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Ever have awful Table mates?

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On our first cruise we were seated at an 8-top. One of the husbands was one of the most obnoxious, loud-mouthed, narcissistic people I have ever met. We tolerated 5 nights at that table, but just couldn't do it the last two nights.


On our second cruise, we were seated at a 6-top with 2 other couples. Early in the dinner on our first night, one of the husbands asked what we did for a living. From that moment on all he wanted to do was pepper us with questions about our jobs, our opinions on what he should do about this or that, etc. We go on vacation to get away from work, not talk about it the whole time! We even (nicely) mentioned that we enjoyed not thinking about work on vacation (hint, hint), to no avail.


On our third cruise we decided we were just going to tell our tablemates that we were in the witness protection program and couldn't divulge any personal information. 😁 Turns out we didn't have to worry about that. We showed up to our 8-top and found that all of the other people were apparently traveling together...and didn't speak English. 😶


We now do YTD and get a table to ourselves. 

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46 minutes ago, SRQbeachgirl said:

Early in the dinner on our first night, one of the husbands asked what we did for a living. From that moment on all he wanted to do was pepper us with questions about our jobs, our opinions on what he should do about this or that, etc.

That's why everyone should have a creative lie about their jobs that will stop inquisitive people in their tracks and allow an easy change of subject.  Try "actuarial analyst for an insurance company", "embalming assistant", "septic tank specialist", or you're "a fixer for someone in public office" (said with an exaggerated wink).  "If I tell you, I'd have to kill you".     People in my profession do it all the time, and joke about it with each other. 

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Our worst tablemates were on our second cruise. We were a young gay couple at the time (late 20s and early 30s). Fred and Ethel were a retired couple from Detroit on their 25th cruise. It was a table for eight, but no one else showed up. They did not seem to be having a good time on the cruise. For instance, if we asked what they had done fun that day, they'd answer, "Nothing." Fortunately, it was just four nights long. If it had been longer, we would have asked to switch tables.



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23 hours ago, SantaFeFan said:

We were traveling with a couple we were good friends with and who we have cruised with several times before when we got seated at a table with two other couples who were friends. Before we could order anything, the other four requested that we not order any alcohol with our dinner as their religion forbade them from consuming alcohol of any kind and did not want it on their table. We were shocked at their rude attempt to dictate what we could or could not order with our dinner. Of course, after careful consideration on our part, we increased our consumption by ordering two bottles of wine instead of the usual one. And we proceeded to thoroughly enjoy our wine with our dinners. We enjoyed dinner even more the next night when they apparently asked to be moved to another table, probably to get away from the blasphemous heathens they were stuck with the night before.


If they could not deal with people ordering drinks at their table, they should have had the common sense to request a table for four and saved everyone the discomfort of their wholly inappropriate requests. 

I would have ordered a bottle and downed the entire contents at dinner also.  

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On 6/17/2019 at 2:00 PM, SantaFeFan said:

We were traveling with a couple we were good friends with and who we have cruised with several times before when we got seated at a table with two other couples who were friends. Before we could order anything, the other four requested that we not order any alcohol with our dinner as their religion forbade them from consuming alcohol of any kind and did not want it on their table. We were shocked at their rude attempt to dictate what we could or could not order with our dinner. Of course, after careful consideration on our part, we increased our consumption by ordering two bottles of wine instead of the usual one. And we proceeded to thoroughly enjoy our wine with our dinners. We enjoyed dinner even more the next night when they apparently asked to be moved to another table, probably to get away from the blasphemous heathens they were stuck with the night before.


If they could not deal with people ordering drinks at their table, they should have had the common sense to request a table for four and saved everyone the discomfort of their wholly inappropriate requests. 

I would have said something like "I respect your right to choose not to consume alcohol, and I expect you to respect my right to choose to have wine with my meal."

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3 hours ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

I would have said something like "I respect your right to choose not to consume alcohol, and I expect you to respect my right to choose to have wine with my meal."

Why would it bother non drinkers to have someone at their table drink wine? We don't eat meat, but would never ever consider announcing to tablemates to not order any meat dishes.

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Jesus drank wine. 

I generally don't tell people what I did when I was working.  If people press, I can say 'I worked for the Dept. of Defense and I can't talk about it'  In fact, I was a nurse in an army hospital...

My biggest complaint is people who choose traditional dining, and then spend most of their meals in specialty restaurants or the buffet.  We like large tables but when we become the only ones there many nights, I would rather do anytime dining and ask for a large table. 

Last cruise, on MSC, we had the earliest of three seatings, and were assigned a table for 16.  Yes, sixteen!  The first night there were two ladies there, we arrived (two ladies) and then a couple came and sat at the other side of the table.  They kept to themselves, often speaking another language, although they did speak English without an accent.  The second night, the first two ladies had disappeared, and another couple showed, a woman and her DIL.  By the next night, the lone couple had found a table for 2.  So 4 of us the rest of the cruise.  The waiters did say that that table had a group of 17 at the second seating, and the latest seating had a family of 15.  EM

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Once or twice over many years of cruising. 


It is not a big deal.  We simply change tables.  Now our preference is always anytime dining. Sometimes on our own, sometimes with others.


We do not want to talk about politics or religion.  And we know that fellow cruisers children and grandchildren are the smartest, most accomplished, and attractive individuals known to man or beast so we don't need those personal details either.

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The only awful table mates we've had are the ones that don't show up.


Our first cruise where we wanted traditional dining to experience the same table mates and same wait staff, we sat at a table for 8, and waited. The next night another couple in the same predicament was sat with us.


Our last cruise, same thing. Sat at a table for 8, and waited. Sat alone all week.

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Likewise, we've been on a table for 8 and only 1 other has ever turned up. Conversation quickly dried up. But one wonders why the other 5 never turned up at all. Our very first cruise was a table for 8. We were travelling with our American friends, the third couple were from the Deep South and the fourth couple were lovely. He was a serving officer in the US Navy and a real delight, the only problem (not for us) was that they were black. We never saw the couple from the deep South again. Shame on them.

And finally, again a table for 8. One young woman proudly announced she was a graduate of Oxbridge (forget which university) and she'd majored in some obscure degree. Clearly she expected everyone to stand up and applaud her for her perceived genius but unfortunately for her and luckily for me I'd heard of her subject and knew a little to ask her questions. She was very upset and never came into the MDR again and would even turn and run if she saw us around!!!

But apart from this we have had some wonderful table companions and always ask to share.



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We had one horrible table mate once who was very demanding of the wait staff and complained about everything.  I felt so bad for our waitress.  He demanded that his coffee be on the table and ready for him the second he sat down.  I think he sent about every dish he received back with a complaint....too cold, too bland, too spicy, not done well enough.  Every meal there was something wrong with usually multiple items.  The funniest part was when the wait staff was doing the HOT HOT HOT song and dance.  Our waitress came up to him with the microphone and asked him "How you feelin'?"  He looks at her as serious as can be and says "Oh, all right I guess".  Well my Stepdad passed away 8 years ago now.  That is one memory of him that will last forever.

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On 6/16/2019 at 10:18 PM, motheroftwocats814 said:

I guess a table for two is in order this time.


Up until we started eating at a 2-top, I can remember 2 awful table mates.  One was a couple who only wanted to brag about their cruise history, not give a crap about any of the others', and continued to offer unsolicited advice.  


The other was a group of foreigners from the north who were obsessed with bashing American politics and refused to listen to reason, despite my first-hand knowledge of some things.    

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4 hours ago, ontheweb said:

Why would it bother non drinkers to have someone at their table drink wine? We don't eat meat, but would never ever consider announcing to tablemates to not order any meat dishes.


It was a religious thing with them, which usually means it is a thing that makes no sense. 🤣

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We sat at a large table with a couple who were very nice.  On the first night they announced that they did not drink.  Not certain if they expected everyone else to abstain but several of us ordered drinks/wine.   Then they wanted everyone to join hands and pray before eating.  No thanks, our faith is private and we are not the least bit interested in those noro  enabling faith practices. 


They did not show up again.  It was a too bad because they were very pleasant and very interesting people.

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17 minutes ago, SantaFeFan said:


It was a religious thing with them, which usually means it is a thing that makes no sense. 🤣

I agree that makes no sense. The one thing I did think of after I posted that question was maybe they were alcoholics and did not want the temptation there to see.  That at least would make a little sense.

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16 minutes ago, ontheweb said:

I agree that makes no sense. The one thing I did think of after I posted that question was maybe they were alcoholics and did not want the temptation there to see.  That at least would make a little sense.

 If it is for religious reasons  and they are bothered by others drinking they should ask for a smaller table. Even if it is alcoholism, I have empathy; but really if that is their issue and are bothered by table mates having a glass of wine, should they be on a cruise where they are surrounded by alcohol? I mean other tables nearby are drinking, people drink in shows, people drink by the pool. they can't get away from it. If they really have a problem abstaining maybe they should pick another vacation.


As far as the holding hands prayer thing. That is not needed. You can  discreetly say a prayer the 2 of you without making a big show to your table mates. No one would be offended.

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6 hours ago, Essiesmom said:

Jesus drank wine. 

I generally don't tell people what I did when I was working.  If people press, I can say 'I worked for the Dept. of Defense and I can't talk about it'  In fact, I was a nurse in an army hospital...

My biggest complaint is people who choose traditional dining, and then spend most of their meals in specialty restaurants or the buffet.  We like large tables but when we become the only ones there many nights, I would rather do anytime dining and ask for a large table. 

Last cruise, on MSC, we had the earliest of three seatings, and were assigned a table for 16.  Yes, sixteen!  The first night there were two ladies there, we arrived (two ladies) and then a couple came and sat at the other side of the table.  They kept to themselves, often speaking another language, although they did speak English without an accent.  The second night, the first two ladies had disappeared, and another couple showed, a woman and her DIL.  By the next night, the lone couple had found a table for 2.  So 4 of us the rest of the cruise.  The waiters did say that that table had a group of 17 at the second seating, and the latest seating had a family of 15.  EM

I would never want a table of 15,16 or 17 even with family and friends. Just too large and two tables of 8 is much better.

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6 hours ago, 1025cruise said:

The only awful table mates we've had are the ones that don't show up.


Our first cruise where we wanted traditional dining to experience the same table mates and same wait staff, we sat at a table for 8, and waited. The next night another couple in the same predicament was sat with us.


Our last cruise, same thing. Sat at a table for cruise from 8, and waited. Sat alone all week.

On our 1 and only Royal Caribbean cruise, my DH , DD and I were seated at a table for 10 that was on a raised platform in the centre of the MDR. The first night there were just the 3 of us so i chalked it up to people being tired from traveling and skipping the MDR the first night. 

The second night still just the 3 of us so we asked the waiter if anyone else was assigned to the table with us and were told no, just us.

We spoke to the Maitre D' to request that we be moved to another table, either with other people or a table for 4 and we were told no, they would not move us.

So we sat at the huge table by ourselves all week, feeling very conspicuous.

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18 hours ago, calliopecruiser said:

That's why everyone should have a creative lie about their jobs that will stop inquisitive people in their tracks and allow an easy change of subject.  Try "actuarial analyst for an insurance company", "embalming assistant", "septic tank specialist", or you're "a fixer for someone in public office" (said with an exaggerated wink).  "If I tell you, I'd have to kill you".     People in my profession do it all the time, and joke about it with each other. 


I tend to be vague about my job, but only because few people can understand it anyway. On the other hand, I am seriously considering lying about where I live. On my last cruise, many people started to rant at me the moment they heard.


6 hours ago, babs135 said:

He was a serving officer in the US Navy and a real delight


Interesting that he would think that a cruise was a nice vacation (if it was his choice). Perhaps he hadn't just come off six months of sea duty.

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Yes. Twice. We are not of the majority so we sometimes get unwanted comments. Now we only do "freestyle dining" or the equivalent of it. I'm so glad that Norwegian popularized this (MSC please take note of this). I spent my money like everyone else in order to enjoy my trip like everyone else.

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14 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

 On the other hand, I am seriously considering lying about where I live. On my last cruise, many people started to rant at me the moment they heard.

Why would they rant about you living on planet earth?😋

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7 hours ago, 1025cruise said:

The only awful table mates we've had are the ones that don't show up.


Our first cruise where we wanted traditional dining to experience the same table mates and same wait staff, we sat at a table for 8, and waited. The next night another couple in the same predicament was sat with us.


Our last cruise, same thing. Sat at a table for 8, and waited. Sat alone all week.

That sort of happened to me once.  I was scheduled for a table for 6 or 8 and I was the only one.  I was traveling solo which made it even better.


A couple of nice gals from Chicago invited me to join them.  There was a guy from Norway in the same predicament as me so they 'kidnapped' him as well.  The 4 of us made a nice table.

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33 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


I tend to be vague about my job, but only because few people can understand it anyway. On the other hand, I am seriously considering lying about where I live. On my last cruise, many people started to rant at me the moment they heard.



Interesting that he would think that a cruise was a nice vacation (if it was his choice). Perhaps he hadn't just come off six months of sea duty.

Perhaps surprisingly, there is enough difference between the accommodations, food and entertainment on U S Navy  ships and on the better cruise ships - so it is not seen as “more of the same”.

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