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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 5th, 2024

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A couple of additional tidbits about Mystery Island.  There is no permanent population, but it is very close to Aneityum island with a population of 550, and also has an airstrip which serves Aneityum island.   There are occasional flights including one the day I was there.  This is a DeHavilland Twin Otter with a passenger capacity of 19:




The Air Vanuatu flights go to the Capitol of Port Vila.


One more fun photo:






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Posted (edited)

Morning rains stopped; we came through w/no flooding, but there pockets of water ponding (as the hiway signs call it) on the roads that made driving a tad tricky in places.

Now heading out to see ortho about the meniscus tear. Same Dr I see for the shoulder, but he wouldn't even look at the report or film last visit saying limit of 1 body part per visit. I get the billing game, but geez. So, I will tell him I'm already doing PT for it (they gladly added it to the mix just from the report, no Rx needed) and 🤞he doesn't say surgery is in my future. Although I have full confidence in his knife skills, I really have less than zero interest in witnessing first-hand more than once 🙄

I'm ok w/an injection if he wants to try that and any magic tricks he has.

Edited by Haljo1935
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Good afternoon from a beautiful day in the PNW. 
I’ve been getting some yard work done (mowing and trimming). With all the rain and fertilizer I put down the grass was growing fast!


DH and I are leaving for Bellingham in a few minutes to have dinner with my sister and BIL and we’ll spend the night at their house. 

For the Garden Club, my first rose this year but many more coming. 🙂



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8 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

I sat on our patio set dining chair for two hours and when I got up I could barely walk.  Even sleeping was painful but I slept.  Another day on 40mg of Prednisone, if I am not better with better seating choices I guess I will have to go to the Marshfield Hospital in Iron  Mountain ER and try to have them get me an injection to stop the pain.  Thankfully sitting in my recliner with my knees raised and pillow beneath is a relief and doesn't kill me when I get up.


Oh dear Nancy, I sure hope tha the injection helps you 🙏. Pain is no fun especially that kind.



7 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Today we see a new doctor for DH's cancer.  He has had so many MOHS surgeries, and skin graphs  that the skin is very weak and the cancer is so very aggressive that a hole has opened up in the side of his cheek, that goes straight into his mouth and sinus. Not sure how much more surgery they can do now as the cancer is headed to his brain.  When I read about all of you going to see someone regarding a small basal cell problem, this is all happening  because DH didnt go see a doc when he should have. Cant stress enough, if something isnt right, get to a doc!


My prayers that the new doctor can help your DH 🙏. It sounds so awful and he must be so miserable 😞 



7 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser  Thanks for asking, Lenda. Sam really doesn't care for it so I have not been using it. We just increased our awareness of how he could slip and fall to prevent it. I decided against trying to return the harness but will keep it for the end. I envision that when it happens, we may need to wait a few days for the vet and it will help moving him. I noticed last night that he was reluctant to put his rear down in order to lay down after that circling that cats and dogs sometimes do. After he's gone, I will donate it to his Rescue organization or a local shelter.


Huge hugs to you both caring for Sam.  It’s so hard to watch our fur babies struggle and I hope Sam improves once again 🙏    I know he is in good hands with you.  ♥️ 



8 hours ago, dfish said:

I did a walk last night as a base line and it took me a half hour to go a half mile.  Lots of stenosis pain down the legs.  And it must be the weather front coming in, but my back is especially unhappy this morning.  Usually I can walk it out a bit, but not today.  


So very sorry you are i so much pain, Debbie 😢. I understand all too well the difficulty walking.  I hope the procedure and your doctor can help.



1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Now heading out to see ortho about the meniscus tear. Same Dr I see for the shoulder, but he wouldn't even look at the report or film last visit saying limit of 1 body part per visit. I get the billing game, but geez. So, I will tell him I'm already doing PT for it (they gladly added it to the mix just from the report, no Rx needed) and 🤞he doesn't say surgery is in my future. Although I have full confidence in his knife skills, I really have less than zero interest in witnessing first-hand more than once 🙄

I'm ok w/an injection if he wants to try that and any magic tricks he has.


I hope his magic and his injection will help 🙏 




23 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:



Beautiful 🙂 

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2 hours ago, quilty964 said:


@dfishHoping your test shot goes well.  I had an SI joint injection a few weeks back...it felt so good for 6 hours to have no pain.  My follow up is in a few weeks, we'll see what the Dr. says then.  I have a lot of "old age stuff" going on in my back, but it seems to hurt in different spots each day!  



I guess I have gotten so used to the pain that it doesn't always register.  But I sure notice when I don't have pain!  Mine is a lot of old age stuff as well and it seems if I work something out so one part doesn't hurt, something else decides to make a presence known.  


I will just enjoy the temporary respite for today.  I hope this convinces them to go ahead with the nerve ablation.  


3 minutes ago, kazu said:

So very sorry you are i so much pain, Debbie 😢. I understand all too well the difficulty walking.  I hope the procedure and your doctor can help.


It is helping for today.   I think this morning was so bad because of the weather front moving through.  We had a pretty strong low pressure system come through and that can cause a lot of problems in us old, arthritic people.  


Our neighborhood turkey had babies.  Mama turkey just walked through with 12 babies.

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Good evening Dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report. 

I have been buried at work, however I try to read here when I get a chance as I miss all the updates.  

Take care! 




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Posted (edited)

Here is another hurrah for Miracle Whip on basically everything. I love the light tangy flavor. I like deviled eggs but not spicy. So deviled eggs and the white wine sound like a real winner for dinner tonight. Pass on the drink.


Finished up my Paxlovid last night and was thinking I am over the Covid however this morning I am coughing up high quanties of "stuff" and my chest hurts. If this continues for more than a couple of days I will see my pulmonist to determine if I have developed bronchitis.


Prayers for all who need them and cheers to all who don't.





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1 hour ago, dfish said:

 I think this morning was so bad because of the weather front moving through.  We had a pretty strong low pressure system come through and that can cause a lot of problems in us old, arthritic people. 


It's arriving here now.

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Posted (edited)

Hi friends! The handyman arrived yesterday afternoon to clean the dryer vent and paint the front porch. The porch looks so much better!  I've also arranged for the driveway to be repaved on Friday - baking brownies to take to all the neighbors to apologize for the noise & smell!

Managed to dodge the thunderstorms this afternoon to go see the orthopedic surgeon - we agreed that I need my right hip replaced (left done in 2017), but probably not until August. I told him I had an October TA on the Rotterdam that I didn't want to miss, so if there were any cancellations earlier, please sign me up! I have my priorities!!!

Edited by NextOne
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Although I have been on antibiotics the past few days, I'm pretty sure I have an infection in my ankle. It is oozing yellow-orange and is swelling like a gigantic mosquito bite. Back to clinic in the morning. 


My sister called to tell me a good friend of hers died yesterday. She told her husband she had pressure in her chest. Off to ER. EEG, blood work, all looked good. Back towards home when Jim said she "passed out" Drove like a maniac back to the hospital and she was DOA. 

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A very late good afternoon.  It's taken me this long after three tries to read all the Daily.  It was a long day cleaning house since I decided it was time to move most of the big pieces of furniture and vacuum and mop behind them.  The only thing I couldn't move was the china cabinet, which will wait for another day.  I also vacuumed under the bed and dusted the tall pier cabinets and light bridge that goes with the bed.  I'm just glad we have tile floors which made moving everything relatively easy.  After a busy week, there is nothing major planned for tomorrow.  We also enjoyed happy hour with our neighbors.  Once I finish here, it will be time to fix dinner.  Thank goodness for leftovers.  I'll heat up some of the stuffed peppers from last week and make a salad.  


Our weather after the rain was hot and humid most of the day, but we finally had clear skies this afternoon.  It is 91F and feels like 98F.  The humidity has dropped to 48% with a dew point of 68F, so with the 8 mph wind, it is not too bad out now.  Our rain did not last too long this morning, but it rained very hard while it lasted.  We got 0.94 inches in less than a hour.


9 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Today we see a new doctor for DH's cancer.  He has had so many MOHS surgeries, and skin graphs  that the skin is very weak and the cancer is so very aggressive that a hole has opened up in the side of his cheek, that goes straight into his mouth and sinus. Not sure how much more surgery they can do now as the cancer is headed to his brain.  When I read about all of you going to see someone regarding a small basal cell problem, this is all happening  because DH didnt go see a doc when he should have. Cant stress enough, if something isnt right, get to a doc!


And then on Monday we meet with the oncologist when he goes in for his immunotherapy. I am taking today off, and I will take Monday off because I am hoping that after the appointments we can get some "field and meadow " time to let him think.  I know that the oncologist wants him off some of the pain meds he uses. But for some reason he doesnt understand to NOT double up using the liquid cream on his face.  I get very frustrated at times, and as his old doc said, "gotta watch him 24/7"  but that is very hard to do.


BFF sent me an email, and called last night-our mutual friend who procrastinated so much about seeing doctors that were "different" from him, and put off appointments until he got opinions that he wanted to hear, is going into hospice.  They believe that the cancer has now spread to his pancreas (it is in his kidneys, bladder, and lungs too) and there is nothing they can do.  He was told by a neighbor who is a doc at the hospital the truth.  I wish DH's docs would be so honest.  So we ignore the elephant in the room, and keep on truckin'.



Annie, first of all, feel free to vent and in form us of what's happening as much as you feel like.  That's what families do.  I hope the appointment with the new doctor went well, and he is able to help your DH.  I hope the oncologist has some answers for you both on Monday.  I'm sorry your friend is now in hospice.  I hope he can be made comfortable and pain free in the time he has left.  HUGS! 


Annie, I agree totally about Miracle Whip, just disgusting.  DH liked Miracle Whip but eventually came over the mayo side.  


9 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser  Thanks for asking, Lenda. Sam really doesn't care for it so I have not been using it. We just increased our awareness of how he could slip and fall to prevent it. I decided against trying to return the harness but will keep it for the end. I envision that when it happens, we may need to wait a few days for the vet and it will help moving him. I noticed last night that he was reluctant to put his rear down in order to lay down after that circling that cats and dogs sometimes do. After he's gone, I will donate it to his Rescue organization or a local shelter.


Jack, thanks for answering my questions.  I hope Sam has more good days left.


8 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Pauline's late dad's brother escaped a German Prisoner of war camp.

He escaped when the prisoner's were being marched between camps by 2 German guard's 1 at the front and 1 at the back and on a bend they were out of sight briefly of both guards and he and another rolled down a hill and the other prisoners quickly closed up so they were not discovered until the others got to the other camp.

He managed to get back to England and when he recovered he was sent to the D Day landings which he survived and he only died several years ago.


Thanks for the story about Pauline's uncle and WWII, Graham.  So many were heroes but not recognized as such.


7 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
For all the Garden Club members today some more pictures of Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny , France .
We were there on April 19th so the spring flowers were blooming , but all summer long there will be different flowers and bushes in bloom and than of coarse the famous waterlilies between May and September 
The famous Japanese bridge over the Lilly Pond
Today it is raining again here in SW Ontario , so I can't get to do my work in the gardens again ......
Wish you all a very nice day .
Tony 😁


Thanks for the beautiful pictures, Tony.


6 hours ago, dfish said:


Hugs to you, Annie.  Sometimes you need to ask outright that the doctors give you the bottom line.  I asked if my mom was eligible for Hospice or Palliative Care.  They came back with Hospice and that opened up the conversation.  


Thank you @sailingdutchy for the pictures of Giverny.  I was there many years ago and it is worth going to see.  True inspiration for the Garden Club members.


My test injection went well and I definitely have less pain than I did going in.  I'm going to check the radar and see if I can get in my half mile to compare to last night.  


Debbie, I'm glad the test injection went well and you have less pain.  I'm glad you could get your mile in and in less time than yesterday.  I hope you can get the ablation soon.


6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I am a Baby Boomer. Not sure about popular delusions, until Graham explained. I have a couple of friends who are long term HIV survivors, thanks to the development of antiviral meds. Typical W.C. Fields quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Mystery Island. An important day in history.


It's cloudy, warm and humid here. We're expecting storms this afternoon, of course right when I'll be out and about. I'll start by taking groceries to BFF, and doing anything he needs. Then going to my Neurosurgery appointment.


@Cruzin Terri I'm sad to hear that the wheelchairs didn't appear, and that DH fell getting on the bus to the terminal in Barbados, resulting in a leg injury. And about the confusion; I know sometimes taking someone away from their familiar surroundings can increase confusion. I hope his check at the medical facility is ok.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad the rain held off for you. I hope the person taken by ambulance will be ok. Ren and Colton seem to have it all planned out; good for them. Milo and Sadie are just too cute.

@kazu (((Hugs)))

@swin26 Safe travels. 

@richwmn Thanks for the Mystery Island photos.

@smitty34877 I'm glad your day is going well so far, and hope it continues.

@dfish I hope the test shot works well. My back wasn't happy this morning either.

@ottahand7 Sorry to hear you're still in a lot of pain. I hope the Prednisone works, or if not it sounds like a good plan to go to the hospital to get it treated. Keeping good thoughts for your DB's 2nd knee replacement.

@marshhawk I hope the new doctor has some ideas to help DH. Sorry your friend has reached the point of hospice.

@RMLincoln Good luck with Social Security; It's never easy dealing with them. 

@rafinmd Are they doing an echocardiogram down the esophagus? Not too much else requires sedation, other than a catheterization.

@sailingdutchy Lovely photos of beautiful flowers.

@durangoscots That was more than enough excitement for the day.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I hope the rain held off until you were finished with your errands.  I also hope the surgeon was pleased with your progress since the surgery.


6 hours ago, aliaschief said:

It was a beautiful day in Sorrento, Italy. We had a private tour that took us to Pompeii, a winery for lunch and to Herculaneum. I’ll post the pics separately of Herculaneum so it doesn’t get confused with Pompeii.

It definitely is summer and tourism is booming.

Tonight we have opera singers onboard as we sail toward Rome.

The winery was a beautiful venue with grand views of Vesuvius and the Aegean Sea.

Time to meet friends for cocktails followed by dinner. Thanks for reports. These busy port days hasn’t given much time for keeping up with The Daily. Bruce

















Thanks for the pictures, Bruce.  We visited Pompeii in 2002 and Herculaneum in 2019.


6 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Our rain and wind have finally stopped, and we'll have a nice long stretch of sunshine.  Another tree came down in the neighborhood yesterday -- thankfully missing my neighbor's house across the street.  We really need to get more trees taken down.  I'm so thankful that all the nearby trees are gone near us -- we can see the woods further back, but no dangerous ones near us now. 


I'll celebrate Baby Boomers ('51 for me, '47 for DH), and HIV long term survivors.  The quote made me chuckle.  Even though I'm left-handed, will pass on the drink (bourbon) but would probably like the wine.  I love deviled eggs but can't take spice so will pass.  I was raised with Miracle Whip 😉  and to me mayonnaise is yucky. 😉 


We were at Mystery Island with Rich and Susan on the GANZ -- it was one of my favorite days.  We did a HAL tour (yes there were a couple) and saw a fire-walking demonstration and then spent some time on the beach.  Had a great time!  But cut it short when the undertow kept trying to pull me out to sea!  😂  It's a beautiful island.


Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm so sorry that yesterday was such a disaster.  I hope today will be better and that you and your DH can enjoy your time in Barbados.  Hugs!


@swin26 Welcome to the Daily and Bon Voyage!


Annie @marshhawk Sending hugs and prayers.


Tony @sailingdutchy Thank you for the gorgeous photos of the flowers at Giverny.  We have been there only once, and it was in the fall so we weren't able to see the beautiful spring flowers.  


Here are my photos from our day on Mystery Island.  Had a great time!




We had various demos from the locals.  Here they're showing us how they use leaves etc. in different ways.



Even for carrying people!



Starting the fire (without matches of course) for the fire walking.



They build the fire, and once it's gotten big and hot, they pour water over it before they walk on the hot coals.  Very interesting!



One of the boats taking us to the island



So beautiful



We really enjoyed this beach, but watch out for that undertow!




Carolyn, thanks for the pictures from Mystery Island.  


4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon and thank you to all of you for all your prayers and well wishes. I am most appreciative.  I would have reacted to the posts, but for some reason CC is not allowing me to do so today.


This morning was difficult but things have improved.  It was hard getting DH out of bed and I know that he had a restless night.  Af first he said he didn’t want breakfast so I didn’t argue.  I just let him sleep a while longer and then called him again.  That’s when he got up.  

A Quick Look at the wound dressing reinforced the fact that we needed to go to the Medical Center after breakfast.   I knew this was more than I could handle.


So that’s what we did.  There is a good facility not far from the hotel, but needs a taxi ride.  The first words were,  “you need to wear a mask—$2.00 please”.  The next words were that the cost would begin at $315 Barbados and go up from there depending on the treatment.  Well, DH has GEO BLUE so I knew it would be covered. He was well cared for—the wound was cleaned and dressed.  He was given antibiotics to ward off an infection and he was asked to return on Saturday so the Doctor could look at it again.  No swimming until he is seem again. I am glad we went.  The dressing applied at the airport was stuck to the wound and it would have been difficult for me to remove it and clean his leg properly.  They were pros at the whole thing.

Total Bill was $373 Barbados = $186.50 US.  I will submit it to insurance.


DH is tired and napping and I am about to do the same.  


As for the wheelchair situation.  I put in the request online prior to the trip.  No one asked whether I was sure or anything like that or why we needed them.  They were just not available.  In Barbados I suspect the attendants did not want to get soaking wet waiting at the plane. There were 5 wheelchair requests and everyone had to get on the bus.  I was very surprised because they are usually very good there.  When we had a timeshare there and DD DBIL used to come with us, we always ordered a wheelchair for him and it was always right there—rain or shine.


Anyway, we are doing better and i think it will be okay after a nap this afternoon.  


Thank you all for your kind words, prayers and virtual hugs.  



Terri, I'm glad today is becoming a better day after your awful day yesterday.  I hope your DH's leg heals quickly.  I'm glad you went to the medical center.


8 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Hump Day.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Four great days to celebrate, including the day in 1947.  There’s another reason to Celebrate D-Day today, as it is the planned start of the operation and some ships had already left England, but was pushed back a day due to severe storms..

The quote sounds a bit sarcastic to me...

I visited Mystery Island from the Crystal Serenity in 2018..

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Pinnacle Caesar Salad, Petit Filet, and Baked Alaska as served on MS Prinsendam Pinnacle Grill on June 5, 2015.

It’s starting out warm but there’s a cool front with possible thunderstorms coming later today.  My tests from the cardiologist are scheduled for June 14.  They require sedation and I will not be able to drive, and I am not looking forward to the process.  There was also a bloodwork order for these tests and I took care of that after my walk this morning..




Roy, I hope your upcoming tests are not too bad, and they give the cardiologist some answers. 


3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

A couple of additional tidbits about Mystery Island.  There is no permanent population, but it is very close to Aneityum island with a population of 550, and also has an airstrip which serves Aneityum island.   There are occasional flights including one the day I was there.  This is a DeHavilland Twin Otter with a passenger capacity of 19:




The Air Vanuatu flights go to the Capitol of Port Vila.


One more fun photo:







Thanks for the pictures from Mystery Island.


3 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Morning rains stopped; we came through w/no flooding, but there pockets of water ponding (as the hiway signs call it) on the roads that made driving a tad tricky in places.

Now heading out to see ortho about the meniscus tear. Same Dr I see for the shoulder, but he wouldn't even look at the report or film last visit saying limit of 1 body part per visit. I get the billing game, but geez. So, I will tell him I'm already doing PT for it (they gladly added it to the mix just from the report, no Rx needed) and 🤞he doesn't say surgery is in my future. Although I have full confidence in his knife skills, I really have less than zero interest in witnessing first-hand more than once 🙄

I'm ok w/an injection if he wants to try that and any magic tricks he has.


Elizabeth, I hope the doctor says that PT and injections will help with the tear, and that surgery is not needed.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good afternoon from a beautiful day in the PNW. 
I’ve been getting some yard work done (mowing and trimming). With all the rain and fertilizer I put down the grass was growing fast!


DH and I are leaving for Bellingham in a few minutes to have dinner with my sister and BIL and we’ll spend the night at their house. 

For the Garden Club, my first rose this year but many more coming. 🙂




Pretty rose, Carolyn.  Safe travels to Bellingham, and enjoy your visit.


2 hours ago, Mtn2Sea said:

Tonight’s sunset from the Zuiderdam.




Thanks for sharing the pretty sunset.


39 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Here is another hurrah for Miracle Whip on basically everything. I love the light tangy flavor. I like deviled eggs but not spicy. So deviled eggs and the white wine sound like a real winner for dinner tonight. Pass on the drink.


Finished up my Paxlovid last night and was thinking I am over the Covid however this morning I am coughing up high quanties of "stuff" and my chest hurts. If this continues for more than a couple of days I will see my pulmonist to determine if I have developed bronchitis.


Prayers for all who need them and cheers to all who don't.







Jane, I hope you do not have bronchitis, but just a cough from the Covid.


20 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi friends! The handyman arrived yesterday afternoon to clean the dryer vent and paint the front porch. The porch looks so much better!  I've also arranged for the driveway to be repaved on Friday - baking brownies to take to all the neighbors to apologize for the noise & smell!

Managed to dodge the thunderstorms this afternoon to see the orthopedic surgeon - we agreed that I need my right hip replaced (left done in 2107), but probably not until August. I told him I had an October TA on the Rotterdam that I didn't want to miss, so if there were any cancellations earlier, please sign me up! I have my priorities!!!


Edi, I'm sorry you need a hip replacement, but I hope there is a cancellation so you can get it soon and be ready for your October TA.



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1 minute ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Although I have been on antibiotics the past few days, I'm pretty sure I have an infection in my ankle. It is oozing yellow-orange and is swelling like a gigantic mosquito bite. Back to clinic in the morning. 


My sister called to tell me a good friend of hers died yesterday. She told her husband she had pressure in her chest. Off to ER. EEG, blood work, all looked good. Back towards home when Jim said she "passed out" Drove like a maniac back to the hospital and she was DOA. 


Joy, I hope the clinic can help you with the foot tomorrow.  I hope if it's an infection, it is easily treatable.  Our condolences to your DS on the loss of her friend.



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Posted (edited)

Good day and thanks all! 
I think we need a boomer picnic with trays of devilled eggs to taste test!  I’m team miracle whip, DH likes to add curry powder.  
We’re  very pleased with our lovely hotel and view.  





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Good it’s finally raining evening. It was very warm and humid today and it is expected to be the same tomorrow . 
@Seasick Sailor, Joy, I wish you would go to an urgent care or the ER tonight instead of waiting, it sounds nasty. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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3 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good it’s finally raining evening. It was very warm and humid today and it is expected to be the same tomorrow . 
@Seasick Sailor, Joy, I wish you would go to an urgent care or the ER tonight instead of waiting, it sounds nasty. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

I agree.  Infections can take off like wildfire.  


@lazey1 I hope the coughing subsides and that you are feeling better tomorrow.


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:


It's arriving here now.

I hope it is easier on you than it was on me!

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Although I have been on antibiotics the past few days, I'm pretty sure I have an infection in my ankle. It is oozing yellow-orange and is swelling like a gigantic mosquito bite. Back to clinic in the morning. 


My sister called to tell me a good friend of hers died yesterday. She told her husband she had pressure in her chest. Off to ER. EEG, blood work, all looked good. Back towards home when Jim said she "passed out" Drove like a maniac back to the hospital and she was DOA. 

Hugs to your sister and her friends husband  - that is awful.


Hugs to you on your ankle - that does not sound good.

Edited by Haljo1935
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8 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon and thank you to all of you for all your prayers and well wishes. I am most appreciative.  I would have reacted to the posts, but for some reason CC is not allowing me to do so today.


This morning was difficult but things have improved.  It was hard getting DH out of bed and I know that he had a restless night.  Af first he said he didn’t want breakfast so I didn’t argue.  I just let him sleep a while longer and then called him again.  That’s when he got up.  

A Quick Look at the wound dressing reinforced the fact that we needed to go to the Medical Center after breakfast.   I knew this was more than I could handle.


So that’s what we did.  There is a good facility not far from the hotel, but needs a taxi ride.  The first words were,  “you need to wear a mask—$2.00 please”.  The next words were that the cost would begin at $315 Barbados and go up from there depending on the treatment.  Well, DH has GEO BLUE so I knew it would be covered. He was well cared for—the wound was cleaned and dressed.  He was given antibiotics to ward off an infection and he was asked to return on Saturday so the Doctor could look at it again.  No swimming until he is seem again. I am glad we went.  The dressing applied at the airport was stuck to the wound and it would have been difficult for me to remove it and clean his leg properly.  They were pros at the whole thing.

Total Bill was $373 Barbados = $186.50 US.  I will submit it to insurance.


DH is tired and napping and I am about to do the same.  


As for the wheelchair situation.  I put in the request online prior to the trip.  No one asked whether I was sure or anything like that or why we needed them.  They were just not available.  In Barbados I suspect the attendants did not want to get soaking wet waiting at the plane. There were 5 wheelchair requests and everyone had to get on the bus.  I was very surprised because they are usually very good there.  When we had a timeshare there and DD DBIL used to come with us, we always ordered a wheelchair for him and it was always right there—rain or shine.


Anyway, we are doing better and i think it will be okay after a nap this afternoon.  


Thank you all for your kind words, prayers and virtual hugs.  


Sorry you had to go through all this Terri. Just a heads up , I require wheelchair assistance and have flown five times with Ai Canada. They provide assistance before and after flights. They were very good to me. They a have been under a lot of heat for not providing this service in the past so I guess they are really stepping up. I can’t say enough good things about their assistance. Have to call ahead .

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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Although I have been on antibiotics the past few days, I'm pretty sure I have an infection in my ankle. It is oozing yellow-orange and is swelling like a gigantic mosquito bite. Back to clinic in the morning. 


Oh Joy!!!! 
Asap go to urgent care!!  I know I am a DDS but I am worried! Purulant drain age is a secondary infection can be yellow discharge pus and you say your ankle is swollen. I rule out Sepsis or MRSA but again this is something not to play with and as others have said GO!! Today you are not WONDER WOMEN!!! Take care sis and your health is important!❤️You



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10 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the news!  Pat leaves this afternoon, so today will be busy, but I just wanted to mention urinary crystals to @Sharon in AZ - as a reason for incontinence in cats - it can be terribly painful for them.  I wonder if a new vet might not have checked that?  Blue is a cat, right?  In dogs it might be that their anal glands need expressing... (TMI?)

Ann, no he’s a dog. The new doctor was wonderful and was able to get enough to do a urinalysis and it was normal. He’s actually a lot better today, amazing after only 3 treatments of the ointment. 

Thank you all for thinking of him. I know it’s not a normal topic but our pets are our babies!  Sorry if it’s been TMI. 

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Good evening from this baby boomer. There’s a new Master Chef with different generations and it’s hard to keep up with all the “Gen’s”. Gen Z, Gen X. I like the name of our generation. 

Thank you again for thinking of Blue. I’m so glad he’s better. 

I loved the pictures of Vanuatu. I too think of Survivor. 

Prayers for Terri @Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim, Joy @Seasick Sailor, Annie’s @marshhawkDH Chuck, Debbie @dfish, @ottahand7, Jacqui @kazu. Oh gosh I hope I didn’t forget someone. 

Have a good night everyone!



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8 hours ago, JazzyV said:


Beautiful. Are you staying on for the next segment?

Unfortunately no.  We leave Saturday and fly to Southampton where we’ll board Cunard on Sunday for our return to the states

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7 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Although I have been on antibiotics the past few days, I'm pretty sure I have an infection in my ankle. It is oozing yellow-orange and is swelling like a gigantic mosquito bite. Back to clinic in the morning. 


My sister called to tell me a good friend of hers died yesterday. She told her husband she had pressure in her chest. Off to ER. EEG, blood work, all looked good. Back towards home when Jim said she "passed out" Drove like a maniac back to the hospital and she was DOA. 

I'm so sorry to hear your news about the friend of your sister Joy.

Condolences to all her family and friends.



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