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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday August 19th, 2024


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5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyties!  Up early so the weather is dark, cooler than the middle of the day and still no breeze.  Today Momma Munchkin is getting spayed, so all are up early, with  no food, no water, once I get her in the carrier, the rest will get food, and water.  Hugs to all!


Ugh fasting and depriving a fur baby is never fun.  Best wishes f for  Momma Munchkins procedure today.




4 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

DH was not able to get the cat out from under the bed this morning; he is positioned just out of reach, so he really does not want to be bothered. He'll do whatever he has to do this afternoon when he gets home from work to get him out. Then we'll be off to the Vet.


Getting my cats in carriers was an enormous challenge.  I don’t know how they knew but they did.  Hope your efforts are successful and all goes well.



33 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Just got a notice on my email that Phil Donahue has passed away. I enjoyed his show and found him to be quite easygoing. He and Marlo Thomas made a great pair. 


I do agree.  Loved Phil and watched him in my younger days.  I loved that he was married to Marlo who was a feminist.  May his memory be a blessing.

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36 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

... He and Marlo Thomas made a great pair. 


That Girl!


My kids were all raised listening to Free to Be You and Me on vinyl. And then I bought the CD for my grands. But I suspect they don't even play it ... unless it's in the car.

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Good morning and Happy Monday.  I woke up too early and couldn’t get back to sleep. I worried the whole time about what I wasn’t getting done for my trip. So today I’m getting in gear. 

I think I’ve mentioned that my Father was a dentist and that he didn’t allow us to have sodas or sweets. Once I got older I worked for the A&W drive in as a carhop and started liking root beer floats, mainly because the ice cream was yummy. However, I still don’t drink soda and don’t eat many sweets. The other two days are good too. 

I would love to try the first recipe and have saved it for after my cruise. Pass on the wine. I have had a few vodka martinis but don’t anymore. I might have to have one on my cruise, with 3 olives please. 

Blessings to all!

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Good warm and sunny and humid morning. Storms are expected this afternoon. 
Today is my DB birthday. It’s also the 2nd anniversary for our car. I’m remembering many of his birthday celebrations when we were on vacation at the beach or in Scotland to see the tattoo. 
The fur babies said we need to go out for dinner tonight, so he doesn’t need to cook.

I hope everyone has a great day

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've never tasted a black cow root beer float, only regular ones (without chocolate syrup). Coco Chanel was a fashion force. Gene Rodenberry of Star Trek fame was nicknamed the Great Bird of the Galaxy. I disagree with Chris Rock, although he was trying to be funny. I'll pass on the meal and drink; yes to the wine. I haven't been to Toyama. 3 good days in history.


It's cloudy and cool here today, with a high of 69. Feels like fall, although it will gradually warm up as the week goes on. I had a hard time falling asleep last night. I remember hearing the grandfather clock strike 2AM. I did my vertigo exercise this AM, with fortunately less nausea. I'll see how the day goes. I have sourdough bread in the oven baking. Otherwise I'm trying to add to my donation pile.


@marshhawk Good luck to Munchkin. That sounds like an interesting travelogue show.

@StLouisCruisers That's hot! I'm glad DS and DDIL are enjoying their time in Singapore. I hope DSis is staying ahead of any pain. I'm glad Ren is doing well. Athletes tend to be good about their rehab.

@kazu Prayers for good offers coming today, and flexibility in timing. I'm sure both you and Ivan are happy to have the house back to yourselves again. Yay for getting through the past week! I hope you don't get too much rain from Ernesto.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear of DH's rash, and good that you're going to get it looked at. How are you doing?

@Haljo1935 I hope the cat will be ok once seen by the Vet.

@St Pete Cruiser I was thinking of you as I saw Ernesto nearing St. John's on the morning news. 

@cat shepard I was to wait a week after the therapist did it for me. I started last Tuesday at home, doing it after getting up and at bedtime. I was to stop if when doing it I had no symptoms. So I didn't do them Thursday and Friday, and felt ok. Then on Saturday symptoms came back, so I resumed them yesterday, and will keep doing them until no symptoms again. The instructions say it can take 1-2 weeks to work, but with stopping and starting, who knows?

@doobieb I'm sorry to hear that DH tested positive for Covid and I hope the Paxlovid helps. You two need to be well for your cruise.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photos.

@Mr. Boston Safe travels home tomorrow. A jazz drummer friend of mine introduced me to Beefeater martinis, no vermouth, twist of lemon, no olive; I thought it was like drinking jet fuel, and no longer have them, lol.

@smitty34877 Safe travels to DS and DGS. I saw photos of flooding up in CT. I'm glad you have a break to recharge a bit; you do so much for your family.

@Seasick Sailor Prayers for Bonnie tomorrow. Good news about Belinda and Ron. 

@trivia addict @sterling2 @Uncle Diluvian Welcome to the Daily!

@ger_77 The lake visit sounds great and that's a wonderful sunset view.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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3 hours ago, trivia addict said:

I do not post here often, but like to read your thread as my morning travelogue! Learning about ports, recipes, and experiencing your travails and joys along with you as I wake up.

i have to comment today on celebrating Coco Chanel Day.

She was a brilliant designer and business woman, but her activities during WWII, would never allow me to celebrate her.

For a fascinating look at her, watch The New Look on Apple TV.

Although one would think it is solely about fashion, it is more of an historical presentation of France under German Occupation.

Very interesting to learn about Coco Chanel’s activities during WW II.

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Good morning all!


It's already 9:30, I started this earlier but had several interruptions.

Three good days.. in our younger days DH and I always had root beer floats with our popcorn.  Haven't had one in years though.  I think it's a ridiculous remark from a ridiculous comedian (not that I think he's funny). As others have said, it's a shallow remark.  I tend to agree more with Jacqui @kazu, add wine to the list!  And I'll add gardening! 😉 no shopping for me, I don't find it enjoyable. So many things I'd rather be doing.


I'll also pass on the meal (give me a real burger) 😄 pass on the drink and wine too.  Have not been to Japan.


@Haljo1935 Poor kitty!  Let us know how it goes.

@doobieb Sorry to hear that your DH has Covid -- fingers crossed that you stay healthy and he has a mild case.

Welcome to the Daily @trivia addict , @sterling2 and @Uncle Diluvian!

Gerry @ger_77 What a gorgeous sunset, thank you for sharing.

Vanessa @JazzyV Glad to hear you had less nausea today -- this is so puzzling.


Last night I was asleep a little after 8:30 and slept 10 hours.  Made up for no sleep the night before!

Our weather forecast for the next week is a mixed bag.  Some sunny, warm days, and some storms again.  I'll try to get outside today and finish filling the new raised bed with soil, and should probably get some laundry going too.


Have a great day everyone!  



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3 hours ago, trivia addict said:

I do not post here often, but like to read your thread as my morning travelogue! Learning about ports, recipes, and experiencing your travails and joys along with you as I wake up.

i have to comment today on celebrating Coco Chanel Day.

She was a brilliant designer and business woman, but her activities during WWII, would never allow me to celebrate her.

For a fascinating look at her, watch The New Look on Apple TV.

Although one would think it is solely about fashion, it is more of an historical presentation of France under German Occupation.


Thanks for the heads up.  Who would have guessed she might have been a *** collaborator?  I see she was never charged, but there is evidence to support the fact.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@Seasick Sailor, Joy, thank you for your kind words. I am very touched as I know you know what is involved. We do what we do out of love primarily and I have had some wonderful people in my life. It is my way to “ pay back” , so to speak. Sending my prayers to your  Bonnie and her family. And to you and Allen as well.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, thank you as well. I know that you also follow this path and understand. Tana told me to tell you that I am all too human with a whole lot of words she never thought I knew! ha ha!


Sounds like Tana is being a bit feisty!   Good for her!   

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Good morning, Dailyites.  Thanks to all for the news of the day...  Chris Rock is a man - 'nuff said!


I'm hoping all goes really well today for Jacqui, and I'll be praying for all those ailing.  I have another appointment with the radiation oncologist this week - I thought it would be in person, but it's over the phone again.  This whole thing is turning out to be rather impersonal.   We keep checking Pat's app to see what it says about his angiogram, but nothing yet.  They put him on a statin and 81 mg, ASA for 60 days, so we are not sure what that means.  The tiny little slit in his wrist seems to be healing well, and he has felt fine after.  Just breathless, as usual.  


I haven't been to Japan, except Tokyo airport.  Pat spent a few days there once and brought me back a beautiful Noritake mug, and my father bought my mother Mikimoto pearls there on their honeymoon in 1936.  DD in Gander has the pearls now, but I have the mug for special occasions!



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Good morning - somewhat late. I was up early but had an appointment with my primary care doc at 7:45. Before that of course dogs had to be walked and fed. All went well with him and now I have to schedule my lab tests. He likes to talk with you and get info before scheduling the labs. His nurse wanted to try to draw the blood, but I am hard to get blood from so I said
i would wait on the lab. Fortunately both he and the lab are close to me. So at 7:15 on September 3 it is back to clinic.


No news here really. The building behind me has a sewer backup which they think is due to a broken line which, according to them,  was done when the guys putting down broadband  worked on the building. I tend to suspect tree roots. To repair the sewer line someone is going to have to dig up another buildings driveway. That will not go down well. I intend to watch from the sidelines.


Off to walk the dogs again and try to finish up clearing out the small closet in back bedroom which is stuffed with boxes. My interest in the project is waning.



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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon all,

Just dropping by, as haven’t read the daily the past 2 days. Toured Boston yesterday- the Freedom Trail, a first for us. Now we’re at plimoth patuxet museum and plan to visit the old town, the Mayflower 2 and the grist mill. Learning lots about the world of my 9th ggf. 

@rafinmd  I took this picture with you in mind.


We board tomorrow around noon!



Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Regarding Coco Chanel.. among several books I've read regarding her, (I love history) I found "Sleeping with the Enemy" interesting.  Her relationship with the *** lead her to many questions over the years. Out of the few books I've read, I think Churchill saved her butt. 


My boyfriend (year's ago.. I've been married 33 years) gave me a bottle of Chanel and I wore it daily til I read the first book. I can smell Chanel a mile away!!

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Good afternoon from a hot central Texas.  It is 100F and feels like 107F, and going to 103F.  At least, there was a breeze and the car was in the port when I got everything unloaded and put away.  We also stopped at W-M.  The humidity is now 33% with the dew point at 66F, so the dry heat is bearable in small doses.  I'm inside for the rest of the day until the sun goes down.  Normally, we get to the hospital for the CT scan a bit early and are on our way by the time of the appointment.  We're not sure what the problem was, but even though we were earlier than usual, they didn't call him back until at least 45 minutes after the appointed time.  The tech said there had been a problem earlier, and DH said they were short handed.  Whatever the reason, it was a long morning.


5 hours ago, trivia addict said:

I do not post here often, but like to read your thread as my morning travelogue! Learning about ports, recipes, and experiencing your travails and joys along with you as I wake up.

i have to comment today on celebrating Coco Chanel Day.

She was a brilliant designer and business woman, but her activities during WWII, would never allow me to celebrate her.

For a fascinating look at her, watch The New Look on Apple TV.

Although one would think it is solely about fashion, it is more of an historical presentation of France under German Occupation.


Welcome to The Fleet Report and Daily.  


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@Seasick Sailor, Joy, thank you for your kind words. I am very touched as I know you know what is involved. We do what we do out of love primarily and I have had some wonderful people in my life. It is my way to “ pay back” , so to speak. Sending my prayers to your  Bonnie and her family. And to you and Allen as well.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, thank you as well. I know that you also follow this path and understand. Tana told me to tell you that I am all too human with a whole lot of words she never thought I knew! ha ha!


Terry, I agree with Debbie @dfish that Tana is sounding feisty today.  Tell here that I might surprise her with some of the words I know, too.  I do understand the path, though the circumstances are not as serious.  However, I've been know to employ gallows humor at times.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'd love a root beer float, Coco Chanel was a great designer, and can you believe I've only seen a couple of the Star Trek movies?  DH isn't a fan of sci fi, so unless I see them on TV, I don't watch them at all.  


We're back from a great weekend at our friend's lake where we were treated like king and queen again by their adult children.  From a charcuterie board welcome to a picnic cooler send-off, it was wonderful.  We did get to go fishing, as the weather was great - not too hot, not too windy, just right for sitting in a boat waiting for the bites.  DH had 1 bite, it took his bait, I caught one - I've had fish tacos that were larger, so I sent it on it's way, but our friend caught 4 - all walleye and large enough to keep.  


We didn't have wi-fi out there and cell phone reception was spotty at best.  I tried posting on FB a couple of times and found it took nearly an hour after I posted for it to show up, so I just put my phone away.  It wasn't a bad thing, being disconnected for a couple of days!  Here's our sunset view from the stairs leading down to the lake - quite idyllic.



It seems I missed a lot, being away for even a couple of days - I hope @kazu gets some wonderful offers today; @Mr. Bostonyou and DH looked so handsome in your tuxes; @smitty34877I'm glad you had some help this weekend; @marshhawkhoping you're able to get mama kitty to the vet alright; @Haljo1935sending good thoughts for your kitty under the bed!


This morning we'll head off to the Field House for the cardiac rehab program, then pick up a few groceries and that's really all on our agenda.  It's looking like rain over the next couple of days, so we won't be doing any outside work - it'll be time for me to work on another blanket.  


I'm going to pass on the drink, will say yes please to the wine, and a hard pass on the menu suggestion, as we like real meat in our burgers.  Our friends sent us home with leftover chicken kabobs, potato salad and grilled veggies, all of which will find their way to our deck table for us to enjoy for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in preparation for surgeries, and in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️



Welcome home, and I'm glad you had a great weekend.  The picture is beautiful.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Back to the daily routines here but I do miss the beds on the cruise ship. I slept so well last week so it must have been a combination of the bed and the movement. 

No to Root Beer floats and the meal of the day as well as the wine. 


My Monday routine involves the pool and two water aerobics classes. The first is a good workout, then a 30 minute break, then an arthritis class which focuses more on stretching. After a week without the pool my body is telling me it needs this workout! 

My DBIL is coming by this afternoon to pick up one of the two mobility scooters I had for DD DH. This one quit working so he wants to take it and see if he can make it work. It will be nice to have a visit with him as well. He lost his DW in April so we're going through some of the same processes. 




Karen, I'm glad your DBIL will be there this afternoon so you can have a good visit.  I hope he can get the scooter running again.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Just got a notice on my email that Phil Donahue has passed away. I enjoyed his show and found him to be quite easygoing. He and Marlo Thomas made a great pair. 


I saw the news about Phil Donahue just after I turned off the computer this morning.  I enjoyed his afternoon talk show back when we had three tv channels.  RIP, Phil.


3 hours ago, Uncle Diluvian said:


That Girl!


My kids were all raised listening to Free to Be You and Me on vinyl. And then I bought the CD for my grands. But I suspect they don't even play it ... unless it's in the car.


Welcome the Fleet Report and Daily.


2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good warm and sunny and humid morning. Storms are expected this afternoon. 
Today is my DB birthday. It’s also the 2nd anniversary for our car. I’m remembering many of his birthday celebrations when we were on vacation at the beach or in Scotland to see the tattoo. 
The fur babies said we need to go out for dinner tonight, so he doesn’t need to cook.

I hope everyone has a great day


Please wish your DB a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.  And listen to the fur babies about dining out tonight.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've never tasted a black cow root beer float, only regular ones (without chocolate syrup). Coco Chanel was a fashion force. Gene Rodenberry of Star Trek fame was nicknamed the Great Bird of the Galaxy. I disagree with Chris Rock, although he was trying to be funny. I'll pass on the meal and drink; yes to the wine. I haven't been to Toyama. 3 good days in history.


It's cloudy and cool here today, with a high of 69. Feels like fall, although it will gradually warm up as the week goes on. I had a hard time falling asleep last night. I remember hearing the grandfather clock strike 2AM. I did my vertigo exercise this AM, with fortunately less nausea. I'll see how the day goes. I have sourdough bread in the oven baking. Otherwise I'm trying to add to my donation pile.


@marshhawk Good luck to Munchkin. That sounds like an interesting travelogue show.

@StLouisCruisers That's hot! I'm glad DS and DDIL are enjoying their time in Singapore. I hope DSis is staying ahead of any pain. I'm glad Ren is doing well. Athletes tend to be good about their rehab.

@kazu Prayers for good offers coming today, and flexibility in timing. I'm sure both you and Ivan are happy to have the house back to yourselves again. Yay for getting through the past week! I hope you don't get too much rain from Ernesto.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear of DH's rash, and good that you're going to get it looked at. How are you doing?

@Haljo1935 I hope the cat will be ok once seen by the Vet.

@St Pete Cruiser I was thinking of you as I saw Ernesto nearing St. John's on the morning news. 

@cat shepard I was to wait a week after the therapist did it for me. I started last Tuesday at home, doing it after getting up and at bedtime. I was to stop if when doing it I had no symptoms. So I didn't do them Thursday and Friday, and felt ok. Then on Saturday symptoms came back, so I resumed them yesterday, and will keep doing them until no symptoms again. The instructions say it can take 1-2 weeks to work, but with stopping and starting, who knows?

@doobieb I'm sorry to hear that DH tested positive for Covid and I hope the Paxlovid helps. You two need to be well for your cruise.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photos.

@Mr. Boston Safe travels home tomorrow. A jazz drummer friend of mine introduced me to Beefeater martinis, no vermouth, twist of lemon, no olive; I thought it was like drinking jet fuel, and no longer have them, lol.

@smitty34877 Safe travels to DS and DGS. I saw photos of flooding up in CT. I'm glad you have a break to recharge a bit; you do so much for your family.

@Seasick Sailor Prayers for Bonnie tomorrow. Good news about Belinda and Ron. 

@trivia addict @sterling2 @Uncle Diluvian Welcome to the Daily!

@ger_77 The lake visit sounds great and that's a wonderful sunset view.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I was surprised they said stop the maneuver when the symptoms disappeared.  Many years ago, it took DH a while for the maneuver to work completely.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  Thanks to all for the news of the day...  Chris Rock is a man - 'nuff said!


I'm hoping all goes really well today for Jacqui, and I'll be praying for all those ailing.  I have another appointment with the radiation oncologist this week - I thought it would be in person, but it's over the phone again.  This whole thing is turning out to be rather impersonal.   We keep checking Pat's app to see what it says about his angiogram, but nothing yet.  They put him on a statin and 81 mg, ASA for 60 days, so we are not sure what that means.  The tiny little slit in his wrist seems to be healing well, and he has felt fine after.  Just breathless, as usual.  


I haven't been to Japan, except Tokyo airport.  Pat spent a few days there once and brought me back a beautiful Noritake mug, and my father bought my mother Mikimoto pearls there on their honeymoon in 1936.  DD in Gander has the pearls now, but I have the mug for special occasions!




Ann, I hope your appointment goes well, and that Pat finds out something about the angiogram results soon.  The mug is pretty.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning - somewhat late. I was up early but had an appointment with my primary care doc at 7:45. Before that of course dogs had to be walked and fed. All went well with him and now I have to schedule my lab tests. He likes to talk with you and get info before scheduling the labs. His nurse wanted to try to draw the blood, but I am hard to get blood from so I said
i would wait on the lab. Fortunately both he and the lab are close to me. So at 7:15 on September 3 it is back to clinic.


No news here really. The building behind me has a sewer backup which they think is due to a broken line which, according to them,  was done when the guys putting down broadband  worked on the building. I tend to suspect tree roots. To repair the sewer line someone is going to have to dig up another buildings driveway. That will not go down well. I intend to watch from the sidelines.


Off to walk the dogs again and try to finish up clearing out the small closet in back bedroom which is stuffed with boxes. My interest in the project is waning.




Susan, we're lucky that our PCP contracts for a phlebotomist to be on site every day to do the blood draws.  That makes it very convenient.  He also has a small x-ray machine, and a x-ray tech who comes in one morning a week.  I hope the sewer repair does minimal damage to the driveway. 


1 hour ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good afternoon all,

Just dropping by, as haven’t read the daily the past 2 days. Toured Boston yesterday- the Freedom Trail, a first for us. Now we’re at plimoth patuxet museum and plan to visit the old town, the Mayflower 2 and the grist mill. Learning lots about the world of my 9th ggf. 

@rafinmd  I took this picture with you in mind.


We board tomorrow around noon!



Have a great day everyone!


I'm glad you arrived in Boston safely, and are enjoying your day there.




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Good afternoon, it's been a busy day.  Thanks for all who share and care here!  I'll take a root beer float, but I'm not sure about the chocolate syrup.  I thinks I'll pass on the meal.  I don't know if I've ever smelled Chanel perfume.  Sounds like I have to read about her.  

Welcome to @trivia addict, @sterling2 and @Uncle Diluvian

@kazuI'm hoping you're reading some good offers that allow you to be flexible with moving/closing dates.  


Have a good afternoon, Karen

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3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  Thanks to all for the news of the day...  Chris Rock is a man - 'nuff said!


I'm hoping all goes really well today for Jacqui, and I'll be praying for all those ailing.  I have another appointment with the radiation oncologist this week - I thought it would be in person, but it's over the phone again.  This whole thing is turning out to be rather impersonal.   We keep checking Pat's app to see what it says about his angiogram, but nothing yet.  They put him on a statin and 81 mg, ASA for 60 days, so we are not sure what that means.  The tiny little slit in his wrist seems to be healing well, and he has felt fine after.  Just breathless, as usual.  


I haven't been to Japan, except Tokyo airport.  Pat spent a few days there once and brought me back a beautiful Noritake mug, and my father bought my mother Mikimoto pearls there on their honeymoon in 1936.  DD in Gander has the pearls now, but I have the mug for special occasions!



After my heart attack I watched my angiogram on a big screen and consultant did an angioplasty putting a stent in my circumflex artery.

He explained what he was doing and what my heart showed on the big screen.

My cholesterol has always been low but after a heart attack a statin and low dose aspirin are prescribed as they work together.

I'm sure Pat must be okay otherwise his consultant should have said at the time.

His breathlessness sounds like Angina.

Best wishes to you both Ann.

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9 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s FR&D, Rich! Another lovely morning here. Two more late season fawns with super dark white spots greeted Bindi & me this morning. One was very curious. The other - not so much. Their Mom(s) were close by keeping a very watchful eye. I love my neighborhood. 

Vanessa! I was so bummed to read that the dizziness & nausea returned. Are you only supposed to do the exercises when you experience dizziness, or can you do them as a preventive measure - like right before bedtime? Thank you for keeping up with all of us. 

Gym, Bindi walks, chores, a visit with a friend who just got out of the hospital after a horrific bout with viral pneumonia.  She still has no clue how it came about. And maybe wrapping up the day with some pool time. 






Prayers for all who need our support. Tana, Terry & the Cavalry, Annie & Chuck, Melisa & DH, Bonnie, Tony, Ann & Pat, Terri & Jim, Jacqui and all our caregivers.


Cheers to all who are celebrating.  

May we each find a reason to smile today.



Campo Viejo Reserva

This Rioja sounds lovely. And it is easy to find and priced to try. You could always turn it into an amazing Sangria, if you didn’t enjoy it by itself. Online prices start at $12.99.

Winemakers notes 

An elegant expression of premium Rioja vines made from Tempranillo, Graciano and Mazuelo. Aged for 3 years as a minimum. 18 months in American and French oak barrels and 18 more in bottle. The end result is rounded, flavoursome and well-balanced wine. 



Fruit (cherries, black plums, ripe blackberries) and oak (clove, pepper, vanilla and coconut), enriched by the complex aromas developed during bottle aging. Very attractive on the palate, with ripe fruit and spices, tabacco and toasted oak. Elegant and soft tannins, middle weight, long and complex finish.


Delicious with red meat, grills and roasts, game, mature and blue cheeses. Try also with mushroom risotto or aubergine parmigiana.

Love the fire ant sign!  I need one of those for my yard.

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I'm not sure that I would like a root-beer float (which in my book is called a Boston cooler) with chocolate syrup in it. I'm also not sure that I would like the meal selection. All three components are OK, but together?


The drink is OK, but I confess that I don't like martinis very much. The modern version (classic is better) is too close to straight gin. Rioja grapes still aren't grown in the FL, so we'll try the 2021 Saperavi, $29.99, from Dr. Frank's, where it's been grown since 1958. "

Vibrant violet in color with bright, brambly berry scents and a dusting of dried herbs. Supple and serious, the spicy fruitiness is rounded by layered complexity of earth and oak, but fresh and juicy simultaneously."


I remember the Phil Donahue show from before it was national--a local show in Dayton, it was syndicated in Ohio.



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Posted (edited)

Late to the party!  Was busy planting a strawberry sundae hydrangea and then the garden work snow balls.  

I will celebrate the galaxy and Coco Chanel and her beautiful designs by sharing a pin I saw she designed.   @trivia addict thanks for the heads up, I’ll watch that documentary.   So much we don’t know. 

@JazzyV hope you get some long lasting relief soon!


@Seasick Sailor prayers all goes well tomorrow! 

Fingers crossed for @kazu


@ger_77 beautiful lake photos!  


Edited by bennybear
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