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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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2 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

.It is a very rewarding profession.

The rewards have to be, in many cases, intrinsic, cause otherwise - in my experience, you don't always get them from the administration or parents. I saw that change (for the worse) over the years. It has also become more difficult over the years in some ways. Back in the day, at the end of the year, it was always "have a nice summer" from my principal. The last few years, however, it became, "don't forget to check your email regularly over the summer". Also, things like electronic lesson planning and whiteboards came along, Also the over-emphasis on testing. It used to be that in the morning before the kids came teachers would be relaxing, having a bit of chat for a few  minutes before the students arrived, but in later years you could almost cut the air with a knife - people jacked up, stressed out over this, that, and the other thing. No matter how much the classroom teachers did, it was never enough. Maybe just my perception within our local district. Our administration made it perfectly clear that you were expected to use all the latest technology. I get it, but for some of us old timers it was a steep learning curve! But then, they were more than happy when the older (and highest paid) teachers decided to leave. 


One thing for sure....my hat is off to any teachers that have had to cope with virtual vs. in-school during covidl. I can't even imagine. 


I was blessed- having taught elementary instrumental music - to have always had "the cream of the crop" being that it is a voluntary program - which attracted the families that were more well-grounded, plus the higher socioeconomic background. But even the "cream" became less creamy the last few years. The dissolution of the nuclear family, I guess you could call it, played a part. It became routine for kids to talk about their mom's boyfriend or their dad's girlfriend. My wife has some really crazy stories since she was in the regular classroom. 


Like i said previously, when I retired I got  no recognition from my superintendent at all - understandable since he didn't like me anyway. 

Edited by OnTheJourney
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4 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

I apologize for my absence. In the midst of getting ready for the cruise. Our beloved Maggie took a turn for the worst.


Posted on the review thread.



Farewell my little Miss Sea Dog

This dog is very sad. How quickly can one day be full of joy and another full of sorrow. This morning we had to let Maggie go rest in peace. She has never been the same since her sister Penny passed last June. They were inseparable. The last couple of weeks we saw her health decline rapidly. She wasn’t eating. She was losing her eyesight. She could not support herself.


Maggie’s long time vet said her kidneys were failing. He said that she would probably not live to see us get back from the cruise. She was over 13.5 years old. She lived longer than most Cavalier King Charles Spaniels live. Most live from 9-13 years. 


She was Jonathan’s first pet. He loved that dog so much.  Maggie loved all of us. Every night she would alternate between laying next to me or Linda. She was truly a lap dog.


So Last night Jonathan came over to say his goodbye’s. It was tough. One last night together cuddled up together and then this morning goodbye.


I hope to honor her life by enjoying life the way she did. Always having a happy face. Loving to eat and drink and splurging on an occasional treat. Staying close to ones you love. I hope some day to remember how lucky I was to known her love with wonder not grief.


Goodbye my beloved Miss Maggie Sea Dog. I know you are laying next to Penny and looking over us. We will always miss you and love you.



I am sorry I have not been able to respond to each of you. I have read your comments and your outpouring of love, support and concern overwhelm's me. I can not thank you enough for your support. I am truly blessed to have each of you in my life.

RIP Maggie.      Beautiful video - I'm in tears.     So sorry you have to go through this when it is suppose to be a celebratory time.       Never easy but she will remain with you forever. 

Hang in there and go wag your tail and have an awesome cruise with lots of treats!!!😍

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7 hours ago, Keksie said:

I know.  I am amazed every morning when I see her and more in love with her too.

Aww she is lovely, but saying that makes me feel bad.  We have had our most recent adoption cat for just about a year.  I wanted a tortoiseshell or ginger kitten.  It was the before the regions locked down  in Spain.  In the next week no one was moving anywhere, certainly not from Spain to Gibraltar to deliver cats. The cat we hAve was brought to us by a volunteer.  She was a tabby and they said ‘oh do you mind we think she is at least one year’.    I could not send her back.  


When i look at more attractive cats i feel disloyal to my little Ninky (named after  Ninkasi - a Sumerian goddess).   I dont think Ninky realises that I occasionally reckon there are more attractive cats than her.  

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57 minutes ago, jagsfan said:

I looked in the Apple Store for Mexican 

Train and found a bunch of them. 
Can you tell me the developer for yours? Or some way to determine which allow solo playing??

It is on my iPad so I  will let you know later when I get home. I have tried a couple but settled on one. I paid a small amount to get rid of the apps but try it out first.. 


Right now we are visiting at Caden, Aubrey and Kensie's house.  Check out the tree in front of their house. 

I will post the tree later. Can't get it to upload. CC is trying to make it hard to post anything right now!




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7 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Sorry to hear that.  Hopefully you feel better as the day goes on.

My SIL told me she felt horrible for about 16 hrs after her moderna booster but had no issues with first 2.   

Eric had his pfizer booster last week and he had mild reaction and no appetite.  But he felt horrible after his 2nd dose.


I find it interesting how everyone reacts different to each shot. 

Take care and enjoy a lazy day of rest and drink plenty of fluids😍



I felt really unwell After my second jab, but i had no reaction to my booster.  It is so strange to heAr such different responses.  

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4 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


I don't know about being in the majority, but I had great difficulties writing papers.... One of the reasons I gave up writing my MA thesis 😢


I wish I had known you at the time to support you.  I am great at proof reading the work of others.   I don’t think I would have encouraged you to give up. 

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Well my post for today had its start yesterday when us neighborhood moms got together for a coffee break.


They were all commenting on how you now have to make an appointment to get your COVID booster, no more walkins.  And some places are booked out for 4 weeks.


Now, not believing everything you here at social hour especially since the coffee always turns out to be wine; I did some checking on line when I got home.


Not partaking in the potent potables I had my wits about me and started searching.



They were right so I started searching all the local places providing the Moderna booster.

CVS, Walgreens, Target, Giant Eagle, Trumbull County Health Department, Rite aide......

All were now by pre-registration or appointment only.


So one by one I went down the list and What the Heck, all appointments were filled up for 3-4 weeks except as usual for the second to last place I searched.


Rite aide.

They had 3 appointments open today at 11am, 12pm, and 4pm.


I filled out the forms on line and took the 11 am appointment.


Once I booked I got confirmation on my phone last night and reminder this morning.


So I went got the vaccine in my left arm and came home.

Took 2 tylenol

Had lunch..... a fried bologna sandwich with ketchup and onions and a few munchies, well a few munchies x 3.

Full glass of water 


Sat on couch started to watch Fox news and woke up 2 hours later.

Thirsty as all heck.


Drank 3 full glasses of water.


So I am glad I searched and was able to quickly find a place to get the vaccine.

Persistence pays off.

Especially since I am just shy of turning 65, and was permitted to get the vaccine, due to just one listed risk factor...................those munchies are the cause of the risk factor, but we wont go there, nor should you, just saying.






When I was there the Pharmacist asked me if I already had the yearly flu vaccine.

I said no.

He goes do you want it today also..

Confused I said, I did not think it was recommended to get together.


He goes

The last issued statement said you CAN get them together, but if you select not too you have to wait 28 days.


I go, I need it but in the event I have an untoward reaction, I want to know which one.

I will see you in 4 weeks.


COVID CARD safely locked away.


The DH got his at work today and said, although he felt a little tired, work kept him busy.


Stay safe.

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4 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

I apologize for my absence. In the midst of getting ready for the cruise. Our beloved Maggie took a turn for the worst.


Posted on the review thread.



Farewell my little Miss Sea Dog

This dog is very sad. How quickly can one day be full of joy and another full of sorrow. This morning we had to let Maggie go rest in peace. She has never been the same since her sister Penny passed last June. They were inseparable. The last couple of weeks we saw her health decline rapidly. She wasn’t eating. She was losing her eyesight. She could not support herself.


Maggie’s long time vet said her kidneys were failing. He said that she would probably not live to see us get back from the cruise. She was over 13.5 years old. She lived longer than most Cavalier King Charles Spaniels live. Most live from 9-13 years. 


She was Jonathan’s first pet. He loved that dog so much.  Maggie loved all of us. Every night she would alternate between laying next to me or Linda. She was truly a lap dog.


So Last night Jonathan came over to say his goodbye’s. It was tough. One last night together cuddled up together and then this morning goodbye.


I hope to honor her life by enjoying life the way she did. Always having a happy face. Loving to eat and drink and splurging on an occasional treat. Staying close to ones you love. I hope some day to remember how lucky I was to known her love with wonder not grief.


Goodbye my beloved Miss Maggie Sea Dog. I know you are laying next to Penny and looking over us. We will always miss you and love you.



I am sorry I have not been able to respond to each of you. I have read your comments and your outpouring of love, support and concern overwhelm's me. I can not thank you enough for your support. I am truly blessed to have each of you in my life.

I'm really sorry to hear your very sad news about your gorgeous dog Maggie Greg.

Sincere condolences.



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4 hours ago, jagsfan said:

Thank you for thinking about me.
I’m staying busy so I don’t dwell on Tuesday when I check in for my surgery. 
I’m hoping and praying the cancer hasn’t spread, but if it has, it has already done it, so I tell myself there’s no point in worrying. Of course, I’m a lifelong member of the Worriers Club!

Playing Bunco tonight and Mexican Train Saturday night. Then I’ve cleared the decks for a couple of weeks. 
Speaking of decks, for all of you Below Deck watchers, it was a Jeopardy answer this week. 

Sending you our prayers 🙏 for Tuesday.


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5 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

I apologize for my absence. In the midst of getting ready for the cruise. Our beloved Maggie took a turn for the worst.


Posted on the review thread.



Farewell my little Miss Sea Dog

This dog is very sad. How quickly can one day be full of joy and another full of sorrow. This morning we had to let Maggie go rest in peace. She has never been the same since her sister Penny passed last June. They were inseparable. The last couple of weeks we saw her health decline rapidly. She wasn’t eating. She was losing her eyesight. She could not support herself.


Maggie’s long time vet said her kidneys were failing. He said that she would probably not live to see us get back from the cruise. She was over 13.5 years old. She lived longer than most Cavalier King Charles Spaniels live. Most live from 9-13 years. 


She was Jonathan’s first pet. He loved that dog so much.  Maggie loved all of us. Every night she would alternate between laying next to me or Linda. She was truly a lap dog.


So Last night Jonathan came over to say his goodbye’s. It was tough. One last night together cuddled up together and then this morning goodbye.


I hope to honor her life by enjoying life the way she did. Always having a happy face. Loving to eat and drink and splurging on an occasional treat. Staying close to ones you love. I hope some day to remember how lucky I was to known her love with wonder not grief.


Goodbye my beloved Miss Maggie Sea Dog. I know you are laying next to Penny and looking over us. We will always miss you and love you.



I am sorry I have not been able to respond to each of you. I have read your comments and your outpouring of love, support and concern overwhelm's me. I can not thank you enough for your support. I am truly blessed to have each of you in my life.

So very sorry to hear the news.  What a lovely dog    

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9 minutes ago, Lionesss said:

When I was there the Pharmacist asked me if I already had the yearly flu vaccine.

I said no.

He goes do you want it today also..

Confused I said, I did not think it was recommended to get together.


He goes

The last issued statement said you CAN get them together, but if you select not too you have to wait 28 days.



that's the first I have heard of having to 28 days in between booster and flu shot.     Eric's doc suggested he get them 2 weeks apart.     As we were away for October he got it a month later.

Hope all goes well this evening and you continue with no side effects 🙂 

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@Lionessshope you stay symptom free.   We had our appointment yesterday at 8:45, and symptoms didn’t show up till around midnight.  Tylenol and water all night, and all day and symptoms keep coming back as soon as the Tylenol wears off. 

Not fun.  But we did jump in the hot tub to soothe the aches and warm the body.   It felt good for a while. 

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50 minutes ago, Lionesss said:

The last issued statement said you CAN get them together, but if you select not too you have to wait 28 days.

I wonder why you can take them together on one day and you will be OK but if not on the same day it could be bad for you if you don't wait 28 days.  

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2 minutes ago, Ozark_Kid said:

I wonder why you can take them together on one day and you will be OK but if not on the same day it could be bad for you if you don't wait 28 days.  


When I got my booster today, the guy who was next got both his flu shot and his booster in the same arm.  So much conflicting information out there about what is appropriate.  I got my flu shot over a month ago, knowing that the Moderna booster was going to be a while getting approved.  

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1 hour ago, ollienbertsmum said:

Aww she is lovely, but saying that makes me feel bad.  We have had our most recent adoption cat for just about a year.  I wanted a tortoiseshell or ginger kitten.  It was the before the regions locked down  in Spain.  In the next week no one was moving anywhere, certainly not from Spain to Gibraltar to deliver cats. The cat we hAve was brought to us by a volunteer.  She was a tabby and they said ‘oh do you mind we think she is at least one year’.    I could not send her back.  


When i look at more attractive cats i feel disloyal to my little Ninky (named after  Ninkasi - a Sumerian goddess).   I dont think Ninky realises that I occasionally reckon there are more attractive cats than her.  

We need a photo of Ninky!

What was your dissertation topic?

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1 hour ago, ollienbertsmum said:

Aww she is lovely, but saying that makes me feel bad.  We have had our most recent adoption cat for just about a year.  I wanted a tortoiseshell or ginger kitten.  It was the before the regions locked down  in Spain.  In the next week no one was moving anywhere, certainly not from Spain to Gibraltar to deliver cats. The cat we hAve was brought to us by a volunteer.  She was a tabby and they said ‘oh do you mind we think she is at least one year’.    I could not send her back.  


When i look at more attractive cats i feel disloyal to my little Ninky (named after  Ninkasi - a Sumerian goddess).   I dont think Ninky realises that I occasionally reckon there are more attractive cats than her.  

Each cat is beautiful in it's own way.  I love your cat's name.  Our other 4 cats are rescue cats who came to us in various ways.  I love tabby cats - Sheba was the cat we had when I was growing up was a tabby and is still my favorite cat.

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2 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:

  At a visit yesterday to her PCP in NH, all three shots were on her record. 

Thank you.   That's good to know!

1 hour ago, OnTheJourney said:

 It became routine for kids to talk about their mom's boyfriend or their dad's girlfriend. My wife has some really crazy stories since she was in the regular classroom.  

The children I worked with were mostly from not very desirable neighborhoods, low-income, one parent families.  Occasionally, one or two of them would talk about visiting their dad in prison that weekend.  Sad.

1 hour ago, ollienbertsmum said:

 When i look at more attractive cats i feel disloyal to my little Ninky (named after  Ninkasi - a Sumerian goddess).   I dont think Ninky realises that I occasionally reckon there are more attractive cats than her.  

Aw, don't feel badly.  Ninky knows that she is loved!!

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5 minutes ago, Keksie said:

Each cat is beautiful in it's own way.  I love your cat's name.  Our other 4 cats are rescue cats who came to us in various ways.  I love tabby cats - Sheba was the cat we had when I was growing up was a tabby and is still my favorite cat.

This is the best cat ever. This is Stanley, doing a not best cat ever thing!


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2 minutes ago, StanleyandGus said:

This is the best cat ever. This is Stanley, doing a not best cat ever thing!


It could be an interesting season this year with Samantha.  The other 4 leave the trees alone.  Stanley looks so cute though in the tree.

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