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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 4th, 2023


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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Sitka is one of my favorite places to go to. The following is a repeat and hope some of y’all had not heard this Sitka story.

We were on an Alaska cruise that stopped in Sitka in August 2019. Our shuttle bus driver from the port to town was very funny. He first said ignore the signs posted in all the shops that says, “End of Season Sale”. He said those signs have been up all season. Second, he said while traveling to town, “Just over the next hill on the right is the only McDonalds in town, and it your food disagrees with you there is a hospital across the street and if things don’t work out at the hospital there is a funeral home next to the hospital.” For which RedneckBob stated, “I guess when the funeral home director decided to locate the home next to the hospital he was thinking outside the box.”

Edited by RedneckBob
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Good morning,

We had another busy day with the DGK’s and company. We went to the Royals game and watched them lose again. My sweet GK’s love to go to the games.  No news on Murphy today. I think they have been thoughtful in their decisions and need time to process. 

Thanks to everyone who keeps this thread going. It is a lot of work!  Everyone does a great job. I am glad so many are on wonderful trips. I wish the prayer list was shorter. Everyone have a great day. 

Niece and DGS


DGD during national anthemIMG_1522.thumb.jpeg.d13518a28f5542fa724c2ffeb7a85a1c.jpeg


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Good Morning Everyone,  thanks for today's daily report.  It's a beautiful day in Quebec.  After sleeping in a bit we had breakfast in the PG, service and mimosas were perfect. We will walk around town in a bit with nothing specific to do. 

Late yesterday the good sister let me know that DM blacked out and fell while walking outside.  She's in Paoli hospital.  Early reports were very bad. Overnight the diagnosis is slightly better but still not good.  DS will keep me updated as things progress.  

I hope everyone has a good holiday. 


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Good warm and humid morning. It’s currently 76 with 83% humidity and going up to 95 today and again tomorrow. I think the calendar went backwards and thinks it’s the 4th of July.

I’ve been to Sitka several times, always enjoyed it there.

The escaped convict is still out there and people are still being told to stay inside and lock the doors. Longwood has reopened with some areas off limits. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

Stay safe and stay cool for those of us in the heatwave.




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Good morning Dailyites. I hope everyone is enjoying the last day of the holiday.


I was able to get our gardener here Saturday. He removed the dead shrubs from our metal planters. That was quite a job, the roots were thick and deep. I think I'll stick to annuals next year. I appreciate the beautiful pictures from our garden club. Now I'll work on the garage cleaning project. It never seems like the stuff is where it should be, always searching for something. 


My prayers are lifted for baby Murphy. What a sad situation. I'm hoping for a miracle. Prayers to Vanessa's cares list and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Happy Birthday to  @Sharon in AZ dear mom.


No interest in the cocktail today or the food. I might try a sip of wine though. 


The 3 dogs are doing ok together. The food bowls get switched around if I dont catch them. They like Oliver's because he eats fresh food and they eat kibble. 


Last night we had beef roast with a bacon Ceasar salad, so maybe tonight we will do a repeat and will make hot beef sandwiches with gravy and mashed potatoes and green beans. 


Wishing everyone a beautiful blessed day.

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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  DH has chosen today to be his quit smoking day (again)  Which means that I really have to do a better job at putting down the "poof-poofs".


I am working today, for 5 hours, DH is going to make the Beef Souvlaki kabobs that @dfish suggested last week, will let you know how that goes.  I'm going to roast some red peppers and onions to go with them, and we bought Pita bread at the farmers market yesterday.


Not much spare time to relax this weekend, except for catching up on the F3, F2 and F1 races yesterday.  When I went out to the Farmers market, I realized I had not left the inside of the house since Friday.  It was lovely out, warm, but humidity was down, a breeze was blowing.  I contemplated sitting out looking at the stars last night, but DH was prepping the beef marinade, and I was trying to catch up on yesterday's Daily.  Watched the Friday add on of Alone Australia, and went to bed at 11. I am very tired.  


I did, this past year make it to Sitka, one of my bucket list locations.  I didn't know I had Covid at that time, I thought I had bronchitis and a stomach bug, so I didnt get off the ship.  DH and BFF Dan did the city tour, but Dan got bored and wandered off, And DH finished the tour, and came back to the ship.  I sat out side on the ship and watched the eagles.  I will ask him to post his pictures today, as even I have not seen them.  So my pictures are not of town, sorry, but what I saw from the ship.  When we were leaving Sitka, the Coast Guard was doing some rescue tests.

























What I found fascinating watching the eagles, was that on several shows I had seen, they always talk about eagles and their territtory.  I was seeing eagles come out of nests that were not more than 50 feet from each other.  Oh yes I did see two of them go after each other, but nothing seriously.  I think food and feeding the babies, was more important.



Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I always tried to bring my manners to work, others not so much.  We still have a newspaper carrier who, according to our security camera, delivers the paper around 3AM.  About a week ago the paper didn't arrive (apparently it was a printing press problem), so I called to inquire about it and the carrier was incredibly apologetic, she also said she was so appreciative of the handwarmers in winter and the bottles of cold water in summer that we always leave for her in our front entrance.   I guess the little niceties are appreciated.  I've never created my own spice blends, just went with whatever was in the bottles from the store.


Well we've got smoke again - when I got up I figured it was foggy until I poked my nose out the front door.  Nope, smoke - thick, heavy smoke that smells like wet campfire ash, just like yesterday.  I checked the air quality report and we're still at 10+ on a 1-10 scale, so that's not good.  It looks like it's going to be another indoor day for the 3 of us.  Initially DH and I were going to head out at lunch to attend a Labour Conference barbecue in one of the parks in the city, but not with the smoke so thick.  Yesterday DH went to take out the trash and when he came back in, said his eyes were already stinging and he couldn't have been out more than 2 minutes. 



Yesterday I did accomplish a lot - vacuumed, dusted and washed floors first, then worked on another blanket while watching our football team (the Saskatchewan Roughriders) beat the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in overtime - yay!  This coming weekend will be a grudge match between the two, so it will be interesting to see the outcome of that game.  


@Sharon in AZ wishing your DM a very Happy Birthday!

@RMLincoln I'm so sorry to hear about your friend passing; what a shock that must have been for you.

@Crazy For Cats that's scary news about your DM; hopefully she'll be okay!


I know I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and have never had chicken patties before, but think they'd be quite tasty.  I've got some salmon fillets thawing that will be cooked in the air fryer/oven and will be served along with parmesan potatoes and a cucumber/tomato salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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@Lady Hudson congrats on the birth of Jalen Alexander.  I do hope his lungs improve quickly and goes home soon.


Jake @Crazy For Cats hoping your DM will be okay.  How scary about her fall and hospitalization!


Annie @marshhawk I like all your photos even if taken from the ship.  Great eagle shots!  Good luck to Chuck on trying to quite smoking again.  If he can go a week without nicotine I bet he will notice a big difference right away.  Nice to hear he feels up to cooking today.👨‍🍳

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Many people won't be bringing any manners to work today. My newspaper subscription is now only digital, and paper copies for those who still get them are delivered by the Postal Service.


The chicken patties would be OK with me but if I wanted to make them today I'd have to substitute turkey. No on the pseudotini. Maybe OK on the wine, although I like a more natural style than is typical in California. A decade ago few wineries in the Finger Lakes grew Sauvignon Blanc, but it's more common now. Here's the Sawmill Creek 2021 from the small Billsboro Winery. IIRC, the writer Adela Rogers St. Johns liked to refer to her hometown as El Pueblo del Nuestra Señora, la Reina de los Angeles.


I visited Sitka in for several days in 2021, not on a cruise. Many of my photos are like those already posted but here are a few others, starting with the small priests' residence around the corner from the Bishop's House.


The Bishop's House and the Cathedral.





Whale and otter tour with Capt. Gary Downie and Furst Mate Niko.



Also in town.



It's going to be 89° today and I suppose that the daffy weatherwoman from last week is chortling with glee, but I am not happy.




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Good morning all, and Happy Labour Day! I like making spice mixes, and having a Mediterranean chicken dish on SpiceMix Day seem very fitting!

We have rain today! It started yesterday evening, really came down for about half an hour, and has been on and off lightly ever since. This has been the driest summer I’ve ever seen on the West Coast, so it is SO welcome. Lawns and garden can only be watered once a week, so we really, really needed this!

@aliaschief I love the Oregon coast! It’s our favorite land based getaway place.

Prayers continue for baby Murphy and her parents. What a heartbreaking time for them.

Happy Monday, and so long to the official summer. Time to prepare for fall cruising on our BHB’s!

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@dobiemom and @smitty34877 Thank you for taking the coastal watches for 3:30 this morning. DH and I covered central time zone. What’s going on?  I rarely have a restless night, thankfully.

DH was a “paperboy” for several years in his youth. He was very proud of his throwing skills, carrying them through to being to star pitcher on his championship high school baseball team. During our extended power (and internet) outage we bought an actual paper copy of the paper. I was stunned that the retail price of a daily paper is now $3.00!


@dfish I’m laughing about the Tooth Fairy. I clearly remember my first payout in the early ‘60’s. A dollar and a dime and a penny. Fairly certain that was the biggest haul I got. 


@cruising sister Always holding Murphy in my heart. More happily, thank you for the picture of your baseball fans!  We’re Royals fans, and it has been a most difficult year!  We really enjoyed watching Ned Yost’s pre-game celebration on Friday. Hoping for a complete turnaround next year!


@Crazy For Cats I am so sorry to hear about your DM, and do hope the prognosis continues to improve. 


DH continues to improve and is just about as independent as always, just not quite as flexible. Thank you all for contributing to his steady improvement! 


We have another week of dry upper 90’s, then it looks as if we might catch a break. HOORAY!


Everyone stay safe, happy, and upright (in every way)!

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Good morning from a cool, cloudy Pacific Northwest.  In reference to @cat shepard question about plug-in hybrids:  We bought a Toyota Prius Prime in 2017 when they were first available.  We both love the car.  Sara has a Lexus she seldom drives as she prefers the Toyota.  The best thing about it is that we seldom have to add gas to it; maybe once every three months or so.  It averages about 28 miles on the battery then the engine cuts in, but so smoothly you hardly notice it.  When it operates as a hybrid it still gets about 50 miles per gallon.  It has been very reliable - no service required other than change the oil once a year and rotate the tires.  The only problem is that Toyota doesn't make enough of them.  The new model came out for 2023.  It is not available yet at our local dealership.  I have never found a need to charge it away from home.  Just plug it in in the garage and unplug it the next day when we need to drive it.


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Good morning. Just arose, showered and enjoying my first cup of coffee looking at a very foggy coast and a Pacific Ocean that is still producing large crashing waves. If forecast stays true we may have blue skies and a sunset to watch tomorrow. Us men have been tasked with checking out the provided gas grill and grilling tuna steaks tonight. Such pressure.

It’s still quiet as 3 year old granddaughter Tilly is still asleep but there are occasional noises emitting from downstairs. She’s a sweetheart and this visit I’m being called Papa Bear!❤️

So it’s time to get another coffee and stare at the ocean. So much stress!

Happy Labor/Labour Day! Bruce




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Thank you all for the well wishes for DM.  DS is at the hospital to be with her and she is keeping me updated.

DH agreed to walk around town as long as I promised not to go to the Citadel.  One of the shops that sells carvings had a 50% off sale. I found some cats and DH hot a dragon. 

For the garden club.  This flower was beautiful and the picture doesn't do it justice. 


The artwork on the buildings is very interesting. 


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Good morning, Dailyites, and Happy, labour-free Labour Day!  I may do a bit of gardening today, anyway.  We've been having light sprinkles of rain, too, which are very welcome.  I need to plant grass in an area which used to be a flower bed, but we have put back into lawn.   The deer have pretty well wiped out the dahlias that are not in the courtyard, but the two dahlias in the courtyard are running amok, and I plan to dig them out soon and that little area will go back to being my "vegetable bed"  (18" by 5 feet).    My cousin gave me a piece of my aunt's Fuchsia Magellanica, which the hummingbirds love, and it seems to have survived and is re-sprouting, so I'll put it in the dahlia bed and let it take over.  I don't think the deer will eat it, although I remember as a child, sucking the sweetness from the flowers.  And I have to move some peonies, I know they don't like it, but they'll just have to lump it!


I'm sorry to hear of the problems, baby Murphy, @Crazy For Cats's DM, Jacqui's elbow, @smitty34877's DH and Tana,  @marshhawk and her DH,  I'll pray for them all while gardening!  


We have been to Sitka a few times, it is a favourite stop on the Alaska cruise.  The other night at Happy Hour a neighbour said they had just done an Alaska cruise and she didn't think they would do another, and I asked her if it included Sitka and she said no, but when I told her about its Russian heritage, (her background is Russian), she said they would have to go again.  My pictures in town are much like the ones already posted.


Some bear pictures.









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Happy Labor Day to All!!  No Labor for me as I am in CA!  Been to Sitka and the rest of the meals and days - as I’m on my phone I forgot !!  😂 

Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating!!


Have a fantastic day everyone!

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Happy Labor Day to all, especially those who must be at the job while many of us labor at home. 
Thank you Graham, for posting yesterday’s sermon, our Pastor emphasized showing and sharing kindness and love. 
In the afternoon, longtime friends hosted a  get together at their home, A Taste of Minnesota (most of the guests spent some time of their lives in Minnesota or surrounding states) with smelt, walleye, potatoes & salads. So nice to be social with great food and wonderful conversation. 
In honor of Labor Day, DH is cleaning the patio and both of us are packing a bag, he for a camping & fishing adventure and I am packing for a visit to AZ with DM. When we spoke earlier, she told me that she was making a list of little jobs for me and I mentioned that I was bringing her some books. I explained that I so liked one if the books, Three Sisters (Heather Morris), that DH and I had watched Exodus on television & that I had downloaded The Tattooist of Auschwitz (Morris) and K. Hannah’s The Nightingale, to read again. She laughed & asked, isn’t that the story of the girls who survived Auschwitz and immigrated to Palestine? And that she had read the Three Sisters and had given it to my sister to give to me because she knew that I would like it. Books do brings us together! 

Safe travels to all, Labor Day travel or onboard! 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Labor Day!

People should always bring their manners to work. Not many newspaper carriers around any more. Spice blends improve the flavor of food. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Sitka.


Another hot and humid day here today. There were extra EMS at today's Labor Day Parade downtown. We have one of the country's oldest and largest Labor Day Parades. The city is opening cooling centers tomorrow and Wednesday. I don't really have any plans for my day. The lawn will have to wait until the weekend, when it's cooler.


We had a high school quarterback collapse on Friday at a game. He has a brain bleed and collapsed lung. Prayer vigils are being held for him and his family.


@RMLincoln Condolences on the loss of your dear friend.

@StLouisCruisers Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DF. I'm glad your DGS's are feeling better now. Nice Sitka photos. 

@cat shepard These things always happen on a holiday! I'm glad the garage door is fixed and wasn't too expensive. I'd like a hybrid too. Unfortunately my car of choice has gone from gas cars to all electric.

@GTVCRUISER Thanks for the photos.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great Sitka photos.

@Lady Hudson Congratulations on the birth of your great-grandson Jalen  Alexander! Prayers all will be well with him and that he and his DM will go home tomorrow. Scary that they haven't caught that convict yet!

@smitty34877 Enjoy the BBQ. Blessings to all your family.

@ottahand7 Nice that your family got to see the Northern Lights. You're working too hard!

@dfish It sounds like you all had a fun time yesterday. LOL on finding the going rate for the tooth fairy. Thanks for the recipes.

@Haljo1935 Nice photos. 

@RedneckBob Funny story.

@cruising sister Continued prayers for Baby Murphy and her family. Cute pictures of the grandchildren. 

@Crazy For Cats Oh no, sorry to hear about DM's fall and hospitalization. Prayers that she improves. Thanks for the pictures.

@marshhawk I hope DH can quit smoking and maybe you two do it together. Nice photos from the ship. 

@ger_77 That's terrible that the smoke is still so bad.

@kochleffel Interesting photos. 

@Live4cruises Good news that DH is doing well now. 

@aliaschief It sounds like a wonderful time with family. Aww on being Papa Bear!

@Vict0riann The bear pictures made me smile. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


A few photos:

Approaching Sitka. The Amsterdam was also there.





St. Michael's Cathedral









Totems in the Sheldon Jackson Museum



Totem in front of the Alaska Pioneers Home



Ships and tenders



Bear outside a store in town


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Good morning and Happy Labor Day Monday. Thank you all for the nice Birthday wishes for my Mother. She is 94 today. We are going over to her place for lunch in the dining room, it’s a BBQ buffet with ribs and salmon. It sounded better than taking her out or having a large get together. I have a bottle of Kim Crawford chilling to take which she loves and a box of Bailey’s chocolates I picked up in the Vancouver airport this past May. I got two boxes and gave her the first one for Mother’s Day and she loved them so I saved the second box for today. She’s hard to buy for, she’s always just bought everything she wants and needs. 

I had some kind of bug these past few days but started to feel better yesterday. I missed telling @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary and @RMLincoln Happy Birthday, so wish you both belated celebrations. 

Jake @Crazy For Cats, I’m sorry to hear about your DM’s fall and send prayers and good thoughts for her speedy recovery. 

@RMLincoln, I’m sorry about your friend’s passing. Condolences to you and the family. 

Congratulations on the new Great Grandbaby @Lady Hudson

I have been to Sitka three times and I’ll have to look for pictures later. I’m late getting ready to go to DM’s. 

Have a great day everyone!

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