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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 10th, 2024

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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@cat shepard, I forgot to say how much I loved the Led Zepplin meme! 
Also my granddaughter and I share the same sort of hair. And we both loved the alpaca reference.I told her about it the other day and we had a great laugh.


Terry - they are still my fave. 

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IMG_0493(2)_Moment.thumb.jpg.5024433ac64014ae1ee3e4a9563151d4.jpgFinally starting to cool down here in the Pacific NW.  I have to leave in about an hour for a dental appointment.  A couple of teeth to pull, bone graft and prepare for a couple of inplants.  VA finally agreed to completely cover the cost.

We were dropped off in Sihanoukville in 2020 from the Westerdam when covid struck.  Stayed there a few days before they flew us to Phnom Penh to a nice hotel for a week while arranging flights for us to get home.  I had stopped once on a cruise in Sihanoukville and wasn't impressed.  Remember stopping in a hotel lobby for a beer.  A sign on the wall said "Rooms $5.  With Air Conditioning $10."  So we stayed on the ship when the Westerdam stopped there.  Phnom Penh was a nice city.  Had a few bumps in the road getting there, though.  From the airport our bus dropped us at a hotel and drove away.  Went to the front desk and they said "Who are you?  We don't have rooms for you"  They made a few calls and finally a bus came to take us to the correct hotel.  HAL was very helpful getting us home and dealing with the authorities there.  Our U.S. Embassy was also very helpful.  @sailingdutchy was there with us and I suspect he has better pictures than I do.  The embassy got involved as some of us were booked on a flight, checked out at the airport then the flight was cancelled so we were now not legally in the country.

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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

It will be another sunny day. After what seemed like weeks of rain we have moved into summer. I will have to turn in my sprinklers again. 

I did a crazy thing over the weekend. I will blame it on the excitement of my DGD 4th birthday. I booked us all on the Icon of the Seas. It is Royal Caribbeans largest ship. I am doing an early 70th birthday celebration since my birthday falls smack dab in the middle of hurricane season. It is expensive but still less than a Disney cruise and looks family friendly. I have been on the Oasis class ships and liked it so the size does not bother me. I hope it will be fun for the kids. I will wait to cancel my October 2025 Mediterranean cruise until closer to the time. There might be a slim chance I will do both cruises. 

Jacqui, I know what you are going through. It was hard going through DH things but I kept telling myself they were just things and his memories will always be with me. I was lucky that the buyer wanted most of the furniture I was not taking as they were big pieces I bought specifically to fit in the house. I worked an hour at a time alternating doing other things not to overwhelm myself at any one time. My prayers are with you making these difficult decisions. 



Lorraine, I don't think the cruise is a silly thing, and with all RCCL ;has on the ships now, it will be a destination in itself.  


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Wednesday. I’ve lost track of the high temp from yesterday but I think it was 109. Today it’s supposed to be 107. We were surprised last night when a monsoon rolled in and couldn’t swim. Maybe today. 


@quilty964, just to add to Lenda’s advice. I usually add pictures individually and that makes it easier to add spaces and comments. Sounds rudimentary but a tip is to always look where your cursor is and move it to where you need the spaces. I also have problems if I start off with only a picture (especially on my phone). 

I never understood poetry but think I could with Tina’s @0106 help. I liked yours Annie @marshhawk

I would definitely try the drink with Debbie @dfish and Gerry @ger_77 !  I would like the pickle pasta but would use pickle relish instead. I use it in my potato salad too. I would also like to try the wine. 

I got a nice surprise yesterday and saw that my AARP OBC had been applied to my August B2B cruises. I was worried it was too late to add it. 44 days and 6 weeks to go!!

Jacqui @kazu, I’m glad you have your surgery date even though it’s close to Ivan’s. Just think, it will be all over soon and you can begin your new adventure. 

Terri @smitty34877, I don’t know how you hold it all together. I would also have a hard time not voicing my opinions. 

Have a great day everyone!



Sharon, thanks for clarifying what I was trying to say.  I do add the pictures one at a time, and even then can still mess them up.


8 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks Ms Crystal! Hasn’t been hard to keep it off; so far. It’s easy when you give up fried foods, sweets of all kinds, chips & dip, and a RC cola with a moonpie!


RNB, about two years ago, when I had some iffy results on my blood tests, I knew it was time to lose some of the extra pounds I hadn't been able to lose.  I've lost about 20+ pounds, and I've be able to keep them off even with cruising, although I admit I do gain a few back on a cruise, but then they come off quickly.  I haven't given up much, but try to have the "bad" things less often.  I've added more fish and healthy food, and now use the air fryer instead of the deep fryer.


7 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're looking forward to a cooling trend.  After hitting the mid 90's yesterday, it should be 10 degrees cooler today.  Still no rain in the foreseeable future.  


Interesting collection of days.  As a child I was barefoot all the time and I remember stepping on a bee and getting stung.  As an adult I was diagnosed with being allergic to all bee stings so I'm more careful now!


I'm going to pass on the meal (dill 🤢), but both the drink and wine sound great.  Have never been to Cambodia, thanks for all photos!


Today I desperately need to get my hair cut, not much else on the agenda.


Jacqui @kazu When it rains it pours!  Sending hugs, it's good to have a timeline now.  Sounds like your realtor has good advice.


Susan @durangoscots What cruises are you looking at may I ask?  😄


I'm waiting to see if my Nephrologist writes a medical excuse from jury duty before I send in the one I have from my PCP.  I know 1 would be sufficient, but best to hit with all I've got. 😉  


Have a great day everyone!


Carolyn, I hope you get that second medical excuse from the nephrologist.  The cut off age for jury duty in Texas used to be 70, but now it's 75.  We're still exempt due to age.  There are some pluses to getting older.


7 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Wow, a busy day for all today - and even for me, I have to go and buy ice.  Why?  Because the fridge died yesterday.  It seemed fine when I got up and I went to the grocery store and bought quite a lot, came home, and it was dead.  Panic.  The freezer was full, DD's fridge downstairs was pretty full, I had to start squeezing stuff wherever I could.  Pat called for a serviceman and he came at noon, said we needed a new "mother board"  - I don't know when it will arrive.,  In the meantime, we have cleaned out the fridge freezer, there is a soggy bag of ice keeping a few things cool in the fridge part, and there is a cooler with ice trying to keep some of the frozen food frozen.  I did throw away some older things, and probably will have to discard more in the next few days, if t doesn't get revived quickly.  Evidently the nextdoor neighbours have been visited by the appliance gremlin too, as they had a new fridge delivered yesterday.


I am aching too, I made three batches of jam the day before yesterday, and a large batch of jelly yesterday.  I think my jam-making days have come to an end!  My father was the poet in our family, he would have had fun writing Clerihews.  I will try to think one up, in his honour.  


George Clifford Large - 

Spent most of his life on a barge

But when he retired he went

To Victoria and lived in a tent


(All a lie, of course, but I couldn't find anything else that rhymed with Large_)


We went to Sihanoukville in 2014 on our Asia cruise on Violendam, which DD Cathy, organized for us.  I'll put Pat's notes here and a few pictures.  "We (A, P and C only) took a ship's tour - Town & Village Exploration (Sihanoukville, Cambodia). We left on time at 8.30 am and our first stop was at a privately-owned 5 ha. Pepper Farm.   Besides pepper trees there were a number of different fruit trees growing on the farm, e.g., durian, mango, rambutan, rose apple, tamarind and papaya. After leaving the pepper farm we had a pit stop at a new gas station. We then visited a market - mainly food stuffs. While there, our guide bought some durian and we each sampled the fruit. When we boarded the bus again he produced some more durian for sampling. The smell stank the bus up for a couple of hours. We drove into Kampot, the capital town of Kampot Province, and walked along the river front. We then retraced part of our journey and stopped for lunch at a seafood restaurant. It was quite good. We then stopped at a fishing village for photos. Our next stop was at a complex of pagodas and a Buddhist school."


On the road and at the pe[p[er farm










Market - I don't seem to have a picture of the durian we tasted...








Kampot  and I think some of Sihanoukville, my pictures and DD's and Pst's all got mixed up, time-wise.














Even an Irish pub




Lunch was a huge assortment, I only have one picture! (But I survived to tell the tale.)




At the pagoda school










PS  I haven't had a date yet when I will start radiation.  I will let you know, I see the surgeon next week.








Ann, I love the poem.  I'm sorry about your refrigerator.  I hope they get the motherboard soon.  Thanks for the pictures from Sihanoukville.  We didn't get to see the town or area since the ship docked away from town, and we had a long tour to Phnom Penh.


9 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I am waitlisted for the 28 day Alaska on the Westerdam (June) and Mediterranean from New York on the Volendam (October). Have my room on the latter just down the hall from where I was on the GANZ. I do need to get a room with a shower as I am too unsteady to deal with climbing into a tub. If I can't get that on the Westerdam, I probably will have to pass that up.... and of course that assumes I am feeling like longer cruises at that time. I would love to do Australia/New Zealand again.... but like you, I found the heat and humidity a bit too much.


Susan, I hope you join several of us on the Westerdam cruise, and I would love to meet you.  We did get a cabin with a shower, but I don't know how many cabins have showers.  The more Dailyites on the cruise, the merrier.  



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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Clerihew Day is new to me, but fun. I'll try not to step on a bee. Energy independence would be great. The  quote is true. Maybe on the meal and pass on the wine. The drink looks like something I'd like. I haven't been to Sihanoukville. A good day in history.


It's very warm here, humid and windy. The feel like temp was 90 at 6:30AM! I don't think we'll get much rain, and we really need it. My grass looks like straw. I'm just back from a Rheumatology appointment. We talked about my changing to the sister medication of what I'm taking, Actrema, since I have injection site reactions and the gastrointestinal stuff with the Kevzara. I'll see what insurance says or if I'd qualify for patient assistance. It's also an injection or IV, but with my awful veins I'd need a port, which I don't want, so I'd do injections.  


That Dailyite JazzyV

She's trying not to step on a bee

Instead she's working on the Care List

And hoping there is no one she missed


@StLouisCruisers Sorry it's such an ugly day in Nuuk; it's good you were there in better weather. I think of Ren as I'm watching a lot of soccer with the Euro and America games. Oh my, sorry to hear your DSis needs a shoulder replacement. Prayers for her.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanation. And your lunch looks wonderful.

@durangoscots Sorry to hear your friend has Covid. I see more people wearing masks. I'm going to get another Covid vaccine next month, in light of my upcoming cruise end of September.

@RedneckBob Congrats on the weight loss! That's quite an accomplishment. Good poem!

@marshhawk Good luck getting the kittens to the vet. And I like your poem! Is your DH's vascular surgery still tomorrow?

@kazu You have so much going on. Good luck with the house and interesting on the selling strategy that seems to be the thing now. I'm glad you got a quick surgery date and I hope you're out of pain soon. And I hope Ivan's dental procedure is easy for him. And do get some help with all you have to do.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo.

@doobieb It's great that their is tip top medical help for your friend Leesa. I hope Max will be ok.

@ger_77 Wow, your Summerfest sounds like quite the shindig!

@smitty34877 Sorry the sponsor was rigid in their thinking. I hope the low dose edible is helpful with Tana's appetite. I'm saddened to hear how difficult things have become for her. Prayers for Tana and all her caregivers.

@rafinmd Sorry I had the wrong date for your appointment. Stay safe in this heat!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos. Thanks. 

@RMLincoln We need that reminder that Covid is still around.

@cruising sister I hope you all enjoy that big ship. When is your cruise?

@kochleffel Ugh on the temperature in the synagogue. I'm sure your leading the prayer services is a blessing to the family.

@Cruzin Terri You're getting a lot accomplished. Good news about the virtual visit with Ortho. 

@Nickelpenny We need before and after pictures of the hutch. Good luck.

@Vict0riann Oh no on the fridge. Smiling at your poem. Excellent photos form Cambodia.

@USN59-79 Good luck with all that dental work. Thanks for the photo.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. 

Edited by JazzyV
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38 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Wow, a busy day for all today - and even for me, I have to go and buy ice.  Why?  Because the fridge died yesterday.  It seemed fine when I got up and I went to the grocery store and bought quite a lot, came home, and it was dead.  Panic.  The freezer was full, DD's fridge downstairs was pretty full, I had to start squeezing stuff wherever I could.  Pat called for a serviceman and he came at noon, said we needed a new "mother board"  - I don't know when it will arrive.,  In the meantime, we have cleaned out the fridge freezer, there is a soggy bag of ice keeping a few things cool in the fridge part, and there is a cooler with ice trying to keep some of the frozen food frozen.  I did throw away some older things, and probably will have to discard more in the next few days, if t doesn't get revived quickly.  Evidently the nextdoor neighbours have been visited by the appliance gremlin too, as they had a new fridge delivered yesterday.


I am aching too, I made three batches of jam the day before yesterday, and a large batch of jelly yesterday.  I think my jam-making days have come to an end!  My father was the poet in our family, he would have had fun writing Clerihews.  I will try to think one up, in his honour.  


George Clifford Large - 

Spent most of his life on a barge

But when he retired he went

To Victoria and lived in a tent


(All a lie, of course, but I couldn't find anything else that rhymed with Large_)


We went to Sihanoukville in 2014 on our Asia cruise on Violendam, which DD Cathy, organized for us.  I'll put Pat's notes here and a few pictures.  "We (A, P and C only) took a ship's tour - Town & Village Exploration (Sihanoukville, Cambodia). We left on time at 8.30 am and our first stop was at a privately-owned 5 ha. Pepper Farm.   Besides pepper trees there were a number of different fruit trees growing on the farm, e.g., durian, mango, rambutan, rose apple, tamarind and papaya. After leaving the pepper farm we had a pit stop at a new gas station. We then visited a market - mainly food stuffs. While there, our guide bought some durian and we each sampled the fruit. When we boarded the bus again he produced some more durian for sampling. The smell stank the bus up for a couple of hours. We drove into Kampot, the capital town of Kampot Province, and walked along the river front. We then retraced part of our journey and stopped for lunch at a seafood restaurant. It was quite good. We then stopped at a fishing village for photos. Our next stop was at a complex of pagodas and a Buddhist school."


On the road and at the pe[p[er farm










Market - I don't seem to have a picture of the durian we tasted...








Kampot  and I think some of Sihanoukville, my pictures and DD's and Pst's all got mixed up, time-wise.














Even an Irish pub




Lunch was a huge assortment, I only have one picture! (But I survived to tell the tale.)




At the pagoda school










PS  I haven't had a date yet when I will start radiation.  I will let you know, I see the surgeon next week.







Just an FYI - I had my lumpectomy on feb 9, 2021 and didn’t start radiation until may that year.

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34 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I am waitlisted for the 28 day Alaska on the Westerdam (June) and Mediterranean from New York on the Volendam (October). Have my room on the latter just down the hall from where I was on the GANZ. I do need to get a room with a shower as I am too unsteady to deal with climbing into a tub. If I can't get that on the Westerdam, I probably will have to pass that up.... and of course that assumes I am feeling like longer cruises at that time. I would love to do Australia/New Zealand again.... but like you, I found the heat and humidity a bit too much.

Susan as Lenda said, we hope you join us on the 28-day Alaska.  It would be nice to see you again!


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser It seems that WA state has the most extreme cut-off for jury duty of all the states. 😞  I haven't heard of any other state with such a high cut-off (80). 

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13 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Susan as Lenda said, we hope you join us on the 28-day Alaska.  It would be nice to see you again!


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser It seems that WA state has the most extreme cut-off for jury duty of all the states. 😞  I haven't heard of any other state with such a high cut-off (80). 

In AZ it’s 75. Sort of funny/crazy but my DM got a jury notice last year at 94. So I asked her doctor for a letter, but it turned out she didn’t need it because of the age cut off. I called and she was immediately removed when I gave them her age. Don’t they keep track of ages in their system?

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24 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Susan as Lenda said, we hope you join us on the 28-day Alaska.  It would be nice to see you again!


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser It seems that WA state has the most extreme cut-off for jury duty of all the states. 😞  I haven't heard of any other state with such a high cut-off (80). 


As I posted in yesterday's thread, New York has no automatic exemption for age. You have to explain to the jury commissioners why you can't serve, but the older you are, the less likely they are to question it.



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Posted (edited)
Our first time in Sihanoukville , Cambodia was on Dec 12th 2015 while on the Volendam from Sidney , Australia to Singapore .
We first visited a small fishing village where almost all the people live with the whole family on their boats  and the women do a lot of work on shore unloading the boats , sorting fish by hand and a lot of the men were relaxing from their days of catching the fish .
I will never forget the hour we spend there ……..and appreciate our way of life so much more ! 
The " Gas station " for the small motorbikes ………. old jerry cans with gas and we also saw liter   bottles with gas ????  ( Sorry for being upside down but still wanted to show you this ) 
From the fishing village we went to some temples and the cemetery .
By our guide we were told to Please do not give anything to the begging children they should be going to school ….. there is a school for everyone .
Time for a cup of coffee and this was also amazing : It was in a restaurant where youth , who did the serving and who had been involved in petty crimes and they were taught by adult men how to learn a trade and make an honest living.
Some more temples and a roundabout in the city .
A market , park for a family to relax and a gorgeous waterfall
I will be back with Part 2 
Tony 😘
Edited by sailingdutchy
Proper spacing
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36 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

In AZ it’s 75. Sort of funny/crazy but my DM got a jury notice last year at 94. So I asked her doctor for a letter, but it turned out she didn’t need it because of the age cut off. I called and she was immediately removed when I gave them her age. Don’t they keep track of ages in their system?

Sharon either they don't keep track, or they don't care.  

27 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


As I posted in yesterday's thread, New York has no automatic exemption for age. You have to explain to the jury commissioners why you can't serve, but the older you are, the less likely they are to question it.



According to the court's website here, there is no age exemption.  It says something like this "Unless you are 80 or older, you need a doctor's note to be excused from jury duty".  I take that to mean they will keep calling those older than 80 unless you have a doctor's note.  

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Part 2 of what Martha calls Tony’s Terrific Tantalizing Tiring Tours ……..wont tell you the other words she uses sometimes
Some for all of us 
Driving by the beach on the way back to town for lunch at the same restaurant .
All being served by these young men 
During and after lunch we were treated by some lovely  dancers 
They were so appreciative ! 
Going to the big market before heading back to the Volendam
What a nice day we had , we returned in 2017 but you saw enough pictures I believe 
BUT I might be back a little later 
Tony 😘
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Posted (edited)

Late good morning and thanks to all!  Another hot one,  they are thinking we will break our all time record ever today!  Eek!  

Sorry to hear so many are dealing with Breast  cancer!  @Vict0riannhoping your radiation doesn’t leave you too fatigued.  I decided to go to France immediately after, probably not the best decision.  Prayers  for your sister Bonnie, @Seasick Sailor   Prayers for your good friend @doobieb


@luvteaching so sorry to hear of your mom’s fall,  always is so hard when you’re away! 


@kazu glad you have a date, but sorry you have so much to juggle right now!  You and Ivan are soulmates.   I’m sure that real estate strategy will pay off!  

@smitty34877 so much to navigate,  I remember a discussion with a nurse when my brother was needing more pain meds, and she was worried about addiction when his condition was terminal,  sigh!  Sending extra hugs!  

@cruising sister my friend went on that ship earlier this year with her family, her first cruise and had a ball!  

so pleased with my peonies right now! 





Edited by bennybear
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2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Back from mall. You’re right about the weight loss. I was on these pills for 90 days that were horrible but it got the job done! In fact, last month I told my doctor that I could now see body parts I haven’t seen in years! 😀😳

That must have been scary!

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15 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:

OOPS ! Thank you so very much Sharon @Sharon in AZ for letting me know right away of the mistake I made on posting the pictures on the wrong thread, very much appreciated after I had spend so much time putting that together.

Tony 😃

No problem Tony. If that had happened in the past year you wouldn’t have been able to post because the threads are closed. 

I have really enjoyed your pictures!  But I always do!  But I agree with Martha, they look like full days and tiring sometimes. You pack a lot in in a day!!

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Good afternoon!


@Vict0riann What a bummer about the fridge.  I hope you don't lose too much frozen food.  Is there a neighbor who could take some in for you?  


@Quartzsite Cruiser, @durangoscots, @Cruising-along, @Sharon in AZ @summer slope, one of the benefits of the daily is having fellow Dailyites on a cruise with you.  It was a barrel of fun on the Hawaii cruise and I know Sharon, Sue, and I will have just as much fun on our Zuiderdam cruise, especially when we meet up with @Crazy For Cats and Juan!  What a wonderful family we have created!


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5 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon!


@Vict0riann What a bummer about the fridge.  I hope you don't lose too much frozen food.  Is there a neighbor who could take some in for you?  


@Quartzsite Cruiser, @durangoscots, @Cruising-along, @Sharon in AZ @summer slope, one of the benefits of the daily is having fellow Dailyites on a cruise with you.  It was a barrel of fun on the Hawaii cruise and I know Sharon, Sue, and I will have just as much fun on our Zuiderdam cruise, especially when we meet up with @Crazy For Cats and Juan!  What a wonderful family we have created!



Debbie, meeting you, Sue, Sharon and Dixie on the Hawaii cruise made it all the more special.  I'm looking forward to meeting Carolyn @Cruising-along and Edi @NextOne next year year on the Westerdam 28 day summer solstice cruise.  You and Sue should think about doing that one.



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58 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

According to the court's website here, there is no age exemption.  It says something like this "Unless you are 80 or older, you need a doctor's note to be excused from jury duty".  I take that to mean they will keep calling those older than 80 unless you have a doctor's note. 

Ugh.  I was in too much of a hurry to get to my hair appt. and didn't make much sense here!  I should have said you won't need a doctor's note if you're older than 80.  You may still be called, but most likely can be excused because of age (although it doesn't really say that). 

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We were in Florida exactly 2 weeks when I got a jury duty notice. On the bottom of the form it says if you are over 70, you can request an exemption. I requested it and have not been called for another jury duty since. Same thing for D.H. when he got one.

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BACON In the Sun… A pig escaped from a livestock trailer this afternoon on the eastbound lanes of the Schuylkill expressway in Philadelphia. All traffic was halted while the pig was captured. Back to market it goes. 
my current feels like temperature is 103 with possible storms late this evening. 

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3 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Part 2 of what Martha calls Tony’s Terrific Tantalizing Tiring Tours ……..wont tell you the other words she uses sometimes
Some for all of us 
Driving by the beach on the way back to town for lunch at the same restaurant .
All being served by these young men 
During and after lunch we were treated by some lovely  dancers 
They were so appreciative ! 
Going to the big market before heading back to the Volendam
What a nice day we had , we returned in 2017 but you saw enough pictures I believe 
BUT I might be back a little later 
Tony 😘

Excellent photos Tony.

Commiserations tonight to the Netherlands.

This was the best England have played in the Euros so far.

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