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Mitsugirly BREAKAWAYs for a summer cruise: Review/Pictorial


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Thanks for the update.  Hoping the pain subsides for you, but honestly, that area looks pretty far from being healed.  Such a series of unfortunate events, as they say.  Keeping you in prayers, and healing thoughts coming your way.


Will the blood clots dissolve eventually?  My DH had a DVT in his leg and the doctor explained that it had calcified in his thigh and the veins do eventually make their way around it, but it has never be the same as far as circulation goes.  Being a nurse, i'm sure you a lot more knowledgeable about these things, guess I'm just curious why some blood clots dissolve (he also had a pulmonary embolism) and some just hang around. lol


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Thanks for the update. Thinking of you! Side note: They cancel school because of heat? Man, I grew up near Syracuse, NY, and we needed at least 3 feet of snow for a cancellation in winter and not once had a heat day. Lucky kids these days...

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Kim, I’m a long time follower, and like others, feel like I know you and your beautiful family. I’m so sorry this happened to you.  The infection and complications have been so hard I know.  I fell playing Pickleball in early June, bad break to my left arm and wrist, surgery, plate, pins and cast.  Sadly it was just a few days before our Alaskan cruise on the Bliss, which we cancelled.  Thankfully we had insurance. Man was I in a funk. But that was nothing like this.  I sure hope you’re on the mend now and begin to be able to have some mobility without pain and can start rehab.  Hang in there.  

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Hello Kim

  Just read the update that you posted.

The thought of PT beginning soon may be daunting, but maybe the therapist may have some helpful measures to decrease the swelling and help with the tingling/numbness that you are experiencing. And get you on the road to moving again.

Not good to hear that you are dealing with a yeast infection along with everything else. You may already be doing this along with the meds the Dr prescribed, but I have found that eating yogurt, taking acidophilus and drinking a good amount of water may be helpful to get rid of the infection.

I know more water may mean more trips to the potty, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. With any disease or injury,have you noticed that something good for you can also cause another problem ? 😳

        Keep up your efforts and know that many folks on CC and from other parts of your life are rooting for you !

Hoping for updates with increasing good news.


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Your foot looks a lot better in the most recent pictures than it did even last week before your surgery. Are you able to use the knee scooter yet, at least to get around the house? I agree with you about Gabapentin....I was on it for shingles pain and it did absolutely nothing for the pain. All it did was make me sleepy. I only took two doses and threw the rest away. Hope you’re up and about soon. Thanks for keeping us updated ❤️

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17 hours ago, mitsugirly said:

It's a balmy 90+ degree day outside and Sakari's school has been cancelled twice this week due to the high temps so what better time to kick her off of my computer and give an update right? 🤣



Alrighty...so here we go.


After last Thursdays surgery, I decided to spend "most" of my time laying in bed to keep the swelling down to a minimum. This works out well...until I have to get up to go potty or eat or whatever...then I instantly swell up like a balloon. The only option is to stay laying in bed. Swelling increases the pain...and the pain is bad. However, reduce pain = I'm going insane. I'm mentally and emotionally drained at this point.


Like they said, 24-48 hours after the surgery is the worse...and it was. The pain was bad, the swelling was bad, but I mentally talked my way through it and I have watched almost every tv series and movie known to man now (Netflix and our neighbors personal server with Plex). Coming from someone who never watches tv....this has been painful in itself. I'm bored out of my skull and some days I just open the blinds and stare outside...hoping for any action at all...the most action has consisted of a few birds, deer, and a fox. 


Fast forward to a few days after surgery....just when you think no more could be thrown at me...I develop a yeast infection from all the antibiotics I've been on. 🙄 I had to wait until Monday to call the ortho office to ask them to call me in a prescription of Fluconazole.


So today was my ortho follow up. They removed the dressing to reveal a rather icky looking sutured wound that appears like if they cut the blackened dead area off and a slight hole remains now. I guess the positive of this all is I'm now seeing ONLY the ortho surgeon instead of his PA since all of this infection part has started...which I let him know how I had made that one emergency appointment because of the increased pain, swelling, redness and PUS coming out of my wound the week before I seen him and expressed my concerns with the PA and she did nothing about it and possibly could have prevented all this had she did the blood work and put me on antibiotics at that point. I guess that sunk into his head and he's been the one seeing me since then...even if an emergency appointment (which is usually given to the PA).


The ortho doctor said that he did not find a pus pocket during surgery, which is a good thing, but did remove what pus he did see under the surface. He also stated that sometimes the bacteria can adhere itself to the hardware, which was his concern. He didn't see anything to alarm him and it looks like the antibiotics are working. He told me the type of bacteria strand I had from the tissue sample they took, and for the life of me, I couldn't remember the name of it 5 minutes after he told me, but I know it started with a M and I know he said Staphylococcus aureus and can only come to the conclusion that what he said was Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, otherwise known as MRSA! Had he just said MRSA, I would have known and that would have stuck with me because I'm accustomed to hearing it called that instead. But, he said since the combination of Bactrium and Cipro seems to be working, he will keep me on those in hopes of continued improvement (instead of switching up the antibiotics or doing a PICC line with IV antibiotics). Needless to say, I'm good with that at this time.


He said my stitches would remain in until next week (my 8 week appointment) he would remove them and he still insists that I will start PT next week with applying pressure to learn to walk again. I expressed my concerns about trying to walk on a foot that is so swollen that I can't put my foot flat on the ground because it is not only swollen on the top, but also on the bottom and pushing up against my toes. This is very painful and the thought of putting my foot down and applying pressure...I'm pretty sure it will be equivalent to someone sticking a needle in a water balloon and popping it. LOL  I also told him about my continued non-stop numbness and tingling. It doesn't stop....like ever. It's not numb that I can't feel it (no, that would be too easy for me) it's the constant needles being jabbed into your foot, tingling sensation you get when your foot has fallen asleep and you "wake it up" feeling. I mean could you walk on that? He says the continued swelling is, of course, caused by the blood clots blocking the flow, which I know, and it's going to be a long process of recovery with me, but I will get there. He mentioned the possibility of sending me to a vascular specialist (which I wanted to begin with but this whole insurance thing prevented it) and seeing if there is a possibility of nerve damage (which he doesn't believe because he was no where near the nerves during surgery-explaining where they are located versus where the surgery was).


Physical Therapy: He wants me to start applying pressure (in my boot of course), improving my range of motion, and moving around a lot more. I do understand that moving around increases circulation and promotes healing quicker, I just don't know how it's going to apply to someone like me...who isn't your "normal" recovering patient with the blood clots, swelling, and numbness. None-the-less, he wrote an order for PT 2x weekly starting next week. We'll see how this goes. He upped my mg of Gabapentin in order to "reduce" my "dependence" of Norco. First off, I will never get addicted to any type of meds like that..I absolutely hate them. Second of all, I ONLY take them when I just can't stand it anymore and the Gabapentin isn't helping. Third...does he not realize that you can become addicted to Gabapentin just like an Opioid and to tell you the truth, the Gabapentin makes me high as a kite.


So, that's pretty much what I have to report on now. My next appointment will be next Wednesday and I'll report back after that visit.


Here's some updated pics for your viewing pleasure. 😆








Meanwhile....the other side is looking good.






Oh it looks so ugly but in time it will heal and you can put this in your past memory. I can only imagine what you are going through. My healing process which I reported to you a while back is finally almost complete and it has been 5 months. Everyone thought mine looked awful, nothing like yours that is for sure. yes, I too had the dry pealing skin plus the oozing sores. I am just glad you are showing some improvement even if it is slow. 

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Thanks for the update and glad this one has brought a wee little bit of better news.  Just so sorry that you're having to go through all of this.  I think I'd be going bat💩 stir crazy and don't know how you are able to manage.  Continuing to keep the good juju/vibes heading your way. 

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Thanks for the update.  I can’t believe you are entering week 8.  I thought of two ‘craft projects’ you could try to eat up all the downtime.  First is the adult coloring books.  My son got me some with for my birthday and I am enjoying them.  The other is diamond art.  You place small diamonds into the picture. Also something to do in spare time.  Plenty to choose from online.


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On ‎8‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 12:17 PM, mitsugirly said:




I'm very behind.  Just found your trip review...

So sorry to hear about the break.  Dang girl, when you do something you do it to the fullest.

I haven't read the rest of the review so I hope everything went ok with surgery.

Take it easy and do everything the doctors say.

PS...Your daughter is growing up so much!!

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On 9/25/2019 at 11:07 AM, indygirl76 said:

I'm so sorry you keep getting bad news dumped on you. 😞 We're all thinking about you, Kim!


Thanks so much.


On 9/25/2019 at 11:29 AM, deedle7544 said:

Definitely not the update we are all hoping you get.  Sometimes you just gotta cry it out. 


Wasn't what I was hoping for either. I've been getting really good at crying it out these days.


On 9/25/2019 at 11:32 AM, pghsteelerfan said:

Oh ship....just read your latest update and tsunami IS more like it!  I'd have had the wind knocked out of my sails by now and would definitely be tears and breaking down at this point as well.   So sorry you have to go through another surgery and impatient stay, and I hope this will resolve this nasty infection once and for all so you can get back on the right track with this recovery.  The positive thoughts, vibes, juju, and whatever else works for are on their way. 


Thought you'd enjoy this little snowflake eel we saw in Hawaii 2 years ago this month.  Out of 2 weeks there, this was one of the 2 times we were able to snorkel (water conditions much different from Caribbean).  This was from Poipu Beach on the south side of the island of Kauai.  Saw some beautiful fish too, but currents were strong and stirred up sand and my camera focused on the sand and not the fish.  I thought I had some great pics until I reviewed them later, so I'm glad that this is one of the ones that came out.  First I've seen an eel snorkeling.






Aww what a pretty snowflake eel. I know what you mean by thinking you get good pictures and you get back and you're like "what the heck is this????" As everyone knows, I end up with some very disappointing pictures sometimes. It happens.


Thanks again for the comments.



On 9/25/2019 at 11:43 AM, firstimecruiseronncl said:

I'm so sorry that you are dealing with so much. I hope the surgery and IV antibiotics will get this infection under control and you will be on your way to feeling better.


Thank you, me too.


On 9/25/2019 at 1:44 PM, OHCruisin said:

Just want to add my thoughts and prayers.  I cannot imagine what you're going through.  Makes me feel foolish for complaining about having a cast put on for a broken pinky finger.


Stay strong and know that so many are praying for you.


Aww, thank you. Hope the pinky finger healed good. Honestly there's nothing more annoying than having a cast on your hand as well. I fell and broke my hand (metacarpal) while on a cruise in 2010 at St Maarten at Maho Beach. I went 3 weeks without having it looked at. It was so swollen you couldn't tell it was a hand sometimes and totally black. When I went, they put a cast on, which included my last to digits of my hand (4th & 5th) and it was my right hand (which I'm right handed). I had a fit. I kept me from being able to write or type and that was something I HAD to do for my work and school. I ended up having my son cut the "fingers" part off the cast so I could use it and man was the doctor mad. He threatened to put another on and I told him I'd cut that off too if my fingers were in it. LOL


It's funny that it's been 9 years ago last week since I found out it was broken.









On 9/25/2019 at 1:45 PM, SenatorsFan said:

Oh, Kim, I'm so sorry to hear you have to have more surgery. I hope this works and these antibiotics help you. Also, how can they still be saying you'll be walking in 2 weeks? When I broke my tib/fib I was  non-weight-bearing for the first 8 weeks and even when I got my walking boot I still had to use my crutches sometimes. 

Thinking of you, 😢❤️




I honestly have no idea how this ortho doc is thinking that I can be walking at 8 weeks. It just blows my mind. My neighbor and my son in law wasn't even allowed to apply pressure for 4 months. My breaks are worse and all the complications....I just don't know. 😕



On 9/25/2019 at 1:54 PM, dreamer976 said:

OMG Kim, I cannot believe this unfortunate continued bad news since your fall!  Sometimes life just isn’t fair and your present situation is certainly proof of that. 


I wish that I had some beautiful underwater snaps to post that could make you smile and think about something else than the pain for even just one second, but I don’t have any. What I DO have, however, is a true story of an ankle injury that a close friend of mine had many years back that almost mirrors yours. 


She he took a bad step, broke bones and ripped and tore muscle, tendons, etc. After the first surgery where they “fixed her up”, including hardware, etc., she also ended up with infections (including staph!) that required reopening the ankle, and on and on and on....


I’ll fast forward to the end of the story. She was told that her ankle would never be “right” again, which was true, at least in her case; HOWEVER, even though she still has discomfort and swelling (she is now 76 years old - her accident happened when she was about 40ish), she did recover, has continued to live a very full life and that ankle has kept her from doing nothing (well, except from maybe becoming a competitive long-jumper!!😜), walking and doing stairs complete unaided.  She also has become one of my cruise buddies since our husbands passed and will, for the first time, be using a scooter aboard our cruise coming up next month ... and that’s because of her bad back. 


I hope that that gives you at least some hope that all of this will end at some point and you will get through it and that yes, you will get your life back 😘


Just keep looking down that tunnel. Soon, I pray, you’ll soon be seeing even the vaguest bit of light at the other end. 


You’re in my thoughts. 🤗





Awww, thanks for sharing your friends story with me Ellen. I really appreciate it. It gives me hope. I tried the knee scooter thing again yesterday and I just feel so off balance with it and to be honest, it really makes my left leg tired. I can't imagine using that thing all the time even though the doctor wants me to. I'm really hoping one day I'll be back to normal but I know with the hardware, things will never be the same again and I'll endure aching and swelling at times, even after healing.



On 9/25/2019 at 2:23 PM, kpark895 said:

Oh Kim, I am so sorry about all of this.  But at least there is a plan of action now, as painful as it may appear.  Better than crossing your fingers and hoping.  And hopefully once the infection clears up, the healing process will be quick.



Thanks. I appreciate it.


On 9/25/2019 at 3:03 PM, Cafedumonde said:

Mitsugirly,  It is good that they are going back in.  The sooner they clear out the infection, the sooner you will heal.  My son had oral surgery with pockets of infection afterwards.  They had to go back in twice (ugh).  Lots of antibiotics.  Back in the doctor’s office like four times where they tried to squeeze it out manually (gross but true.  Lol).  The entire ordeal took about 2 months.  But in the end they did get rid of the infection.  

Don’t loose hope.  Glad the doc is on it!




My youngest son has the pus pockets in his mouth and throat once right before we were due to go on a cruise. It was nasty so I know exactly what you are talking about. Poor thing.


I'm trying not to loose hope! Thanks


On 9/25/2019 at 3:32 PM, Von & John said:

Kim  --  Sorry to hear the latest news.  As Deedle said - sometimes you just have to cry to get it out of your system...  Once the angst, frustration, etc is released you can move on to the solution...


Best wishes in your surgery tomorrow & hopefully this time they'll catch it all...

If it helps - the CC Team has your back & is pulling for you...


I don't currently have access to my photos, so I borrowed one off the internet...

Here's an Angel Fish to look over you during the surgery & the next couple of weeks...




I've cried many times, from the pain, to the times that there's something that needs done and I can't do it or reach it, to the times I can't go outside or go somewhere and I'm completely dependent on everyone around me....it just sucks.


That is a beautiful Angel Fish. They are some of my favorite fish because of the variety of colors they come in from juvenile to adult Amazing.


On 9/25/2019 at 3:45 PM, MimiRN said:

So very sorry Kim.  You  have been through it and are entitled to every tear that drops.  Praying for you to heal and strength for your family.  


Thank you so much!


On 9/25/2019 at 4:10 PM, graphicguy said:

Oh Kim...so sorry to hear.  Lots of positive, good JuJu coming your way from Cincinnati!!!!!!!


Thanks "neighbor" I appreciate it.


On 9/25/2019 at 4:54 PM, Hatteras51 said:

Wow, Kim. I check this board every day for updates from you, hoping to see that things are finally improving.  I'm at a loss for words. Just know that I'm praying for you,  along with many of your CC friends, and I'll definitely be praying for you tomorrow. Hopefully,  this will rid you of all of the infection,  and you can continue to heal. Dianne


Thanks so much for the prayers Dianne! I appreciate it. Gotta get this thing healed up so I can head back to Aruba!!!!



On 9/25/2019 at 5:01 PM, jbhcw said:

Sometimes a good cry helps....get it out of your system...prayers being lifted up for you for tomorrow...and for healing.  You are a strong person....and this too shall pass.  Hang in there.



Thanks so much. I'm getting enough good cries for everyone at this point. LOL  "This too shall pass"...one of my husbands favorite sayings. Thanks



On 9/25/2019 at 8:19 PM, locchiato said:

Hi Kim,


I rarely ever post on here but have read all of your reviews and loved them all. I can’t imagine what you are going through but I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You will get through this and will be even stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically than ever before. Please keep us posted on your recovery. 



Aww thank you for being a follower. I appreciate it.  Thank you for checking in and posting. I really appreciate it.

Edited by mitsugirly
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On 9/25/2019 at 8:58 PM, onlyano said:

No shame in a good cry every now and then.  Sending positive vibes your way!


Thanks for the positive vibes and a good cry happens a lot these days.


On 9/25/2019 at 10:19 PM, fayfam said:

Hi Kim,


You probably don’t realise but you are in the hearts of many around the world. We are in Australia and have been using your comprehensive reviews, pictures and advice for years to plan our long awaited cruise to the Caribbean in January.


I can’t even imagine how hard this is for you. A lot of people would have just hid themselves away and not shared their personal health experiences. It definitely shows how strong you are and how life can change in an instant.


Sending my healing, positive vibes your way xxxxxxx You got this 💪🏻


Kerry 💜


Aww, thanks so much. That means a lot to me and so amazing. I hope you have a wonderful Caribbean cruise in January! What ship will you be on? Where are you going?


My life has definitely changed in an instant. It's not something I would have expected from me. I'm always so careful.


Thanks for your thoughts Kerry.


On 9/25/2019 at 10:22 PM, watermelonqueen99 said:


Late to the party, but so sorry to hear this! I took a nasty fall at home in early July and ended up with a severely bruised spinal cord and damage to my cervical spine at  C3-7. I had to have spinal fusion surgery and spent 2 weeks in the hospital, with a week of that in the neuro trauma ICU. Haven't fully caught up on your review yet, but hope you're doing well. I'm still recovering myself.


Oh my gosh! I hope your recovery is going well. I can't imagine what you have been through. Speedy recovery to you as well!



On 9/25/2019 at 10:33 PM, worktocruise610 said:

I've been reading your reviews - looking forward to them - since my first day on CC. I'm so sorry you're going thru all this but hope your suffering is over soon. You are in my prayers!


Thank you so much and glad you found my reviews. Hopefully you will find them helpful. I have a website too, which makes it a little easier to find what you are looking for if you ever need it.


Appreciate the prayers.


On 9/25/2019 at 10:50 PM, MJSailors said:


  Just checked to see about any updates. I realize that going through another procedure is concerning, but if the Dr. can  get rid of the nasty stuff in your foot and the IV antibiotics get to work, you will begin to feel better.

Things have got to make a good turn for you. So many people who have gotten to know you through your reviews are pulling for you !

All your CC readers will be waiting for good news.

I just sent up a prayer for you 



Thank you so much. I feel like a lot of people on here are "family" and so wonderful.


On 9/26/2019 at 2:44 AM, perfect match said:

Kim, I hope your surgery goes well, the doctor is able to take the steps necessary to get rid of your infection, and get you all fixed up so you only have to have a short hospital stay. I’m sending positive vibes your way for both you and your doctor. After all, your doctor IS the one doing all the work, so we want him to have his best day ever! 


I’m sending this toothy but very cute little parrotfish your way to bring a smile to your face. 






Oh my gosh that parrot fish is adorable. I always try to get pics like this of them "smiling". It's funny to go chasing them around and trying to get in front of them for a shot like this. LOL


Thanks for sharing.


On 9/26/2019 at 3:29 AM, Victorious8 said:

Sending you all the positive vibes! I have been following the post hoping for better news. The more monitored you are the better I feel! I am really pulling for this to be the thing that begins you on your truly healing journey.


Thanks for following and thanks for pulling for me.


On 9/26/2019 at 6:28 AM, cruiser147147 said:


Kim -- Best wishes for your procedure today.  I have been enjoying all your reviews and have been following along with this saga as a lurker but you have been and will be in my prayers.  I did not think anyone had worse luck than me but even my challenges pale in comparison.  It seems hollow but all I can do is send positive thoughts and prayers your way for you and your family.  Hope you do not have to endure too much pain today and hopefully this will be the turning point for your health to start going in a positive direction.


Aww thank you and glad you posted. Well, I guess there is someone out there with worse luck than you. LOL  When I do something, I do it up big. haha   Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers. I appreciate it.


On 9/26/2019 at 8:24 AM, jbhcw said:

Thinking of you today and sending up prayers....


Thank you so much.


On 9/26/2019 at 8:35 AM, bontx33 said:

I'm so sorry that you are going thru this. I know how you feel as I had to have surgery on my jaw in 2017. I had to have total jaw joint replacement for TMJ and after 5 days from the first surgery I was in so much pain that the doctor told me to increase pain meds, the next day I started leaking fluid from site and I went back to hospital and I had sepsis in jaw so back onto surgery to clean out the site, luckily that caught it in time that we didn't have to take metal out but I was in hospital for 9 days for IV antibiotics. 

Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts



Now that would be the worse! I feel for you and can't imagine what you have personally went through. When I'm at the doctors office, I see people with no legs at all and I feel grateful that at least I still have my leg/foot and things could always be worse for me than they are. I'm very humbled when I think of how much worse this could actually be. 😞


Thanks for your prayers and thoughts Bonnie. I appreciate it.


On 9/26/2019 at 4:13 PM, BigNance said:

I'm so sorry to hear about this!  Hopefully this clean out surgery does the trick and sets you on the road to recovery.  You have my thoughts and prayers!  Get well soon!!!


Thank you so much.


On 9/26/2019 at 7:46 PM, camper06 said:

keeping you in thoughts and prayers.  hoping the surgery this time will give you some relief.  


I appreciate it. Thank you.


On 9/26/2019 at 9:14 PM, erdoran said:

I so feel for you - hope this is last problem you have, doctor cleans everything out and it’s smooth cruising to a recovery!


I'm hoping so too. Thanks


On 9/26/2019 at 10:12 PM, Suna said:

Oh gosh .... poor you. I do hope the infection is all gone and that you will start to feel relief soon.


Thank you


On 9/26/2019 at 10:33 PM, blarko said:

Thanks for sharing your story. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Wishing you a speedy recovery (2 weeks....lol).

 I know, 2 weeks. lol


Thank you.


On 9/26/2019 at 10:49 PM, jenseib said:

You are in my thoughts and I hope you can get through the next couple of days with minimal pain!


Thanks so much. It was pretty bad the next 48 hours, but I managed.



On 9/27/2019 at 2:43 AM, perfect match said:

Kim, I’m glad to hear that your surgery went well. I hope the pain will be less now, and your focus can be on recovery from your injury. I know it’s hard for you to hold still, but please remember that even though your doctor approved you to go home, you’re still recovering from surgery! For now, it’s really important for you to take it easy and let your body recover from all the trauma you’ve been through - both from the injury itself , and from the trauma of the surgeries you have had to go through to get your body put back together again. I’m sending healing thoughts your way, and will continue to  check in to see how you’re doing. 


In addition to healing thoughts, I’m also sending you a manatee. Since I’m in Florida, I figured a manatee would be appropriate, but this isn’t just any manatee. This manatee was injured, and at the time I took this picture, this manatee had been rescued and was in manatee rehab, recovering from it’s injuries. Recovering, just like you!  Hopefully, you will both be all healed up and ready go on your way soon. 



Thanks. I have definitely been taking it easy. I've been laying in bed (watching A LOT) of movies and tv, and keeping my foot propped up to reduce the swelling. It's just so boring laying in bed all the time. I can't stand being still. I'm usually multi-tasking with everything I do. Ugh!


Awww, what a cute little manatee. I'm sitting here staring at the picture and it raised my interest on cruising...the one thing I have never got to see on a cruise was a manatee. I think I need to start a new mission. LOL 



On 9/27/2019 at 9:31 AM, BigNance said:


Many prayers that this surgery did the job and you get some relief!


Thank you


On 9/27/2019 at 10:34 AM, zencruisers said:

I am glad to hear your surgery went well.I hope the recovery goes smooth from now on. Sending positive vibes your way.


Thanks so much Zen!


On 9/27/2019 at 10:45 AM, SenatorsFan said:

Hope you can manage the pain today and get some rest.



I appreciate it Heather.


On 9/27/2019 at 11:43 AM, Zippeedee said:

Kim, I'm happy to hear that your surgery went well. It is killing me that insurance issues caused you to have to leave when you should have been monitored. If you haven't already, please get a good workers comp attorney and fight this. You should be paid for all of your medical expenses and lost wages. You should not have to be thinking about this stuff while trying to recover, but you can win this case! You just need the right legal team on your side. 


Yes, I did get a Workers Comp Lawyer after they denied me. Hopefully things will turn around with that. Just all the meds alone is going to break the bank for me! I can't even imagine the medical bills at this point. 😞 I try not to think about it too much but it's hard.


On 9/28/2019 at 8:32 AM, JoeTec said:

Hi Kim

I am relieved the docs said your surgery went well.  I also pray that your pain killers are working - I usually have issues with pain meds they give me insomnia & don't seem to help me.

Please give us an update when you are able you have sooo many people praying for you on this board.


Thanks so much. The pain meds are kinda off and on with controlling the pain. The doctor really doesn't want me on them. He keeps taking me off of them and insisting on taking Tylenol, which does nothing. All the crap I've been through and still have issues with and Tylenol is supposed to do the job. 🙄


On 9/28/2019 at 10:39 AM, mopedmom1 said:



Continued thoughts and prayers for your recovery.  I'm sorry for all the extra issues you have had to deal with. 



Thanks so much.

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On ‎8‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 6:09 AM, mitsugirly said:

That was a great and long dive and I was so happy about it!




I love your excited!!  You make me want to continue with my diving training.  

I've done the DSD a few times, but never took it any further.

Now it's on my bucket list and because of your excitement!!!

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On 9/28/2019 at 11:27 AM, deladane said:

Awww Kim, I’m so sorry to hear you have been in such pain from the infection.  I have been thinking about you and wanted to check in to see how you are doing.  Sending you this fun over/under photo from French Polynesia, taken with the TG-5 fisheye lens (bought on your recommendation, of course!), in hopes to bring you a smile!






OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is an AMAZING photo of the over under! Now that's what I'm always trying to do but it's so hard to capture what you want. Every time I do it, there's hardly ever any fish in the area I am in (because having to stand up and watch the waves moving on the camera and snapping it at just the right time. I amazed by this pic!!! Thank you so much for sharing. It made my day and makes me want to continue to try more!


How do you like your TG5? I wonder how different it is from mine. I've been thinking about getting another for backup and considered the TG5. Are there any special options on it as far as the built in programs?


You seriously just made my day with this pic.


On 9/28/2019 at 4:35 PM, bren61 said:

Hi Kim,


I just had a 2 day binge on your last 2 reviews, which btw I have loved reading them all over the years.  You have been so helpful to us ,  we have taken your advice and have been so happy that we took your lead.  


I am so very sad to hear about your illness and also this unfortunate accident!  I hope that you are coming along well in your recovery, it sounds like it will be somewhat of a long road to recovery, but hang in there, you have so many people pulling for you!!


Just to give you something to look forward to...Not sure if you knew, but the Oasis is coming to Bayonne.  We are neighboring states with you, we are just north of Pittsburgh and it's great to drive to port, especially for this ship and I know you have been wanting to do as Oasis Class ship.  We are doing our cruise  October 18th of 2020 and they have pretty decent rates for that sailing.  Actually we are sort of doing a B@B but on 2 different ships.  The first leg will be on the Adventure going to Canada/New England (which we have never done, but thought we would change it up a little), then there will be one day between then hopping  on the Oasis.  We aren't really crazy about the itinerary, but it is going to CocoCay, which we have been anxious to go there, but really I am just more anxious for the ship, (aqua, ice & Broadway shows).  I think you will love it when you do get the chance to try it.


We, like you had mentioned, are just using up our credit through NCL in January on the Bliss, then will be headed back to our favorite cruise line, (RCCL).  We are hoping we have a better experience on the Bliss, last year on the Escape was a disaster for us, (hence the credit)!


Please keep us all updated on your recovery, you are sort of like our cruise family!  Hoping that someday, we actually have the chance to be on the same cruise as you!!


Wow, I'm impressed that you managed to read 2 reviews in 2 days! That's quite a binge! LOL


So glad they have been helpful in the past. That's really the reason that I do them. So many people on cc have helped me plan, decide and go places I didn't know existed and I'm so grateful. I try to give back as much as I can.


Oh wow, thanks for the info on the Oasis! What date is it coming there? So is there actually a port there in NJ? Or do you go across to NY to get on? That's so exciting! Although I won't be driving and would have to fly, I still would love that. But that's a trip that we took (to NJ/NY) and all my kids were able to go because they drove. I'll have to look this up! What are the ports? I did a B@B once (I called it a back to belly since everyone on here was saying since I was switching ships and there was a day between that it wasn't a "true" back to back LOL (still the same in my opinion).  I hope you have a wonderful cruise next year.


I hope you have a wonderful time on the Bliss as well. Sorry to hear about the Escape. Those are 2 I haven't tried yet and still want to.


Thanks so much and hopefully we'll meet up some day!


On 9/28/2019 at 5:15 PM, pghsteelerfan said:

Kim, I just hopped on CC to see if there were any updates/how you were doing.  As others have said, you have been a BIG help to us all for ideas and for a great read to get us through the cruise withdrawals.  I was glad to hear the surgery went well and that there wasn't as much infection as they had originally thought.  So glad you got to go home too, that DOES get expensive.  I'll continue to send some good vibes and juju your way, not only for healing but the whole comp thing w/your employer.  Time for this "nasty weather" (raining/pouring, tornadoes, and tsunamis) to move on or clear up...so good vibes/juju heading your way for fair skies and smooth seas. 



Aww, thanks so much for saying I've been a been help in the past. I appreciate it Holly.


Thanks for the healing thoughts.


On 9/28/2019 at 8:33 PM, jjjct said:

Hi Kim, been following along on many of your cruise reviews including this one. Sending prayers for healing for you. I know you will get through this and glad that your recent surgery was successful. Hang in there girl.



Thanks for following along and the prayers. I'm hanging....or at least trying.



On 9/28/2019 at 9:13 PM, TPgal said:

Hope you’re still recovering at home and that the pain is well managed.   Keep the updates coming!!!


In solidarity with you, I fell last Saturday (in a crowded restaurant) and fractured the greater tuberosity of my humerus.   I didn’t get any pictures of me on the floor as the EMTs were there extremely fast, but I have an ER shot.   More importantly, here is Callie, a pregnant dolphin we met in Roatan on our Panama Canal Cruise.  (Taken with my iPhone...can’t complete with the amazing photos you and the rest of the gang are posting.). 

Best wishes to you for progress.  





Oh wow. Sorry to hear about your fracture. I'm disappointed that there wasn't enough time to take a picture of you at the fall. LOL (Just kidding). Hopefully you are recovering quickly and getting back to normal soon. I feel for you.


Thanks for the beautiful picture of the pregnant dolphin. So cute.


On 9/28/2019 at 10:36 PM, cerabella said:


Just a quick post to let you know I  have followed your reviews for the last several years...

I actually haven't cruised for the last 4 years (after 14 years of cruising) & didn't really miss it  until I read your Carnival Horizon review & kinda got the bug again...then I found your Breakaway review & began another adventure!!   & what an adventure it has been!   like a movie that has flashbacks, to keep you invested in the drama...only this is REAL life!

Whew!  just to let you know, you have touched many lives whether they let you know or not...girl, hang in there!  you have a great family dynamic & they love & support you!  I hope your recovery is swift from here on out...

'time & unexpected events befall us all'


Why thank you and nice to hear you are a follower and enjoy my reviews.


Now that you have the "bug" are you going to be cruising again.


I'm so touched when you say that I've touch many lives. So heartwarming. Thank you.



On 9/28/2019 at 11:12 PM, perfect match said:

@deladane Love the over under picture! I’m sure Kim will, too. 


@TPgal Sorry to hear about your broken arm. Hope it heals quickly and with no setbacks. Your dolphin picture may have been taken with your cell phone, but it’s still a really cute dolphin picture. Kim will be smiling again at this one. 


@mitsugirly Hope you’re still at home with way less pain and moving along with your recovery. Sending more positive vibes your way. 


I absolutely love that under/over pic!


Still at home of course 😜  Thanks for the positive vibes.


On 9/29/2019 at 10:23 AM, kpark895 said:

Hi Kim.  Hope you're home and feeling better than you did last week.  Looking forward to the day when you are pain free and planning your next adventure!


Hi thanks for asking. It's a "little" better. Thanks for asking.


On 10/1/2019 at 11:34 AM, JoeTec said:

Hi Kim

I hope you are feeling better & home now.  It's been several days since your update. 


Thank you so much. I appreciate it.


On 10/1/2019 at 4:19 PM, Von & John said:

Happy October 1st...

AKA - International Day of Older Persons...

Hoping the surgery was successful & you are feeling better after the removal of the infection!!!

Thinking of you & sending a little wave from Alaska...



Aww, how neat! I've seen whales on cruises but never caught a good picture of them let alone one with the tail up like that. Awesome.


On 10/1/2019 at 11:03 PM, lovemycruisetoo said:

Last update was Thursday at 9:33 am. Is anyone who is also silently following concerned?  I sure am. Praying all is ok with you Kim. Please try to let us all know who are praying for you daily. 


Thanks for being so concerned! It was your post that I read that made me make a post about waiting to see the ortho doctor for an update.


On 10/1/2019 at 11:20 PM, canadianbear said:

Yes, I’m a silent follower.  She knows she has a support system here and for her not to update has me very worried about her.   She has been in my thoughts and nightly prayers.  


So sorry for having everyone worried. It was not intentional. I just wanted to have something to report. Thanks so much for being concerned. It warms my heart.


On 10/1/2019 at 11:38 PM, cincicruisers said:

Hi Kim

Checking In to see how you are doing.  I am hoping your pain meds are working and letting you rest.  

Thoughts and Prayers



Thanks so much for checking in. I appreciate it. Pain meds are kinda off and on with helping the pain. Each day seems a little better, depending on the day.


On 10/2/2019 at 12:14 AM, perfect match said:

Hope your doctor’s appointment later today goes well. It’s about time for you to get some good news. Glad you’re hanging in there.


Thanks so much


On 10/2/2019 at 1:06 AM, Sweetnspicy said:

I thought of you today while I was pumping gas and saw the guy next to me JUMP over the fuel nozzle. I wanted to yell out that, that’s how you break your leg and foot but I didn’t. I’m so sorry to hear about the infection. Just from reading your posts I can tell that you are a positive and upbeat person. I hope you are trying to keep busy and keep your mind active. If you want an email pen pal I would love to email you. I have a pretty normal and sometimes boring life but it’s still fun. 


😲 Oh my! He has no idea....Funny thing is, my neighbor (who's husband did the same thing last summer...but decided to get on a bike and show off in front of his son by popping a wheelie) who had plates and screws put in on both sides. His wife was at the gas station the other day and decided to step over the hose...and started to trip. She said her life flashed before her eyes and thoughts of me came....and she was so happy that she was able to catch herself. She said she would NEVER do that again!!! 


It's really hard to keep busy in a laying position about 90% of the time. 😞 But I do what I have to do to keep the swelling down because that's why I have to be laying.


Pen pals are great. Email me. 🙂


On 10/2/2019 at 6:53 AM, newmexicoNita said:

Hope the news is good new. 


Ehhh...I guess it was but it wasn't. 🤦‍♀️


On 10/2/2019 at 7:54 AM, Beth_55 said:

We will be patient and let you get some rest and all healed up ! Hoping for good news today !!  


Thanks so much.


On 10/2/2019 at 9:35 AM, BigNance said:

Prayers for good news!  Let us know..




On 10/2/2019 at 9:42 AM, Arzeena said:

Prayers for you Kim. And a lot of hugs for Sakari and your family.

You KNOW you will beat this!


Thanks so much. Sakari has been such a big help. She's growing up so quick.


On 10/2/2019 at 1:14 PM, camper06 said:

Continued prayers.  Hope you are finally on the upswing!


Thank you


On 10/2/2019 at 2:15 PM, RedwingHockeyFan said:

Note to self: NEVER step over the gas hose again.


Sure hope everything heals up nice for you.  You'll probably need another foot tattoo over that scarring :classic_biggrin:


NEVER EVER do that. Let this be a lesson to you...let me be the example. Don't do it!


LOL about the tattoo. We actually discussed that. That's the only leg I have 2 tattoos on (lower leg and foot). So, I might have to add to it. Although I don't know how that would feel going over a scar. It might be ouchie.


On 10/2/2019 at 2:28 PM, canadianbear said:

Those photos look horrendous.  Thank you for the update but I’m so sorry you’re going through all this.  


Yes, they are. They feel like they look.


On 10/2/2019 at 3:11 PM, LeesaB said:

My goodness.  What a roller coaster!  I do hope you get some sort of relief, and QUICK!


It has been. Thanks so much.

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On 10/2/2019 at 3:16 PM, Hatteras51 said:

Kim, I'm glad to hear that you got some good news, although you still have a long ways to go. I broke my ankle right before Christmas two years ago. I had a plate and a ton of pins put in. I had to start PT just a few weeks after surgery because my heel was getting stiff. I didn't have any of your complications, but I wanted to let you know that I had numbness and tingling in that foot for months. It finally went away on it's own.  Thanks so much for keeping us updated.  Please let us know how things go with the workers comp situation.  I'm still praying for you.   Dianne


They are afraid of me getting stiff in the wrong position (relaxed pointing out instead of flat footed). I can get my foot flat, but the problem is that once it's in that position, it starts to go completely numb and the pain gets worse. So, not sure how that's going to work out when it comes to walking.


I can't wait until the numbness and tingling is over. It's the most annoying thing...worse than having to deal with the pain.


On 10/2/2019 at 4:45 PM, camper06 said:

Thanks for the update.  Hoping the pain subsides for you, but honestly, that area looks pretty far from being healed.  Such a series of unfortunate events, as they say.  Keeping you in prayers, and healing thoughts coming your way.


Will the blood clots dissolve eventually?  My DH had a DVT in his leg and the doctor explained that it had calcified in his thigh and the veins do eventually make their way around it, but it has never be the same as far as circulation goes.  Being a nurse, i'm sure you a lot more knowledgeable about these things, guess I'm just curious why some blood clots dissolve (he also had a pulmonary embolism) and some just hang around. lol



Yes, it is definitely far from being healed. Thanks for the prayers and healing thoughts.


Oh my gosh for your DH. With a DVT, being on blood thinners doesn't make the clot go away. The blood thinners helps "try" to keep the clots from getting bigger or "try" to prevent more from forming. The clots will eventually (hopefully) dissolve on their own. Your body naturally dissolves it when it's ready and usually once an injury heals. My problem is...the 3 blood clots are preventing blood flow to and from my foot (since they are above that area), which is hindering healing, which means my body knows it isn't healed, therefore not absorbing. 😕  The more medical term for it is once the body is healed, we have plasmin in our system in the clot. Plasmin is there the whole time and what is needed for it to dissolve. However, it's just laying dormant and waiting for the body to heal before it "turns on" and does it's job of breaking down the mesh structure that forms the clot. It can take weeks to months.


I don't have any more pain ("most" of the time) from the clots like I did before. I'm hoping that is a good sign that they might be shrinking. So, it's hard to tell if all the continued swelling is still from the clots blocking the blood flow or from the surgery itself and I'm just a slow healer.


On 10/2/2019 at 5:54 PM, AKR2011 said:

Thanks for the update. Thinking of you! Side note: They cancel school because of heat? Man, I grew up near Syracuse, NY, and we needed at least 3 feet of snow for a cancellation in winter and not once had a heat day. Lucky kids these days...



Yea. Sakari's school district is the biggest district in the state of Ohio. A lot of the schools are in very poor areas (the school district surrounds the entire city of Columbus, which is pretty big) and a lot of those building are VERY old and they do not have air conditioning. Therefore, they cancel schools for the entire district because it gets over 100 degrees in there, even over night it will not cool down. Lucky for Sakari, she's always went to the nicer new schools they built a couple years back and they have central air in the entire building. Sakari's new school is actually located on a campus with the high school she'll be going to so it's nice too.


On 10/2/2019 at 6:59 PM, kpark895 said:

Kim, sorry it isn't better news, but it's not the worst, either.  I still don't see how you're going to be walking in two weeks, but then again, I'm not a doctor.  Feel better soon!


True, it wasn't the worse news I could get and I'm grateful for that. I don't see how I'm going to be walking either...in 5 days!!!


Pic from today's dressing change:




On 10/2/2019 at 7:07 PM, BullyLvr said:

Kim, I’m a long time follower, and like others, feel like I know you and your beautiful family. I’m so sorry this happened to you.  The infection and complications have been so hard I know.  I fell playing Pickleball in early June, bad break to my left arm and wrist, surgery, plate, pins and cast.  Sadly it was just a few days before our Alaskan cruise on the Bliss, which we cancelled.  Thankfully we had insurance. Man was I in a funk. But that was nothing like this.  I sure hope you’re on the mend now and begin to be able to have some mobility without pain and can start rehab.  Hang in there.  


Oh gosh, Sorry to hear about your fall and cancellation of the cruise. That really sucks. I'm just so glad mine was done after our cruise at least.


On 10/2/2019 at 8:14 PM, MJSailors said:

Hello Kim

  Just read the update that you posted.

The thought of PT beginning soon may be daunting, but maybe the therapist may have some helpful measures to decrease the swelling and help with the tingling/numbness that you are experiencing. And get you on the road to moving again.

Not good to hear that you are dealing with a yeast infection along with everything else. You may already be doing this along with the meds the Dr prescribed, but I have found that eating yogurt, taking acidophilus and drinking a good amount of water may be helpful to get rid of the infection.

I know more water may mean more trips to the potty, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. With any disease or injury,have you noticed that something good for you can also cause another problem ? 😳

        Keep up your efforts and know that many folks on CC and from other parts of your life are rooting for you !

Hoping for updates with increasing good news.



I'm hoping the same thing with getting some ideas to help reduce my symptoms.


Yes, I have been eating yogurt to help with the yeast infection. I think it's cleared up now but I will continue to eat the yogurt for precautions. Water has never been my forte. I just hate it but started drinking it back at the beginning of the year, only right before bedtime and during the night if I woke up. I have been trying to get some glasses in during the day but it's so hard.



On 10/2/2019 at 10:27 PM, SenatorsFan said:

Thanks for the update, Kim.  I'm glad to hear you've made some progress, but I'm sorry you're dealing with a yeast infection now and still have the numbness.  It's just one thing after another, isn't it?😢




It's always something...I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from me. LOL


On 10/2/2019 at 11:21 PM, blarko said:

Your foot looks a lot better in the most recent pictures than it did even last week before your surgery. Are you able to use the knee scooter yet, at least to get around the house? I agree with you about Gabapentin....I was on it for shingles pain and it did absolutely nothing for the pain. All it did was make me sleepy. I only took two doses and threw the rest away. Hope you’re up and about soon. Thanks for keeping us updated ❤️


I attempted the knee scooter yesterday. It's awkward and I'm so clumbsy on it. It also makes my left leg extremely tired. All the medications I'm on causes fatigue, dizziness, and loss of control with (they say) hands, coordination, and even eye movement. I am definitely dizzy and have fatigue constantly and I drop stuff constantly now. It's very aggravating. I haven't noticed any rapid eye movement but have noticed my eyesight has not been the same and I'm struggling at times to see clear. I'm very off balance on crutches and the knee scooter and very worn out. So, I try to stick to my wheelchair because I feel it's a little safer at this point.


The gabapentin is horrid! It makes me so dizzy and off balance. I feel high as a kite but yet they are afraid of Norco being habit forming. Well, gabapentin is too and has the same effects! I was taking 300mg 3x daily and with my numbness he increased me to 600mg 3x daily. This scares me and I haven't done it yet. Sometimes when I take it and lay down, I feel like my breathing is real shallow and it scares me. A couple of times I have actually "jumped up" in bed because I felt like I wasn't going to take my next breath. So, taking double the amount...I'm just not ready for that. The problem with taking it 3x daily is I'll be taking it 8 hours apart. Well what about controlling the pain and numbness between those 8 hours? My pain meds was 6 hours apart and usually by the 3-4th hour I was pushing it with the pain. 😞



On 10/3/2019 at 7:16 AM, newmexicoNita said:

Oh it looks so ugly but in time it will heal and you can put this in your past memory. I can only imagine what you are going through. My healing process which I reported to you a while back is finally almost complete and it has been 5 months. Everyone thought mine looked awful, nothing like yours that is for sure. yes, I too had the dry pealing skin plus the oozing sores. I am just glad you are showing some improvement even if it is slow. 



I can't wait! I'm just not looking forward to another surgery to open up the "good" looking side again to remove the plate and screws. I just hope I don't have a relapse and that side get icky like this one.


So glad to hear your healing process is almost done. That's amazing. It sure seems like a long time don't it?


23 hours ago, pghsteelerfan said:

Thanks for the update and glad this one has brought a wee little bit of better news.  Just so sorry that you're having to go through all of this.  I think I'd be going bat💩 stir crazy and don't know how you are able to manage.  Continuing to keep the good juju/vibes heading your way. 


Trust me, I am going crazy!!! It's so hard for someone like me to stay tied down.


14 hours ago, cincicruisers said:

Thanks for the update.  I can’t believe you are entering week 8.  I thought of two ‘craft projects’ you could try to eat up all the downtime.  First is the adult coloring books.  My son got me some with for my birthday and I am enjoying them.  The other is diamond art.  You place small diamonds into the picture. Also something to do in spare time.  Plenty to choose from online.



While it's flown by...it really hasn't for me. The days dddddrrrrraaaaaggggg on forever just laying in bed and watching tv. It's the worse.


I love the adult coloring books. Sakari has some. I might have to tell her to find hers. I do scrapbook and keep saying that I'm going to have Sakari and the hubs go down there and bring everything up. The only problem is that I'm not supposed to be up more than 20 mintues at a time. Usually that involves eating or using the restroom or letting the dog out. It's hard to do any activity while laying in bed. 😞   If only this swelling would go away.


2 hours ago, tcmagnum said:

I'm very behind.  Just found your trip review...

So sorry to hear about the break.  Dang girl, when you do something you do it to the fullest.

I haven't read the rest of the review so I hope everything went ok with surgery.

Take it easy and do everything the doctors say.

PS...Your daughter is growing up so much!!


I really do go all out don't I?


Sakari is getting so big and growing up. She's almost as tall as me now...well, taller now that I'm in a wheelchair. She finds it funny that I can't reach anything now and she has to be the one that gets it for me. LOL


2 hours ago, tcmagnum said:


I love your excited!!  You make me want to continue with my diving training.  

I've done the DSD a few times, but never took it any further.

Now it's on my bucket list and because of your excitement!!!


Diving is so much fun. I love cruising now just so I can go to another dive site and have that under my belt. LOL

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I’m sure on behalf of all the silent followers, we thank you for updating so quickly when you read about our concerns.  I find it hard to go a day without checking in to see how you are and if anything changed. I leave Tuesday on a 10 day cruise and will not have internet except at ports but I will find a way to check in.


Feel better and watch that Gabapentin, it’s a doozy. I was on 2700 mg a day for my MS neuropathy until I decided it was really not helping with the nerve pain but making me feel weird. I stopped it and just learned to live with the neuropathy pain which definitely isn’t fun.  Hope yours goes away. 

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2 hours ago, mitsugirly said:

Wow, I'm impressed that you managed to read 2 reviews in 2 days! That's quite a binge! LOL


So glad they have been helpful in the past. That's really the reason that I do them. So many people on cc have helped me plan, decide and go places I didn't know existed and I'm so grateful. I try to give back as much as I can.


Oh wow, thanks for the info on the Oasis! What date is it coming there? So is there actually a port there in NJ? Or do you go across to NY to get on? That's so exciting! Although I won't be driving and would have to fly, I still would love that. But that's a trip that we took (to NJ/NY) and all my kids were able to go because they drove. I'll have to look this up! What are the ports? I did a B@B once (I called it a back to belly since everyone on here was saying since I was switching ships and there was a day between that it wasn't a "true" back to back LOL (still the same in my opinion).  I hope you have a wonderful cruise next year.


I hope you have a wonderful time on the Bliss as well. Sorry to hear about the Escape. Those are 2 I haven't tried yet and still want to.


Thanks so much and hopefully we'll meet up some day!


The Oasis will be @ Cape Liberty in Bayonne, NJ from May 10th - October 31st 2020.  We usually stay on Staten Island @ the Hilton Garden Inn or Hampton Inn & Suites and they have a free shuttle to the port in the morning (15 minutes).  It is also very convenient if you plan to go to Manhatten for the evening, the hotel is just a short shuttle ride to the free ferry.  If you aren't planning on going to the City it would make more sense to just get a hotel in NJ. 


The Oasis 7 Night Perfect Day Bahama Cruises itinerary is...Orlando, CocoCay, & Nassau.  Like I said, not an exciting itinerary, but a great opportunity to try the Oasis Class Ship w/out having to fly, unless in your case, you may have to, but your kids could drive.  


Just a heads up if you ever do 2 cruises on different ships with 1 day in between on Royal Caribbean.  Crown & Anchor will pay for your hotel stay and transportation between the 2 cruises (just not your pre-cruise stay).  Not a lot of people know that, but I am glad that someone passed that info on to me before we did our Oasis/Allure cruises with one day between.


I hope this has been helpful and hoping the planning of your next cruise will keep your mind off of all of the unfortunate things that have been going on with you.  Hang in there and hopefully each day will get better for you.



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Just want to say I am a runner and would go completely out of my mind if I was in your position....  (and even if I was not a runner). 


God bless and may you get better so you can get on a 🛳️ in the not too distant future. 🌻🌷🍹🍸.



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Hello Kim!  So happy that you’re hanging in there, even though the pain, tingling and other unfortunate consequences of your injury must JUST SUCK!!!


I must also be a cheerleader for an Oasis class cruise, no matter how uninteresting the ports may be (although RCI’s new Perfect Day is being reviewed as very WOW).  For me, that class of ship is like nothing else at sea, and IS the destination. I’ve done Oasis once and Symphony once. Currently 4 ships in the class, with 2 more coming. I know that you and your family cruise for the beach, snorkeling and diving, but Oasis class has the highest caliber entertainment also, some of which, especially on Symphony, will leave your jaw hanging open (YMMV, but I doubt it!)


Yes, Royal Caribbean, as well as Celebrity, cruises a few ships out of Port Liberty,Bayonne, NJ. I’ll be leaving next Tuesday for a cruise commencing on the 10th aboard Anthem of the Seas for a 9-nighter up into New England and Canada, which for me is a “fall colors cruise”. Did it once before with my late husband and weren’t able to see the colors at their peak, but it seems now that we’ll be pretty close. BTW, we’ll be spending our 2 nights pre-cruise in Elizabeth, NJ at Embassy Suites. Saw your review and pix of that property on Trip Advisor ... thank you very much! 😉


Also want to let you and bren61 know that I’m pretty sure that RCI stopped paying for the hotel and transportation for those “not quite BTB” cruises a few years back. 



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4 minutes ago, dreamer976 said:

Also want to let you and bren61 know that I’m pretty sure that RCI stopped paying for the hotel and transportation for those “not quite BTB” cruises a few years back. 



Yes you are correct.

They used to in the old days, but not any more.

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The Oasis will be @ Cape Liberty in Bayonne, NJ from May 10th - October 31st 2020. 



Cape Liberty is almost directly across the NJ Turnpike from Newark Airport.   You probably circled right over it when you landed in Newark to  leave from Manhattan to Bermuda.   For our last few Bermuda cruises, the Celebrity Summit and Anthem have been in Port  Liberty at the same time as NCL BA was berthed in Manhattan.     Lots of local hotel options with port shuttles.   Look under Elizabeth, NJ as the airport straddles Newark, Elizabeth and Bayonne.  Lots of other cities close to the port. 


As a nurse, you know PT can be brutal but finding a good PT is like finding the right surgeon-- they get amazing outcomes.  My first job as a new grad hospital administrator  back in the 1980s was in a well respected rehab hospital where I saw amazing results from good physical therapy.    And every PT I've known, has no fear,  and won't hesitate to call an ortho and tell him/her if the plan of care is too aggressive.


As I had written you previously,  I had my trimalleolar fracture in 8th grade with follow up surgery in high school.    I wish the ortho had sent me for PT as I think it would have prevented some of the long term issues I have, not in the ankle I fractured, but with the other one, likely from favoring the broken one and not applying pressure evenly when relearning to walk.  I still remember the fear of putting pressure on that foot -and I had none of your complications!


Best of luck with the therapy.   Prayers and good wishes.   I find thinking of planning a next cruise is great therapy for almost any situation. 




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On 10/5/2019 at 1:03 AM, mitsugirly said:


Aww, thanks so much. That means a lot to me and so amazing. I hope you have a wonderful Caribbean cruise in January! What ship will you be on? Where are you going?


My life has definitely changed in an instant. It's not something I would have expected from me. I'm always so careful.


Thanks for your thoughts Kerry.







We are booked on the Sky Princess to Western Caribbean. We changed back and forward between NCL Breakaway and Sky Princess at least 2 times but settled on the 4th January sailing as it works out better with our holidays. I work in a school so this is our summer holidays before school starts again at the end of January. We have combined the cruise with visits to Disneyworld, Graceland, Las Vegas and Disneyland. Just hubby & I this time as the last two times we brought all the family with us to Disneyland (all in their 20’s).


Take care and heal well. I hope you cruise in the near future when you are able to. You will definitely need a change from the 4 walls you are looking at most days. 


Kerry 🙂 

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@mitsugirly I hope that your foot and the wound continues to improve... I'm sure you're sick of the war stories by now, but I'll add one more in the hope that it will help you to feel positive about the eventual outcome.


12 years ago I had achilles surgery, non-weight bearing for 8 weeks post-surgery. The first day after the operation, I was trying to transfer from my walker to the recliner, it started to tip and I ended up putting my full weight on the bad foot. Wow was that painful! But worse, I developed a hematoma (Kim knows what that is, but for the rest of you, it's a particularly nasty blood bruise at the site of the incision). The achilles tendon healed fine, but the hematoma took MONTHS! The incision was really nasty to look at and they finally had to do skin grafts to repair the damage.


But the bottom line was that once I started PT, it was really painful but it helped a lot with the blood flow, so the swelling and numbness was greatly reduced and the incision finally started to heal. All in all, it took 4-5 months to see decent results but by the 6 month mark I could walk without pain and I have no residual issues to this day. 


So as others have said, your therapist shouldn't let them start PT that could hurt you, but when it does start, it will hopefully help a lot!

Edited by Shaded Lady
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