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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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Third week in lockdown.


So, instead of a port day in Zeebruge (on board of the brand new Celebrity Apex), I've cleaned the fridge....😁


Since we're "at risk", we didn't leave our appartment for groceries shopping -- young and gracious neighbors on the same floor are shopping for us once a week.


Kids/grandkids (in different cities) -- "Zooming" with them once a day.


Hopes that the lockdown will ease after Passover/Easter.



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We were supposed to be on Edge last week so this past weekend I tried to get as much out of my drink package as I could before the virtual disembarkation Sunday and quite successfully if I do say so myself.

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My BIL texted me last night, asking if he could visit and stay for a couple of days. He is single, lives alone, and out of work, and says he needs to get out! DH wouldn't respond and said, "well, he texted you, so tell him no." Pissed me off since he is his brother, not mine, and I'd have no problem saying that to my sibling but am not comfortable saying it to his. Anyway, slept on it, and texted BIL this morning, saying that his brother (DH) thinks it's best to continue to follow CDC guidelines through April, and how much I also hated this whole fiasco! After that, I sent another text saying that the outside temps are supposed to be around 65 degrees and sunny Friday and Saturday, and invited him to visit us outside on our open deck while applying social distancing. He has yet to respond to my texts. Probably upset. At least, we are giving him the option to get out of his house for a few hours, get some fresh air, gaze at the lake, and have a social visit with us. Told him we would order pizza for lunch! Last year, he underwent 9-bypass heart surgery and I am more worried about his health vs ours. So am I awful for not allowing him to stay with us for a couple of days?


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We miss seeing our grandchildren.  My daughter lives in Brooklyn, so near yet so far.  FaceTime helps.  At least our other daughter and her daughter live with us so life still goes on.  I am sick of doing the laundry, why doesn’t that get quarantined!

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4 minutes ago, SilkySal said:

My BIL texted me last night, asking if he could visit and stay for a couple of days. He is single, lives alone, and out of work, and says he needs to get out! DH wouldn't respond and said, "well, he texted you, so tell him no." Pissed me off since he is his brother, not mine, and I'd have no problem saying that to my sibling but am not comfortable saying it to his. Anyway, slept on it, and texted BIL this morning, saying that his brother (DH) thinks it's best to continue to follow CDC guidelines through April, and how much I also hated this whole fiasco! After that, I sent another text saying that the outside temps are supposed to be around 65 degrees and sunny Friday and Saturday, and invited him to visit us outside on our open deck while applying social distancing. He has yet to respond to my texts. Probably upset. At least, we are giving him the option to get out of his house for a few hours, get some fresh air, gaze at the lake, and have a social visit with us. Told him we would order pizza for lunch! Last year, he underwent 9-bypass heart surgery and I am more worried about his health vs ours. So am I awful for not allowing him to stay with us for a couple of days?


No.  I haven't seen my parents who live in the next town since the end of February My son and his fiance' had diner with us for the first time since Feb. DW and my younger son were commuting to Manhattan three weeks ago. Now that they have been quarantined we feel it is safe to socialize with my older son.  I still won't visit my parents. My mother just returned from the hospital yesterday. 7 staff members tested positive for covid. Now it will be another 2 weeks for her to be quarantined. Never apologize for keeping someone safe. 

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Today I got up, did a Sams club run at 7am (senior shopping) and was pleased with their stock of supplies.


Of course the only thing I noticed lacking was Lysol, Purell , Dial soap.

Slim pickings on some fruits and veggies, but got what I needed. lettuce, grapes oranges, potatoes.


Tons of TP and paper towels.


The workers were very kind and the shoppers were very conscious of social distancing.


Came home made a couple care packages off for Uncle Jack.  (Made potato soup, pasta and sausage, chicken and stuffing, and stuff peppers).

Just got home from delivering.


Time for lunch, than maybe a nap.


I hope others are doing well.


Take care



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8 minutes ago, SilkySal said:

 So am I awful for not allowing him to stay with us for a couple of days?



No. I'm still going to work every day so I am avoiding seeing my 86 year-old immune compromised Dad. I haven't seen two of my grand kids in weeks. My DIL is setting up an on-line happy hour using Zoom. That's life as we know it right now.

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Since I'm retired I can spend all the time behind closed doors except for the occasional run to the store to stock up on groceries. My wife on the other hand has to go to work still yet and three people in her office complex have tested positive for the Corona virus. Fortunately my wife had no direct contact with the individuals in question but even though her office HR department interviewed the three in question to see who they contacted face to face in the office they didn't take it to the next step and interview those that were contacted to see who they interacted with. That's the part I'm and she is worried about. Other than that all is well, thank God.

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1 hour ago, dani negreanu said:

Third week in lockdown.


So, instead of a port day in Zeebruge (on board of the brand new Celebrity Apex), I've cleaned the fridge....😁


Since we're "at risk", we didn't leave our appartment for groceries shopping -- young and gracious neighbors on the same floor are shopping for us once a week.


Kids/grandkids (in different cities) -- "Zooming" with them once a day.


Hopes that the lockdown will ease after Passover/Easter.



We went out for our first walk in 6 days.

Later I went to the supermarket to get some desperately needed food shopping which should last a couple of weeks.

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I am not as bored with fixing dinner every night as I used to be.  I don’t really have anything better to do, and eating dinner is one of the most interesting parts of our days right now.


I miss pool aerobics (formerly three times a week) and am really tired of our neighborhood scenery while walking, so I am working out with Leslie Sansone walking videos.  Though after today’s workout, I won’t be selecting any videos with the word “boost” in the title!

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59 minutes ago, SilkySal said:

My BIL texted me last night, asking if he could visit and stay for a couple of days.


The moment this question was asked, you're in a "no-win" situation.... I feel for you, since I'm also sent to "deal" with my DH relatives....


That's a very nasty "bug" out there -- It seems that now the "safe" distance from droplets should be longer than 2 meters.

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2 hours ago, dani negreanu said:

Third week in lockdown.


So, instead of a port day in Zeebruge (on board of the brand new Celebrity Apex), I've cleaned the fridge....😁


Since we're "at risk", we didn't leave our appartment for groceries shopping -- young and gracious neighbors on the same floor are shopping for us once a week.


Kids/grandkids (in different cities) -- "Zooming" with them once a day.


Hopes that the lockdown will ease after Passover/Easter.



I would invite you to our house to clean our our fridge and make it pretty like yours but that would defeat the purpose of social distancing ;o)


In the meantime I will drool over yours.  Thankfully we are both safely working at home, but because of that there is no time to clean the fridge. 

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I'm in Texas and my county has also been sheltering in place since March 14th. The first few days were the most difficult to get used to, but I think we're getting the hang of our "new normal" 😬 I feel like I cook 485 times a day and lord knows every surface has seen Lysol. So far so good though, DH works in one of our spare rooms, I'm in my office, and DS is upstairs playing away, so we spend our days working from home and then have dinner together. We're also sure to get outside for our daily walk/run to get some sunshine and fresh air. We're in a small community so it's quiet for now -- businesses might open in May, still yet to be seen. April will be a long month, but we remind ourselves we're grateful for health and a home to stay safe in. One thing I make sure to do every day is find something funny to keep the spirits up!

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1 hour ago, SilkySal said:

My BIL texted me last night, asking if he could visit and stay for a couple of days. He is single, lives alone, and out of work, and says he needs to get out! DH wouldn't respond and said, "well, he texted you, so tell him no." Pissed me off since he is his brother, not mine, and I'd have no problem saying that to my sibling but am not comfortable saying it to his. Anyway, slept on it, and texted BIL this morning, saying that his brother (DH) thinks it's best to continue to follow CDC guidelines through April, and how much I also hated this whole fiasco! After that, I sent another text saying that the outside temps are supposed to be around 65 degrees and sunny Friday and Saturday, and invited him to visit us outside on our open deck while applying social distancing. He has yet to respond to my texts. Probably upset. At least, we are giving him the option to get out of his house for a few hours, get some fresh air, gaze at the lake, and have a social visit with us. Told him we would order pizza for lunch! Last year, he underwent 9-bypass heart surgery and I am more worried about his health vs ours. So am I awful for not allowing him to stay with us for a couple of days?


No unfortunately that is the way it is, ok here is how cautious we are (and it still may not work) we ordered groceries they are left at the front door.,  I put gloves on and take the groceries still being outside to the garage, the garage door has already been opened before i touched the grocery bags, bring all the groceries out of the plastic in the garage, the stuff that can be left for 3 days are put on a table in the garage, the things that need to be refrigerated/frozen are cleaned off and put away and not touched as well for 3 days,  Then I take off gloves, take off the clothes in the garage and go take a shower.   I am not a paranoid person, just doing all I can so the wife wont get it.  (It still may not be enough)  The Wuhan virus is so new, nobody really knows what is going on.

Edited by Newleno
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1 hour ago, Lionesss said:

Today I got up, did a Sams club run at 7am (senior shopping) and was pleased with their stock of supplies.

And this is how my day started. I was surprised at how much water they had. There were signs all over saying limit of one. That made me happy knowing there be some for all

When this all happened all i had was 2 small travel size hand sanitizer. Thanx to a local moonshine brewery I know i can get some there. They are free, and also travel size. But they give em away each weekend. 

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47 minutes ago, island lady said:

Indeed fridge is soooo neat and clean. 

I had some help with "staging" 😁


 What is in the cooking pot?  

A very rich vegetable soup. Lucky me -- DH loves to cook.

My share in the "meal" is 1) instant couscous 2) grilled chicken breast.

Add this to the soup -- you get a very nice "ramen" style meal.



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🎵 Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Made my way upstairs and had a smoke
And everybody spoke and I went into a dream...


Never mind, that's not my life, that's "A Day In The Life" by the Beatles. I did go on my daily 7 mile walk despite it being 35 degrees. I also played my drums for awhile. Sounds like yesterday and tomorrow! 

Edited by davekathy
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Slept in till almost 8 AM today.  Made my coffee and settled in for a daily dose of CC.  Lately, it has become more gloomy than I can take, so I stick to threads like these...thanks Dani!


My routine has included my usual 5 mile walk but I've added other things like cleaning out the closets and baking.

Oh and teaching myself how to craft cocktails!  My goal is to create a unique cocktail for each day we are in sequester status.  I'm calling it my own drink of the day menu.  Yesterday was the Mango Tango.  Shown below...


I found out Judge Judy comes on at 3:30 for an hour, so now I watch that.


Wander about the yard.


Cook some dinner


Go to bed


Start all over again...






Mellow Monday.jpg

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3 hours ago, dani negreanu said:

Third week in lockdown.


So, instead of a port day in Zeebruge (on board of the brand new Celebrity Apex), I've cleaned the fridge....😁



Bruge last year. Fantastic.





Today, I'm cleaning out files



Edited by John&LaLa
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2 hours ago, SilkySal said:

My BIL texted me last night, asking if he could visit and stay for a couple of days. He is single, lives alone, and out of work, and says he needs to get out! DH wouldn't respond and said, "well, he texted you, so tell him no." Pissed me off since he is his brother, not mine, and I'd have no problem saying that to my sibling but am not comfortable saying it to his. Anyway, slept on it, and texted BIL this morning, saying that his brother (DH) thinks it's best to continue to follow CDC guidelines through April, and how much I also hated this whole fiasco! After that, I sent another text saying that the outside temps are supposed to be around 65 degrees and sunny Friday and Saturday, and invited him to visit us outside on our open deck while applying social distancing. He has yet to respond to my texts. Probably upset. At least, we are giving him the option to get out of his house for a few hours, get some fresh air, gaze at the lake, and have a social visit with us. Told him we would order pizza for lunch! Last year, he underwent 9-bypass heart surgery and I am more worried about his health vs ours. So am I awful for not allowing him to stay with us for a couple of days?



Its hard, hang in there

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