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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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Regarding trying to get onto an elevator with a scooter, I often cruise with TWO friends who are in wheelchairs (an amputee in an electric wheelchair and a paraplegic in a manual wheelchair).  Even during reduced capacity, getting both chairs (and me) onto an elevator could be an ordeal.

I've learned to be an even bigger "witch" than I already am and use my very large voice to make very loud comments when an elevator arrives.  I also have no problem using my very large body to "hockey check" people away from the door as my friends roll into the elevator.  

The older I get, the fewer f***s I have to give about hurting peoples' feelings when they're being arseholes. 

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2 hours ago, HBE4 said:


No worries, I've barely made any mentions in the past one and a half years so it is easy to miss on popular and fast moving thread such as this.  I hesitate to rehash as I'm not looking for attention as we all have our "crosses to bear" and other burdens  but for those that do not know, I feel I should offer up at least a simple explanation.  On Easter Sunday morning, 2021, DW suffered a severe medical trauma - pulmonary embolism & heart attack - that just about left her for dead. Paramedic were able to revive her but the damage was done and she has been in a "unaware and unresponsive" (aka vegetative) state since.  She currently resides in  skilled nursing facility while I work with several brain injury specialists & neurologist with the faint hope of some kind of meaningful recovery. It's been a story of 2 step forward, 2 steps back since then. I visit almost daily with the exception of the trips that people encourage me to take. Along the way, my adult step daughter (whom I've know since she was 4 & was 12 when I married her mother) has moved back in with me along with her cat.  We've been each others rock since.


Sorry, that might have been more than simple explanation  but I have no other way to tell the story. Thank you for asking! 💙


 Hugs to you ((((((((((((((((((( @HBE4))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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13 hours ago, bobmacliberty said:


An almost B2B.  Quantum Alaska cruise from Seattle then Ovation from Vancouver to Hawaii 4 days later.

Wonderful, challenging with what to pack though. Reminds me of our 25th anniversary.  We had three days in YVR, then three days in Whistler, a week in Hawaiian Islands and then a week in two different areas of Los Angeles. 

So we had to pack for both cool and heat, city and beach 

Have a super time 

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13 hours ago, HBE4 said:

So what have I been doing during my “break”?  Drove out to eastern CT for a beach day at Hammonasset Beach State Park.  It was a perfect 10 weather-wise, warm and calm water. It was an ideal way to wind down summer. Which, BTW, is still not over for a few more weeks so keep that pumpkin spice everything away from me! LOL.


 Afterwards, I headed up to my brother-in-law (DW brother) for 6 days in upstate NY. He has a house on one of the Finger Lakes - Seneca Lake to be specific. The weather was pretty gloomy for 4 of the 6 days. Heavy overcast and lots of hit and run rain showers that kept everything damp.  This limited the amount of play time on the lake itself but had plenty of time to visit the many wineries and craft breweries in the region and other wise feast like a king! Is it really possible to gain 6 pounds in 6 days?


This past Saturday, Sept 10th, was my birthday. My 2nd bday without my DW being able to be at my side.  Family and friends’ step-up to the plate to keep my occupied. My brother took me to a Yankee game on Friday, Sept 9th where they had a special ceremony honoring Derek Jeter’s induction to the Hall of Fame.

Saturday, my actual birthday, my step daughter and a few of her friends took me to a Street fair / Block party in Sleepy Hollow, NY for live music, dancing and plenty of street-meat type food followed by a late night dinner on the banks of the Hudson River.  


On Sunday, my step daughter & I went into the city for dinner and to Broadway to see “Come From Away”. I think it was discussed here earlier in the year. It’s a beautiful, touching story about the aftermath pf 9/11 with all the emotions: Sadness, humor, hope, and happiness amid the tragic day. I had seen it before a few years ago with DW (quite possible the last play we went to) and it’s ending it’s run on Oct 2nd.  Seemed like a perfect way to spend the day & end my bday weekend.


Now back to the grind.


Happy belated Birthday @HBE4

Sounds like you had a great few days with family and friends. 

Happy that you and your step daughter are able to support each other so well 💖 

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8 hours ago, dbancroft said:

I asked this question earlier but on the wrong thread i guess getting older by the day lol. If you win a hand pay in the casino is it customary or just nice to tip the person that gives you the money?  I have only won one hand pay it was $850 way back when you were paid in quarters. I had good luck on my last Oasis cruise winning $600 three nights in a row. Still no hand pay on cruise or land based. I have watched a lot of people win even sitting beside me!

If playing table games it is customary to give the dealer a tip.

If playing slots and cashing in at the cashier, you could give them a tip but that is rarely done as far as I know.

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7 hours ago, HBE4 said:


No worries, I've barely made any mentions in the past one and a half years so it is easy to miss on popular and fast moving thread such as this.  I hesitate to rehash as I'm not looking for attention as we all have our "crosses to bear" and other burdens  but for those that do not know, I feel I should offer up at least a simple explanation.  On Easter Sunday morning, 2021, DW suffered a severe medical trauma - pulmonary embolism & heart attack - that just about left her for dead. Paramedic were able to revive her but the damage was done and she has been in a "unaware and unresponsive" (aka vegetative) state since.  She currently resides in  skilled nursing facility while I work with several brain injury specialists & neurologist with the faint hope of some kind of meaningful recovery. It's been a story of 2 step forward, 2 steps back since then. I visit almost daily with the exception of the trips that people encourage me to take. Along the way, my adult step daughter (whom I've know since she was 4 & was 12 when I married her mother) has moved back in with me along with her cat.  We've been each others rock since.


Sorry, that might have been more than simple explanation  but I have no other way to tell the story. Thank you for asking! 💙


🙏💕 sending hugs,  positive thoughts and prayers for your family.

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5 hours ago, brillohead said:

Regarding trying to get onto an elevator with a scooter, I often cruise with TWO friends who are in wheelchairs (an amputee in an electric wheelchair and a paraplegic in a manual wheelchair).  Even during reduced capacity, getting both chairs (and me) onto an elevator could be an ordeal.

I've learned to be an even bigger "witch" than I already am and use my very large voice to make very loud comments when an elevator arrives.  I also have no problem using my very large body to "hockey check" people away from the door as my friends roll into the elevator.  

The older I get, the fewer f***s I have to give about hurting peoples' feelings when they're being arseholes. 

It is very sad that you have to do that!!   

Eric is a quiet person, most times, but there was one time we had been waiting for an elevator for over 20 minutes and a large family that jumped onto an empty elevator ahead of us.  Eric hollered to them I hope no one in your family ever needs a little extra help.   The Father then held the door open and wanted to argue why they needed the elevator right away.   Eric was fuming and said something nasty which is not like him at all.   I told the Father we have somewhere to be too but no worries Karma will take of this.   He looked at me with a blank face as the doors shut.   

Maybe next time he will think about doing the right thing😇


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12 hours ago, Arzeena said:

He should have just chased them down and run over their toes.😉😁😇

I once got rammed in the back with a (scooter?) Whatever it's called that the person sits on and drives while on a cruise.  Since it wasn't crowded, I can only assume they were on it for the first time...

10 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

Owen made the high school JR football team. Found out tonight. 

Congratulations to Owen!!

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9 hours ago, HBE4 said:


No worries, I've barely made any mentions in the past one and a half years so it is easy to miss on popular and fast moving thread such as this.  I hesitate to rehash as I'm not looking for attention as we all have our "crosses to bear" and other burdens  but for those that do not know, I feel I should offer up at least a simple explanation.  On Easter Sunday morning, 2021, DW suffered a severe medical trauma - pulmonary embolism & heart attack - that just about left her for dead. Paramedic were able to revive her but the damage was done and she has been in a "unaware and unresponsive" (aka vegetative) state since.  She currently resides in  skilled nursing facility while I work with several brain injury specialists & neurologist with the faint hope of some kind of meaningful recovery. It's been a story of 2 step forward, 2 steps back since then. I visit almost daily with the exception of the trips that people encourage me to take. Along the way, my adult step daughter (whom I've know since she was 4 & was 12 when I married her mother) has moved back in with me along with her cat.  We've been each others rock since.


Sorry, that might have been more than simple explanation  but I have no other way to tell the story. Thank you for asking! 💙


You and her were in my thoughts so I wondered time and again and said a little prayer when I could. Best wishes to your step daughter. Glad you have a rock and she does too. Thank you.

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7 minutes ago, Luckynana said:

I once got rammed in the back with a (scooter?) Whatever it's called that the person sits on and drives while on a cruise.  Since it wasn't crowded, I can only assume they were on it for the first time...

I have had a bump in the rump too and almost got the toes run over by someone who was reversing. That lady apologized all cruise long. It was no one's fault, just an accident.

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Been busy here lately and when I finally get to respond on the thread, my responses go waaaaay back to much earlier post on the thread.  Just trying to find time to read CC.


What is keeping me busy?


Baking for a fundraiser.


I was nominated to be church coordinator for developing and managing our soon to be fund raiser and at first bi-weekly event BINGO.  

When I was 13 I started working our church BINGO, and did it all the way through nursing school. Then you got a small ($ gift for working, $5 a week).  So I presented my experience, and after all those years I was the only one who had a clue. I guess you can say, at the meeting, father and fellow volunteers were impressed with my knowledge of gambling (Go figure--- gambling must of started at an early age, guess it is in my blood).


Planning the Halloween themed baby girl to be shower for the daughter.

I was supposed to leave for Twinsburgh Ohio to meet with the florist but we are currently fogged in and I cannot even see past our woods. So waiting to see the light of day to travel.


And, right now I cannot remember who posted a picture of their raised gardening beds                 (Mom moment), but I showed them to my husband and we are in the process of tearing down the whole garden, plowing and preparing to copy).

Need I say the spouse was impressed with your skills, and design.

But what bothers me is his response of     " I already got this, no problem looks easy"  You see we do everything twice in our house................................once his way and the second following instructions or watching videos by others who have had success.


Now enough spouse bashing.......................what may you ask is one of my "claims to shame??"


Well as someone posted many post back they cannot remember a name for anything.

Well I will join that club.


But what I do, is the minute I meet someone I make it look like I got a text, and put their name in my phone with something about them to associate name to them.


For example 


Jean Walker....................My street walker partner

Sue Mall..........................My mall walker partner

Debbie BINGO.................My bingo understudy

Father Ryan.....................My priest...........(no brainer, but I did it)

Cara evil step daughter..My daughters Maid of honor.  She is not our step daughter just my daughters best friend.


To those of us who do not have a picture of themselves on their circle thingie by their post it may take me awhile before the Bella Cruise to remember your name.....just saying


On a side note.

Being very careful of what I put on my phone because I am one of those people who use a easy pass word to access it in addition to thatfacial recognition (The person who developed that should win a NOBEL PRIZE -----speaking for my generation). 

I do this in case I lose my phone (Misplace) and never want to be lets say embarrassed if someone found it and saw anything incriminating.......................so I am boring.


But I have almost all of my DD's contact best friends numbers in my phone,  you know when she was growing up, a momism thing.  I would use lame excuses like "In case DD loses her phone can I have  your number to get a hold of you".......................yup, never failed.  So not only do I have to protect my contacts but hers also. 



And finally what occupy s my time.......we have had the honor of taking my DH's 66-GTO to a car garage on the other side of town (feels like the other side of the world) weekly for its long over due mechanical work.


You see the engine wiring was the original, and over the years between aging wear and usage as well as mice, somethings work at times and sometimes they don't and when they behave something else does not work.  (In fact it looked like a spaghetti map for a hurricaine)  So I follow him in my car to drop off his GTO and bring him home, then I take him to get his car back 


So  Our travels over the last couple months.


June 20

Take him to shop to get a complete new wiring under the hood.

Car there for almost a week.



June 27 

Take him to get car

Bring car home I was following him and tail lights do not work. They did before.

Did not have cell phone on, told him when we got home.

He goes, guess I will call, I am thinking if you would have had your phone on we could have turned around and gone back.


July 5

Followed him to take car back

 over night visit. 


July 6

Drove him to get car

Bringing it home he turned on head lights up front.....yup they do not work.

He thought they were on

When he pulled in garage, no reflection, damn....

Called and got another appointment.


Jul 12

Followed him to take care back.


July 15

Finally while there he decided to check everything out..............(My attitude probably brought this on)

Tail lights work

Headlights work

no charge

Heading home. Very light rain............turned windshield wipers on.......you guessed it, they joined the club of how to piss off the wife................no wiping.

We get home and he tells me,  he has to make another appointment.



July 27

followed him to take care back

over night visit

Wipers easy fix, 



July 28

took him to get car back.

He checks everything out.  tail lights, head lights, wipers all work.

Praise the lord

We drove home and everything works.


No car cruises till after our Allure cruise.



First car cruise  He was so excited, everything worked

His car was perfect.

Won an award as one of the top 4 cars that night.

Driving home, you will never guess what happens

The speedometer does not show the current speed above 0 MPH

Oh when we get home he says nothing.

I go and take my shower and he tucks the cars in for the night.


Now after my shower he is sitting at the island with the cars manual, that book that has everything you want to know about a 66 GTO  and will never know.

I wanted to cry.

So now he tells me about speedomer

I go make another appointment


August 11

Followed him to take car back to get speedometer fixed


August 12

Drove him to pick up car

That was easy, took it for a test run, it worked.

But I made him check all the other things that acted up and while we were there you guessed it.....

The wipers did not work.

So the rocket scientist lifts the hood and some type of motor that connects to a thingie died.

No problem, they ordered another and bring back next week.


August 22

Followed him to take car in.

New thingie put in, it was bad.  Did not work

Ordered a new thingie, 

Would be in by August 24.

Told him we would leave care there.


August 29

Went to get car

Unable to locate part

Bring car home

No functioning wipers.

Searching the car sites and trying to get a new part.


In the meantime

Front headlights do not work..................all the time......they are like the wipers that used to work (Intermittently).


So, currently we go to car shows that end before sunset on sunny days.



Guys you cannot make this up.




It gets better.

My 2006 GTO key FOB's just died.

They stopped making them 5 years ago.

I have to have one person push the button in the glove compartment and have someone else open the trunk, (no key hole to put key in to open, the FOB that does not work now was the only other way).



This is my story and sticking to it.



Take care


Catch you after I follow him back to take the car in if they ever locate a part.




Just an FYI

This garage and mechanic we use repairs all historic cars and people bring their cars to him from all over the states.

He has the highest BB ratings.

He has won awards from car clubs for his service


He just cannot fine the gremlin in the spouses GTO.

Damn Gremlin.










 May I be the first to wish you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY, next year that is...... (In other words sorry I am late this year).



Congratulations to Owen, wishing him a successful and safe football season.







Edited by Lionesss
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30 minutes ago, xpcdoojk said:

Lioness, take your fob to batteries plus or similar place and see if replacing the battery will fix it

I took mine to the dealer to replace mine. When I saw how he did it, I just picked up a package of batteries (2032) to do myself.

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1 hour ago, Lionesss said:


It gets better.

My 2006 GTO key FOB's just died.

They stopped making them 5 years ago.

I have to have one person push the button in the glove compartment and have someone else open the trunk, (no key hole to put key in to open, the FOB that does not work now was the only other way).



1 hour ago, xpcdoojk said:

Lioness, take your fob to batteries plus or similar place and see if replacing the battery will fix it


29 minutes ago, mo&fran said:

I took mine to the dealer to replace mine. When I saw how he did it, I just picked up a package of batteries (2032) to do myself.


I agree with checking the FOB battery. Mine died after 6 years or so & the dealer wanted $75-$100+ to "fix/replace" the fob. I watched a 3 minute YouTube where the guy showed how to replace the battery. Same kind as above (2032) & the it cost $4.99 from the local hardware store. Saved myself $95!



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