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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday April 4th, 2023

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Good morning all,

We had frost and wind warnings last night, and a cool, crisp morning now. Have a ton of stuff to do today and later this week, and continue packing.


@dfish I added the ingredients for one of today’s specials to my list. It will be the one with the greens. 


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Meanwhile where I grew up in Vermont the sap is running. It’s Maple Syrup time. Whose making pancakes?



@aliaschief You sound like my Dad. He grew up in Jacksonville- actually outside the village. One of their main incomes was from maple sap and syrup. Grampa had a sugaring house that Dad and brothers ran and they collected the sap using Billy the horse to pull the sled. Billy sometimes liked to sneak a drink from the bucket.
So do you drink your syrup straight from the bottle or use a spoon? 😉



Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

We did not stop in Haugesund, it is south of Bergen where the Hurtigruten ships go out of, north around North Cape and back to Bergen. Here are some photos from Wikipedia. I have trouble attaching them with spaces but you’ll get the idea. 

I get the gist of the quote but not sure I fully accept it. I like bourbon and I like limoncello but I don’t think I’d like them together. I would enjoy any of today’s recipes but wouldn’t make it for us. It sounds like a dish one had to have grandma or mom teach you. And most of it is not DH’s taste, especially poached eggs.  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  Especially prayers for our Care list folks! 

Cheers to all celebrating milestones of Life!  And to Gerry and her Ukrainian family! 🇺🇦 You all lift us!  


Smooth seas to all the cruisers!  Enjoy it all!  And safe travels to everyone who may be venturing afar for the Passover and Easter gatherings. 


Haugesund Norway






Looks very charming.  Of course it is, like most Norwegian cities.




24 minutes ago, summer slope said:

At the Vet hoping for good news. 


Is this a checkup?  I hope the news is very good.🐈

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22 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

We had frost and wind warnings last night, and a cool, crisp morning now. Have a ton of stuff to do today and later this week, and continue packing.


@dfish I added the ingredients for one of today’s specials to my list. It will be the one with the greens. 


@aliaschief You sound like my Dad. He grew up in Jacksonville- actually outside the village. One of their main incomes was from maple sap and syrup. Grampa had a sugaring house that Dad and brothers ran and they collected the sap using Billy the horse to pull the sled. Billy sometimes liked to sneak a drink from the bucket.
So do you drink your syrup straight from the bottle or use a spoon? 😉



Have a great day everyone!

Like lobster and blueberries in Maine; many uses. We had sugar on snow parties. Then we would beat the syrup until it congeals then we would spread it on our toast. Granulated maple sugar, fudge, ice cream. Got to put some in home made baked beans, cake frosting, glazes etc. 

It takes approximately 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup. Quite the process but easier today than our ancestors. 
Canada is the largest producer but Vermonters swear theirs is the best. It’s all good and there is no comparison to real maple syrup.

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6 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

It takes approximately 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup.


One of my friends deals in steam kettles and has sold them to maple-syrup producers. They are not used for boiling the sap down; that's done in flat evaporator pans. The steam kettles were to warm the syrup for bottling. He says that many food products are warmed for ease in packing.

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Good morning from a cloudy Pacific Northwest,


The last few days have been busy and I haven't had much time to even be at the computer. DH is making some good progress. Sunday afternoon the nurse and CNA got him cleaned up, in a sling, and transferred to a reclining chair to watch the Mariners game. I went to take his picture, told him to "smile" and he gave a big grin which the nurse just loved. He stayed in the chair for 2 hours and then, when asked, pointed to the bed and back he went. 

Yesterday I got there about 1:00, after water aerobics, and he was sitting up in bed, no feeding tube, and pureed food in front of him! He'd pulled the tube out in the morning, speech had evaluated him and decided he could do pureed and I got there just as lunch was being served so I got to feed him. He kept wanting to feed himself and ate about 3/4 of the main meal and all of the pears. 

Today is a heart test. His last one showed his heart wasn't squeezing quite enough but that could be totally do to the sepsis so today is to find out if that's still the case or the problem has resolved itself. Depending on that test he may be able to transfer to our smaller local hospital for the next couple of weeks to have the IV administered, etc. We don't have Medicare days at the moment to fund skilled nursing so this will help. 


Have a wonderful day everyone! 


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Good morning from chilly Durango....our temperatures took a real drop over night. It was 19F when the dogs and I went for our morning walk. However, the high today is supposed to be around 38 which is an improvement over the previously forecast high. We are having some light snow showers.  Cold tomorrow also then it will slowly become more Spring like. I want to be able to open out the condo and air it out. And wash the throw rugs and get them outside to dry.


The meal looks interesting.... I would eat it if someone else made it. Have not been to the port of the day and I think I would like it. Have always enjoyed my visits to Norway.


My "big plans" for the day are to go to the bank and take my winter comforter to the laundry to have them wash it in their big machine. And work on cleaning the house. After neglecting it while I was sick I have a whole new view of Spring cleaning. I also need to prepare the condo tax return which is really pretty simple, just takes time to put all the figures together. Just so I get it in the mail on time. My own taxes were done in early February and I have gotten my refunds which are tucked away in my "cruise account".


Take care all.



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Good morning all!

Well the last 2 days have been a roller coaster for DH and me.  He wasn't feeling well yesterday morning so called in to let them know he wouldn't be working the Mariner game yesterday.  Later he took a Covid test....and it was positive. 😞  He's not doing too badly, a headache and minor cold symptoms. Thankful for that.  We went for 3 years without getting it.  I'm sure he got it on public transit going to/from the games.  He wears a mask faithfully but since it isn't required on public transit anymore...nobody else wears one.


Now the good news.  I went for my kidney labs yesterday and everything is moving in the right direction!  All the water I'm drinking, hardly any salt, and getting rid of and tweaking some meds seem to be doing the trick.  I'm not out of the woods yet, but definitely a big improvement from 2 months ago.  SO thankful for that.  Waiting for my nephrologist's comments, but I got the results early this morning.  I was afraid to look, seriously.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Great photos and congratulations to Ren!

Terry @smitty34877 Wonderful that your DH won't need surgery right now.  Keeping good thoughts for the interview tomorrow with the private aide!

Welcome to the Daily @MisterMatthew!

Nancy @ottahand7 The planters look great!

Maureen @RMLincolnThank you for the great photos of Haugesund.  

Dixie @summer slope Prayers that the tumor has shrunk.




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Good morning from a very windy and cloudy central Texas.  It is currently 72F which is slightly above what it was when I work up this morning.  It will reach the low 80s later (maybe) and rain is predicted tonight.  We got about 1/2 inch of rain on Sunday night.


It's a busy day here.  I put a load of laundry in and headed to a 8 am appointment with our physician's assistant for my six month check up and to get prescriptions renewed.  They also drew blood for the usual tests.  When I walked in the door an hour after I left, DH said the washer had just stopped.  Later this morning or this afternoon, we'll get the flat tire off the car and put a spare on, then take it up to the neighborhood station to have the new tire put on the wheel.  We'll probably need to ask a neighbor to help us get the tire off.


While I won't get a chance to hug a newsperson, DH did hug one this morning -- me.  I have a degree in journalism and worked on several papers when we were first married.  News reporting is a lot different today than it was 50+ years ago.  Walk around things day using Graham's  @grapau27 definition is a good thing.  School librarians are very important.  I worked in the school library in junior high school, and my BFF was an elementary school librarian.


The Frank Herbert quote is one that makes you think.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  I'd like t try the wine, but it is pricey.


Sadly, we have not been to Haugesund.


@Crazy For Cats  I like your version of a double scotch on the rocks.  😀

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for the pictures of the soccer game and the team.  It looks' like they are off to a good start.  I'm glad they welcomed Ren to the team.

@seagarsmoker  Thanks for the pictures of Falmouth.  We spent a week at a resort there in 1975, but have only been to Ocho Rios once since then.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad your DH got a good report from the second cardiac specialist.  I hope the interview with the private aide goes well, and you can hire her.

@marshhawk  Annie, sending good thoughts that your PET scan Thursday goes well and it reveals things aren't too bad.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope the follow-up for the surgery shows the pressure in your DH's eye is greatly reduced.  Thanks for the update on your friend's DH.  Thanks for the pictures of today's port.

@MisterMatthew  Welcome to the Fleet/Daily.  We hope you will join us again and often.  We are really a nice group of people.

@summer slope  Dixie, I hope you get good news from the vet.

@grapau27  Graham, I hope the steroid shot gives you some relief.

@aliaschief  Thanks for the information about how maple syrup is made.

@kochleffel  Interesting information, thanks, Paul.

@luvteaching  Karen, it sounds like your DH is making good if slow progress.  I hope the heart test shows the problem was due to the infection and was not permanent.

@durangoscots  Susan, I'm glad you are doing better, and you sound more like yourself.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'm sorry your DH tested positive, and I hope it's a mild case.  I also hope you don't get Covid.  That is good news your kidney tests results are heading in the right direction.


We may not be getting the tire fixed today.  DH decided he didn't want to deal with it today.  Frankly, I'd rather do it on a nicer day.





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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Active thread today.

No newsman around to hug. I have no issues or people I need to walk around. I will salute school librarians. Interesting quote. BFF has been after me to read Dune; I think I have it on my Kindle app for the cruise. I'll pass on the meal and drink, and take the wine if someone else pays for it.

I haven't been to Haugesund or Norway at all.


It's cloudy, but going up to 70 today! But tomorrow thunderstorms and high wind and even a possible tornado watch! So they're putting out warnings already. Some people in a neighboring county still don't have power from the Saturday storms. I've been doing laundry, and trying to choose clothes to take. It's hard, having daytime clothes, then changes for dinner, plus the dressier 3 nights, plus 3 weeks in Germany. I fear just between all my meds, and eye drops/ointments, and OTC just in case meds, my carry-on will be full!


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today, with @richwmn help. Good photos of Ren in action. 

@grapau27 Thank you for the explanation. I hope the injection helps. I go on Friday for mine.

@aliaschief Good memes!

@rafinmd Your alternative meal sounds good.

@smitty34877 Good news about DH not needing surgical intervention at this time! Prayers that this potential new aide works out.

@cruising sister I'm glad you and DSIL are having a nice time. Cute story about DGS.

@marshhawk Good luck with the scan on Thursday. My last stress test in January was a PET stress test. So I had 2 injections; the radiolabeled glucose and the med to speed up the heart since with my knee I couldn't do the treadmill. I was shocked to see that my insurance was charged $19k for the test! I had to pay $225, and insurance only paid them about $3k.

@RMLincoln Prayers for good news tomorrow at DH's eye surgery follow-up. Thanks for the photos.

@ottahand7 Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for the planting today. Thanks for the photo.

@MisterMatthew Welcome to the Daily!

@summer slope I hope you get good news at the Vet.

@luvteaching Good to hear that DH is making progress. I hope the heart test shows improvement. 

@durangoscots Susan, it sounds like you're feeling better.

@Cruising-along Sorry to hear about DH testing positive, and hopefully he isn't feeling too bad, and you stay negative. I worry that even though I'll wear a mask in the airport and on the plane, no one else will be. Yay on the improvement in your kidney tests!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.

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26 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:


Good morning all!

Well the last 2 days have been a roller coaster for DH and me.  He wasn't feeling well yesterday morning so called in to let them know he wouldn't be working the Mariner game yesterday.  Later he took a Covid test....and it was positive. 😞  He's not doing too badly, a headache and minor cold symptoms. Thankful for that.  We went for 3 years without getting it.  I'm sure he got it on public transit going to/from the games.  He wears a mask faithfully but since it isn't required on public transit anymore...nobody else wears one.


Now the good news.  I went for my kidney labs yesterday and everything is moving in the right direction!  All the water I'm drinking, hardly any salt, and getting rid of and tweaking some meds seem to be doing the trick.  I'm not out of the woods yet, but definitely a big improvement from 2 months ago.  SO thankful for that.  Waiting for my nephrologist's comments, but I got the results early this morning.  I was afraid to look, seriously.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Great photos and congratulations to Ren!

Terry @smitty34877 Wonderful that your DH won't need surgery right now.  Keeping good thoughts for the interview tomorrow with the private aide!

Welcome to the Daily @MisterMatthew!

Nancy @ottahand7 The planters look great!

Maureen @RMLincolnThank you for the great photos of Haugesund.  

Dixie @summer slope Prayers that the tumor has shrunk.



I'm sorry to hear Henry has Covid.  I hope it is a short, mild case.  Your news is so much better.  Keep up the good work on the kidneys!


I was laughing at all the comments about runny eggs.  I have to have the whites completely cooked.  If they aren't, I won't eat them.  So, I am in the group that may pre-cook the eggs.  The other idea is to baste the tops of the eggs in the juice and put a lid on for a minute or two.  

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8 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Active thread today.

No newsman around to hug. I have no issues or people I need to walk around. I will salute school librarians. Interesting quote. BFF has been after me to read Dune; I think I have it on my Kindle app for the cruise. I'll pass on the meal and drink, and take the wine if someone else pays for it.

I haven't been to Haugesund or Norway at all.


It's cloudy, but going up to 70 today! But tomorrow thunderstorms and high wind and even a possible tornado watch! So they're putting out warnings already. Some people in a neighboring county still don't have power from the Saturday storms. I've been doing laundry, and trying to choose clothes to take. It's hard, having daytime clothes, then changes for dinner, plus the dressier 3 nights, plus 3 weeks in Germany. I fear just between all my meds, and eye drops/ointments, and OTC just in case meds, my carry-on will be full!


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today, with @richwmn help. Good photos of Ren in action. 

@grapau27 Thank you for the explanation. I hope the injection helps. I go on Friday for mine.

@aliaschief Good memes!

@rafinmd Your alternative meal sounds good.

@smitty34877 Good news about DH not needing surgical intervention at this time! Prayers that this potential new aide works out.

@cruising sister I'm glad you and DSIL are having a nice time. Cute story about DGS.

@marshhawk Good luck with the scan on Thursday. My last stress test in January was a PET stress test. So I had 2 injections; the radiolabeled glucose and the med to speed up the heart since with my knee I couldn't do the treadmill. I was shocked to see that my insurance was charged $19k for the test! I had to pay $225, and insurance only paid them about $3k.

@RMLincoln Prayers for good news tomorrow at DH's eye surgery follow-up. Thanks for the photos.

@ottahand7 Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for the planting today. Thanks for the photo.

@MisterMatthew Welcome to the Daily!

@summer slope I hope you get good news at the Vet.

@luvteaching Good to hear that DH is making progress. I hope the heart test shows improvement. 

@durangoscots Susan, it sounds like you're feeling better.

@Cruising-along Sorry to hear about DH testing positive, and hopefully he isn't feeling too bad, and you stay negative. I worry that even though I'll wear a mask in the airport and on the plane, no one else will be. Yay on the improvement in your kidney tests!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.

Marshhawk - DH got a bill like that once.  A Dr walked in the room, looked at DH’s finger, and basically said you are all healed.  Took about 5 seconds.  The Dr charged the insurance around $6000.  We got a copy of the bill which we were not required to pay.  However, DH would not let it go.  Called Drs office about the exorbitant charge.  Was told “Don’t worry about it — insurance will pay”.  DH said this is why insurance is so expensive and said he was going to report this to the AMA.  A few weeks later he got an adjusted insurance bill.  The Dr got no where near $6000.  There’s a moral to my story but I am not quite sure what it is!!  😀 Katherine 

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Good morning and Happy Tuesday. It’s chilly this morning and @cruising sister will be even chillier on Mount Lemmon. Right now it’s 24F there. 

Dune is one of Craig’s all time favorite books. He took it on one of our early cruises and gave it away to someone on the plane. He sort of regrets doing that because he now collects and keeps his favorites. 

Blue has a paw-dicure appointment this morning. Other than that not much else happening. Although I do really need to start setting out clothes to pack. I never wear orange but decided to buy an orange top to wear for the Orange Party. There are 4 Gala nights on the first segment so I need to see if I have a second dress. I really don’t want to wear the same dress 6 times (6 for all segments). And yes, they used Gala instead of Dressy. 

I will check back in later. Have a great day everyone!

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13 minutes ago, dfish said:


I'm sorry to hear Henry has Covid.  I hope it is a short, mild case.  Your news is so much better.  Keep up the good work on the kidneys!


I was laughing at all the comments about runny eggs.  I have to have the whites completely cooked.  If they aren't, I won't eat them.  So, I am in the group that may pre-cook the eggs.  The other idea is to baste the tops of the eggs in the juice and put a lid on for a minute or two.  

Henry started on Paxlovid last night, his doctor approved it.  If I get Covid, I doubt I could take it between my kidney function and meds I'm on.  But yes, I'm very pleased with the lab report!  I went from 2 points away from Stage 4 to 1 point away from Stage 3a (still in 3b). Moving up!


I like my eggs "medium" meaning the yolks can't be hard but not running all over the place.  And never, ever, like an egg plopped on top of my food, runny or hard. 🤣

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40 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Active thread today.

No newsman around to hug. I have no issues or people I need to walk around. I will salute school librarians. Interesting quote. BFF has been after me to read Dune; I think I have it on my Kindle app for the cruise. I'll pass on the meal and drink, and take the wine if someone else pays for it.

I haven't been to Haugesund or Norway at all.


It's cloudy, but going up to 70 today! But tomorrow thunderstorms and high wind and even a possible tornado watch! So they're putting out warnings already. Some people in a neighboring county still don't have power from the Saturday storms. I've been doing laundry, and trying to choose clothes to take. It's hard, having daytime clothes, then changes for dinner, plus the dressier 3 nights, plus 3 weeks in Germany. I fear just between all my meds, and eye drops/ointments, and OTC just in case meds, my carry-on will be full!


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today, with @richwmn help. Good photos of Ren in action. 

@grapau27 Thank you for the explanation. I hope the injection helps. I go on Friday for mine.

@aliaschief Good memes!

@rafinmd Your alternative meal sounds good.

@smitty34877 Good news about DH not needing surgical intervention at this time! Prayers that this potential new aide works out.

@cruising sister I'm glad you and DSIL are having a nice time. Cute story about DGS.

@marshhawk Good luck with the scan on Thursday. My last stress test in January was a PET stress test. So I had 2 injections; the radiolabeled glucose and the med to speed up the heart since with my knee I couldn't do the treadmill. I was shocked to see that my insurance was charged $19k for the test! I had to pay $225, and insurance only paid them about $3k.

@RMLincoln Prayers for good news tomorrow at DH's eye surgery follow-up. Thanks for the photos.

@ottahand7 Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for the planting today. Thanks for the photo.

@MisterMatthew Welcome to the Daily!

@summer slope I hope you get good news at the Vet.

@luvteaching Good to hear that DH is making progress. I hope the heart test shows improvement. 

@durangoscots Susan, it sounds like you're feeling better.

@Cruising-along Sorry to hear about DH testing positive, and hopefully he isn't feeling too bad, and you stay negative. I worry that even though I'll wear a mask in the airport and on the plane, no one else will be. Yay on the improvement in your kidney tests!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.

Thank you Vanessa.

I hope your injections are successful on Friday.



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+1 to all the Shoutouts above. I marvel at how you can manage to get them all sorted out. Blessings to each and every one!    I anxiously await word on all the issues, hopes and events. Will report results we’ll get tomorrow. And thank you for all your good thoughts and lifts!  (…so much so that I was looking at cruises last night…. not time yet but maybe someday!) 

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