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When will things start back up?


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15 hours ago, clo said:

Okay then, what do you think individuals should do to help the cruise lines? Seriously. Concrete things. I DO like the idea of writing congresspeople with true suggestions.

I agree. Over 20,000 people have done just that. All of us who are avid cruisers should do the same. It couldn't hurt. Also, continue to research and put down markers on cruises in 2022 an 2023. The cash flow helps.

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54 minutes ago, PhD-iva said:

I would point out the difference here. These businesses and livelihoods are being “destroyed” (yes, that’s correct) by their government. Our friends and neighbors are losing their homes and their ability to provide for their families. In the beginning, when we didn’t understand the virus, lockdowns were understandable. Now, and in the US, lockdowns have become a way for government bureaucrats to maintain their grip on power, and to keep the proletariat dependent upon government transfers.


You are entitled to your opinion of course, but I would suggest that this is a world-wide disaster to which governments around the entire globe (with a few exceptions) have responded in a similar way -- when infections go up, lockdowns/closures prevent spread of disease. Whether communist (China), Democratic socialist (France, Germany), or absolute (Saudi Arabia) or nominal (Britain) monarchies -- this is the path to reducing numbers of infections until we either drastically tamp down infection rates OR are able to show enough vaccination + natural infection recoveries to limit spread. Do all these governments want to crush their economies? Of course not. But in the face of a pandemic and with few tools available, hard choices are made.


I have no real idea what things are like where you are, but in my state things "opened up" some time ago -- and yet many restaurants remain closed. Many initially tried reopening but people were still not eating out. Nothing but common sense is preventing them -- a majority (by about two-thirds) are not yet vaccinated. 


We are turning the corner, but recovery doesn't happen overnight. Be patient a while longer until people are fully vaccinated. I am not cowering in my home, but I am also not going out to eat until a) I am able to be fully vaccinated against Covid and b) data is available to show that fully vaccinated individuals do not spread virus. To me, this is a civic duty and a civic responsibility.


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12 hours ago, Petoonya said:


What a fix. You obviously care for this good woman and employee, but having an unvaccinated person indoors with you is yikes! My sister has the same predicament and leaves home when her housekeeper is there- goes shopping, bike riding, to the beach....not ideal but she can''t bear the thought of leaving this nice lady without a job. It's a tough decision.


Speaking of tough, you're a strong lady to walk through what you must have with your dad's passing. Hoping that you and your family are managing through a very difficult time.



She came this morning and I asked her if she got the vaccine. I told her we pay her a lot of money and our health is very important. I also said I am sure I can find someone to work here for $35 an hour. She told me that she will not get it and I can look for someone else. Today will be her last day!


I am fully capable of cleaning my very large home until I find someone that respects humanity. I am also very ready to take a fully vaccinated cruise and have my cabin cleaned and our meals prepared and enjoy looking out at the ocean. 


Let's get sailing! Cheers!



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42 minutes ago, TrulyBlonde said:

I am fully capable of cleaning my very large home until I find someone that respects humanity.

Good for you. It's admirable to be our brother's keepers until it starts threatening our own physical well-being. Then it's time to cut the rope. You did everything you could possibly do besides tie her up and bring her to Walgreens.


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18 minutes ago, Petoonya said:

Good for you. It's admirable to be our brother's keepers until it starts threatening our own physical well-being. Then it's time to cut the rope. You did everything you could possibly do besides tie her up and bring her to Walgreens.


I have even discussed helping her get citizenship. Nope, she knows how to work the system and I have lost all respect. Get out of my house!!

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2 hours ago, TrulyBlonde said:

I am fully capable of cleaning my very large home until I find someone that respects humanity.

It actually requires a lot less than many people think.  I tried dusting once – it came back, and I'm not falling for that again!

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38 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

It actually requires a lot less than many people think.  I tried dusting once – it came back, and I'm not falling for that again!

With only the two of us, it is actually quite easy. I did most of it myself since being stuck home for a year. The key is to clean the guest rooms, shut the door, and freshen up prior to the kids visiting (twice a year). Also, don't forget to pull out their photos and place in their appropriate rooms when they arrive. LOL!

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9 hours ago, TrulyBlonde said:

She came this morning and I asked her if she got the vaccine. I told her we pay her a lot of money and our health is very important. I also said I am sure I can find someone to work here for $35 an hour. She told me that she will not get it and I can look for someone else. Today will be her last day!

We found a different solution to the same issue.

We have used the same cleaning company (Latinas) for over 30 years with great satisfaction. With Covid we decided to stay home and keep others away as well.

We offered them 50%  of their regular fee without service.

Why? Because

1)  Covid was not of their doing

2)  Most of the women had children and families that relied on their income

3)  The amount we have paid over the last year had zero impact on our lives but I suspect it made some difference to them.

4)  They need that money more than we do.

When things "normalize" we will resume services as before.


As always, YMMV

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12 minutes ago, Paulchili said:

We found a different solution to the same issue.

We have used the same cleaning company (Latinas) for over 30 years with great satisfaction. With Covid we decided to stay home and keep others away as well.

We offered them 50%  of their regular fee without service.

Why? Because

1)  Covid was not of their doing

2)  Most of the women had children and families that relied on their income

3)  The amount we have paid over the last year had zero impact on our lives but I suspect it made some difference to them.

4)  They need that money more than we do.

When things "normalize" we will resume services as before.


As always, YMMV

As usual Paul, you do not know what I did for mine. I also paid her because I felt those wages were important. I am a nice woman and it may be time you realized that. However, she has a choice to get vaccinated and I have a choice to protect our health in our home.

I hope you can convince yours to get the vaccine. What will you do if they do not?

I also will not take a cruise unless all are fully vaccinated. My own daughter had Covid and has immunity now. She does not want the vaccine and if it comes to push come to shove, she also will not be in our home. Tough love, but Mom plans on living a long and healthy life.

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14 minutes ago, TrulyBlonde said:

As usual Paul, you do not know what I did for mine. I also paid her because I felt those wages were important. I am a nice woman and it may be time you realized that. However, she has a choice to get vaccinated and I have a choice to protect our health in our home.

I hope you can convince yours to get the vaccine. What will you do if they do not?

I also will not take a cruise unless all are fully vaccinated. My own daughter had Covid and has immunity now. She does not want the vaccine and if it comes to push come to shove, she also will not be in our home. Tough love, but Mom plans on living a long and healthy life.

If you paid her despite no service then it's good on you.

However, none of your postings on this subject indicate this.

I never said or implied that you are not a good person - we just have major political point of view differences.

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11 minutes ago, Paulchili said:

If you paid her despite no service then it's good on you.

However, none of your postings on this subject indicate this.

I never said or implied that you are not a good person - we just have major political view differences.

Do your homework and look at my posts many months ago. I discussed paying my housekeeper. You do not have to like who I voted for, but please understand we are all in this nightmare together. 

I also wish you a long and healthy life. I know you are a nice man but your politics these last few years have taken over and I find it quite sad for you. 

Apologies accepted 😉

 P. S. I just received a text from our guy that does our granite. His wife is interested, they are legal, and she is vaccinated. Her husband is religious about his mask wearing when in our home, hard workers, and I am feeling much better.


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I think this opens up room for a lot of conversation. I believe from reading most forums, that majority want to cruise on a fully vaccinated ship. I know I will not get on a ship without everyone  being fully vaccinated. 


How do we handle the people that come into our homes without vaccination? DH and I have a situation where our two CA kids (my daughter and his son) refuse to get it. My daughter in FL had her 1st shot of Pfizer this past weekend. She wants to protect not only herself but her clients, as well. In our family,  only 1/3 of our kids will get vaccinated. Since CDC said it is low risk to fly and my CA daughter has immunity (as of this time) I am heading to S. Cal to see my 10 yr old Grandson in 2 weeks after not hugging or seeing him in over a years time.  Not sure what I will do after that with the vaccination issue.


What are the rest of you doing if you do not mind me asking?

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All this may be getting too political. Here it’s an issue. There are many undocumented workers here, in the farming community, many of which just pass through as migrant workers, while many others live here full time. To be vaccinated, they have to come in with an ID and/ or provide name and dob. Many of the undocumented workers outright refuse to do that. 

Most of these workers live in multi family close quarters which is rife for spread of all diseases including Covid. For the migrants, being around for dose #2, is another problem even if they get shot#1. The Farm Bureau Office is pushing the farmers to force these workers to get vaccinated. It’s not happening. 

All of this is part of the issue of reaching herd immunity. That herd has a lot of subgroups, with every subgroup affecting the herd outcomes. Facilitating any subgroups from getting vaccinated is part of the problem.


All of this is a matter of public health. It doesn’t touch upon the $billions being paid to workers in unreported cash every year. 

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2 hours ago, TrulyBlonde said:

What are the rest of you doing if you do not mind me asking?

I figure since I'm vaccinated I'm pretty safe, regardless of what others do. I do realize that a vaccinated person is much less likely to be spreading the virus than a vaccinated one, but I do feel that I'm protected. 


I'm more concerned about all these locales opening up to 100% and mask mandates ending. If there were more people vaccinated I'd be ok with that, but too many people that are either anti vax or vaccination hesitant. 

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2 hours ago, TrulyBlonde said:

What are the rest of you doing if you do not mind me asking?

After all this time warding off COVID, my three kids and their families aren't taking any chances. Me too. We're going to follow the recommendation that the safest option is to not hug the grandkids until 2 weeks after their parents have also been vaccinated. I see one set of family in 2 weeks, babysitting another set of grandkids next month, and taking a train trip with the third set also next month. Just keeping fingers crossed that there's not another setback.


I'm betting there are a lot of grandparents here who can't wait to wrap their arms around the little ones again.

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34 minutes ago, ORV said:

If there were more people vaccinated I'd be ok with that, but too many people that are either anti vax or vaccination hesitant. 

I am quite surprised at the amount of people (mainly young persons) that will not get vaccinated. My daughter's friends in FL berated her for getting the vaccine. The CA daughter also says most of her young friends won't get it either. At least as of 2 days ago, she said she will consider getting vaccinated but wants a bit more time. No vaccine, no visit may help her change her tune.

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24 minutes ago, TrulyBlonde said:

I am quite surprised at the amount of people (mainly young persons) that will not get vaccinated.

My neighbor lady (the nanobot person) didn't just admonish me but ripped me apart for supporting what she believes is dangerous to the survival of the human race. I just let her be as she is hyper-militant. We've been friendly for years, and now she won't even answer the phone when I call.

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3 hours ago, TrulyBlonde said:

What are the rest of you doing if you do not mind me asking?


I haven't seen my cleaning lady in 14 months. For the first 6 months I continued to pay her full wages; since then have paid 50%. And done all my own cleaning meanwhile, what a deal.


Now she is fully vaccinated, and I am not...still waiting for dose #2. Another month and hopefully things will be back to some kind of normal and she can come back.


Otherwise, no one has set foot inside our house other than DS (living here temporarily when COVID happened) and myself except for the one time last winter when we had to have someone come repair the furnace.




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9 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:




Now she is fully vaccinated, and I am not...still waiting for dose #2. Another month and hopefully things will be back to some kind of normal and she can come back.






Glad to hear you are getting it soon. 

I was buying some stocks this past Friday and speaking with my financial advisor. She sounded ill with a hoarse voice etc. I asked what was wrong? She told me that she and her husband had been diligent protecting themselves for the past year. Their niece wanted to visit and they both decided to let her come.

Unfortunately, the dear niece gave them both the Covid and they are both still recovering 3 weeks later.

It was not a pleasant experience and just made me more wary of what can happen. They were both too young to be eligible for the 1st group of vaccines. 

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What's a Cleaning Lady? My wife has a cleaning man, me.


We used to have them when we were both working, but after retirement I decided I could do a better job myself. We haven't had one in over 10 years or more. 

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In about 2 years time when the vaccines are available to everyone worldwide, will we have red zone & green zone countries ?

Countries with a low vaccination rate and Countries with a high vaccination rate.


People can decide where they wish to travel, just as they did in 2019 for various but different reasons.


Travelling on a cruise ship whilst vaccinated is fine, but when  in a city DIY, I will have no idea who is vaccinated or who is not.


So in answer to the question:

Once vaccination rate has reached its peak, no, I'm not going to demand someone scan their Green Pass code before being allowed into my home.




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8 minutes ago, ORV said:

What's a Cleaning Lady? My wife has a cleaning man, me.


We used to have them when we were both working, but after retirement I decided I could do a better job myself. We haven't had one in over 10 years or more. 

She is a lucky woman. My DH has had a chef, laundress, cleaning lady, for the past year. Actually, I clean for the cleaning lady just like I do when on a cruise or in a hotel. Maybe I should change my screen name to TrulyTidy. 😉

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41 minutes ago, Petoonya said:

My neighbor lady (the nanobot person) didn't just admonish me but ripped me apart for supporting what she believes is dangerous to the survival of the human race. I just let her be as she is hyper-militant. We've been friendly for years, and now she won't even answer the phone when I call.

you can't fix willful ignorance

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4 hours ago, TrulyBlonde said:

What are the rest of you doing if you do not mind me asking?

DW, our adult autistic son, and myself are fully vaccinated. We go out to eat with other fully vaccinated friends but sit outside . Although the CDC has stated that fully vaccinated people cannot pass on the virus, we are still respectful of others and wear masks inside stores. We  did not see our 6 year old and 3 year old grandchildren for over a year until all 3 of us were fully vaccinated. Their parents are both physicians and got both shots early on. We basically have returned to normal activities.

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