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Is anyone losing or lost their enthusiasm for Cruising?


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31 minutes ago, sandebeach said:

Tourism is vital to the economy of Florida, since we do not have a state income tax. But sometimes I am very envious of all the tourists having fun, when we are basically staying home to avoid all the crowds. Makes a big difference in risk concern when you are a senior citizen. 

We are avoiding crowds as well but not letting CV19 stop us from living our lives. We wear our masks and don’t get in crowded spaces. The boss rounds 3 hospitals everyday and does see CV19 patients when needed. I’m a Senior Citizen but she is not. We eat out a bit in certain places. We went to two favorite places Wednesday as the boss was craving crab legs. Both places were packed with lines waiting to get a table. We passed on both locations. The 3rd place had no line and both indoor and outdoor seating.  She had her crab legs. 

Living in fear is almost as bad or worse than CV19. Be responsible for yourself. 


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42 minutes ago, Keksie said:

I am not complaining and I am ever so glad to be in Florida where people can keep their businesses open.  Come here, spend your money and go home.  

I'd rather come, spend some money, and then sail away.😉

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1 minute ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

We are avoiding crowds as well but not letting CV19 stop us from living our lives. We wear our masks and don’t get in crowded spaces. The boss rounds 3 hospitals everyday and does see CV19 patients when needed. I’m a Senior Citizen but she is not. We eat out a bit in certain places. We went to two favorite places Wednesday as the boss was craving crab legs. Both places were packed with lines waiting to get a table. We passed on both locations. The 3rd place had no line and both indoor and outdoor seating.  She had her crab legs. 

Living in fear is almost as bad or worse than CV19. Be responsible for yourself. 


Yes, like you, we have several favorite places for lunch. Tried them on Tuesday (usually a slow day) but all were really crowded. Although I like South Florida, I sometimes think we should move up to Palm Beach or further north,  from what I read it is less crowded.  

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The only place I am willing to eat lunch right now is Panera.  They still have at least 50% of the tables blocked off, and it is almost always warm enough to eat outside.  I miss dinners out, but I am getting used to all of the cooking and we are so close to being vaccinated, there is no way I will take a chance at this point.


We are just back from the beach, where there were many groups of 6-10.  Again.  Hope this changes back to normal after this weekend.

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1 hour ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

We are avoiding crowds as well but not letting CV19 stop us from living our lives. We wear our masks and don’t get in crowded spaces. The boss rounds 3 hospitals everyday and does see CV19 patients when needed. I’m a Senior Citizen but she is not. We eat out a bit in certain places. We went to two favorite places Wednesday as the boss was craving crab legs. Both places were packed with lines waiting to get a table. We passed on both locations. The 3rd place had no line and both indoor and outdoor seating.  She had her crab legs. 

Living in fear is almost as bad or worse than CV19. Be responsible for yourself. 


Interesting how different it is depending where you live.  Here in Ontario, we are in lockdown again.  Nothing is open except essential services (supermarkets, drug stores).  Otherwise, it's takeout or online shopping...and I think curbside pick up.  We only did take out anyways when it comes to restaurants and really don't go anywhere except when needed. 

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1 minute ago, LuCruise said:

Interesting how different it is depending where you live.  Here in Ontario, we are in lockdown again.  Nothing is open except essential services (supermarkets, drug stores).  Otherwise, it's takeout or online shopping...and I think curbside pick up.  We only did take out anyways when it comes to restaurants and really don't go anywhere except when needed. 


Likewise here in the UK and probably a good thing too considering how virulent this new strain is.  To use M8's oft-quoted mantra we have been responsible for ourselves, taken every precaution and avoided going out anywhere unless necessary (food shopping, pharmacy) but still both tested positive over the holiday period 😔

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Just now, Bobal said:


Likewise here in the UK and probably a good thing too considering how virulent this new strain is.  To use M8's oft-quoted mantra we have been responsible for ourselves, taken every precaution and avoided going out anywhere unless necessary (food shopping, pharmacy) but still both tested positive over the holiday period 😔

Yeah I am ok with being in a lockdown as numbers are going way up and hospital ICUs are having issues.  Am sorry that you both tested positive.  Hope you get well soon and it's not a bad case.

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18 minutes ago, Bobal said:


Likewise here in the UK and probably a good thing too considering how virulent this new strain is.  To use M8's oft-quoted mantra we have been responsible for ourselves, taken every precaution and avoided going out anywhere unless necessary (food shopping, pharmacy) but still both tested positive over the holiday period 😔


I hope you recover soon.  No matter how much we try to protect ourselves, it takes just one simple encounter that can cause us to get infected.  I also know someone who has stayed isolated almost the entire pandemic and went to her city hall to pay her taxes and ended up testing positive.  

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27 minutes ago, Bobal said:


Likewise here in the UK and probably a good thing too considering how virulent this new strain is.  To use M8's oft-quoted mantra we have been responsible for ourselves, taken every precaution and avoided going out anywhere unless necessary (food shopping, pharmacy) but still both tested positive over the holiday period 😔

I hope you have a speedy recovery

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25 minutes ago, reallyitsmema said:


I hope you recover soon.  No matter how much we try to protect ourselves, it takes just one simple encounter that can cause us to get infected.  I also know someone who has stayed isolated almost the entire pandemic and went to her city hall to pay her taxes and ended up testing positive.  

That is so true. One just needs to be at the wrong place at the right time, even if protecting oneself.  Unfortunately there are too many not protecting themselves, let alone others. 

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3 hours ago, Keksie said:

I don't think it has any bearing on the cruise industry since the CDC has decided to make it as difficult as possible for them to restart from any port.

Blaming the CDC for the problem is getting old. Basically, there is little to no cruising going on anywhere in the whole world. As far as I know, the CDC only has jurisdiction in the U.S.A.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. It’s time for a leadership change, they are losing billions of dollars and all you here from them is “we’re working on it” without giving any details. If they truly believe they are being unfairly treated they should banging on doors pleading their case to the whole world. 
If you want to light a fire under them, take the refund instead of the fcc when the next round of cancellation comes around and quit booking new cruises. That’ll eliminate the interest free loans, and decreasing their cash flow. 
This isn’t going away any time soon.

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26 minutes ago, grandgeezer said:

Blaming the CDC for the problem is getting old. Basically, there is little to no cruising going on anywhere in the whole world. As far as I know, the CDC only has jurisdiction in the U.S.A.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. It’s time for a leadership change, they are losing billions of dollars and all you here from them is “we’re working on it” without giving any details. If they truly believe they are being unfairly treated they should banging on doors pleading their case to the whole world. 
If you want to light a fire under them, take the refund instead of the fcc when the next round of cancellation comes around and quit booking new cruises. That’ll eliminate the interest free loans, and decreasing their cash flow. 
This isn’t going away any time soon.

It amazes me that we are no further along in terms of cruises starting up than we were last March and people keep rolling over the FCCs and lifting and shifting and buying items from the cruise planner. This is happening on the other boards I follow. I agree that as long as there are people willing to loan them money there is no reason to take a stand. The vaccine doesn’t seem to be rolling out so smoothly from what I have been reading from those who post here from Florida. Florida needs the vaccine more than anyone in terms of their population skewing older. 

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2 hours ago, Bobal said:


Likewise here in the UK and probably a good thing too considering how virulent this new strain is.  To use M8's oft-quoted mantra we have been responsible for ourselves, taken every precaution and avoided going out anywhere unless necessary (food shopping, pharmacy) but still both tested positive over the holiday period 😔

Sorry you both have got covid and  hope that you don't have a bad dose and get over it quickly. It sure is a worrying time at the moment, especially with our hospitals at near capacity 

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2 hours ago, Bobal said:


Likewise here in the UK and probably a good thing too considering how virulent this new strain is.  To use M8's oft-quoted mantra we have been responsible for ourselves, taken every precaution and avoided going out anywhere unless necessary (food shopping, pharmacy) but still both tested positive over the holiday period 😔

Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery. 

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3 hours ago, LuCruise said:

Interesting how different it is depending where you live.  Here in Ontario, we are in lockdown again.  Nothing is open except essential services (supermarkets, drug stores).  Otherwise, it's takeout or online shopping...and I think curbside pick up.  We only did take out anyways when it comes to restaurants and really don't go anywhere except when needed. 

We have been mostly fully open since summer. Lots of positive cases but hospitals are not overrun and plenty of ICU beds available. Most people are treated at home. 

The fear is nearly as bad as the virus. 

Be responsible for yourself. 


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2 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

That is so true. One just needs to be at the wrong place at the right time, even if protecting oneself.  Unfortunately there are too many not protecting themselves, let alone others. 


And that's the problem with the "every man for himself" mentality.


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27 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:


Be responsible for yourself. 



And here we go again 🙄 Wish I had a pound - or even a dollar  - for every time you've said that.


From someone who was fully responsible for myself and is currently suffering from Covid and who took every single precaution but still contracted it, your simplistic and frankly arrogant mantra is wearing thin. 

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1 hour ago, Bobal said:


And here we go again 🙄 Wish I had a pound - or even a dollar  - for every time you've said that.


From someone who was fully responsible for myself and is currently suffering from Covid and who took every single precaution but still contracted it, your simplistic and frankly arrogant mantra is wearing thin. 

I’m very sorry you have CV19 and hope it ends well for you. . Hasn’t the UK been in lockdown?  We don’t know how you may have been infected. Maybe you’re willing to share. 

Sorry you don’t like my be responsible for yourself. Can’t be any worse than the few that come on here with their doom and gloom. 

Wish you the best. 


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5 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


She was afraid to mail it since there has been a lot of mailbox fishing going on.

I now take all checks my parents write and mail them inside the post office ... they had a check stolen out of their mailbox and bleached. 


Lol I did see someone at that post office tested positive on my neighborhood app.


I'm not eating out but one time so far. 

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6 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


She was afraid to mail it since there has been a lot of mailbox fishing going on.

We were victims two years ago.  They washed our $140.00 check and made it $7200!  It was so badly done the VP at the bank couldn’t believe they got it cashed.  We now go to the Post  Office, but they have taken mail from the box right in front of the P.O.  and we use a gel pen but now rarely write checks.

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2 minutes ago, DaniDanielle said:

We were victims two years ago.  They washed our $140.00 check and made it $7200!  It was so badly done the VP at the bank couldn’t believe they got it cashed.  We now go to the Post  Office, but they have taken mail from the box right in front of the P.O.  and we use a gel pen but now rarely write checks.


They have removed boxes in front of some of the post offices around here because of the issues.  They did recently catch two guys that had been working one box.  They were from out of state.  We only drop mail in a post office now and only write about ten checks a year.  We do it all electronically.  My Mom won't do electronic anymore because she clicked on a phishing email and had $9,000 taken.  She got it all back eventually, but it was a pain in the neck.

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3 hours ago, Keksie said:

It isn't just out-of-towners who keep businesses open.  I don't live in a tourist area and it is the local people who keep the economy going.  The parking lots are full, people are working and kids are in school.  Other states that have been locked down don't seem to have protected citizens since they say their hospital beds are full.  They just have unemployed people and business owners going out of business.  I will vote for my governor again and so will 80% of my county.

Hmmm...80% of you...interesting.

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7 hours ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

I’m very sorry you have CV19 and hope it ends well for you. . Hasn’t the UK been in lockdown?  

Different parts of the country are in different variations of restrictions. In some areas restaurants were open for dinning with household only. But most of England went into tiers 3 and 4 from 30 Dec. We were in tier 4 from the middle of Dec. Whatever tier you are in you still have to do food shopping and attend appointments like dentist. Two days ago my husband had to take our dog to the vet. So you can mitigate the risks but not stop them 100% no matter how careful you are. 

The new variant is highly transmissible and is driving the rise in infection rates 

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