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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday March 28th, 2024


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Thank you for the Daily special Thanks to all the people who keep this going day in and day out !
I should not be looking for pictures of Zadar where we landed while on the Eurodam in 2021 , our first post Covid cruise where we had an amazing tour , because I should be filling my suitcase to the rim for our 35 day cruise on Sunday , Easter Day  when we get on board the Nieuw Statendam .
This was a wonderful day with a great guide and with a number of very good friends . 
I will just let the pictures do the talking , hope you enjoy looking at them :
Guess who……...
After the wonderful tasting at the cheese factory paired with some nice wines we than went for some more wine tasting ………
After we had a great day in Zadar going to the cheese factory on the Peninsula and had some more  Croatian wine just outside Zadar with great friends we than went on our way to Dubrovnik with the Eurodam .
If we have a chance we will do some lurking while on board ship but I doubt if I have a chance to do a lot of posting , in the mean time our best wishes to all on the Daily and hope to see you back in May . Thank you all for the good wishes .
Tony 😁😍
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Good morning Dailyites.  @JazzyVVanessa, thank you very much for putting Coco on the care list.  She can be taken off now.  We had a nice Face Time with her this morning.  Her spirits are good and spots are fading. 


@RMLincoln Maureen, we had a mountain home in Idaho with a hot tub situated similarly to yours.  Gosh how we loved sipping wine, looking at light over our little lake, watching birds, chipmunks, an occasional fox.  Oh, how we do miss that hot tub.  It was nice to read about yours.


@ger_77 Gerry, you and Maurice are in our prayers that the board makes the right decision.

@summer slope Dixie, I hope your pain settles down.  Take it easy!

@kazuJacqui, I'm sorry to hear about all the stress as your cruise date is approaching.  Sure do hope you find someone kind to keep Ivan.  As we bond with our pets, it's really hard to cause them distress.  Hopefully things will fall into place in a good way.


@dfish Debbie,  seeing Radish Salad with Carrots as the meal suggestion immediately made me think of my mother.  She used to mix finely chopped radishes, carrots, a bit of green onion, and a dab of mayo into cottage cheese.  That with toast was often a lunch.  I still like it.


What a charming lady Audrey Hepburn was.  Nice to see a quote from her.  We've been to a couple of places in Croatia, but not Zadar.  


I've been kind of homebound because we have contractors here redoing a deck.  They are supposed to be done today.  Fingers crossed.  Rain has held them up.


Thinking of all of you on this Holy Thursday.  Thank you for this special sharing place.



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Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all who post.  I was going to post some pictures of our day in Zadar, but Tony beat me to it!    Bon voyage, Tony and Martha!


Jacqui, I'm sorry your interim home for Ivan has fallen through.  Wish I could help out, too.  And Gerry, I'm definitely praying for your DH and want to know how it goes.I'm also  thinking of Dixie with a lot of bruises. I'm feeling better today, after a droopy day yesterday, my arm is still sore, but the headache seems to be gone.  I did go to my meeting yesterday but was happy to get home to relax afterwards.  Today I have to organize the freezer in the garage.  DD finds bending over painful, so instead of clearing out the freezer drawer in the kitchen for her, I told her I would clear out the top shelf in the upright freezer, and we'll try to organize meals there for her while we are away.  She ordered the one-handed can opener but from Richmond BC it went to LaValle, Quebec, instead of here, so it is seeing the country! Should get here before we leave...


Today I plan to also do some gardening if it doesn't rain.  I should get started.  


Salt drying beds on the island of Pag near Zadar, Croatia.



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I'm back from the hair appointment and our yard is once again being dug up because they need to run the fiber optic under the street.  They're digging up all the yards that have the large electrical boxes at the side of them.  They didn't have the proper permit last Friday for that job and apparently do now.  What a mess!  At least the streets don't need to be torn up.  They have some piece of equipment that forces the lines from one hole to the next.  And yes, we have lots of colorful spray paint on the lawns and street showing all the utilities.



4 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:



I forgot about opening day for baseball. 

STL Cards.png


I will always be a St. Louis Cardinals fan!!




3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  As a child I remember the whole school being trooped off to mass on Holy Thursday morning and nobody was to crack a smile on the way there or back, as it was a very solemn day.  Neither of us is a real sports fan, so opening day doesn't have any meaning.  I've often thought it would be nice to have a hot tub, but then think of the maintenance and extra costs associated and am glad we don't.  Audrey Hepburn was a lovely lady with a great attitude.


It's cloudy and windy this morning but we're only at -8C (17F), and according to the computer, we should hit a high of +3 (37) which will be nice.  The warm temp along with the wind should help bring down the glaciers in the yard.  Although we haven't had a bad winter this year, when it gets to the end of March, I'm more than ready to have the snow disappear and get started on selecting plants for the yard again.


@summer slopeI'm sorry, but not surprised that you had a bad night and are stiff and sore today.  Often the day or two after an accident are the most difficult as bones and muscles settle back in from the trauma.

@0106I'm happy to see you'll be on the cruise with @marshhawk and us as well - I haven't even thought of a roll call because I figured it was too early to have one started.  I'll check in there after I finish this post!

@kazuI'm sorry Ivan's alternate home is no longer available; I do hope you're able to get a suitable replacement . . . more stress that you don't need!!


I'm going to ask my Daily family for a quick prayer today; they're presenting Maurice's case before the panel to determine whether or not he qualifies for the aortic valve replacement.  He's becoming progressively weaker and I know he's starting to get frustrated with himself, as he's always been so active.  Just sitting around isn't his cup of tea.  Thanks in advance.


Today will be spent getting the rest of the house ready, baking some of "Grandma's special cookies" from Mr. Pillsbury, and getting groceries to have all the goodies on hand when the family comes.  It seems they won't be able to get away early, as our oldest DGS Logan is at a day camp and they won't be returning from their excursion until 4:30 this afternoon.  That means they likely won't be here till midnight or 1AM.  Praying for no issues on the highway, and no encounters with deer along the way.


I'd like to try the drink, would probably like the wine, but not the price, and I've written down the middle recipe for today's menu suggestion.  DH said not to worry about dinner tonight, as for the next number of days I'll be in full on cooking mode, so he's going to head to Tim's and pick up a couple of turkey bacon club sandwiches that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





Gerry, prayers said for Maurice's panel approval. 🙏  Also for your family as they travel to you for their visit.  Enjoy your time together.



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Dialy.

Blessed Holy Thursday to those who celebrate Easter. I'll salute MLB opening day, although we always have a bad team. I've never been in a hot tub. Good quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine ($$). I've never been to Zadar. 


It's sunny and going to be a nice Spring day today. I'd like to get some things done in the house, but it's tough. I can't stand more than a few minutes due to leg pain. I'd forgotten how bad it was before those 2 weeks of relief! BFF wants to go to a church fish fry tomorrow, but I don't know if I can tolerate it; we'll see.


@summer slope Gentle hugs for your distress from soreness and bruises.

@Crazy For Cats At least it's only a 2 day work week for you.

@MISTER 67 I'm a hockey fan too, although I don't think the Pens will make the playoffs this year.

@StLouisCruisers How far along is your grand nephew's pregnancy?

@kazu Prayers that the financial issue and Ivan's away home work out. And I hope the river won't flood.

@aliaschief Thanks for sharing your photos. 

@Haljo1935 Sorry the work situation is so stressful.

@cunnorl That's a clever idea with the pasta bowls.

@Lady Hudson I hope your DH's health concerns improve soon.

@Mr. Boston Enjoy the train trip, and time with family.

@ger_77 Prayers that Maurice qualifies for the AVR. I haven't heard of presenting a case before a panel, as here if the doctor thinks it's needed, it's done. Safe travels for your family this evening.

@RMLincoln Sorry DH's appointment got cancelled. Bless you for discussing all the hard things with DB in regards to his DW's ongoing care. 

@bennybear Great photo. I always enjoy seeing bald eagles.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, it's heartbreaking to hear of the pain that's returned.  I wish the surgery was sooner! 


I believe Alex and Jordan are 20 weeks along now.  Due date is Aug. 15 but they will be considered full term on July 25, 3 weeks earlier.  Provided all goes as planned that will be the birthdate.




1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

It's overcast here today with rain showers in the forecast. Typical Pacific Northwest!

I'm hitting a patch of days that will be "firsts". Yesterday was 9 months since DD DH passed and I did ok - just a few tears. Today is the one year point where he left the house and didn't return. The medics and I thought it was dehydration and the start of a UTI so I'd called our local medics to take DD DH to the ER. On the way out of the house he made them stop so that he could get a hat on. The doctor on the floor, Dr. Goo, always noted DD DH's hats and DH didn't want to be without one. Little did we know that a few hours later he'd be in septic shock and heading to the bigger hospital north of us in Bellingham, I'd be having "end of life" chats with an iCU doctor, etc. Hubby battled back and we had 3 more months for which I'm grateful beyond measure. 


Today is getting things done around the house. DS and DDIL are coming for Easter dinner and requested homemade lasagna and cheesy bread. It's a BBQ lasagna recipe that is quick and easy so I'll get the meat mixture made up today and Saturday make my noodles. Tomorrow is errand running and banking. 


Have a wonderful Thursday!



Karen, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you think back on your DD DH's last weeks and months.  




45 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@luvteaching, Karen, I am amazed that you only had a few tears to mark this “first”. I am glad you will have your family for dinner on Sunday.

It was the six month mark for me a week ago. 


And to you too Terry.  It's only been a short time ago for you.



Jacqui @kazu I'm sorry to hear of the stress on you with the financial issue and the sudden need for a new place to keep Ivan while you're away.  I hope things turn around and look better very soon.  



Tony @sailingdutchy thank you for your wonderful photos of Zadar.  Looks like a great tour.

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So much going on here today! 

@ger_77prayers fir Maurice to be accepted

@summer slopeglad you were not seriously injured and hope your pain is better sooner

@JazzyVyou just keep on trucking! I hope things get way better for you after your surgery

@kazui wish we were closer. I would take Ivan in a heartbeat! I hope you find someone good.


prayers for all that need them and a shout out to those celebrating.

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Before getting started on today's to-do list, we decided to have one last drive-thru breakfast.  We also dropped off the donation at Carol's Closet, check the PO Box and got what was needed at the dollar store. 


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Yum on that wine! @dfish the big box store in Hawaii sold a carrot daikon salad that was really good, similar to the last one.


@ger_77 prayers for Maurice.


@summer slope so sorry to hear of your injuries yikes! Heal quickly! 

@kazu sorry that more things have arisen!  I wish I was closer, Ivan is such a love! 

We got to enjoy seeing over 40 bald eagles yesterday. 



Brenda, thanks for the picture of the bald eagles.  The only time we saw that many or more was in June 1992 when we drove along the Chilkat River going into Haines from Haines Junction.  The trees were full of bald eagles for miles.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

It's overcast here today with rain showers in the forecast. Typical Pacific Northwest!

I'm hitting a patch of days that will be "firsts". Yesterday was 9 months since DD DH passed and I did ok - just a few tears. Today is the one year point where he left the house and didn't return. The medics and I thought it was dehydration and the start of a UTI so I'd called our local medics to take DD DH to the ER. On the way out of the house he made them stop so that he could get a hat on. The doctor on the floor, Dr. Goo, always noted DD DH's hats and DH didn't want to be without one. Little did we know that a few hours later he'd be in septic shock and heading to the bigger hospital north of us in Bellingham, I'd be having "end of life" chats with an iCU doctor, etc. Hubby battled back and we had 3 more months for which I'm grateful beyond measure. 


Today is getting things done around the house. DS and DDIL are coming for Easter dinner and requested homemade lasagna and cheesy bread. It's a BBQ lasagna recipe that is quick and easy so I'll get the meat mixture made up today and Saturday make my noodles. Tomorrow is errand running and banking. 


Have a wonderful Thursday!



Karen, hugs to you as you face the "firsts".  Very glad you DS and DDIL will join you on Easter Sunday.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all who post.  I was going to post some pictures of our day in Zadar, but Tony beat me to it!    Bon voyage, Tony and Martha!


Jacqui, I'm sorry your interim home for Ivan has fallen through.  Wish I could help out, too.  And Gerry, I'm definitely praying for your DH and want to know how it goes.I'm also  thinking of Dixie with a lot of bruises. I'm feeling better today, after a droopy day yesterday, my arm is still sore, but the headache seems to be gone.  I did go to my meeting yesterday but was happy to get home to relax afterwards.  Today I have to organize the freezer in the garage.  DD finds bending over painful, so instead of clearing out the freezer drawer in the kitchen for her, I told her I would clear out the top shelf in the upright freezer, and we'll try to organize meals there for her while we are away.  She ordered the one-handed can opener but from Richmond BC it went to LaValle, Quebec, instead of here, so it is seeing the country! Should get here before we leave...


Today I plan to also do some gardening if it doesn't rain.  I should get started.  


Salt drying beds on the island of Pag near Zadar, Croatia.




Ann, I'm glad you are feeling better today.  It's nice you can arrange the top freezer shelf to hold meals for your DD while you are on your cruise.


Now, it's time to start on the to-do list.



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8 hours ago, summer slope said:

Boy am I sore this morning.  Hard to sleep as bruises everywhere.

Dixie, I am so sorry about all your bruises and soreness. Ouch!  I’m hoping you feel better soon. I highly recommend taking Arnica. They are little pellets and you take 5 under your tongue 3 times a day. Available in most health food grocery stores but I’ve started ordering them through Amazon. You might also use the gel and slather it on your bruises. I used to work for a plastic surgeon and she recommended it to her patients. Just don’t use the gel on your face near your eyes. 

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Good cloudy afternoon. I’m just back from the hairdresser and she gave me the sad news that April 20th is her retirement date.💔I have been going to her for more than 30 years. She deserves it.

Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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Baltimore has been due for a break and it's a beautiful afternoon for baseball with no rain in sight and a 5-1 lead at the moment.



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Just wanted to remind the Dailyites in Arizona and southern California, there will be a launch at 7:30 pm today from Vandenberg.  It will be a Starlink launch carrying 22 satellites.  According to Space.com there is a four hour window for the launch beginning at 7:30 p.m., but Spaceflight now says the launch is at 7:30.



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Good afternoon Dailyites.

First travel day from Arizona to Utah is in the books.

The desert coming across Hwy 95 was in full bloom.  Hwy 60 was amazing and Hwy 71 was full of different cacti and very remote.

Only thing I miss from our house is our hot tub!

Easter is my all time . favorite music in church so uplifting.  We will be on the road reaching out summer destination in Helper, Utah on Easter Sunday.

A few pics from today's travel day.





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9 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:


The banner gets unveiled shortly before 6:30pm when your World Champions take on the Chicago Cubs for Opening Day!





Thanks for the fleet report and the maps, and thanks to all for the posts!

Hope everyone is doing better today, no matter what!

I bought a World Series champions baseball cap the day after the Series! I'll be wearing it on my next cruise in May, as I did last November. I mean, I don't want to gloat, but as the song goes, "It's been a long time coming..."

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Posted (edited)

Some of the hardest chores are done instead of waiting until the last day before we leave.  The worst things to haul and put in the shed were the very heavy duty 100 ft. hoses.  It made the 50 ft. one seem like nothing.  We also got the handle installed on the very difficult to open cabinet door and the towel bar installed.  I still have three days to get more done, and I hope that most will be finished by Saturday afternoon.  That way, maybe Sunday won't be such a busy, hectic day that has happened in the past.  Now, it's time to head into town and get a much needed haircut.


2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Baltimore has been due for a break and it's a beautiful afternoon for baseball with no rain in sight and a 5-1 lead at the moment.




Roy, I'm glad the weather is cooperated for the opening game and that the O's won.


40 minutes ago, Hogladyrider said:

Good afternoon Dailyites.

First travel day from Arizona to Utah is in the books.

The desert coming across Hwy 95 was in full bloom.  Hwy 60 was amazing and Hwy 71 was full of different cacti and very remote.

Only thing I miss from our house is our hot tub!

Easter is my all time . favorite music in church so uplifting.  We will be on the road reaching out summer destination in Helper, Utah on Easter Sunday.

A few pics from today's travel day.






Thanks for the pictures of the blooming desert.  It is blooming more than it did almost three weeks ago when we were coming back from Yuma.  It's greener around here than we've see it in years.  DH and I may be some of the few Dailyites who have been through Helper more than once.  Coming from Texas, the road through Helper is a lot closer to SLC and staying on I-70 to I-15.  It's a neat little town with interesting railroad history.  Safe travels.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Aloha to my daily family!!!!

@kazu I so hope you find a beautiful place for Ivan Jacqui he is your one and only and I feel very positive on your endeavors to have your boy comfortable,

and happy while you enjoy your 🚢 cruise!

@summer slope

Dixie! OMGOSH!! What the heck!! I pray your soreness,and bruises are manageable, but I also agree with @Sharon in AZ Sharon, Arnica is wonderful and the tab’s sub gingival under tongue works wonders. I also would prescribe to my patients!!

@Seasick Sailor Joy!!

Neither you nor Allen can get a break!! So sorry about Allen! I can not believe how long our medical care takes with situations like prescribing a medication or approval for Jardiance to help with A1-C!!! And his eczema!! Referring back to another dermatologist? I am so sorry!!


Roy, big thanks for your work on our maps!! You are much appreciated especially by me for your beautiful photos everyday!! I keep a lot of them from you!

May everyone’s day be blessed!! Please be positive in this so negative world we seem to be in!!

I will be so at peace with my sun rises and sun sets here in Maui and painting!

Love to all!

Were watching our Padres right now playing San Francisco Giants outside!


Mahalo Denise🤗

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Dinner tonight was broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots from a frozen bag, followed by New York cheddar with local wine. The wine was a new one for me, a dry Riesling from J.R. Dill on Seneca Lake. For tomorrow I have another J.R. Dill wine that will be new, a Cabernet Franc. Riesling and Cabernet Franc are probably the best varieties for this region.

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3 hours ago, superoma said:

@POA1wherefore art thou? I had hoped you would have started your thread already since you are boarding tomorrow!

I'll probably start in the morning. Our pre-cruise really does not involve a lot, because we're already in the area. "We washed the sheets and towels," doesn't have the same storytelling value as a cross country flight, hotel stay, and a new restaurant in a new town.

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