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The Daily for Monday 05/23/2022


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Good morning friends!  I awoke to rain, followed by thunderstorms so we did our walks on the treadmill.  Today is more packing day.  I think since I've been home for 2 years and 4 months I should probably try on a few items to see if they still fit.  I don't want to haul things along with me then not be able to fit into them.  Tomorrow morning we head to Walgreen's for our tests, then things will really move into high gear, providing we are negative. I may be here asking how do I download this into my app??


Thanks to Rich for the Daily this morning.  I do love turtles and would love to see them at the beaches sometime.  Most of the time they are small ones trying to cross a road though.  I am the one who is always spotting pennies as I walk.  DH never does.  I pick them up and hope for luck.  Crohns and Colitis sufferers deserve our understanding and support.  I hope the researchers can come up with some cures for those disabling diseases.  Happy Victoria Day to all our Canadian friends on the Daily!  Nice quote, and the salad looks delicious. 🍓 @kazuJacqui I love today's memes especially the passport one.  Mine thinks I'm in prison too!  @Crazy For CatsJake, Mona has trained you quite well.🐈@JAM37Julia, thanks to you (and everyone) for sweet comments about Sadie.  DD is back at school today so DSIL will be keeping an eye on Sadie while he tries to work from home.  He can take her outside since the rain in Ohio has stopped.  It sounds like you had quite a fun day yesterday with Leo at the beach and pool.  No wonder you slept so well.


Sasebo (Nagasaki), Japan was port of the day Nov. 13, 2021.  I haven't been there before and would appreciate any and all photos posted.


Thanks Roy for taking care of the lists even while cruising.  It looks beautiful in Bermuda right now. I see quite a lot of people getting off your ship.  For all on the Care list prayers said for all.  Ukraine is still in need of prayers and help so everyone is doing whatever they can for them.  


I'd better get busy now.  Be back later!

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians; I hope you have a great weekend.  As we no longer have pennies, I still find nickels and dimes on the street.  I remember the children's rhyme as this: "find a penny, pick it up, give it to a friend for luck", so whenever I find a coin, I give it to DH.   I have a couple of friends who suffer from Chron's and Colitis; their lives have been severely impacted by this disease.  I love seeing turtles swimming in the beautiful blue Caribbean water.


We had a great day yesterday - drove to a small town about 25 minutes from here where a cousin and her DH have purchased an old (r-e-a-l-l-y old) house on a lot that they're in the process of demolishing so they can build a new home for themselves.  They had their motorhome there as a base and had the firepit going, so we sat around the fire for a few hours in the afternoon enjoying the nice weather, wine and snacks, and had a good visit - the first one in 4 years.  We came home smelling like smoked moccasins, but it felt good to have been able to see family after such a long absence.  


On the way home DH suggested we stop and pick up some burgers, but I told him I had planned on lemon/garlic pasta for dinner.  Once we got home I got everything prepared and - woo hoo!  It was a great success and will certainly make an appearance again in the future.  The only thing was I added a few too many red pepper flakes for DH's palate (he's such a softie), so he added sour cream to his dish, which helped to cool the heat.  Although I scrambled the egg, I didn't feel it really added anything, so would likely leave it out next time.  An easy-peasy dinner, I'll tell you; thank you @dfish for your recipes!


@Cruzin TerriI'm glad you were able to enjoy a meal for a change; hopefully that means your body is on the mend.

@marshhawksounds like you had a bad day - I think you need to take some time for yourself, even just a walk . . . without the dog.


I like the wine of the day - is anyone willing to buy me a bottle?  Yikes on the price!   I tried calling up the Bermuda webcam but it tells me the live stream is not available.  Too bad, I'd love to see Roy's ship.


We slept better last night, although DH did get up at 4 to turn on the heater out on the deck for the plants.  Hopefully this is the last night it's going to get cold enough for him to do that.  I like today's menu suggestion, but would leave the avocado for others to enjoy.  I think I have most of the ingredients in the fridge for a Cobb salad, so that sounds like a good idea to put on our dinner table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all they're having to endure.  Extra also for those impacted by the recent storms.  Always extra for our Daily family who are struggling to get through the day.  We'll clink our glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, get your boosters, wear masks when you need to, and stay well.


Smooth Sailing! 

Gerry 🙂🙂🙂


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A quick good morning to all. At gate C9 in San Francisco Airport waiting to board for our flight home. Was a short but great visit with son and family. Son’s smoked beef brisket was to die for.


So another five hour flight and one short connecting flight and we’ll be home. Another great adventure ends and boards memory lane!


Thanks for the reports and a special salute to our Canadian friends celebrating Victoria Day.

Edited by aliaschief
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Choco Peppermint Shake:

1/2 part DeKuyper® Creme De Cacao Dark Liqueur
1/2 part DeKuyper® Peppermint Schnapps
1 part Pinnacle® Vanilla Vodka
2 1/2 parts Half and Half

Shake over ice and pour into glass.


Screen Shot 2022-05-23 at 10.34.55 AM.png

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Good morning and thank you for the Daily, Rich. It's a bright but cool Victoria Day here in southwestern Ontario.

We had unexpected fireworks just behind the house across from us last night. I'm guessing some families went together because the display was a good 10-15 minutes, and went high over the rooftops. It was a delightful surprise for us (but not so much for the old cat).

Swimming with the turtles in the Caribbean was a sight to remember ❤️. Fingers crossed that a cure can be found for those with digestive disorders.

The salad sounds delicious, but will need to wait, since our fridge is full of leftovers that need to be eaten before we head to Vancouver later this week to board the Koningsdam.

My favourite drink at Walt Disney World 15-20 years ago was the Milky Way.  Simply a chocolate shake with peppermint schapps. They discontinued the drink, but it was sooooo good on a hot Florida day!

I'm going to have to go back and find the lemon garlic pasta recipe @ger_77! It sounds delicious, and I have some nice shrimp that would marry well with it.

Prayers for those that need them, even those that don't think they do. Cheers to those celebrating. Blessings to all.



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Good morning, Everyone.  Happy Victoria Day to our Canadian friends.

The strawberry salad today looks wonderful for a summer meal.  It’s actually chilly and damp here in San Diego, though.  We know that heat is coming.

We’ll have a quiet day as we are in the covid doghouse— DH has it; I do not.  🤷‍♀️

Thanks for the Daily.  Wishing all a good Monday.



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Good morning, all! Happy Victoria Day🎉🎉

The meal looks amazing. I’ve always loved strawberries in a salad, and we’ve come to the right time of year for that.

We’re on Salt Spring right now, and the leaves are out. I did my first Botanical prints of the season yesterday. The spring leaves give very different prints than they will in the fall, and I’m very happy with the results.

We have gardening and yard work slated for today. Something is very wrong with my planning. Isn’t the May Long Weekend supposed to be all about parties and BBQs?🤔

Happy Monday, maybe I’ll take a break in a deck chair and pretend I’m on a BHB!

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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all,

Thank you for the lists to both Rich and Roy.  I appreciate the prayers for my continued health situation.  DH has surgery tomorrow afternoon for a cancerous lesion on his abdomen.  I can’t go with him because of the Covid protocols in that office. 

i actually managed to eat dinner last night.  We had veal cutlets with rice and green beans.  I ate everything on my plate.  i don’t think that has happened since I contracted COVID on April 20.  So maybe things are changing.  Still feel very tired.

Happy Victoria Day to Canadians. 

Turtles are cute and endangered and need to be cared for.

People with Crohn’s Disease and Colitis have a tough life to keep their illness under control.  They need prayers and understanding.

Still trying to put our lives back in order after such a long trip.  Maybe I can get some stuff done today.

Take care everyone and prayers to all who need them.

God Bless,



Sending  prayers for  dh everything  will go  well with  his  surgery.


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Good morning rom a very cloudy central Texas.  While we are still supposed to get thunderstorms, their arrival has been pushed back until 9 pm, with the rain and storms continuing through Wednesday.  It will be nice if that happens since we need the rain, but Texas does not always follow the weather forecast.  🤣


I usually pick up any pennies (and other coins) I see, then, unless I find a lot, I give them to DH.  It would be nice if they could find a cure for Chrohn's and colitis.  I hope we can protect the turtles.


I'm not sure about today's quote.  


The meal sounds good and I may pick up some strawberries at the store today, when I go to get what I forgot to put on the list yesterday.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Sasebo, Japan.


@Cruzin Terri  Terri, that's good news that you had an appetite and ate the entire dinner.  Sending best wishes for DH's surgery tomorrow.

@Cat in my lap  Sending best wishes for your DH's out patient surgery tomorrow.

@JAM37  Julia, glad you are enjoying the visit with DD and Leo, and have fun at Sea World today.  It sounds like a three year old is the best "sleeping" pill.  That is nice of your DD and DSIL to leave you a car for the week.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, somehow, I didn't mention yesterday my hopes that Buddy gets better soon, and that the spot on the bone scan is not serious.  I was lucky that my clothes still fit when we did our two four-week cruises on Koningsdam.  That is they fit until the end of the second cruise. 😉

@ger_77  Gerry, the visit with your cousin and her DH sounds nice.  Glad you could see family after all this time.

@AncientWanderer  Maxine, I'm sorry your DH has Covid.  Take care and stay well.

@Horizon chaser 1957  Laura, I'm looking forward to seeing more botanical prints you create.

@marshhawk  Ann, I hope you can get out of your funk soon.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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55 minutes ago, Dismomx5 said:


I'm going to have to go back and find the lemon garlic pasta recipe @ger_77! It sounds delicious, and I have some nice shrimp that would marry well with it.


It was on May 19th so you don't have to go too far back.


36 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


We’ll have a quiet day as we are in the covid doghouse— DH has it; I do not.  🤷‍♀️


Oh, no!   Hoping for a very mild case and a rapid recovery.


@marshhawk That walk with the dog might be what you need.  I hope things get better for you.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Happy Victoria Day to all our Canadian friends. I used to have a lucky penny, but lost it! I feel for those with Crohn's or other colitis disorders, and hope research finds a cure. Turtles are great creatures.


It's also 143 Day in PA. A statewide day of kindness in honor of Mister Rogers. His way of saying "I love you" was “1-4-3” — for the number of letters in each word. Today is the 143rd day of the year, a day to share acts of love and kindness.


The meal and drink look good. I'll pass on the wine. I haven't been to Japan and will appreciate all pictures.


It feels chilly here, with temps in the 50's. But it will warm up a bit later. I might try to mow the lawn today or tomorrow, while it's dry. I've been planning to get a new roof. Now maybe even sooner since I noticed some water entry on my 3rd floor. This will be an expensive project for this old 3 story house!


@rafinmd My condolences on the loss of your friend Phil. May he RIP.

@kazu Good to hear no tornados near you, and I hope your plants will be ok with the low temps. 

@Cruzin Terri Yay on eating your whole meal! Hopefully better eating and getting rest will get you feeling less fatigued soon. Best wishes for DH's surgery tomorrow.

@AncientWanderer I hope your DH has a mild case, and that you stay negative.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine and all in the way of storms. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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5 hours ago, richwmn said:

chicken strawberry cobb

@dfish  What a great selection of recipes!  I frequently make a salad with strawberries and usually make my own dressing BUT a bottled poppy seed, sweet vidalia or raspberry walnut vinaigrette works well in a pinch.


I belong to a CSA (community supported agriculture.) I pay $300 in May and pick up produce from the farm every week until October 15.  Last week I got the first strawberries of the season.

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Good morning all!

Interesting collection of days today and Happy Victoria Day to our Canadian friends!

I'll pass on the wine, but the drink and meal both sound yummy.  Have never been to Japan.


DH is working today with the Mariners, I'm trying to decide whether I'll be mowing the lawn or staining the deck.  I'm leaning towards the staining, since DH just pressure washed it and it's clean.  We're loving this great weather we're having.  And the birds have been staying out of my hanging baskets, yay!  I guess I had a senior moment when I'd forgotten that using forks in the soil had worked before.  


I remember someone here said they were going to see the new Downton Abbey movie -- but can't remember who -- DH and I plan to go to a matinee on Wednesday, hoping it will be less crowded mid-week and early in the day.  


Maxine @AncientWandererI'm so sorry to hear your DH has Covid.  Hoping for a very mild case and that you don't get it.


@Cruzin Terrigreat news that you were able to eat your whole dinner! It sounds like you may be turning a corner and are getting better. 



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A cool day, in the shade, in Kusadasi and Ephesus, but very hot in the sun.  After 200 steps up in the Terrace Houses and 200 more down, I'm not going ashore at Patmos this evening.


Turkish cat.




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It's been almost a week since I posted.  During that period, I was "working" with Red Cross on a fire in one of our counties!  It seems that wildfire season is just about year round now!  That particular fire hasn't grown much since it was snowing on it late last week, but it is still burning.  Also seems like snow is close to year round in the high mountains, as they had quite a storm over the weekend!


Happy Victoria Day to all of our special Canadian friends.  Sounds like your weather is also on the crazy scale and hampering plans!  


I am getting frustrated with HAL--can't do anything on their website.  Would like to investigate some shore excursions, but have been trying to do so for almost a week - late at night and early in the morning, but no luck!


MY only Grandson has Crohn's disease and it is so debilitating.  In my heart of hearts, I sincerely wonder if some of that medication is what makes his bi-polar problems worse.  


@Cruzin Terri, please don't overdo.  The after COVID fatigue is very real and will take time to rebound.  It is so good that you were able to eat a full meal.  "Little steps!"


It is chilly here, but at least we escaped the snow.  I was almost ready to turn on my a/c last week, when I had to turn the heat back on!


Have a great day, everyone.

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Good morning and thanks all!  @dfish wow those look good!   We will plant some things today, fingers crossed the birdbath wasn’t frozen.  
We’ve been to Japan

but not todays port, looks like it’s for Nagasaki,   We are booked next year, time will tell.  

sorry I couldn’t react earlier.   

@AncientWanderer sorry to hear about DH,  hope you can stay safe and his case is mild.  
@Cruzin Terri glad you were able to eat, hope that helps with the fatigue,   Good luck to your DH. 
stay safe all!

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1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

We’ll have a quiet day as we are in the covid doghouse— DH has it; I do not.  🤷‍♀️


OH NO!  Hope his case is a mild one and you are spared 🤞 


@Cruzin Terriso glad to hear you were able to eat a whole meal.  Hope the trend continues and you start to feel better soon.


@dfishthat salad looks absolutely scrumptious.  If the stores were open I’d run out and hope to get a couple of things for it.  Another day 😉 

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the daily news!  My neighbour is in Juneau today on Koningsdam, it looks like a miserable day there.  (She's the one who asked if she should take a jacket...)  I told her where the free internet was, in the library right there at the dock, so perhaps she will spend the afternoon there!


My prayers go out today for my CC friends and family!  Good that @Cruzin Terri ate all her dinner, keep it up, Terri!  Sorry about @AncientWanderer's DH.  Hope the Covid is mild with no aftereffects, and Maxine doesn't catch it.  Sad to lose a friend, condolences to Roy, @rafinmd.  Here we are muddling along, our neighbours who moved into assisted living are having difficulties.  He is now in the hospital, he became agitated and was wandering around (Alzheimer's), I think he will have to go to a more confined place.  The whole residence is getting Covid boosters tomorrow,  well organized, I think.


I heard from @sailingdutchythat they survived the big storm, just a few trees down on their property.  I think he'll be out cutting firewood for a while!  


We've had a beautiful 2 days, now the weather has changed for the holiday.  Just a few sprinkles so far.  I imagine the parade went ahead as planned.  We'll see it this evening on the TV!  Pat is golfing and I am doing laundry - just a regular Monday...



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OMG!  Just got a jury notice for me the week of June 20.  I called the Clerk's office and told her not only was I going to be out of the country then, but I am over 70 years old.  They very nicely said they could defer me due to age.  Thank goodness that envelope arrived today and not after I leave.  And not to mention the fact I don't have to show up at the Courthouse to sign anything.  Too many people!


I wouldn't mind doing jury service but not when I have a cruise booked.  I have served before but that was quite a while ago.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Happy Victoria Day to all our Canadian friends. I used to have a lucky penny, but lost it! I feel for those with Crohn's or other colitis disorders, and hope research finds a cure. Turtles are great creatures.


It's also 143 Day in PA. A statewide day of kindness in honor of Mister Rogers. His way of saying "I love you" was “1-4-3” — for the number of letters in each word. Today is the 143rd day of the year, a day to share acts of love and kindness.


The meal and drink look good. I'll pass on the wine. I haven't been to Japan and will appreciate all pictures.


It feels chilly here, with temps in the 50's. But it will warm up a bit later. I might try to mow the lawn today or tomorrow, while it's dry. I've been planning to get a new roof. Now maybe even sooner since I noticed some water entry on my 3rd floor. This will be an expensive project for this old 3 story house!


@rafinmd My condolences on the loss of your friend Phil. May he RIP.

@kazu Good to hear no tornados near you, and I hope your plants will be ok with the low temps. 

@Cruzin Terri Yay on eating your whole meal! Hopefully better eating and getting rest will get you feeling less fatigued soon. Best wishes for DH's surgery tomorrow.

@AncientWanderer I hope your DH has a mild case, and that you stay negative.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine and all in the way of storms. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Vanessa, is 143 Day a fairly recent celebration?  I don't remember it from when we lived in PA from 1980 to 1985.  Sorry you're going to have to have the roof replaced.  A word of warning, no matter how well the roofers clean up when they are finished, you will probably be finding roofing nails for quite some time.


57 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

The first new leaf Botanical prints of the season. I’m completely in love with the vintage silk top. I want to keep it, but it is a Size 6, and I am not. 😔



Laura, just beautiful.  I too like the blouse, but my size 6 days are long past, and are probably not returning. 🤣


7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

OMG!  Just got a jury notice for me the week of June 20.  I called the Clerk's office and told her not only was I going to be out of the country then, but I am over 70 years old.  They very nicely said they could defer me due to age.  Thank goodness that envelope arrived today and not after I leave.  And not to mention the fact I don't have to show up at the Courthouse to sign anything.  Too many people!


I wouldn't mind doing jury service but not when I have a cruise booked.  I have served before but that was quite a while ago.


Sandi, it is a good thing the letter came today.  We've had a couple of close calls with important mail just be fore a cruise, but have been lucky so far.


Now, I better start getting ready for my dentist appointment.  It's just a routine cleaning, but it has been a year.  They could not get me worked in last fall before we left for Quartzsite.



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