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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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22 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Our youngest Son, Chris, never drinks alcohol.    For a while Eric and I thought maybe we turned him off alcohol.   Not that we are alcoholics in anyway but when the children were younger and we had house parties, picnics and beach parties with family and friends that included alcohol and sometimes we were all pretty buzzed by the end of the day.    We thought we broke him.

After he turned 21 and still had no interest in alcohol we asked him why and if it had anything to do with us drinking.      He then confessed that when him and his older Brother were 16 and 20 yrs. old and we let them stay at the shore house for a weekend by themselves that they had a couple of friends over and drank a bunch of different stuff (we all know mixing is never good) and he was very drunk and very very sick and never wanted to feel that way ever again.   To do this day he never had another ounce of alcohol.     

We were glad to hear that we didn't break him😇


I've always wondered why I've never like booze.  Even before I met my birthmother and learned she was an alcoholic, I never did like booze.  I don't like the taste of it, I don't like the way it feels, none of it.  

After I found out J was an alcoholic, I figured that I probably got so pickled in the womb that I never needed any more alcohol for the rest of my life!  🤣

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3 hours ago, brillohead said:

Any other questions?  I'm an open book (full length novel, as you can see from the size of this post!).


Got it! Made it all the way thru. The list of "first-to-second cousin" stuff did make me go a bit cross-eyed but everything else was well explained. Only had to read one paragraph twice. LOL


Two questions:

1) Chuck's brother Bill is not the same Bill that lives in Alabama, correct?  And both Chuck and his brother are no longer alive?


2) Whose plan was it to give you up for adoption? Was it J or  your maternal grandmother? Or Michigan?


I guess that's really 3 questions.


Edited by HBE4
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1 hour ago, Sunshine3601 said:

It is very easy to post items on FB Marketplace.    I'm not sure that I am allowed to place a link to the site but basically type in face  book  marketplace on google it will show the site you need to click.   from there click on buy or sell at this screen you then click create new listing.

you will want to have pictures of your items on your phone or computer so you can post them on the listing.  

You may want to review some of the current listings to get an idea of what to write up.   People post all kinds of items.    

The first item I sold on this site was a used car and have been using ever since.

best to create a separate listing for each item you want to sell or give away.

you will then receive messages through FB or texts to your cell phone with people interested.   

I usually post on my listings - CASH or Venmo only and Must pick up, will Not ship

Good Luck!


34 minutes ago, Arzeena said:



Thank you for that FB MP how to.🥰


I will add to be careful depending on where and what you are selling.  We successfully sold a lot back in NJ before moving south so it can work.  Have sold a few things here but are much more careful.  We put whatever we are selling in the garage and won't let anyone in the house.  Cash only and they must pick up.  Have heard of deals going very bad in some of the more rural areas here.  Our local police station actually has a meeting spot for such sales to make it safer.  Also make sure you are alone always have someone else with you when someone shows up to look at or buy what you are selling.


BTW works the other way too, my son was looking at used cars a while back.  DH and him showed up at one of the homes selling a car.  When the car was nowhere to be seen they left, hear of things happening when you are trying to but not just sell.  Lots of unscrupulous people out there.  Bottom line be careful with private sales with the people you don't know.

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49 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

He then confessed that when him and his older Brother were 16 and 20 yrs. old and we let them stay at the shore house for a weekend by themselves that they had a couple of friends over and drank a bunch of different stuff (we all know mixing is never good) and he was very drunk and very very sick and never wanted to feel that way ever again.


That was my experience with Jack Daniels. Not mixing different stuff but it was first thing I got drunk on at the tender age of 15. Couldn't touch the stuff for a good 30 years later. Just smelling it would make my stomach turn. Even Jack and Coke wouldn't stay down. Wasn't until I started pairing Jack with Ginger Ale what I started to like Jack again. We now have a very cordial relationship (pun intended).


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20 minutes ago, akcruz said:



I will add to be careful depending on where and what you are selling.  We successfully sold a lot back in NJ before moving south so it can work.  Have sold a few things here but are much more careful.  We put whatever we are selling in the garage and won't let anyone in the house.  Cash only and they must pick up.  Have heard of deals going very bad in some of the more rural areas here.  Our local police station actually has a meeting spot for such sales to make it safer.  Also make sure you are alone always have someone else with you when someone shows up to look at or buy what you are selling.


BTW works the other way too, my son was looking at used cars a while back.  DH and him showed up at one of the homes selling a car.  When the car was nowhere to be seen they left, hear of things happening when you are trying to but not just sell.  Lots of unscrupulous people out there.  Bottom line be careful with private sales with the people you don't know.

Thank you April.

I have read about this as well. I am in NJ. Will not let any one in the house.

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13 minutes ago, HBE4 said:


That was my experience with Jack Daniels. Not mixing different stuff but it was first thing I got drunk on at the tender age of 15. Couldn't touch the stuff for a good 30 years later. Just smelling it would make my stomach turn. Even Jack and Coke wouldn't stay down. Wasn't until I started pairing Jack with Ginger Ale what I started to like Jack again. We now have a very cordial relationship (pun intended).


Sounds like me and Southern Comfort that a girlfriend and I got drunk on at the tender age of 16.   We drank on a field near a school playground, which of course we had to play on swings, slide, monkey bars, etc. while drunk.    I literally crawled home from the school playground throwing up every couple of feet.     Never touched it to this day.   

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25 minutes ago, akcruz said:



I will add to be careful depending on where and what you are selling.  We successfully sold a lot back in NJ before moving south so it can work.  Have sold a few things here but are much more careful.  We put whatever we are selling in the garage and won't let anyone in the house.  Cash only and they must pick up.  Have heard of deals going very bad in some of the more rural areas here.  Our local police station actually has a meeting spot for such sales to make it safer.  Also make sure you are alone always have someone else with you when someone shows up to look at or buy what you are selling.


BTW works the other way too, my son was looking at used cars a while back.  DH and him showed up at one of the homes selling a car.  When the car was nowhere to be seen they left, hear of things happening when you are trying to but not just sell.  Lots of unscrupulous people out there.  Bottom line be careful with private sales with the people you don't know.

Very good advice.   I forgot to mention that I do not allow anyone into my home.   I go outside to my driveway to meet them.

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16 minutes ago, HBE4 said:


That was my experience with Jack Daniels. Not mixing different stuff but it was first thing I got drunk on at the tender age of 15. Couldn't touch the stuff for a good 30 years later. Just smelling it would make my stomach turn. Even Jack and Coke wouldn't stay down. Wasn't until I started pairing Jack with Ginger Ale what I started to like Jack again. We now have a very cordial relationship (pun intended).


When I was 19 I drank an entire bottle of Vodka in a very short time period

I got so sick and said to myself never again will I drink Vodka.Since I was drunk when saying that I resumed drinking it again but not an entire bottle.

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37 minutes ago, akcruz said:



I will add to be careful depending on where and what you are selling.  We successfully sold a lot back in NJ before moving south so it can work.  Have sold a few things here but are much more careful.  We put whatever we are selling in the garage and won't let anyone in the house.  Cash only and they must pick up.  Have heard of deals going very bad in some of the more rural areas here.  Our local police station actually has a meeting spot for such sales to make it safer.  Also make sure you are alone always have someone else with you when someone shows up to look at or buy what you are selling.


BTW works the other way too, my son was looking at used cars a while back.  DH and him showed up at one of the homes selling a car.  When the car was nowhere to be seen they left, hear of things happening when you are trying to but not just sell.  Lots of unscrupulous people out there.  Bottom line be careful with private sales with the people you don't know.


I stay away from FB Marketplace, too many horror stories.  Many communities have yard sale groups that are for their town.  I have posted stuff on that before, cash only, driveway pickup only or meet at the Police station meeting spot that has a camera.  My town also has an everything free group that is only for people in the town.  They limit how many items you can pickup each week so no one hoards all the good stuff.  They also allow ISO posts (in search of) that allows people to post what they need and helps push people to get rid of the stuff they are holding onto.  With the FB group run by a local and moderated, they run out anyone who is breaking the rules.  

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34 minutes ago, HBE4 said:

Got it! Made it all the way thru. The list of "first-to-second cousin" stuff did make me go a bit cross-eyed but everything else was well explained. Only had to read one paragraph twice. LOL

It's a LOT, I'm impressed at how many people are willing to read it all!



37 minutes ago, HBE4 said:

Two questions:

1) Chuck's brother Bill is not the same Bill that lives in Alabama, correct?  And both Chuck and his brother are no longer alive?

Both Bills are the same person.  Chuck was either my father, and his brother Bill is my uncle, or Chuck was my uncle, and Bill is my father.  Their brother Jack is the only one of the three who is in the clear, because his daughter matched me as a cousin instead of a sibling, so Jack is my uncle either way.

Bill is still alive and living in Alabama.  If it turns out he's my father, he's ready and willing to accept me as his daughter.  



44 minutes ago, HBE4 said:

2) Whose plan was it to give you up for adoption? Was it J or  your maternal grandmother? Or Michigan?

It was J's decision to put me up for adoption.  She didn't want to be saddled with another unexpected child.  

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I never knew what the downside was to drinking significant amounts of variable types of mixed drinks/beer until I unfortunately consumed to much on a trip to Myrtle Beach in my first life.


When I was young and between boyfriends and I wanted to do something I would ask my brother, because I never wanted to miss a movie or concert or what-ever.  Somethings you just do not do with the girls, gotta be a MAN.


So, we were both in graduate school and the mid summer break came up.  After carrying 28 summer semester hours, and my brother in his second to his last semester in Electrical Engineering, we packed our bags, loaded up the car and left town.


Oh the first few days were tons of fun, dancing till the early hours, sleeping by the pool, just plain safe fun.

Then came Friday.

 Never ending Happy hours.

The local watering hole was next to our hotel.

I drank so many drinks and never spent a penny.

It is nice to be young in shape and sociable.

Now, it was a long long outing, and I never did shoot shots till that night

I was introduced to one of the bars specialty shooters..............A Bionic Beaver....

Now, I have no Idea what was in it but it went down so smooooth.

So now its 1:45am, and I think it was last call.


We decided that 8 hours of drinking was enough for my liver.

We got back to out hotel.........I thought, hmmmmm I am hot.

I'm going swimming.

Big mistake

Land form of sea sickness..................

I spent the next 20 hours in the bathroom hugging the porcelain bowl, praying that I would never drink again like that if I can survive this.  It was so bad the last few hours I was throwing up greenish slime.

The only reason I would crawl out of the bathroom was if my brother had to P or he took his shower.

He must have primed his liver, he slept all night, never threw up.


Looking back I am sure I was darn near close to alcohol toxicity.


This is the brother that when we went to a movie I had to have a purse big enough to hold his beer cans.  Yup if you pop the top during a movies quiet time it does draw attention.


And as the years have gone on and I grew older, and always being on call, and drinking just does not fit into the picture,  my tolerance is way low.  When  I am out, then 2-3 drinks a day is my limit.

D+, means happy husband he gets 7-8.

Plus I am signature in the casino, so in the event the limit is reached.....casino bar here we come.




On the Bella cruise, Water will be my best friend

Saving my toast for the Bella-lites when we meet.


Stay safe 



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Greetings all. @Tree_skier wanted me to post a pic for him. Unfortunately he is not able to post for a few days. His “live“ has been cancelled but is going to do an extensive after action review a week after his return. He was going to do it earlier but didn’t want to conflict with the Bella review so decided to wait until that was near over.


He just boarded Oasis today and his life is good. His new job that will keep him closer to home begins upon his return. He wanted to say hi and have me post this picture on his behalf. He’ll be posting from the ship Wednesday. 


I might post a few pics a day until then for him. 

God save the King and God bless you all.  😀









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My dad used to have a beer maybe once a week at home.  I used to love seeing him pour the beer from the can into a tall glass.  I always asked if I could have a sip to taste and he always said no until one time he gave in.  I must have been 13 or so.  I thought it would taste like ginger ale.  I took a large sip, choked it up and to this day never had any beer nor will I ever again.  



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Good morning.  Forecast today is for 38C (100F) so all kind of warnings in place.


DD has been following Harry Styles round the country. Due to flexible workplaces post Pandemic, she has been able to work in her company’s offices in Perth and Melbourne during the day and then go to the concert with friends at night, so no leave needed to be taken. Final hurrah  was seeing him in Sydney this weekend with 30 of her friends.  His concerts have been getting great reviews in the media and on social media and DD & friends certainly enjoyed them.
Unsurprisingly, this morning DD tested positive to Covid.


Have booked another cruise.  Going to the South Pacific - Noumea x 2, Lifou and Mystery Island.  Looking forward to lots of swimming and cocktails.  Sorry not with RCL.


Yesterday, my brother & I installed a new clothes line in my dad’s garden after my brother took out the 40yo clothes line of dads when a limb of tree he was cutting down fell in the wrong direction…oops.  Dad very happy  though to have a brand new one.  

Dad’s regular visiting lorikeets were chatting away nearby as we put together the clothes line.534AA241-0159-44A6-B8C4-7C0C5331584E.thumb.jpeg.6e926f69bff99715c85da11cdb3ed17b.jpeg


His tamarillo tree bearing fruit after he planted a seed.2F61EE05-7B33-4433-AF14-1494F8A99588.thumb.jpeg.bad8b17d9a08cf9e9af0a7ca20da289c.jpeg


For those of you excitedly looking forward to the Bella, have a fabulous time.

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6 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

I have a few friends there and I have seen this car a few times. The guy who took these photos does photography work for many car company’s but is here for Rolls Royce this year. He is a genuine car aficionado. 



I like this Rolls photo.





I was so fascinated by the Aston Martin that I had to take another look at it today.   For anyone interested, it's a 2022 Valkyrie Aston Martin Racing Pro.  It's all carbon fiber (no steel at all) and has a 1000 hp V12 engine.  No idea what the price tag is but if you have to ask...  More info here.




And that Rolls SUV has an even more impressive back seat than the tailgate.  Sorry...no pictures.


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16 minutes ago, bobmacliberty said:


I was so fascinated by the Aston Martin that I had to take another look at it today.   For anyone interested, it's a 2022 Valkyrie Aston Martin Racing Pro.  It's all carbon fiber (no steel at all) and has a 1000 hp V12 engine.  No idea what the price tag is but if you have to ask...  More info here.




And that Rolls SUV has an even more impressive back seat than the tailgate.  Sorry...no pictures.


What is the plastic thing in the front on the grass for?

Edited by Jimbo
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