when you're working noon to 9pm? I'm sure you'll be glad when you go back to normal hours. I heard about the water in Atlanta; it seems the infrastructure is just too old. 

@HAL Sailer Thinking of you and your DH.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Posted (edited)

Good morning. Sunny and dry as usual. Current temperature is 60F with a high today forecast to reach about 80 which is not too bad. Low tonight 46 which makes good sleeping weather.


Someway the "meal" just does not appeal. I used to love chocolate but have reached a stage where it just does not appeal for some reason. Just as well as I have to watch my blood sugar. Have been to beautiful Moorea. Given my reaction this year to heat and humidity, I am unlikely to return.


Things here are quiet and very unexciting which is probably a very good thing. I continue to plod along with downsizing at a very slow pace. Am getting a fair amount of reading in and of course dog walking. I am no longer walking dogs at the shelter. They have mainly large dogs who are just too strong for me to handle.... my little guys appreciate the extra attention at home. Next week is the annual adoptathon at the shelter and I will help with that a bit. Am looking at cruises but right now looking is all I am doing.


Take care all. Like others, I am finding I am feeling aches and pains more and that I can do less and less with ease. I am also finding that reliable help is hard to come by. Oh well.... upward and onward and a turtle's pace.



Edited by durangoscots
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Good morning, 

I leave in about 45 minutes to head to Seattle. Thank you so much for all the good wishes! I'm looking forward to this cruise but not to all the rain. Fortunately today the rain is holding off for a bit. 


Yesterday the DS came over and filled the feeders (Hummingbird), put a new toilet seat on, cleaned downspouts, etc. but it was too wet to mow. He'll come over while I'm gone and do that chore. He helped a neighbor out as well. The neighbor's DH was running his remote control boat (small one) in our local creek, fell in but someone helped him out after he'd gone under and DS went down to help find the boat. No luck there. The DH is so lucky to still be with us and it was his 81st birthday as well. 


Off to put the last things in the car and head out. 



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@JazzyV Before I start each campaign, I have to send in a SOD (start of day)- a computer form that lets them know my proposed hours and when i will take a break during my shift with them.  I have to copy both the first campaign's boss and my second campaigns boss. And then I go to the work computer, log on, and text them my Start notice. I start at noon calling California.  For 3 hours, no break.  I then take a break between campaigns, at which time I send the EOD (the end of day) report to both managers, any sales or donations information on an email, then generate the SOD to the next manager, copying the first boss (so they know where I am) before I get "my break".  I get an hour to do this, and consider it a break. Not long enough to make dinner, nor the right time.


California laws, that if I work more than 5 hours, I have to take an unpaid half hour break.  I cant work more than 8 hours a day, I cant total out more than 40 a week.  If for some reason I am on a call, after shift end, I have to deduct that time from another day.


I try very hard not to make any shift more than 5 hours, so that they don't have to not pay me for 30 minutes of my time (which is why I take an hour between campaigns)  After the 14th, I will be on one campaign , and take 2-3 hours off between shifts.  This will at least allow me to create a meal, cook a meal, and maybe get to eat a meal, during an actual meal time.  Until NY calls me back to work, and I give him morning shifts, and then 5 hours late afternoon for California.  


When I started this whole thing, it was because DH said he couldnt stand having me in the house after my forced retirement.  I wanted to do too many things. When Covid hit, and no one was working, I was not able to save any money from SS.  Now the extra money will pay for our next cruise, our Florida vacation, and helps with the bills.  And so I put up with the constant insanity of having to prove that I am at work, when I am at work.


I have a cruise addiction.

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Good morning and Happy Sunday. It’s a bright sunshiny day and should stay that way for a long while. 

All good days, although I never knew who St Erasmus was and St Elmo’s Fire. Now I can’t get the song out of my head. 

Craig buys the Carpano Anticia vermouth occasionally. It’s more expensive and fancy. He uses it in his Negronis. BTW, keep your vermouth refrigerated. Since it is like wine, It helps keep the flavor longer. It’s more technical than that but you get the drift. 

I’ll pass on the drink, the meal, and have never been to the port. 

Bon Voyage Karen @luvteaching!


Happy retirement to @Horizon chaser 1957’s DH!!


Terry, safe travels home today. 

Have a great day everyone!



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I started to work on my Shavuot decorating this morning. I am nearly sure that I have a dried sheaf of barley, but I have no idea where it is. I may have to substitute wheat, which is easier to obtain. I also need a frame for a print that is supposed to represent Moses and Aaron at Mount Sinai (19th century French, so it's entirely the artist's imagination). Michael's will have both and I can stop at the blue big-box store for fencing stakes (nothing to do with Shavuot).


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Posted (edited)

Good morning all!

The rain has returned, and that's fine.  I'm aching from all the yardwork the last few days, so it's nice to take a break.


Gun violence is sad and so unnecessary.  Rotisserie chicken makes making dinner easy, and the left overs give us another couple meals too.  I love the left overs in chicken pot pie.  As cruisers, we salute St. Erasmus.


I would try the drink, but not sure about the egg white...pass on the wine, and yum yum for the 3rd recipe.  If that's a meal, count me in!  🤣  I like the quote, really a sweet sentiment -- but am I the only one who wonders how this would work unless you have the same birthday??  (I know, sometimes I overthink things LOL!)  We were in Moorea for 2 days in March on the GANZ.  It was our first time there.  Photos below.


Today is not only our grandson's 9th birthday, but my sister's birthday too.  She's so pleased he has the same birthday.  We'll be celebrating both boys' birthdays later this afternoon.  


Karen @luvteaching Bon Voyage, have a great cruise!  Wave to me as you pass by on your way to Seattle 😉  

Jacqui @kazu I'm so sorry you're going through so much pain and also can't believe you have to wait until July to get that cat scan 😞   Very pretty flowers.  Our flowers seem late this year too.


We had 2 days in Moorea in March on the GANZ.  The first day we had a private tour in the back of a 4x4, the second day a HAL tour in a bus with A/C.  It was hot, hot, hot but we loved all the beauty.


This yacht must belong to someone with $$$.  Seen from our balcony.







Catholic church



Belvedere Lookout Point



The only kitty I found on the whole GANZ -- and he/she was a sweetie.



These bungalows are $1000/night.



We attended a great performance.  Most of my photos are in video, but here's one of the dancers.





Edited by Cruising-along
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7 hours ago, richwmn said:

Wine of the Day - Carpano-Antica-Formula-Vermouth


Well, I am stumped on this one.  With a quick internet search I learned that there are a handful of California makers of Vermouth, but I have no familiarity with any of them.


So, I'll go off on a tangent.  Vermouth is a fortified wine--as is Port.  There are a number of California wineries that produce Ports alongside their standard unfortified offerings.  Ficklin produces only Port.  Ficklin is Californiia's oldest Port maker -- established in 1946.




I am really not much of a Port drinker.  As you can see, it looks like I have held on to this one for about forty years.  However, I think a glass of Port would be excellent with a Chocolate Raspberry Tart--especially, an "unhealthy" one.

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Good afternoon all,

This is going to be short and sweet.  And how sweet it is!

I have been a busy lady the last week or so and rightly so.

I have not shared this with anyone until last night and now i share it with all of you.

Tomorrow Jim and I will go to Jacksonville and stay overnight and on Tuesday we will fly to Barbados.  We will be staying for 9 nights.  

I have been so afraid to say anything lest I jinx the trip, but we are going.

I badly need a rest from cooking and cleaning and what not.  Not to mention that my shoulder is not really doing too well.  I will deal with PT when we return on June 14.

Please wish me luck that nothing goes wrong.

From what I can see all looks okay.

i am so nervous that something will happen after having to cancel two trips to Italy.

However, DH wants to go and is further along in packing than I am.

If I get everything done, I will read all the posts and post again later.

God Bless,


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Good afternoon, I am back at home after my short New Hampshire stay. It was a decent drive with lots of company at the New York/CT border. It is a relief to be here. I think DD does not feel confident about medical things and complications of serious lung disease and was in a bit of a panic. It is understandable since I make the calls when necessary for nursing assistance, etc. Tana told me when we were alone a few minutes ago that she gets nervous and everyone else picks up on it. I was always fortunate to be “good in an emergency” and remain calm. 
My brother told me he also got a phone call and was willing to drive down and stay overnight. He is a retired MD. Tana assured him that they just had a minor panic and they would be fine. 

@luvteaching, Bon Voyage and enjoy your cruise!

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I was appalled by the incident in your neighborhood. The family has to be shattered. I am glad you were able to see Stockholm today!

@Horizon chaser 1957, congratulations on DH’s retirement!

@kazu, Jacqui, I am so sorry to read that the pain continues and impedes function. I wish you didn’t have to wait so long to see the vascular doc.


Dinner tonight will involve ordering takeout from our favorite diner….

Enjoy the day everyone.


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43 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon all,

This is going to be short and sweet.  And how sweet it is!

I have been a busy lady the last week or so and rightly so.

I have not shared this with anyone until last night and now i share it with all of you.

Tomorrow Jim and I will go to Jacksonville and stay overnight and on Tuesday we will fly to Barbados.  We will be staying for 9 nights.  

I have been so afraid to say anything lest I jinx the trip, but we are going.

I badly need a rest from cooking and cleaning and what not.  Not to mention that my shoulder is not really doing too well.  I will deal with PT when we return on June 14.

Please wish me luck that nothing goes wrong.

From what I can see all looks okay.

i am so nervous that something will happen after having to cancel two trips to Italy.

However, DH wants to go and is further along in packing than I am.

If I get everything done, I will read all the posts and post again later.

God Bless,


Excellent News Terri.

Wishing you all the luck and best wishes in the world.


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44 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon all,

This is going to be short and sweet.  And how sweet it is!

I have been a busy lady the last week or so and rightly so.

I have not shared this with anyone until last night and now i share it with all of you.

Tomorrow Jim and I will go to Jacksonville and stay overnight and on Tuesday we will fly to Barbados.  We will be staying for 9 nights.  

I have been so afraid to say anything lest I jinx the trip, but we are going.

I badly need a rest from cooking and cleaning and what not.  Not to mention that my shoulder is not really doing too well.  I will deal with PT when we return on June 14.

Please wish me luck that nothing goes wrong.

From what I can see all looks okay.

i am so nervous that something will happen after having to cancel two trips to Italy.

However, DH wants to go and is further along in packing than I am.

If I get everything done, I will read all the posts and post again later.

God Bless,




Terri this is so wonderful for both of you!

so enjoy your time and relaxation!




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Well, this is depressing.  I lost my entire multi quote.  Not sure how or why but it’s gone.  And good old CC is not posting what I previously posted as it often does.  Sheesh.  So, I give up and am going by memory.


@luvteaching very safe travels to you - hope the weather improves for your cruise.


@difish Debbie - so sorry about your back pain.  I hope the shot on Wednesday helps you.


@marshhawk Annie so sorry about your pain - I hope it improves.  At least mine lets me sleep most of the night.


@Cruising-along I’m not waiting that long for the catscan (although it seems like it).  It is in mid June.  The surgeon is at the beginning of July.  I am probably just impatient and want answers.


@ger_77 thanks.  The surgeon needs to get the catscan and evaluate it so I guess 2 weeks and a bit isn’t that bad after the catscan.  I asked about a cancellation list and it is long and she said few people cancel.  Se also said the soonest would be the Tuesday before so it’s only one week.  He only sees patients on Tuesdays.  The rest of the time is in surgery. Gulp.


I did get my dahlias in.  it took all late d morning and afternoon with a lot of aches and breaks but they are in.  One storage box left of sundry bulbs - they can wait until tomorrow, thank heavens I have fewer.  I didn’t order to replace those that were unhappy when I dug up in the Fall.  If this doesn’t get resolved, the deck will be very bare next year but this year I do want to try to enjoy some flowers.



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Posted (edited)

I hope I'm not going too far on this but I did get word that Paul is improving, and while he has a long road ahead, he has a chance of getting home from the hospital this week.


He is a unique character with a host of physical difficulties, including mobility, speech, and dietary restrictions.  He also has a fantastic memory, a passion for jokes (riddles) and a zest for life.  Since he has nearly constant care at home, I do hope the transfer will be successful.


A couple of things from a recent worship which was the last for our recently transferred pastor.  The video is LONG, but Paul's part comes at the 1:26 mark:







Edited by rafinmd
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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Tomorrow Jim and I will go to Jacksonville and stay overnight and on Tuesday we will fly to Barbados.  We will be staying for 9 nights.  

I have been so afraid to say anything lest I jinx the trip, but we are going.


How wonderful Terri. 👍. You need the break and so deserve it.


I hope all goes as planned and you two have nice get away 🙂 


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We had a wonderful time at our brunch today at the Vineyard in Florence.  A beautiful afternoon. The food and wine were fabulous!


That ended abruptly when we got home. I moved several flower pots and lifted a very heavy stone to move it only a few feet.


Well, I felt a pull in my shoulder and neck and dropped the stone on my foot! I have a big gouge on my ankle where the stone dropped and had blood everywhere! I grabbed my emergency kit and have a heavy bandage on my ankle, trying to stop the blood. 


I don't care if that dam stone stays where it is for the next 20 years!!

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24 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

We had a wonderful time at our brunch today at the Vineyard in Florence.  A beautiful afternoon. The food and wine were fabulous!


That ended abruptly when we got home. I moved several flower pots and lifted a very heavy stone to move it only a few feet.


Well, I felt a pull in my shoulder and neck and dropped the stone on my foot! I have a big gouge on my ankle where the stone dropped and had blood everywhere! I grabbed my emergency kit and have a heavy bandage on my ankle, trying to stop the blood. 


I don't care if that dam stone stays where it is for the next 20 years!!


My sweet Joy,

This is how I feel about you!! Please take it easy and hope you feel better!

❤️‍🩹 Denise😊


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29 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

We had a wonderful time at our brunch today at the Vineyard in Florence.  A beautiful afternoon. The food and wine were fabulous!


That ended abruptly when we got home. I moved several flower pots and lifted a very heavy stone to move it only a few feet.


Well, I felt a pull in my shoulder and neck and dropped the stone on my foot! I have a big gouge on my ankle where the stone dropped and had blood everywhere! I grabbed my emergency kit and have a heavy bandage on my ankle, trying to stop the blood. 


I don't care if that dam stone stays where it is for the next 20 years!!

Oh I felt that pain just from your description! Hope you got the bleeding to stop and didn’t break any bones in your foot!

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10 hours ago, richwmn said:


Today is ......................................... National Rotisserie Chicken Day.............................







Mission4Today :: › R & R Forums › Off Topic › Bad Night, Arthy Acting  Up=Chicken Jokes!


chicken jokes and cartoons | Funny pictures, Chicken jokes, Funny


17 Chicken Memes That Will Put a Big Smile On Your Face - I Can Has  Cheezburger?


17 Chicken Memes That Will Put a Big Smile On Your Face | Grappige vogels,  Kip humor, Grappige dierenplaatjes


Mission4Today :: › R & R Forums › Off Topic › Bad Night, Arthy Acting  Up=Chicken Jokes!


17 Chicken Memes That Will Put a Big Smile On Your Face | Funny chicken  memes, Chicken humor, Funny animal jokes


I Suspect Chicken Meme ud83eudd14


Free Range by Bill Whitehead, August 01, 2014 Via @GoComics | Chicken  jokes, Chicken humor, Funny


Chicken math for sure! | Chicken jokes, Chicken humor, Funny pictures

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