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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 7th, 2024

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

We have a bar/restaurant here called the Dive Bar, and it's a nice place; I haven't been to what we think of today as a "dive" bar. I was adopted by a single woman, so no Dad walks. Global forgiveness is a goal, but not always possible. I like the quote. Maybe for the meal, with a different dressing. Yes, yes to a pina colada. I'll pass on the wine. I've been to Spain, but haven't been to A Caruna. I enjoyed watching Martina play tennis on TV, and saw her play in person once, while I was in college.


It's sunny and heading into the upper 80's, with high humidity. 90's the next couple of days. Then we'll get some rain on Wednesday from Beryl. I want to start laundry soon, even though the trips up and down to the basement kill my knees. Then it's get the trash and recycling out for pickup tomorrow. I hope all in Beryl's path stay safe!


@luvteaching Bon Voyage!

@cruzn single Welcome home!

@grapau27 Thank you for the link, the explanation of dive bars, and the A Caruna photos. 

@smitty34877 Thinking of you and all you do for your family. I'm glad you can laugh again.

@superoma Your family get together sounds like it was lovely.

@Mtn2Sea Thanks for sharing your interesting photos of Lugo.

@ottahand7 The memorial sounds like it was touching (great cake too), and the fireworks dinner fun. Thanks for the photos.

@marshhawk I hope the lung CT goes well tomorrow. 

@Mr. Boston It'll be a busy day for you tomorrow. I'm glad you've met some nice new neighbors. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great A Caruna and Santiago de Compastela photos.

@kazu You're inspiring me to continue to get rid of things I don't use or need (I have a 14 room house!).

@Seasick Sailor I envy you being on that Japan cruise! I'm glad Bonnie has friends to be with her through her health journey.

@ger_77 So sorry to hear that DH's DD had to put down one of her kitties.

@tjcox9 I'll take the ham and leave the octopi alone!

@GTVCRUISER That looks like an interesting place.

@RMLincoln It will be interesting to see how your DH does without drops; I assume he will be monitoring his eye pressures. I hope all goes well. 

@Overhead Fred Nice photos.

@Cruising-along It sounds like quite the trip for DD and family. BFF and I did two long car trips in 2015 and 2016, visiting National Parks, as I hadn't been to any, and it was great fun (and lots of driving).


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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7 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Transferring 📲 stuff from old phone to the new one is a slow go; learning to use it is an even slower experience. Screenshot function is same as on old phone ☎️: volume down & power button together. Challenge is they're now on the same side of the phone directly over/under each other so it's a very awkward unnatural movement. 🤞there's a button shortcut I can assign.🤷‍♀️


Yard guy is supposed to be here this weekend to clean out the front flowerbed so DH can put in the flowers we brought from his mom's house. He didn't show yesterday, not heard from him today. He didn't say he would not be here due to holiday, which I would be ok with, but not knowing & waiting makes me twitch a bit🤷‍♀️

I have a couple errands I must do, so he has 30 minutes to get here before I head out.


🙋‍♀️ for The Garden Club or anyone w/Crepe Myrtle knowledge - our CMs are "shedding" much more than usual. Is it the excess rain we had earlier or...?

There's another one in the same yard that's doing it even more. They're both white; the pink and fuchsia ones aren't doing it.





Could be those trees had a growth spurt causing the trunks to expand and therefore shedding the old bark. I wonder what my lilac crepe myrtle looks like. Probably bad with lots of suckers growing up out of the ground at the base of the trunk. Probably needs some limbs trimmed up. We will have plenty to do when we get home. 

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@Haljo1935 Crepe myrtle bark shedding is a normal process. They are often prized because of the coloration that shows up on their wood once the bark is shed. The bark is supposed to shed, and after it is done shedding, the wood will look like a paint-by-number painting, making it particularly beautifully even in the winter when the leaves are gone.

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Good afternoon! Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack

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Good afternoon from central Texas.  The clouds are building, but I suspect they are the usually summer afternoon clouds.  This time of year, if I want to sit outside with my book, I need to head out early in the morning.  Between a nice breeze and a fan, it was comfortable until about 30 minutes ago.


The latest on Beryl as of an hour ago is that it changed course and now looks to make landfall between Corpus Christi and Houston as a category 1 hurricane..  One of my BFF's daughter and family live in Portland, and DH's niece and her family live in Rockport east of Corpus Christi where they have a very nice restaurant and art gallery.  Between a major hurricane several years ago which damaged the restaurant and Covid, they do not need any more problems with the the restaurant.  DH's older brother is in an assisted living facility in Rockport.  We're hoping they will all be safe.  I hope my friend's daughter and family are staying with them in Fredericksburg and out of Beryl's path.  


The current forecast for tomorrow shows the outer bands of rain should reach us about 10 am and continue into the evening.  The rain prediction of near one inch is now about half an inch, with 20-30mph winds in the afternoon.  Tuesday should be back to a normal summer day.  I think we'll be on the outer, western edge of the storm, but who know what she'll do in the next 22 hours.




4 hours ago, kazu said:

Happy Sunday everyone  & thank you to Rich and our F & B team. Nice collection of days & another great quote by Rowling.  👍 Yum on the meal & wine.  Love, love, Coruna - so much to see there and close by - lugo, Santiago de Compostela, etc.


The last father daughter walk I had with my DD Dad was when he walked me down the aisle.  I am very grateful he lived long enough to be there when his career daughter shocked everyone by getting married.




The rain stalled the plans for yesterday.  Hopefully, it happens today despite the high heat 🤞  I measured furniture instead & turfed some stuff I didn’t think was worthy / of interest to anyone to give away.  It’s a tad depressing but it is what it is.  And, things are going to have to be better than my usual standard 😉 




Pryaers for all those in Beryl’s path, those on the Care list & all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


Jacqui, that is a wonderful memory of your last walk with your father.  Good luck with the down sizing.  We did it to some extend when we moved back to Texas in 1985, and to a larger extent when we moved here in 1999.  That last move was from a 3500 sq. ft. house and a 1600 sq. ft. townhouse that we used as an office and guest house.  We had to squeeze everything left into a 1600 sq. ft. house including the storeroom/shop.  We sold some things, gave a lot to an rv club that has an adult daycare, and we gave a lot to our DDs who were just starting out in apartments.  Also, a U Haul trailer load went to the UT student radio station's garage sale that year, and younger DD said that was the best garage sale they ever had.  In spite of my best efforts, we have still collected stuff and have stuff that should not have made the move.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser This really hit home for me-when my mom got mad at me, it was

ANN ELIZABETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



My parent would on occasion call Elizabeth Lenda, and I knew something wasn't good headed my way.  DH was also called by both of his names at times.


3 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Best wishes to you as you prepare for your new home.  We all collect much more than we need — I guess a result of being fortunate.  When my DH and I left our home 6 years ago there was a lot to sort through and decide what to do with assorted stuff.  Now I try to not start collecting again!


Prayers for your health issues and for a quick pain free resolution.  Katherine


Katherine better luck not collecting things than I've had.  I have spent quite a bit of time getting rid of things the past few years, but there is still a long way to go.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Thank you so much everyone for the bon voyage wishes!! My friend is very excited and it's rubbing off on me I guess. It's supposed to be 90F in Seattle today - yikes! 


I'd love to take a walk again with my Dad as he's been gone 7 years. Mom was doing well last night and I'll check in with her from the ship today. She gave my friend and I each a small package when we visited two weeks ago and we have orders to pack it and open it on ship. 


The weather for the cruise doesn't look too bad so am hoping that forecast holds. Ketchikan looks the best and Juneau isn't too bad. Sitka is showers. I can handle that. 


Thanks again!!!!




Karen, how nice of  your DM to have gifts for you and your friend to open on the ship.  I'm glad she is doing well now.


2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Yes and it seems with little time in between. The cracks in this area get really bad; this is from Dallas


Mine are nowhere near that big, but by summer's end, they will be big enough one of the dogs (or us) could break a leg in them. It's kinda scary.


Elizabeth, thanks for the link.  That is some crack.  There was one last summer in our yard that was about two inches wide.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning to all. As usual it is sunny and dry. Temperature when dogs and I walked was 55F... high will be high 80's. I am managing to keep the house cool with shades and the ceiling fans. Dogs are fine with short walks during the day.... the sidewalks are much too hot for little doggie feet.


Today will be spent getting all the stuff off of several shelves in the living room and the shelves dusted. I am going to pack some of them up to go to the thrift store or scottie auction for rescue (these have to mailed to Denver). We will see how that goes. This week looks like a good one to concentrate on the house as all that is my schedule beside dog walks is the window cleaner.


Am watching the bird's nest behind my porch light.... I keep seeing little heads. When my window washer is here and up on his ladder I will ask him to peek over and see what he can see since he will be working close to that light. I don't have much hope that they will survive to fly away.... Mom was not too bright on selecting nesting location.


Need to get cracking on work around here.... and will start by making more coffee. I think I am going to have to hire someone to come in and help me move some things around and pack things up. I find I really can not work hard for more than a couple of hours at time . Sigh.... and my Iris bed needs weeding!!!




Susan, I hope the baby birds survive.  We had a dove build a nest in an outside light in Quartzsite.  She and the tree babies sure made a mess on the light, wall and patio furniture.  We now have something in all four lights to prevent another nest.


2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

🍾 Bon Voyage Karen 🎉 Enjoy it all and your friend!  


Thank you @grapau27 Graham for the fun sermon. It resonates with me, ebb and flow, story of my life!  

Pina Colada is a fav of mine, on those rare occasions. I’ve been to a few Dives, long ago and not for pina coladas!  Shrimp always sounds good to me!  

My dad’s father died when my dad was 4. I figure dad didn’t have much of a role model. Can’t recall ever taking a walk with my dad but he did take me to the office one Saturday when I was little, before I could read. He sat me at a desk with a box of rubber stamps, an ink pad and a pile of paper!!  Then he took me to the automat where I got a huge piece of lemon meringue pie!  I’m glad to have at least that special memory, the rest has been a lifelong recovery. 

Yesterday I had a calm, quiet day of no requirements… finished my book-club book, watched tennis…. 
Today DH takes his last steroid eye drops!  End of the post-surgery regime we’ve been in since January. We’ll go back early August to re-group into whatever the new plan will be. Amazing! Always grateful. Thank you Vanessa and all here for walking alongside!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  Strength, courage, peace in the midst of turmoil…. 
Cheers to those celebrating, Life is Good🌈


@Mr. Boston Happy to hear you’re meeting neighbors!  Relocating is so disorienting.


@Seasick Sailor Joy, thanks for sharing your story. DH and I also retired early - at 56 and 44. Also started 2nd “career”. We were very fortunate to enjoy that sweet spot of life to have time and energy together, and  a little money for travel! We bought a used 5th wheel trailer in 1999, plus discovered cruising in 2003!  We shifted to a 55+ in Maryland in 2021 during Covid, as a stepping stone to find our independent living home for life which we moved to last fall here in New Jersey, closer to family. No regrets!  New life means new opportunities!  

Enjoy today my friends! Stay well and safe, Maureen  



That is good news, your DH takes his last steroid drops today, Maureen.  I hope his eye pressure remains stable.  As I said earlier, I miss my father, and I admit, I was a Daddy's girl.  I was very lucky that we could talk, and I could tell or ask him anything.  His parents divorced when he was three years old, which was rare back then, but he was very lucky that the man his mother married two years later was a loving and wonderful father to him, and grandfather to me.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today is the first of our hottest days (90 or higher).  No rain in sight. Thankfully our humidity has stayed low below 50%.   I think I'll stay in and get the laundry done, but also want to get the last of the local strawberries.  They're soooo good!


Interesting collection of days.  I miss my Dad so much, he passed at age 101 6 years ago.  We were very fortunate, he was a blessing and one of a kind.


I think I'd like everything, the drink, wine and meal.  All the recipes look good to me (minus any cilantro of course) 😉  No shrimp here though, we'll be having stuffed peppers tonight.  We haven't been to the port, thanks all for the great photos!


The fireworks have continued all weekend, but nothing like on the 4th. And only short bursts so the cats have been fine.  Hoping it ends today.


After 3 days at the Grand Canyon DD and family are heading to Zion today.  They are having the trip of their lives, I'm so happy for them.  The boys have been troopers in all the heat (and there has been a lot of that!) still hiking and biking every day.


Bon Voyage Karen @luvteaching!

Nancy @ottahand7 That cake is amazing!!


Have a great day everyone!




Carolyn, it sounds like your DD and family are having a wonderful time.  We took a six week motorhome trip in 1983 when the DDs were 7 and 5, and we have great memories of that trip.  We were lucky that we didn't have as many fireworks this year.  We heard one bang last night when we were on our golf cart ride.  DH said he heard quiet a bit of fireworks at 3 am yesterday,  I was sound asleep and didn't hear a thing.



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1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Congratulations on achieving that milestone (that's both you & your DH as it is was definitely a team effort)!!🥂

🙏 🤞it was all successful and the August regime is easy to follow & minimal.

Thank you @Haljo1935 Elizabeth!  It’s a privilege… not always easy or fun but so much good to enjoy today. 
I hope you get the right amount of rain from Beryl. m—


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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Sunday. I am not sure what yesterday’s high was, maybe 105. I just know that it was still over 100 at 6:15 when I got in the pool. 

Gosh I wish I could take a walk with my father. He used to take me when he walked to the post office for the mail. He was a small business owner, he was the only dentist in town, so had a ritual every day. He died way too young. 

I don’t think I’ve been to a dive bar. Forgiveness is important. 

Funny, I made a shrimp salad yesterday using an Italian dressing. My Garlic Expressions dressing arrives today, yay!  I had to buy 3 bottles but I’ll use it and it can also be used as a marinade. Anyway, I didn’t care for the salad because it had capers in it, it just didn’t seem to work together well with the shrimp. So next time no capers, I like them just not in a salad. Here’s the recipe, just remember to not add the capers. 
Lidia’s Shrimp Salad


Joy @Seasick Sailor , I remember when you moved to Georgetown during the shutdown and the storage container didn’t arrive on time!  

Have a great day everyone!


The Garlic Expression dressing is great. 

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


@Cruising-along It sounds like quite the trip for DD and family. BFF and I did two long car trips in 2015 and 2016, visiting National Parks, as I hadn't been to any, and it was great fun (and lots of driving).



I would love to do a trip like they're doing, but thinking of all that driving now just makes me tired!  We've seen most of what they will be seeing, but over many trips, not one.  When DD was a teenager her friends called us the "National Park Family" because we loved visiting national parks (and Yellowstone especially).  I think DD's family will become the new National Park Family 🙂  We still go to Yellowstone every year (will be going in September) but now we fly 😉  

8 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Jacqui, that is a wonderful memory of your last walk with your father.  Good luck with the down sizing.  We did it to some extend when we moved back to Texas in 1985, and to a larger extent when we moved here in 1999.  That last move was from a 3500 sq. ft. house and a 1600 sq. ft. townhouse that we used as an office and guest house.  We had to squeeze everything left into a 1600 sq. ft. house including the storeroom/shop.  We sold some things, gave a lot to an rv club that has an adult daycare, and we gave a lot to our DDs who were just starting out in apartments.  Also, a U Haul trailer load went to the UT student radio station's garage sale that year, and younger DD said that was the best garage sale they ever had.  In spite of my best efforts, we have still collected stuff and have stuff that should not have made the move.

Lenda I know we need to get rid of things (we've lived in this house for 30 years next month) and accumulated too much.  We moved from one house to a slightly larger house.  I often think of getting rid of things and then a pesky cruise comes up to plan 😉  (making excuses, I know) 😅

8 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Carolyn, it sounds like your DD and family are having a wonderful time.  We took a six week motorhome trip in 1983 when the DDs were 7 and 5, and we have great memories of that trip.  We were lucky that we didn't have as many fireworks this year.  We heard one bang last night when we were on our golf cart ride.  DH said he heard quiet a bit of fireworks at 3 am yesterday,  I was sound asleep and didn't hear a thing.


I bet your DDs remember that trip too!  The boys are 9 and 11 now and it looks like they're having a great time. DD was afraid they would complain and miss their friends but it doesn't look that way.

Well so much for staying inside today.  I went in the backyard to set the sprinkler and before I knew it I was pulling strawberry plants out of the raised bed.  I just haven't been happy with the berries this year (and the local farm berries are so much better).  Also the runners keep trying to go down into the garden and ground cover outside the raised bed.  So out they went and next year there will be flowers there.

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Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s another hot and humid day and the forecast is that will hold the rest of the week. Today included a quick trip to Aldi and watching the last episode of Dr Pol.  I hope everyone has a good day.



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Good day and thanks all! 

@luvteaching Bon Voyage! 
@dfish yum! 

We had the good fortune to visit Santiago de Compestela. And attend a pilgrim mass.  So touching, I would love to walk the Camino!    Also highly recommend a lunch at the Parador. 




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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

@Haljo1935 Crepe myrtle bark shedding is a normal process. They are often prized because of the coloration that shows up on their wood once the bark is shed. The bark is supposed to shed, and after it is done shedding, the wood will look like a paint-by-number painting, making it particularly beautifully even in the winter when the leaves are gone.

This is true!

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Good afternoon all and Thank You all for the Daily and for all the many contributions. .
I just happened to be sorting some pictures from our last cruise this morning and one of the places I was looking at was A Coruna from when we were there on the Nieuw Statendam on May 2nd 2024 . 
The beauty was a little bit lost on Santiago de Compostela due to it being rainy day but I like to share a few pictures anyway .
Tony 😄
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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Could be those trees had a growth spurt causing the trunks to expand and therefore shedding the old bark. I wonder what my lilac crepe myrtle looks like. Probably bad with lots of suckers growing up out of the ground at the base of the trunk. Probably needs some limbs trimmed up. We will have plenty to do when we get home. 

I can help I am a tree Stewart Volunteer. I volunteer in botanical gardens.

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Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, Gail & Marty sailing away said:

I can help I am a tree Stewart Volunteer. I volunteer in botanical gardens.

Ooh, nice. Can you volunteer to help w/my raggedy trees, lol.

Edited by Haljo1935
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1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s another hot and humid day and the forecast is that will hold the rest of the week. Today included a quick trip to Aldi and watching the last episode of Dr Pol.  I hope everyone has a good day.



I watched the Dr Pol finale. Very touching. Sad to see that it’s gone. Although I did see an advertisement that Nat Geo was rerunning the entire series from beginning to end on Saturdays. 



Everyone’s comments about being called both first and middle names is hilarious. Weirdly, I don’t remember ever being called by both, Sharon Gayle. But I have always been told that I was a perfect child. I think that was out of not wanting attention and knowing what trouble my brother had gotten into. On the other hand, Craig doesn’t have a middle name. When I asked his mother about why she just said the name Craig was just right on its own. 

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8 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I did see an advertisement that Nat Geo was rerunning the entire series from beginning to end on Saturdays. 


It appears that they are pulling all episodes off Hulu because of that.


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3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

I would love to do a trip like they're doing, but thinking of all that driving now just makes me tired!  We've seen most of what they will be seeing, but over many trips, not one.  When DD was a teenager her friends called us the "National Park Family" because we loved visiting national parks (and Yellowstone especially).  I think DD's family will become the new National Park Family 🙂  We still go to Yellowstone every year (will be going in September) but now we fly 😉  

Lenda I know we need to get rid of things (we've lived in this house for 30 years next month) and accumulated too much.  We moved from one house to a slightly larger house.  I often think of getting rid of things and then a pesky cruise comes up to plan 😉  (making excuses, I know) 😅

Well so much for staying inside today.  I went in the backyard to set the sprinkler and before I knew it I was pulling strawberry plants out of the raised bed.  I just haven't been happy with the berries this year (and the local farm berries are so much better).  Also the runners keep trying to go down into the garden and ground cover outside the raised bed.  So out they went and next year there will be flowers there.


Carolyn, there is never a "pesky" cruise.  The only reason I managed to get rid of some things was being stuck at home because of  Covid with nothing to do and no cruises.  



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 Just watching our local news and they were talking about the Hurricane. Extra thoughts and prayers to our Dailylite friends in Texas along with their friends and families. Stay safe!

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13 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Carolyn, there is never a "pesky" cruise.  The only reason I managed to get rid of some things was being stuck at home because of  Covid with nothing to do and no cruises.  



You're right, cruises aren't "pesky" but sometimes I think the time I spend planning, thinking about, etc. etc. can be pesky when nothing else gets done.  And I should have spent some of the Covid time getting rid of things.  I do remember though that the drop-off sites we have here weren't open then -- it was really limited -- gosh, it seems long ago now, hard to believe.


I do remember during and after clearing out my Dad's house being encouraged to do something here.  That was 2018 -- but I also inherited some of Dad's things.  Oh my I'm full of excuses LOL!  

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8 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

 Just watching our local news and they were talking about the Hurricane. Extra thoughts and prayers to our Dailylite friends in Texas along with their friends and families. Stay safe!

Yes, prayers for all in the path. Hope nobody loses power - too hot for that. Need to be sure we all check on our neighbors who may not reach out for help.








And the heat is awful, too.


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3 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good afternoon all and Thank You all for the Daily and for all the many contributions. .
I just happened to be sorting some pictures from our last cruise this morning and one of the places I was looking at was A Coruna from when we were there on the Nieuw Statendam on May 2nd 2024 . 
The beauty was a little bit lost on Santiago de Compostela due to it being rainy day but I like to share a few pictures anyway .
Tony 😄

I am amazed at the architecture in these photos!  Thanks for sharing.

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