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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday February 27th, 2023


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Good morning and thanks all!  Hard to catch up from the middle of the Pacific.   But like all good things that is coming to an end.  @superoma that’s how we handle winter, we leave, lol!  But the last two years at home got us into birding for our mental health!  Love seeing so many other snowbirds here, listening to a beautiful finch right now! 

I giggled about the no brainer and polar bears,  I had a dream last night we got home and there was a polar bear on our lawn, but upon looking closer it was a life sized one made of wool, like those old poodle toilet paper holders, lol!   The aurora have been very active, of course when we’re not there.  

a truly lovely celebration last night complete with stars 




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3 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Hard to catch up from the middle of the Pacific.   But like all good things that is coming to an end.  @superoma that’s how we handle winter, we leave, lol!  But the last two years at home got us into birding for our mental health!  Love seeing so many other snowbirds here, listening to a beautiful finch right now! 

I giggled about the no brainer and polar bears,  I had a dream last night we got home and there was a polar bear on our lawn, but upon looking closer it was a life sized one made of wool, like those old poodle toilet paper holders, lol!   The aurora have been very active, of course when we’re not there.  

a truly lovely celebration last night complete with stars 




Amazing colours and photos.

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2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Hoping @dfish arrived home safely ahead of the storm hitting Midland.


I'm two+ hours north of her. The storm has arrived here -- ice, snow, wind. This is our current ice-coated view (NOT!) out our Living Room now ⬇️:




And, this is our usual winter view ⬇️:






I did make it home before the storm started.  I think this one is as bad as last week was.  So far all we've gotten is snow and for that I am thankful.  But, I will have to wait for the plow guy to get out tomorrow.  I wasn't planning on going anywhere early tomorrow.  We are supposed to have the 4 additional chairs for our dining table delivered tomorrow morning.  


2 hours ago, cruising Katie said:

Rough day today, my cat had not been feeling well for a few days, not eating, and hardly using the litter box.  Jerry had multiple organ failure, could have been put on medication but could not stand him suffering.  The vet and staff let me hold him when he was sedated and put to sleep,  He was a black and white, tuxedo and would have been 14 on March 9th.  I don't post much, but have gone through the sadness of many CC members loosing their beloved pets.  He will be on the Rainbow Bridge now.   


Katie, you came to the right place.  Thank you for putting your trust in us to share your grief and give you support and comfort.  You did the right thing for Jerry.   I hope the comfort and support we can give  you helps you heal.  

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Quick break from the sorting and tossing. We are still under storm watches for the next few days and there have been two more avalanche incidents here in southwest Colorado. In one the man's companions managed to dig him out alive although they were pushing the survival window, but in the other, they are still looking for what now must be the body. None of these were inside a regulated ski area. One involved a snowmobile the others were skiers.


Katie.... it is so hard to let them go. But sounds like the right and humane thing for little Jerry. He lived a life with love and that is so important for our furry ones.



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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:


Dixie, please stay away from this golf course. Be sure to tell your family & friends, too! Perhaps not why you want to make the news…







Our Spring Lake golf course has been closed down for several years now.  Not sure about this.  But we do have some big ones in the canals.

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A late afternoon check-in.

@cruising Katiehow heartbreaking for you to have to say goodbye to Jerry.  I know you did the right thing for him, as you wouldn't want to have him suffer any longer.  It's SO hard saying goodbye to our furbabies.


@HAL Sailer and @dfishstay safe during the storm!


@kazuYou're right, the office was no help at all.  The only thing they did was assign my account a pin # which was useless when I tried calling the "tech support" or as I call it the "useless call to someone in another country".  The guy needed to talk to DH as his name was primary on the account, asking him for passwords, etc.  Like he knows any of them . . . . .  Another exercise in futility, this one lasting more than an hour.


@TiogaCruiseryes it is Outlook.  I'm not super tech savvy, so have no idea what a PST file is.  I know that psssspssssttt calls the cat.  LOL


I hope everyone has a good night; it's time for wine.

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Good evening. It's been raining here most of the afternoon.


@cruising Katie So sorry about your cat Jerry. You gave him a good life. Hugs to you.

@bennybear Great photos.

@durangoscots Awful about the avalanches and people getting caught in them, possibly also endangering rescuers.

@ger_77 A PST file is an Outlook Personal Information Store file. It is used to store items like calendar events, contacts, and email messages. You should be able to import it into Outlook to have your old messages reappear.

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Soon after we moved into this house, the Senior Cat in Charge and the Junior Cat saw a black bear in the garden, and after that were on the alert for bears all the time. They were especially alert in the winter, when black bears hibernate, because polar bears could hide in the snow. The Junior Cat still spend a part of every day checking for bears (through the patio door; she doesn't go outdoors).


My digestive tract seems to be settling down, but I still want to do nothing but sleep. Tomorrow I'm supposed to attend a Zoom meeting called by the governor, but there will be about a thousand people in the meeting and I can turn my camera off if need be.



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5 hours ago, cruising Katie said:

Rough day today, my cat had not been feeling well for a few days, not eating, and hardly using the litter box.  Jerry had multiple organ failure, could have been put on medication but could not stand him suffering.  The vet and staff let me hold him when he was sedated and put to sleep,  He was a black and white, tuxedo and would have been 14 on March 9th.  I don't post much, but have gone through the sadness of many CC members loosing their beloved pets.  He will be on the Rainbow Bridge now.   

I can't like your post, but I do feel your sadness.  I've been there once or twice in the past and it never gets easier.  But he's in a better place now  💔

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Good afternoon from sunny central Texas.  I'm very late today since it was house cleaning day, and it took longer than normal.  I ordered a steam mop for our tile floors and it came today.  It had been way too long since they were really cleaned, and a lot of "stuff" had collected in the little crevices that give the tile a somewhat textured look.  Once I got started using the steam mop, it lead to more cleaning and even redoing some of the floors I'd mopped this morning.  The floors look so much brighter, and with continued use of the steam mop, they should look even better as time goes by.  I've finally caught up reading the Daily.


As others have said, polar bears deserve our help.  We were fortunate to see a huge male polar bear, and a momma and her two cubs in the wild when we were scenic cruising around Spitzbergen in 2016.  I managed to get a few pictures from the Prinsendam, but the bears were so far away, they look like really fuzzy white blobs on land.  Today has been a no brainer day as I don't need to think too much to clean.  I guess or 55+ year old toaster is retro.  It was a wedding present, and I can't believe it is still working.


As I have said before, I am a big reader, so books have been my friends forever.  I remember going to the library when I was in elementary school.


We'll skip the meal, drink and wine.  


Unfortunately, we have not been to Andalsnes, Norway.  Sandi, @StLouisCruisers thank you for not only starting the Fleet/Daily this morning, but for sharing you pictures of a pretty Norwegian port.  I also think two puppies might mean more interruptions for your DSIL at work.  I'm glad you slept pretty well last night.


@grapau27  Graham, I have enjoyed all your pictures of the Art Deco buildings in Miami.

@Mr. Boston  I'm very glad your are enjoying your cruise.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time finding a reliable aide for Tana.  It is great that her friend will stay with her tomorrow, and hopefully, another day or two.  I hope all your DH's appointments go well.

@0106  I loved the pictures of the daffodils.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you slept well, but sorry about the 3 am curse.  I hope the podiatrist appointment goes well tomorrow.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm sorry about the computer and email problem.  I hope you got it fixed, but could Staples offer some advice if you called them?

@1ANGELCAT  Thank you for your pictures from Longwood Gardens.  We visited there several times when we lived in Kemblesville, and always took visiting family there.

@superoma  Eva, enjoy your visit with your DSIL, and I hope the border crossings aren't a big hassle this time.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I hope the cast isn't too itchy.  When my grandmother broke her leg, she was not having any problems with itching until my father asked her if it itched.  The power of suggestion.  

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope the contractor can get the tilers there soon.  I'm sure you will enjoy your new tv table.

@durangoscots  Susan, such sad news about all those caught in avalanches and being killed.  I'm glad they were able to rescue the one person.  No comments on what I think about their choices to be outside the designated areas.

@Cruising-along  I hope the doctor can help your DH with his cough.  It must be quiet around the house with the grand kitties back home with the DGSs.

@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, cute picture of Blue.

@tupper10  I would love to see a launch in person someday.

@cruising Katie  I'm so sorry you had to help Jerry cross the Rainbow Bridge, but as hard as it is on the humans, it's the right thing to do for our four legged family members.  I hope all the good memories with Jerry can give you comfort.


For everyone in the path of winter storms bringing snow, sleet, winds, etc., I hope you all stay safe and do not lose power.


We are beginning the process of looking for a new washer and drier.  Ours are 1999 models and still work, but the washer is making a extremely loud noise when it spins.  The sound reminds me of standing on the platform in NYC as a subway train enters the station.  I don't think this is the appliance gremlins, but old age.


Now, it's time to fold the last load of towels and start dinner.  Thank goodness for leftovers that only need heating.




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I have been following the Daily before it was "the Daily".  I usually just read and do not comment.  I have never cruised on a Holland America cruise, instead mostly on Celebrity.  I read this page every day when I am home.   It is such a welcoming place and it is like knowing everyone of you.


Talking about polar bears - Churchill, Manitoba is noted for polar bears particulary in the winter.  Visitors come from all over the world.


Unfortunately it is very expensive to visit and many people living in Manitoba are not able to visit because of the cost.  However, this past July I took a seven day trip - two days on the railway both coming and going and three days in Churchill.  (you can also fly in)  Beluga whales were in season and we saw many of them.


However, on an excursion to the Prince of Wales fort which they are rebuilding, everyone had to stay in a safe place when a polar bear was sighted on the beach.  There are guards on four wheelers with guns to scare the bears away.  One of the people in my group was fortunate enough to get a picture of the polar bear before he was scared back into the water.


We did see a mother and her cub while on an other excursion; however, all tour guides keep people far away as they can run very fast.  So it was from a distance.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.


I also attached a picture of a beluga whale.  They are really difficult to get a picture as they do not breach like other whales - just come to the surface.image.jpeg.55c76092ca3feb8cc9f8b58e93a72e8b.jpeg



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52 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Now, time to fold the last load of towels and start dinner.  Thank goodness for leftovers that only need heating.





Hi guys.  Haven’t been online much lately, but today I did notice it was laundry day for a couple of Dailyites.   
I’ve been picking up tips from the interweb. 😍




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It's another lovely sunny day, on this Tuesday, the last day of February. temperature 23 C.

 Thanks for the Fleet locations, Noordam is in Wellington today.   Lots of news on the daily today.

@Safety Squirrel thank you for your post and photos.

@kazu  thank you for your message, today 3 people not accounted for, but maybe they do not want to be located!  

@cruising Katie  so sorry that Jerry was so ill, and crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

@rafinmd hope your visit to the podiatrist goes well.

@Cruising-along  hope your DH gets a prompt  medical appointment for his cough.

@1ANGELCAT  thank you for the beautiful flower photos.

@StLouisCruisers  and  @kazu  thank you for your Multiquoting posts today, such good examples to all of us.  Again, Thank you both.




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As many have said before me, this is a safe and comforting place.  Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts.  Jerry was a wonderful companion, since losing my husband many years ago, he had

an interesting personality (as I believe most cats do).  I told my grandchildren that Jerry was ill and had to cross the rainbow bridge.  They insisted my son drive them over to my house, (in a snow storm) to give me a hug.  My little one, Emmett, age 5 said its ok Nana, there are lots of baby cats i can assopt?

I think he meant adopt.  Thanks again for your kindness       

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9 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good Monday morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like polar bears, although I've only seen them in zoos. No brainer day is a no brainer! I salute retro day, living in a 100+ year old house. Nice quote. I'd like the meal, minus the bread. Maybe on the drink (sans chili powder) and no to the wine.

I've never been to Andalsnes.


We're due for rain starting around noon and high winds. So I'll be inside today I think. I managed to gather all my tax information yesterday, so now I need to scan it into the computer and upload to my accountant via a secure portal. Otherwise I'm still trying to declutter around here.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting the FR/Daily today. Milo is so cute and I hope Sadie won't be a bad influence on him, lol. Good to hear you slept better last night. Nice photos from Andalsnes, although sorry you were still feeling the effects from Covid when there. I hope DS and DDIL enjoy themselves, and the boys do fine on their own.

@grapau27 Thanks for the Art Deco buildings photos.

@kazu Great memes.

@Cruzin Terri Sorry no workers today, and I hope that you like the new tv table when it comes.

@Mr. Boston Thanks for checking in and enjoy the warm weather!

@cat shepard Sorry visitors upset Bindi.

@rafinmd How's the foot swelling?

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. That canopy walk you showed looks a little scary.

@marshhawk Nice that your friends Charles and Ann are joining you on the cruise. Great story about DH fixing your "commode"! 

@ger_77 What a pain with the email issue, and that you have to go in person about it.

@smitty34877 Sorry you are still having issues with getting steady help. Thank goodness for Tana's nurse friend.  And prayers for DH with his medical appointments.

@1ANGELCAT Longwood Gardens is a lovely place. Thanks for the photos.

@superoma How nice to have your DSIL here. Enjoy the dinner, kaffee und kuchen, and the family party!

@cruising sister Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy Las Vegas!

@aliaschief Great polar bears photo.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List (let me know if I left anyone off).

Stay well everyone.


Funny comment about Sadie being a bad influence on Milo.  You could be right!  I notice many here mention decluttering and sorting through belongings.  I'm thinking we should do that too, but we must be too lazy.  I'm feeling a little guilty about that.🤔



8 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Sandi.

When I was young Miami beach was my dream holiday destination.

Our Hotel Hyatt Centric South beach was perfectly located.









More wonderful photos!  You two look good in Miami.  I'm just saying...




8 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Today is the 3rd day without snow, but that streak is about to end tomorrow. Dogs are enjoying longer walks and I am managing to get stuff to the trash and recycling bins. My neck is still a bit stiff, but much better. Hope I don't do that - whatever it was - again. Have not heard from my Sister the last couple of days so I assume everyone is improving as she usually calls me if things are not going well. However, the better weather here has had its downside as 2 backcountry skiers died in an avalanche outside of town near Vallecito. The snow pack here is deep and very unstable due to the ice and high winds. And more of both together with snow is expected starting tomorrow and going through the rest of the week with the heaviest on Wednesday. May have to postpone that Board meeting again.


Love polar bears from a distance. Have not been to today's destination and while the meal looks good, it is probably something I should not be eating. On the other hand.....? I could be tempted I think.


Not much on my agenda for the day. I should go by the store to pick up a few things ahead of the weather....but probably won't. I can make do. I do need to go to the pharmacy and give the dogs a couple more walks. And of course, the slow attempts at decluttering will continue. Or I may read a book.


Take care all.



Susan, what a shame about all the avalanches there!  It must be terrifying to be in that situation.




8 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Wow, 3 full pages already!  But then I'm slightly later than usual.  I slept pretty well except poor DH was up coughing a lot of the night (Covid test negative) and so we were both awake a lot. Luckily for me I was always able to get back to sleep except for the time between 2 and 4... and he wasn't coughing then!  😄  I think I've convinced him to call the doctor today because her suggestions (after chest x-ray etc. were all fine) aren't helping.  If anything his cough seems worse.  It was diagnosed as post nasal drip, but this seems much worse to me (but what do I know)?


I like all bears, but have only seen polar bears in the zoo.  Also like most retro and I guess most of my days are no brainer days lol.  I would like the meal without the bun, especially the first recipe.  But tonight we'll be having the rest of the big chicken pot pie I made last night.  I would like the wine, I think, and the drink without the chili powder.  Have not been to this port in Norway, thanks for any and all photos!


Last night DD and family came and picked up the kittens to take them home.  Oh those boys were happy to see their kittens!  My heart about burst when each boy told me that their Nana is the best person to take care of their kitties when they're away.  🙂  I guess they got 15 inches of snow (there was none the day before) when they woke up yesterday morning at their place outside of Whistler.  I wondered if they would get out of there! But DSIL had the car cleared off and it probably only delayed them by an hour or so.


Sandi @StLouisCruisersthose puppies are both SO cute!  Speaking as someone who recently took care of 2 sibling kittens, having 2 makes it fun to watch them play together but it also can make double the trouble as each one follows the other into places they shouldn't. These 2 play tag team it seems. 😅


Terry @smitty34877I don't know which thread you had a post removed, but sometimes if you respond to a post that was removed, all posts responding to it are removed too.  It could just be something like that.  I can't imagine any other reason you would have a post removed. 


I hope your DH can find out what's ailing him.  Good luck with that!  Your comment about double trouble reminds me of my twin and I in 5th grade.  We had the same teacher and she jokingly said we were double trouble (but we really weren't).  😄




7 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Monday. After two nights of good sleep last night was rough. I was awake for quite awhile and couldn’t get comfortable. Finally decided to read a bit and that helped. Of course my reading was mostly here on CC. 

The days are good and the meal looks good too but I probably won’t make it. And the wine actually sounds good for a Chardonnay. 

It’s sunny today so Blue might be able to catch some sunshine on the stairs about 11:30. 


Have a great day everyone!

Thanks for the photo of Blue today.  Must be good and warm there.  DD's first dog, Gracie, used to sit on the stair landing just so she could see out the transom windows over the front door.  Wouldn't want a bird/rabbit/chipmunk/dog/cat or person to walk by their house!!




7 hours ago, tupper10 said:

Have a great day everyone and prayers to those in need of them.


Early this morning I woke up with my step son to watch the launch but it was canceled at 2 minutes to lift off. We have another one later today so I have my alarm set.  Though we live pretty far south if we look north we can see the rockets after take off and see the separation as well. It is an amazing sight to see. I know the people who live by the space coast get a much better view and one day I'd love to see one up close.


I love to read and sitting on a promenade deck with a book in my lap is how I love to cruise.  I used to be able to read by the pool or on the aft deck but now with the playing of non stop loud music on almost every ship those relaxing days are over.  I really don't understand it since with the advent of our phones with our own music lists and headphones every one can listen to what they like vs the muzak that is now played everywhere. This is one of my pet peeves. It is one of the reasons we stopped sailing on Celebrity because w/o paying for a suite you cannot get away from the piped in loud music.


Off of  my soapbox now.   I see the back surgeon this Thursday. I am wondering if we will be able to do our port intensive cruise to Norway and Iceland this July with a very long flight to Amsterdam.  Just in case I booked a later trip to Alaska out of Seattle with the 25.00 sale. It is only a 7 day cruise and the flight is much shorter for us.    I will be very disappointed if we can't go to Europe but I have to be realistic.  


Loved all the pictures of Norway today.


Graham your pictures of South Beach are terrific.  Ironically just this morning on our local NPR station  there was an entire segment about the Art Deco hotels in Miami.    Here is the link to the segment.  Also for those of you coming to  FLL/Miami area there are some wonderful sponsored Art Deco walking tours by the preservation society.  



Watching the launches must be so much fun.  Hope the next scheduled one goes off alright.  Good luck at the back surgeon appointment Thursday.  I hope you get to go to Norway and Iceland!




6 hours ago, cruising Katie said:

Rough day today, my cat had not been feeling well for a few days, not eating, and hardly using the litter box.  Jerry had multiple organ failure, could have been put on medication but could not stand him suffering.  The vet and staff let me hold him when he was sedated and put to sleep,  He was a black and white, tuxedo and would have been 14 on March 9th.  I don't post much, but have gone through the sadness of many CC members loosing their beloved pets.  He will be on the Rainbow Bridge now.   

Katie, my condolences on your cat Jerry crossing the Rainbow Bridge.  I'm glad the vet let you be there for him.  Many here have experienced this and know how you feel.😥




6 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Hoping @dfish arrived home safely ahead of the storm hitting Midland.


I'm two+ hours north of her. The storm has arrived here -- ice, snow, wind. This is our current ice-coated view (NOT!) out our Living Room now ⬇️:




And, this is our usual winter view ⬇️:





Melisa, hope the weather warms up and melts your ice.  Some snow melting wouldn't be a bad thing either.  Take care!




6 hours ago, kazu said:


Don’t worry about it.  If you happened to quote someone whose post was a problem then the reply is deleted too.


And some people take offence all too easily 🤷‍♀️ 




Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, Roy.  Hopefully the 3 AM curse doesn’t hit you tomorrow morning 🤞 




Your internet & email provider is for the birds.as far as I am concerned.  One of the reasons I ignore their offers.  Good luck with getting service at the office.




I hear you on customs and immigration - not my favourite either 🤮 Sounds like you have some great days in store with you DSIL and family.  Hoping you enjoy it all 🤞 




Sorry there are no contractors today but if you are working at boxes, you are making progress 👍. I know it doesn’t feel like it but it will 🙂 




Fabulous shot!  What an experience that was 👍 





You never know, Sandi.  When my Mum had the unexpected twins and I quickly became a part time Mum the twins did keep each other occupied but…. If one decided to get into trouble believe me, they both were. 😜.   They will be fun but I do think a fair bit of work.  Hope I am wrong.




What a nice day you had at Longwood Gardens!  Gorgeous flowers and pics.  Thanks for sharing them.




Good luck with your appointment with the surgeon.  Hope you will be able to do your Norway cruise 🤞. You are smart to have a back up plan.  Plan for the worst and it won’t happen, I like to hope.





I am so sorry you had to send Jerry over the Rainbow Bridge 😢. Kudos to you for putting his interests first.  He will be waiting for you.





You have twin sisters Jacqui?  And unexpected ones, too.  Same with my parents.  Strange how twins weren't noticed for so many people back in the day.  I'm not sure I'd be happy not knowing in advance but that's the way it was.  I'm hoping Milo can turn Sadie around, and not the other way around.




4 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Good afternoon, fellow Dailyites!  Thanks to all who make this the place to be.  We can all rejoice with each other, and share the tears with those whose cares are shared!  What a caring community.


One piece of good news!  I am watching a robin out my window.  Of course, I know that doesn't make spring, as we have snow in the forecast for later today and the next two days!  But I just had to share!  Actually, there are two robins in the open space between units!  I know so many areas are just like it is here - we want Spring to arrive and NOW.


The date has now been set for my oldest DSSon's second surgery.  If all stays the same his kidney will be removed April 12.  Of course, it is one of the days that I will be "unavailable" as I will be in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on the Rotterdam TA.  I have done some soul searching, but I am not going to cancel this cruise.  Too long in the making and planning, and too close to sailing date!  I will just be there in thought and prayer, and leave the hospital, etc. to my DDIL and DSDaughter.  I hope I am making the right decision.


@smitty34877, I understand your reluctance to leave Tana alone.  I faced so many of those days, and unfortunately that is a disease that causes so many unexpected "curves in the road."  You and your family are doing a great job in caregiving.  My hats off to all the caregivers in whatever circumstances they are in.


Hope the rest of the day is great for all!

Mary Kay

I think you made the right decision to go ahead with the cruise.  They will let you know how everything goes.  And we will have him on our prayer list.  




4 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Hard to catch up from the middle of the Pacific.   But like all good things that is coming to an end.  @superoma that’s how we handle winter, we leave, lol!  But the last two years at home got us into birding for our mental health!  Love seeing so many other snowbirds here, listening to a beautiful finch right now! 

I giggled about the no brainer and polar bears,  I had a dream last night we got home and there was a polar bear on our lawn, but upon looking closer it was a life sized one made of wool, like those old poodle toilet paper holders, lol!   The aurora have been very active, of course when we’re not there.  

a truly lovely celebration last night complete with stars 




Really great photos!




2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

A late afternoon check-in.

@cruising Katiehow heartbreaking for you to have to say goodbye to Jerry.  I know you did the right thing for him, as you wouldn't want to have him suffer any longer.  It's SO hard saying goodbye to our furbabies.


@HAL Sailer and @dfishstay safe during the storm!


@kazuYou're right, the office was no help at all.  The only thing they did was assign my account a pin # which was useless when I tried calling the "tech support" or as I call it the "useless call to someone in another country".  The guy needed to talk to DH as his name was primary on the account, asking him for passwords, etc.  Like he knows any of them . . . . .  Another exercise in futility, this one lasting more than an hour.


@TiogaCruiseryes it is Outlook.  I'm not super tech savvy, so have no idea what a PST file is.  I know that psssspssssttt calls the cat.  LOL


I hope everyone has a good night; it's time for wine.

How frustrating working on this internet problem with your provider.  I hope someone can give you some advice.




1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from sunny central Texas.  I'm very late today since it was house cleaning day, and it took longer than normal.  I ordered a steam mop for our tile floors and it came today.  It had been way too long since they were really cleaned, and a lot of "stuff" had collected in the little crevices that give the tile a somewhat textured look.  Once I got started using the steam mop, it lead to more cleaning and even redoing some of the floors I'd mopped this morning.  The floors look so much brighter, and with continued use of the steam mop, they should look even better as time goes by.  I've finally caught up reading the Daily.


As others have said, polar bears deserve our help.  We were fortunate to see a huge male polar bear, and a momma and her two cubs in the wild when we were scenic cruising around Spitzbergen in 2016.  I managed to get a few pictures from the Prinsendam, but the bears were so far away, they look like really fuzzy white blobs on land.  Today has been a no brainer day as I don't need to think too much to clean.  I guess or 55+ year old toaster is retro.  It was a wedding present, and I can't believe it is still working.


As I have said before, I am a big reader, so books have been my friends forever.  I remember going to the library when I was in elementary school.


We'll skip the meal, drink and wine.  


Unfortunately, we have not been to Andalsnes, Norway.  Sandi, @StLouisCruisers thank you for not only starting the Fleet/Daily this morning, but for sharing you pictures of a pretty Norwegian port.  I also think two puppies might mean more interruptions for your DSIL at work.  I'm glad you slept pretty well last night.


@grapau27  Graham, I have enjoyed all your pictures of the Art Deco buildings in Miami.

@Mr. Boston  I'm very glad your are enjoying your cruise.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time finding a reliable aide for Tana.  It is great that her friend will stay with her tomorrow, and hopefully, another day or two.  I hope all your DH's appointments go well.

@0106  I loved the pictures of the daffodils.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you slept well, but sorry about the 3 am curse.  I hope the podiatrist appointment goes well tomorrow.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm sorry about the computer and email problem.  I hope you got it fixed, but could Staples offer some advice if you called them?

@1ANGELCAT  Thank you for your pictures from Longwood Gardens.  We visited there several times when we lived in Kemblesville, and always took visiting family there.

@superoma  Eva, enjoy your visit with your DSIL, and I hope the border crossings aren't a big hassle this time.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I hope the cast isn't too itchy.  When my grandmother broke her leg, she was not having any problems with itching until my father asked her if it itched.  The power of suggestion.  

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope the contractor can get the tilers there soon.  I'm sure you will enjoy your new tv table.

@durangoscots  Susan, such sad news about all those caught in avalanches and being killed.  I'm glad they were able to rescue the one person.  No comments on what I think about their choices to be outside the designated areas.

@Cruising-along  I hope the doctor can help your DH with his cough.  It must be quiet around the house with the grand kitties back home with the DGSs.

@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, cute picture of Blue.

@tupper10  I would love to see a launch in person someday.

@cruising Katie  I'm so sorry you had to help Jerry cross the Rainbow Bridge, but as hard as it is on the humans, it's the right thing to do for our four legged family members.  I hope all the good memories with Jerry can give you comfort.


For everyone in the path of winter storms bringing snow, sleet, winds, etc., I hope you all stay safe and do not lose power.


We are beginning the process of looking for a new washer and drier.  Ours are 1999 models and still work, but the washer is making a extremely loud noise when it spins.  The sound reminds me of standing on the platform in NYC as a subway train enters the station.  I don't think this is the appliance gremlins, but old age.


Now, it's time to fold the last load of towels and start dinner.  Thank goodness for leftovers that only need heating.




Your new steam mop sounds really cool.  Nothing worse than tile (and grout) that's looking a little shabby.  Makes you want to clean everything doesn't it?  Sort of like when you get started power washing.  I think I agree with you about double the interruptions for DSIL but you can't tell a 50 year old what to do.  They have to make their own decisions and find out for themselves.🐕🐕  Tell us what you'll be looking for in a washer / dryer.  I'm sure we will have plenty of advice. 😁




36 minutes ago, Safety Squirrel said:

I have been following the Daily before it was "the Daily".  I usually just read and do not comment.  I have never cruised on a Holland America cruise, instead mostly on Celebrity.  I read this page every day when I am home.   It is such a welcoming place and it is like knowing everyone of you.


Talking about polar bears - Churchill, Manitoba is noted for polar bears particulary in the winter.  Visitors come from all over the world.


Unfortunately it is very expensive to visit and many people living in Manitoba are not able to visit because of the cost.  However, this past July I took a seven day trip - two days on the railway both coming and going and three days in Churchill.  (you can also fly in)  Beluga whales were in season and we saw many of them.


However, on an excursion to the Prince of Wales fort which they are rebuilding, everyone had to stay in a safe place when a polar bear was sighted on the beach.  There are guards on four wheelers with guns to scare the bears away.  One of the people in my group was fortunate enough to get a picture of the polar bear before he was scared back into the water.


We did see a mother and her cub while on an other excursion; however, all tour guides keep people far away as they can run very fast.  So it was from a distance.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.


I also attached a picture of a beluga whale.  They are really difficult to get a picture as they do not breach like other whales - just come to the surface.image.jpeg.55c76092ca3feb8cc9f8b58e93a72e8b.jpeg



Thanks for stopping by today to talk.  We welcome everyone.  Your polar bear and beluga whale photos are wonderful.  Amazing really.




11 minutes ago, erewhon said:

It's another lovely sunny day, on this Tuesday, the last day of February. temperature 23 C.

 Thanks for the Fleet locations, Noordam is in Wellington today.   Lots of news on the daily today.

@Safety Squirrel thank you for your post and photos.

@kazu  thank you for your message, today 3 people not accounted for, but maybe they do not want to be located!  

@cruising Katie  so sorry that Jerry was so ill, and crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

@rafinmd hope your visit to the podiatrist goes well.

@Cruising-along  hope your DH gets a prompt  medical appointment for his cough.

@1ANGELCAT  thank you for the beautiful flower photos.

@StLouisCruisers  and  @kazu  thank you for your Multiquoting posts today, such good examples to all of us.  Again, Thank you both.


You're welcome, @erewhon.  The way you, Vanessa and Lenda do it by making notes and typing your comments seems neater but I hate taking notes.  


I hope the 3 missing people are like you said...not wanting to be located.  They might be hiding out from the tax collector or the ex-wife.  I hope that doesn't offend anyone.  Just a little joke.🙁

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I hope the doctor can help your DH with his cough.  It must be quiet around the house with the grand kitties back home with the DGSs.


44 minutes ago, erewhon said:

hope your DH gets a prompt  medical appointment for his cough.

Thank you both.  DH did see a doctor about the cough, and they did a chest x-ray and flonase etc.  When I returned home today from my Medicare Wellness Visit, he had heard back from the doctor and now has a prescription for antibiotics too.  I think that's what he needed, we shall see...


Sandi @StLouisCruiserswe were typing at the same time.  That's cute what your 5th grade teacher said about you and your twin.  I'm sure you really weren't trouble!  😄


Lenda, it's very quiet around here 🙂 DD told us she hasn't gotten much work done today (she works from home).  She sent a photo to us of both kittens on her, one draped around her shoulders, the other on her lap.  


My appointment went well, next up will be the Nephrologist on Thursday.  I have lots of questions for her.


@Safety SquirrelWelcome to the Daily!

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10 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

You have twin sisters Jacqui?


Not quite - a twin brother and sister.  12 years younger than me - babies 😜 


10 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


  And unexpected ones, too.  Same with my parents.  Strange how twins weren't noticed for so many people back in the day. 


All they had back then was X-Ray I think.  In my mother’s case, the boy was huge and my sweet sister was behind him so she wasn’t seen until delivery time.  Those were back in the days when we didn’t buy new and lent cribs etc to everyone.  Dad was told frantically to call his sister for the other crib, high chair, etc.  LOL.

A birth at 42 and they came home as scheduled and I quickly learned a lot about a caring for babies.  A blessing - I never got to come home for nearly 2 months from the hospital.  


10 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

My appointment went well, next up will be the Nephrologist on Thursday.  I have lots of questions for her.


So good to hear 👍. Good luck next Thursday and wise to make note of your questions and start thinking now 👍 


42 minutes ago, cruising Katie said:


They insisted my son drive them over to my house, (in a snow storm) to give me a hug.  My little one, Emmett, age 5 said it’s ok Nana, there are lots of baby cats i can assopt?

I think he meant adopt.  Thanks again for your kindness       



Aww - that is so sweet and heartwarming ♥️ 



1 hour ago, Safety Squirrel said:

I have been following the Daily before it was "the Daily".  I usually just read and do not comment.  I have never cruised on a Holland America cruise, instead mostly on Celebrity.  I read this page every day when I am home.   It is such a welcoming place and it is like knowing everyone of you.


Talking about polar bears - Churchill, Manitoba is noted for polar bears particulary in the winter.  Visitors come from all over the world.


Unfortunately it is very expensive to visit and many people living in Manitoba are not able to visit because of the cost.  However, this past July I took a seven day trip - two days on the railway both coming and going and three days in Churchill.  (you can also fly in)  Beluga whales were in season and we saw many of them.


However, on an excursion to the Prince of Wales fort which they are rebuilding, everyone had to stay in a safe place when a polar bear was sighted on the beach.  There are guards on four wheelers with guns to scare the bears away.  One of the people in my group was fortunate enough to get a picture of the polar bear before he was scared back into the water.


We did see a mother and her cub while on an other excursion; however, all tour guides keep people far away as they can run very fast.  So it was from a distance.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.


I also attached a picture of a beluga whale.  They are really difficult to get a picture as they do not breach like other whales - just come to the surface.image.jpeg.55c76092ca3feb8cc9f8b58e93a72e8b.jpeg






Welcome to the Daily.  🙂. Wonderful pics!  And don’t be a stranger to post here - it’s a great group 🙂 

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2 hours ago, Safety Squirrel said:

I have been following the Daily before it was "the Daily".  I usually just read and do not comment.  I have never cruised on a Holland America cruise, instead mostly on Celebrity.  I read this page every day when I am home.   It is such a welcoming place and it is like knowing everyone of you.


Talking about polar bears - Churchill, Manitoba is noted for polar bears particulary in the winter.  Visitors come from all over the world.


We did see a mother and her cub while on an other excursion; however, all tour guides keep people far away as they can run very fast.  So it was from a distance.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.


I also attached a picture of a beluga whale.  They are really difficult to get a picture as they do not breach like other whales - just come to the surface.image.jpeg.55c76092ca3feb8cc9f8b58e93a72e8b.jpeg




Welcome to the Daily! And those are wonderful photos.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

You're welcome, @erewhon.  The way you, Vanessa and Lenda do it by making notes and typing your comments seems neater but I hate taking notes.  


Sandi, I'll let you in on my "secret". Since I'm on my PC, I keep two windows open, and go back and forth between the two for my long posts; no note taking! When I'm away and am on my iPad, it will be harder, and I may not be able to do a good job.


2 hours ago, cruising Katie said:

As many have said before me, this is a safe and comforting place.  Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts.  Jerry was a wonderful companion, since losing my husband many years ago, he had

an interesting personality (as I believe most cats do).  I told my grandchildren that Jerry was ill and had to cross the rainbow bridge.  They insisted my son drive them over to my house, (in a snow storm) to give me a hug.  My little one, Emmett, age 5 said its ok Nana, there are lots of baby cats i can assopt?

I think he meant adopt.  Thanks again for your kindness       


Awww, so wonderful that the grandchildren wanted to see you and give you a hug. Just precious.

Edited by JazzyV
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@StLouisCruisersSandi, I hope the two doggies behave.  We have a similar situation.  DD has a pommie and encouraged me to get one, too, with the understanding that they will keep both dogs when we travel, as they like having two dogs to keep company together.  
DSIL works often at home and the dogs are sweet there in his office with him.  He enjoys having them with him.  BUT… the dogs do get each other going with barking if they hear any noise outside or whatever.  
So…it is what it is — some positive and some negative.  Hopefully the good outweighs the bad.  By now, we are all so in love with both Pomeranians that anything goes.  I expect that’s what will happen at your DD’s house.

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@ger_77 I’m not sure about what services your internet service provider provides, but shouldn’t this matter go to the support team where you bought the computer (assuming they offer set up?). It sounds more like a set up issue than an email issue to me. If you were nearby I’d offer to stop by to help.


Do you have a Microsoft 365 subscription? If so, you should be able to use MS Help. If you are comfortable allowing them to remote into your computer, they likely can do it. But if you go that route, only contact them from within outlook 365, via the Help tab, then Contact Support.


As it’s a new system I’m assuming it’s Windows 11, and that 11 is similar to 10.  Please someone jump in if Windows 11 does things differently! I’m only familiar with 10 and prior.


If you want to give it a go, locate your.pst file. (In “search”, type in “  *.pst” without the quotes. When the system locates the file, make a note of where it is. 


The instructions for hooking up the old .pst file are here:  https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/import-email-contacts-and-calendar-from-an-outlook-pst-file-431a8e9a-f99f-4d5f-ae48-ded54b3440acs



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3 hours ago, Safety Squirrel said:

I took a seven day trip - two days on the railway both coming and going and three days in Churchill.


@Safety Squirrel May I ask if you went with a tour company? And, if so, would you be willing to share Its name and any comments you might share?


My DH can no longer make long and/or arduous trips, but I am adding to my bucket list.


Thanks for posting today,


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