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EU Considering Travel Ban on US Citizens

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1 hour ago, tommui987 said:

If a  virus were a person, take away its passport and cancel its visa.


But a virus is a virus and it does not respect borders.

A country/state can try to minimize, but it is wishful thinking thinking closing its borders will stop the spread.


The virus doesn't spread by walking on its own two feet. It needs a host. And its host is people.


If you stop people from crossing borders, you stop new sources of potential infection. If people would quarantine after exposure, socially distance and stay away from others, the infection would also have a very difficult time spreading.


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On 7/1/2020 at 3:49 PM, kazu said:


And that is the problem.  Everyone needs to come together (with physical distancing) to defeat this.  In Canada masks are not open to discussion.  We wear them and understand why.  

I was in Toronto last week. The mask scene was no different than the US. Probably 75% wearing and 25% not.  So I know you love to fly your flag a lot on this board, but stop pretending everyone up there is together on this and everyone is wearing masks. It’s not true. In fact, some of the people I met who own fish and hunt resorts in western Ontario, were anti-mask and only wore them when mandated. 

And before anyone questions me ref the border closing, the nature of my work exempts me. In fact, I was there on invitation. And yes, I wore a mask in all public spaces except when dining. 

Edited by Cruzaholic41
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Certainly not everyone where I live in Canada is wearing a mask.   75 percent would be the high mark, 50 percent the low depending on the store. 


Just came back from a Costco.  They hand out masks as you enter.  We were surprised at how many people did not take one or were not wearing one.


Shame really.

Edited by iancal
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3 minutes ago, iancal said:

Just came back from a Costco.  They hand out masks as you enter.  We were surprised at how many people did not take one or were not wearing one.



  😞  That is VERY disappointing to learn.  I thought Costco wasn't letting in people who were maskless.


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I can well understand why the EU has banned visitors from the US.  The writing was on the wall three weeks ago when the numbers started to spike.


Canadians should be concerned as well now that some areas have lifted closures.  We are not immune to stupidity.


 Yesterday DW regaled me with some of the ridiculous covid conspiracy theories that she has read from some of her facebook  contacts.  I did not believe her at first, I though she was kidding.  Then I realized that she was dead serious.  I am still shaking my head.  They  went from there is no covid through to someone putting chips in vaccines to follow (?) people and a few more in between.   Very, very strange IMHO.

Edited by iancal
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22 minutes ago, iancal said:

Certainly not everyone where I live in Canada is wearing a mask.   75 percent would be the high mark, 50 percent the low depending on the store. 


Just came back from a Costco.  They hand out masks as you enter.  We were surprised at how many people did not take one or were not wearing one.


Shame really.

Thank you. I was being generous with the 75% number. Like you said, it’s probably 50-75% depending on the location. Heck, areas of Victoria Park were much lower - probably more like 25% wearing. 

Either way, the earlier insinuation that all Canadians are wearing them and all understand why is totally absurd. 

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23 minutes ago, iancal said:

Certainly not everyone where I live in Canada is wearing a mask.   75 percent would be the high mark, 50 percent the low depending on the store. 


Just came back from a Costco.  They hand out masks as you enter.  We were surprised at how many people did not take one or were not wearing one.


Shame really.


You can't fix stupid.  It is truly disturbing how many IDIOTS seem to have no problem putting other peoples lives in danger by refusing to simply wear a mask  for a few minutes while in stores.  Many of these idiots in the USA are the same ones that whine and moan about their "rights".  What about the rights of sensible people to go shopping without having to worry excessively that one of these selfish people may infect them with a deadly disease.


If you truly want the economy to fully open again and restore millions of jobs (not to mention potentially saving the lives of friends, family or total strangers) wearing a mask for a few months is a small price to pay.



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1 hour ago, Cruzaholic41 said:

So I know you love to fly your flag a lot on this board, but stop pretending everyone up there is together on this and everyone is wearing masks. It’s not true. In fact, some of the people I met who own fish and hunt resorts in western Ontario, were anti-mask and only wore them when mandated. 


Huh???  This post is totally uncalled for.  I am NOT pretending anything.  I report facts.  In reply:

#1 - I don’t live in Toronto.  I live in New Brunswick (my location is clear on my name) and report what I see. (We have 2 deaths so far here in total due to one stupid person)


#2 - if you can physical/social distance you don’t need to wear a mask outside.  When my foot is well enough to walk my dogs, I don’t need to wear a mask, but I will have one with me in case there isn’t space.  Normally (before I broke my foot) we just avoided those areas.


#3 - say what you want but I am  sure that a LOT more people are wearing masks here than in your country.  Otherwise, how do you explain our flat line versus your climbing line?


#4 Of course not everyone wears a mask all the time but if you want to go into the hospital, the beauty salon, physio, dentist, several stores here, etc., a mask is mandatory and it is upheld here.  Anywhere where you can’t physically (aka social) distance in an enclosed space it is required.  Stores  here are very careful on social/physical distancing.  


In fact, the only stores I will dare to enter are the ones enforcing the mask rule.  Otherwise, I do curbside service.  


#5 - our leaders have come together to fight this pandemic - that’s part of the success.  Conservatives have praised Liberals (they’ll fight later when this is over).  That makes a huge difference.


 It’s a pandemic for crying out loud.  We all need to work together.  We’re trying to do that in our province for sure.  


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1 hour ago, VennDiagram said:


  😞  That is VERY disappointing to learn.  I thought Costco wasn't letting in people who were maskless.



That is disappointing.  That was my understanding too.  They aren’t letting them in here without a mask.  If that changes, I won’t be going for sure 😉


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14 minutes ago, kazu said:


Huh???  This post is totally uncalled for.  I am NOT pretending anything.  I report facts.  In reply:

#1 - I don’t live in Toronto.  I live in New Brunswick (my location is clear on my name) and report what I see. (We have 2 deaths so far here in total due to one stupid person)


Um, you said “in Canada,” not “in New Brunswick.”  Perhaps you should stop trying to be the voice of a nation and only speak to what you know - which seems to be only your neighborhood. 

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There’s variation in Canadian provinces just like in American states.  We all bring our perspective to the discussion.   The frustration for me is that many people don’t take this seriously enough.   On the whole though Canada has been managing quite well. But there is room for improvement, and mask wearing is one of those areas.  One just has to look at numbers in Japan, Taiwan, to see how effective it is.  

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16 minutes ago, Cruzaholic41 said:

Um, you said “in Canada,” not “in New Brunswick.”  Perhaps you should stop trying to be the voice of a nation and only speak to what you know - which seems to be only your neighborhood. 


And perhaps as a visitor who has only been to Toronto you should not try to be the voice either.  Hopefully this will make things clearer for you since you chose to ignore the rest of my post:





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2 hours ago, iancal said:

Certainly not everyone where I live in Canada is wearing a mask.   75 percent would be the high mark, 50 percent the low depending on the store. 


Just came back from a Costco.  They hand out masks as you enter.  We were surprised at how many people did not take one or were not wearing one.


Shame really.

According to Costco in the US, masks are required in all the states.  I haven't seen anyone allowed in here without one.  Our state has made masks mandatory, but they always were required for doctors and dentist visits, and hair salons (when they did open up with MANY restrictions). Now they're required even outside when social distancing isn't possible.  Large groups are still not allowed, not that I'd want to be in one yet. 

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2 hours ago, Cruzaholic41 said:

I was in Toronto last week. The mask scene was no different than the US. Probably 75% wearing and 25% not.  So I know you love to fly your flag a lot on this board, but stop pretending everyone up there is together on this and everyone is wearing masks. It’s not true. In fact, some of the people I met who own fish and hunt resorts in western Ontario, were anti-mask and only wore them when mandated. 

And before anyone questions me ref the border closing, the nature of my work exempts me. In fact, I was there on invitation. And yes, I wore a mask in all public spaces except when dining. 


2 hours ago, iancal said:

Certainly not everyone where I live in Canada is wearing a mask.   75 percent would be the high mark, 50 percent the low depending on the store. 


Just came back from a Costco.  They hand out masks as you enter.  We were surprised at how many people did not take one or were not wearing one.


Shame really.


That was my experience in Vancouver as well.  Maybe a little more than half wearing masks.  From what I saw, mask wearing is more prominent in Seattle than it is Vancouver.  My take was that, since the cases are relatively low up there, they feel safe from it....similar to how Seattle was acting about a month ago.  


I also have a Costco near me.  If you try to walk in without a mask, they stop you.  Sad to hear that's not the case up there.  Even if you don't believe in masks, it still seems like the right thing to do, just to avoid conflict.  

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Toronto is NOT Canada ... it's just a city in this vast wonderful county.  I don't like your reference to Canadians  as 'everyone up there'.  I live at the West end of Lake Ontario ... I've never heard of any fish/hunt camps in Western Ontario ... do you mean Northern Ontario ... where there has been zero co-vid.   As an invited guest to an event in Toronto, Ontario, Canada ... show some respect and don't spout misinformation.  My advice to you ... stay home, wash your hands and be considerate of others.

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28 minutes ago, Let It Go said:

I’ve never heard of any fish/hunt camps in Western Ontario ... do you mean Northern Ontario ...

If Perrault Falls is considered northern, not western, I would have to seriously question sense of direction up there. 

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2 hours ago, iancal said:

I can well understand why the EU has banned visitors from the US.  The writing was on the wall three weeks ago when the numbers started to spike.


Canadians should be concerned as well now that some areas have lifted closures.  We are not immune to stupidity.


 Yesterday DW regaled me with some of the ridiculous covid conspiracy theories that she has read from some of her facebook  contacts.  I did not believe her at first, I though she was kidding.  Then I realized that she was dead serious.  I am still shaking my head.  They  went from there is no covid through to someone putting chips in vaccines to follow (?) people and a few more in between.   Very, very strange IMHO.

In Victoria, Australia we now have ten suburbs identified by postcode (zipcode) that are currently in lockdown as the state is currently having up to 70 new cases a day.  This has been caused mostly by returning Aussies who have been living overseas.  They are required to isolate for 14 days in hotels (at the gov't expense).  Our lax state gov't allowed private security firms to guard the hotel guests.  These guards, spoke no english, (probably spoke the language of the returning travellers),  Didn't understand about PPE, took the hotel guests shopping, slept with some of them etc.  We now have a judicial enquiry into what happened.  

Testing has increased all over Melbourne, the authorities are going house to house testing everyone in the locked down suburbs.  Over 10,000 people have refused to be tested.  The reason given for most of the refusals is that Covid19 is a conspiracy and not real. They can tell from genome sequencing that we have a super-spreader somewhere who is going from suburb to suburb.  We do hope they find this person soon. 

In the meantime Victorians are not really welcome In any other state and airports, train stations and roadblocks have been set up to check the postcodes of all interstate arrivals.  They have found two (with Covid) trying to enter other states.  One thought she had it, went and had  a test,  then got on a train to travel interstate prior to getting results.  Unbelievable.  

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14 minutes ago, Cruzaholic41 said:

If Perrault Falls is considered northern, not western, I would have to seriously question sense of direction up there. 

Despite it’s geographical location, Perrault Falls would be considered as being in North Ontario.

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43 minutes ago, Cruzaholic41 said:

If Perrault Falls is considered northern, not western, I would have to seriously question sense of direction up there. 

Yup ... up here Perrault Falls is northern Ontario ... just ask them 😊

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Canadians are not any more compliant than Americans. So stop the pro Canada bull.


Yesterday, Ottawa beaches overrun with people, few masks, angst in the Ottawa Citizen paper. People quoted said Canadians should stop criticizing Americans. Wasaga beach north of Toronto shoulder to shoulder, few masks. Everywhere I go in the Greater Toronto area, well less than 50% masks.


So waiting for the similar rise, per the US. I understand there is much more testing in the US which is contributing to the rising numbers, ie Florida started testing mid May, hence rise in numbers.


Also the CDC warned a week ago that the blood antibody testing being widely used is not indicative of an actual case as you can test positive if you were ever exposed to the 19, Sars, Mers, H1N1 and 3 of the most common colds.


So the testing currently being used is not reliable.


So dear God Bless America, solider on and Happy July 4 tomorrow and many, many more.

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6 hours ago, Cruzaholic41 said:

I was in Toronto last week. The mask scene was no different than the US. Probably 75% wearing and 25% not.  So I know you love to fly your flag a lot on this board, but stop pretending everyone up there is together on this and everyone is wearing masks. It’s not true. In fact, some of the people I met who own fish and hunt resorts in western Ontario, were anti-mask and only wore them when mandated. 

And before anyone questions me ref the border closing, the nature of my work exempts me. In fact, I was there on invitation. And yes, I wore a mask in all public spaces except when dining. 

Oh dear how dare we Canadians fly our flag, LOL.  The figures speak for themselves.  Long may the border be closed and those US citizens claiming to be driving back to "their homes" in Alaska stop going through Vancouver Island  or Quadra island or Whistler.  Quite the detour.

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I see a lot of concern about the loss of life. And, we are annoyed that our cruises are cancelled. Hope that FL can fix the problem. Do you know what the positive test rate is?


A month ago, the positive test rate was 3%. Today, it is at the 14% level. Is that alarming?  What are the chances that cruise ships can depart in 2020?





Florida DOH July 3 positive covid percent.JPG

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