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River Cruisers: How Are Things Where YOU Are?

Host Jazzbeau

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11 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

Several Canadian posters on other threads are complaining about the way the vaccine vials are being distributed.  They say it goes by eligible population, but the cities have more interest so they have lines but the rural areas have vaccine sitting around.  Sounds very similar to the US, but without the facile political explanation.

Maybe education levels and rural vs city?


Good point - they don't have our political situation in Canada.

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18 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

Several Canadian posters on other threads are complaining about the way the vaccine vials are being distributed.  They say it goes by eligible population, but the cities have more interest so they have lines but the rural areas have vaccine sitting around.  Sounds very similar to the US, but without the facile political explanation.

Vaccines are distributed to provinces is proportion of population (after a big push to vaccinate the north). The provinces have very different ways of allocating them. In Ontario we started allocating to the 14 health regions by population, which allowed areas outside of Toronto and the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) to move more quickly on vaccinating the general population, while Toronto which has a very large proportion of medical workers who were being prioritized didn’t get to the general population until later. 

Then, for a few weeks we prioritized the hot spots, where many people are essential workers, and many people live in multi-unit buildings they allow for easier transmission.


We have had a very convoluted distribution system, where the provincial registration system has rules that are valid for the entire province, but some regions have been able to extend the groups being vaccinated so you might qualify in one region and not in another. But open crntres (without pre-registration) are usually for specific postal codes. Because of this mish-mash it can be easier to get vaccinated in some parts of the province than in others. 

Edited by gnome12
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33 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

Several Canadian posters on other threads are complaining about the way the vaccine vials are being distributed.  They say it goes by eligible population, but the cities have more interest so they have lines but the rural areas have vaccine sitting around.  Sounds very similar to the US, but without the facile political explanation.


While I can't say that Canada is 100% behind the virus, we (according to Our World In Data Vaccine Tracking) have the 2nd highest share of population with first dose overall, just behind Israel.  Yes, there are some areas that are a little more anti-vaccine, but I think most want the vaccine.  Our problem is, since we don't have any manufacturer to produce the vaccine, we had to purchase them.  We have had delays getting the vaccine from at least 2 manufactures if not 3.  


Another problem (in Ontario anyway, other provinces are different, but Ont has the largest population) is the way the registration for the vaccines was set up.  Instead of it being 1 system, we have a provincial sign up site, a local health authority sign up, and than each individual pharmacy chain had their own sign up.  So a lot of people, once eligible for the vaccine would register for 3 different ones, trying to get the earliest date.  Then they couldn't cancel the ones they were not taking, so there were a lot of appointments that were no-shows.


Here is the link showing how each country is doing with vaccines.  




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4 hours ago, Daisi said:




Unfortunately, we can't drive to other cities for vaccines, as it's all controlled through our provincial health plan.  There was a city about 2 hr from us that had a trial-run of A-Z vaccines, but they soon got flack for letting "visitors" get the vaccines over their residents.  The province controlled the age limit so if you showed up "under age" you would be refused.

Daisi,  many health units in the province have their own registration system so you don't have to go through the provincial web site.  There has been a lot of border hopping, all you need is a valid OHIP number.  Now that pharmacies are also giving shots a phone call is all that is required.   Yesterday my hubby called the pharmacy  located in a grocery store and got his second Pfizer jab today.


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42 minutes ago, Ritabob said:

Daisi,  many health units in the province have their own registration system so you don't have to go through the provincial web site.  There has been a lot of border hopping, all you need is a valid OHIP number.  Now that pharmacies are also giving shots a phone call is all that is required.   Yesterday my hubby called the pharmacy  located in a grocery store and got his second Pfizer jab today.



He is lucky, my parents (80+) have to wait until July to get their next shot as that was the earliest available...and that was with the 3 of us sisters, and both of them trying to get an appointment for them.  We aren't eligible to go to the pharmacy yet as we had the A-Z shot, and the province says you have to wait 12 weeks.   It all depends on where you live as to what is available.  We were trying all 3 options  and phone (health care and pharmacies), but no one could book them in any earlier.  I feel for the poor Mayor of Windsor, he is trying to get vaccines set up, even with American doctors on one side of the border reaching over to Canadians on the other side and the Gov't. shut him down.  


Our 2nd shots were set when we got vaccinated, and it's only just over 2 weeks from when we become eligible to move up, so I'm just going to wait.  Not like the province will be open for anything by then. 🙂


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What a bummer.

It seems as if the larger centres just can't get their youknowwhat together.  I know people in Ottawa who drove to Kingston back in March to get their shots.

Our second shots were also set, but now with the acceleration we jumped on it.

Good luck,


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Here in Germany the second jab appointment is also given when you have your first jab, but depending on where you register you may even get first and second date already offered in a letter. As science has evolved the time period between first and second jab has shifted i.e. mostly spaced wider, but not always.





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We have the G7 meeting here soon in Cornwall and explaining the security coverage the news item was headed by this picture. So here is the question - who is the Royal Navy, who is the US secret service and who’s looking after the rest? 
I just thought it was a clever photo editors inclusion. Enjoy!

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@Canal archive I saw some footage of the situation in Saint Ives. They do not even have their own police station as it is so small. Now  a force of 6,000 officers is patrolling the area.


I am fully back in work mode thanks to additional hours stepping in for colleagues (complete with the annoyance about sub-standard communication). Individual tourism is gathering speed, very popular are mobile homes, cycling and walking in nature. Rhineland-Palatinate will be teeming with tourists this Summer... I have also spoken briefly to let us say a distant "colleague" in another town. Due to restrictions and the continued uncertainty, group travel, especially coaches, is still very much down and river cruise ships are still running reduced, i.e. companies that sail do not sail with the whole fleet.


If the current trend continues, July will see a good easing of restrictions and tourism within Germany will be up and running to a greater level. Some international travel into Germany will happen as well, I am sure.


Right now, my state is faring well, some administrative districts have 7-day infection rates lower than 10 now.


Oh, nearly forgot, fell of the vaccine waiting list at the bottom, kind of. It was through a short notice application list and it seems I was too far down. All gone. Well, I am still on the other list and I got a short note saying that I should have just "a little more patience". In today's big figure published of jabs that happened yesterday, a very dear person' s jab is included, so that makes me happy!


Also yesterday, I saw my niece's baby girl for the first time (born at Easter). A bit on the small side like her mother and really cute! 🙂 🙂 




Edited by notamermaid
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I have 2 cruises on hold right now and hope to make deposits this weekend. One ocean and one river cruise that I plan on doing both in April. Both have deposits that are fully refundable and final payment isn't due until November/December. It is an attempt to celebrate a mile stone birthday, 2 years late.


I attended a BBQ the other day. It felt so weird and normal at the same time. I hope cruising will be back to normal in April.......!

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Two companies in the U.K. are in a bit of trouble about COVID refunds watch this space. Notamermaid, Cornwall has never had so many policeman or should it be police people. The locals are a bit annoyed as tourists are staying away whilst this love in is going on and Macron is doing his usual stirring. Although it looks like we might have a definite push for helping the whole world to be vaccinated. 
So I’m off to play with my daughters, sons in law their dogs and my wonderful grandson indoors (and the weathers fabulous) for the first time in a year, wonderful. CA

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My county in Texas has been down to 0 new Covid-19 infections for 14 days now.  45% of people in my state have had at least one dose of the vaccine.  27% have had and survived Covid putting us at 72% of the population now immune from Covid.  Many of our counties are going down to 0 new Covid-19 infections.  The main problem area in our state is along the border with Mexico due to what is going on there.

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30 minutes ago, Canal archive said:

Wow that’s great Suite Traveller we seem to be going the other way at the moment although our vaccination rate is superb. Still onwards and upwards. CA

So sorry about this in Britain. Have just read a short report about it this morning. I was wondering: how do you do this in a pub right now? Just outside or also inside with reduced capacity? Mask mandates still in place? The authorities here are now contemplating getting rid of almost all mask mandates outdoors. Indoor will certainly remain but with infection rates going down fast, this will also happen some time in the not so distant future I am sure. Test centres in all decent sized municipalities help to get things going culturally while the three G rule is active - vaccinated, tested or recovered. "VTR" rule from those English words does not sound quite as catchy - have the authorities found a nice abbreviation for the strategy?




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Actually it’s quite interesting the incidents of people being hospitalised with the virus has dropped substantially as have the deaths these are very very low thank goodness. People having had both vaccinations are not getting it at all and with one vaccine very few. The rules and requirements are easing slightly but the date of full easement has been moved on four weeks from June 21st. Now the likes of the night clubs and theatres  are threatening to take the government to court. I know they are loosing money but will they be taken to court when someone looses their life! Tricky one. 
Pubs and eating establishments it’s definitely social distancing masks as much as possible especially in shops unless you have a medical exemption. The majority of places have perspex barriers up as my dentist has in the waiting room so seat - barrier etc. Although it’s like Coral says finding what is really going on is difficult at the moment and is no news really good news! CA

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They just opened up the A-Z vaccine for 2nd doses for those who have had their shots 8 weeks prior.  I'm in line trying to book...91,000 ahead of me, and it's been open for 1/2 hr.  Not holding my breath though...no vaccines in the eastern end of the province at all, so unless more come in, I'm holding onto  our original appointment in August.


On the better side...it's finally raining!  Being rural and on wells, we need it badly.  All my plants are told that they either live with no water or wait for rain, but I can't waste it on something that can be replaced. Sad, but it's been so dry....


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We also have a hot, dry spell coming up. There is enough water in the rivers but garden plants will suffer. Lots of watering of agricultural land will happen for sure. And I will need to carry cans to the flower beds at work. My employer is taking part in a scheme of brightening up the municipality (again) with lots of flowers. Are the bosses going to water them? Nooo... always the employees.




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7 hours ago, Canal archive said:

Wow that’s great Suite Traveller we seem to be going the other way at the moment although our vaccination rate is superb. Still onwards and upwards. CA

I found a map that shows this is happening all over the USA, there is a wide strip down the middle of the continental US that is quickly forming of 0 new cases per week.  The entire state of Nebraska is completely down to 0 new cases per week!  I had expected rural areas to convert to 0 cases per week quickly but I live in a county with well over 1 million residents and we have been at 0 for 2 weeks now.  IMO it is due to the fact that most people here are more than willing to get vaccinated and took the first opportunity they had to get vaccinated.   https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map


I'm hoping that this is what happens all over the world!  From observing what happened here, we vaccinated the elderly first and then people over 60, then people over 50 began to be vaccinated in mid March.  They received their second vaccines in April when people of all ages could get vaccinated.  In early May, we reached our final inflection point (spike in cases) and from May 7 onwards, cases declined precipitously day after day, week after week until we reached 0 new cases for the first time on May 31 and have been at 0 new cases ever since. It seem that getting everyone over 50 vaccinated and then immediately opening up vaccinations for everyone else ages 12 and above was what set the groundwork for the drastic decline in cases.  My hope is that what happened here is what will happen all over the world!  

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I just pray that the reports of ZERO new cases are not due to under-reporting/cooking the books--there have been reports of some states under-reporting cases and deaths last winter for political reasons.


I live in a very blue state with a very high rate of vaccination, yet we are still reporting a hundred or so cases per day, with a state population of just under 7 million people.

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31 minutes ago, SuiteTraveler said:

The entire state of Nebraska is completely down to 0 new cases per week!

No it's not.  Zero cases were reported yesterday (Sunday).  The rolling seven-day incidence rate for Nebraska is 33 per day.

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1 minute ago, d9704011 said:

No it's not.  Zero cases were reported yesterday (Sunday).  The roling seven-day incidence rate for Nebraska is 33 per day.

The website cited by SuiteTraveler reported "In Florida, there were -26,123 newly reported COVID-19 cases and 292 newly reported COVID-19 deaths on Jun 11, 2021"!!! What does that even mean? 


Their map has great swaths of Florida reporting no cases whatsoever.  What kind of inaccurate reporting have they done for other states?


Two weeks ago Florida - with no advance notice - began reporting only once a week so I know it is difficult for all the websites reporting daily statistics to adjust their reporting.   When I look at the official Florida report for the week of June 4 to June 10 there are 12,157 new cases and 40 deaths state-wide, which is a definite improvement but nowhere near reporting 0 or a negative number of cases.   One (out of 67) Florida counties reported 0 cases - Liberty county, population 8,800.

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45 minutes ago, SuiteTraveler said:

I found a map that shows this is happening all over the USA, there is a wide strip down the middle of the continental US that is quickly forming of 0 new cases per week.  The entire state of Nebraska is completely down to 0 new cases per week!  I had expected rural areas to convert to 0 cases per week quickly but I live in a county with well over 1 million residents and we have been at 0 for 2 weeks now.  IMO it is due to the fact that most people here are more than willing to get vaccinated and took the first opportunity they had to get vaccinated.   https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map

So I live in Nebraska and we are not at 0 cases per week. I live in the 2nd largest county for population which includes Lincoln (Omaha is larger), and we have single digit numbers per day in cases. Our county is about 63% vaccinated.


Here are our press releases with my county's numbers: 



I can tell you in rural Nebraska, they have a much lower rate of vaccinations. On top of that, one rural area this spring had the highest rate of infections. I don't know what our daily rate is for our state - I follow my county.

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22 minutes ago, d9704011 said:

No it's not.  Zero cases were reported yesterday (Sunday).  The rolling seven-day incidence rate for Nebraska is 33 per day.

Our testing locations and hours (in Nebraska) has gone down quite a bit. Many of the places I knew where to get tested are now closed. Maybe because other places such as urgent clinics are available now. Weekends never had high numbers.

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