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Masks probably required

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I honestly wouldn't have an issue with wearing one if it's a choice between that and not going on a cruise.  Until we have a vaccine, I feel like that's going to be par for the course.  I've gotten used to wearing one, so it's not a big deal to me.

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9 minutes ago, shutterbug63 said:

I honestly wouldn't have an issue with wearing one if it's a choice between that and not going on a cruise.  Until we have a vaccine, I feel like that's going to be par for the course.  I've gotten used to wearing one, so it's not a big deal to me.

And I am sure no one will prevent you from wearing one.

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1 hour ago, beerman2 said:

Or they could be putting the final nail in the coffin for some, Covid19 will pop up again on a cruise.

To what degree remains to be seen, can't seem to rid ships of Noro or other diseases.


Getting Quarantined on a ship has to be miserable, and that is  likely to happen once sailing begins.


I would have to agree. But if the concern is so great that masks are to be force to be worn, then the cruiseline should not open until it's safe. 


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7 hours ago, Coralc said:


They were not. People received warnings. Please cite source for anyone being arrested even in Southern California. The beaches are still closed for the most part in the Bay Area and Santa Cruz. 

The virus seems to be sensitive to sunlight and infectious disease typically has higher transmission rates in inside rather than outside environments so they close down the beaches.

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30 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

The virus seems to be sensitive to sunlight and infectious disease typically has higher transmission rates in inside rather than outside environments so they close down the beaches.

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes. 

While masks may block some droplets, Fauci said, they do not provide the level of protection people think they do. Wearing a mask may also have unintended consequences: People who wear masks tend to touch their face more often to adjust them, which can spread germs from their hands.“



For healthy people, both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend they wear masks only when taking care of those who are sick or suspected of having the virus. “

That was the advice early on. If you argue that they are only necessary now that the disease has spread...why weren’t we told by ALL THESE EXPERTS...to  grab... any cloth covering before so many people got sick in certain areas?


Why did they advise us not to wear masks+if this could have stopped the spread and saved lives like they say it does now?


How is a bandana or homemade mask suddenly offering more protection than it did when Dr Fauci made these comments? “They do not provide the level of protection people think they do!”






Edited by hazence
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1 hour ago, beerman2 said:

Or they could be putting the final nail in the coffin for some, Covid19 will pop up again on a cruise.

To what degree remains to be seen, can't seem to rid ships of Noro or other diseases.


Getting Quarantined on a ship has to be miserable, and that is  likely to happen once sailing begins.

I have to believe that they will have some type of rock solid plan if covid breaks out on one of their ships to get people off and into a medical facility.  Sitting quarantined in port with people waving signs from their balconies is not a good look for any cruise line.

as for masks, count us out. Can you imagine sitting around the pool deck in the Caribbean in 90 degree heat wearing a mask??  right...

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Don´t worry, folks.... This Greek guy living in Bremerhaven, Germany, has the solution... (ignore the German text, just the photo)




And the masks are already in production (o.k., the article says for the European market but I assume he hasn´t regarded the cruise market yet...).



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47 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

The virus seems to be sensitive to sunlight and infectious disease typically has higher transmission rates in inside rather than outside environments so they close down the beaches.


The images that were beamed all over the world last March of sping breakers packing the beaches so tight that you couldn't see a grain of sand ruined it for everyone. 

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If RCCL requires masks than they better be darned sure that it’s not a false sense of security...

especially if you buy the mask from them.  Think of our litigious society. “I bought a RCCL mask and I still got COVID! “


If we could just remove emotion and review the history of the “mask advice”...genuine questions are there...posed by reviewing CLOSELY all the statements by these experts themselves. 

Experts are not infalliable and sometimes they or those very close to them...are not even following their own advice...as we see with Dr Ferguson and Dr Fauci’s close friend CNN’s Chris Cuomo. We are told to be terrified...but they oddly are not.  

We need to question and not just follow like sheep. 

Is wearing a mask that you remove in a public area to drink or eat really going to offer protection?! What about Dr Fauci’s statement that they only block some droplets and “aren’t the protection people think they are?”

Is RCCL going to be selling medical grade masks for vacations?


Otherwise, how did that homemade mask get souped up enough since Dr Fauci said it wasn’t really effective?


i don’t know?

If they aren’t worn right, or finer droplets or spray can escape...if you touch your face more to adjust it as Dr Fauci says....if you dont wash your exposed clothes as soon as you return from a public place...if infected spray gets on your bare arms and you touch your arm...what is enough?


Some experts are saying that the mask needs to be sterilized not washed after every use or a new one required.


This idea, borne of our fear, that these experts are like the Pope and speak with the authority of God...is undercut if you even just research across a variety of news sources from a variety of political leanings. I also throw in the Guardian (left) and the Telegraph (right) from the U.K.


The confusion among these experts and these studies could make your head swim.


Except, here in sunny SC they won’t open the Club pool.

Edited by hazence
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One specific problem I see with people wearing masks....Let's say everyone is mandated to wear masks so they have on their mask going to the pool.  Then either it's hot, or drink time, so they remove their mask and they place it down on the table or lounge chair.  But then the wind blows it to floor, etc.  If that person is infected, then the germs from the mask can be spread.

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46 minutes ago, hazence said:

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes. 

While masks may block some droplets, Fauci said, they do not provide the level of protection people think they do. Wearing a mask may also have unintended consequences: People who wear masks tend to touch their face more often to adjust them, which can spread germs from their hands.“



For healthy people, both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend they wear masks only when taking care of those who are sick or suspected of having the virus. “

That was the advice early on. If you argue that they are only necessary now that the disease has spread...why weren’t we told by ALL THESE EXPERTS...to  grab... any cloth covering before so many people got sick in certain areas?


Why did they advise us not to wear masks+if this could have stopped the spread and saved lives like they say it does now?


How is a bandana or homemade mask suddenly offering more protection than it did when Dr Fauci made these comments? “They do not provide the level of protection people think they do!”



The original comments were lies to avoid runs on medical-grade masks (as we saw with toilet paper).  

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48 minutes ago, danv3 said:


The original comments were lies to avoid runs on medical-grade masks (as we saw with toilet paper).  

Yes. I’ve read that explanation. But then following that logic, if the lies were intended to protect the supply for the medical community then those lies led to a terrific spread of infection in the general public. Those lies for weeks allowed the virus to kill many people.


The advice Dr Fauci gives...demeans masks in general...says they don’t offer protection. I don’t think a man of his reputation would go that far with a lie.  He might have said “We are restricting  the sale of the Hospital grade masks for medical people on the front lines. We will issue advice on what masks you can make or buy, from what material etc...in order to offer you protection in public places.”


He wouldn’t flat out lie that they don’t work.


Anyway, it’s strange. Suddenly, masks are the be all and end all. Even the bandana from the Dollar Store.


But if you consider cruise ship conditions and what experts are saying now about the cloud of spray...any uncovered part of your body that you touch could be contaminated with virus. If you believe it’s highly infectious with a wide spray effect...what about your uncovered arms and legs?


if all these experts are now telling us the truth, once again...it makes me wonder about the inequality of the spread of the virus.


i know...just lucky. 

Edited by hazence
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54 minutes ago, danv3 said:


The original comments were lies to avoid runs on medical-grade masks (as we saw with toilet paper).  

Exactly.  Fauci later said this:


"But in a perfect world, if you had an unlimited supply of masks — which we don't — if those individuals could possibly be spreading infection and not even knowing it, [masks are] a potentially good way of preventing that. It's not 100% for sure, we know from studies that masks are not 100%, but we don't want the perfect to be the enemy of the good in doing something that you could have an impact in preventing transmission."

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15 minutes ago, hazence said:


The advice Dr Fauci gives...demeans masks in general...says they don’t offer protection. I don’t think a man of his reputation would go that far with a lie.  He might have said “We are restricting  the sale of the Hospital grade masks for medical people on the front lines. We will issue advice on what masks you can make or buy, from what material etc...in order to offer you protection in public places.”


He wouldn’t flat out lie that they don’t work.


Anyway, it’s strange. Suddenly, masks are the be all and end all. Even the bandana from the Dollar Store.


I think at first they did lie to protect the supply chain of N95s and surgical masks. 🙂  Now, I think the reasoning behind the push for cloth masks is that the people they whipped into terrified masses will feel a sense of security by wearing cloth masks as they venture out into society.  And the mask will possibly slow down the spread by affording a very small bit of protection. 


I will only be wearing one when I have to.  I have asthma, and already get less oxygen than someone without asthma.  Wearing a mask makes me lightheaded if worn for any length of time since it cuts oxygen even more.  So, I wear when I go into a store, out of respect of others.  But, outside?  Where the sun is shining and the air is fresh?   You have to be kidding me.   If you are concerned, give me a wide berth.  I feel more confident taking supplements that boost the immune system.  That, washing hands frequently, not touching face with unwashed hands, has worked for years against the flu (for me).  👍

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37 minutes ago, time4u2go said:

Exactly.  Fauci later said this:


"But in a perfect world, if you had an unlimited supply of masks — which we don't — if those individuals could possibly be spreading infection and not even knowing it, [masks are] a potentially good way of preventing that. It's not 100% for sure, we know from studies that masks are not 100%, but we don't want the perfect to be the enemy of the good in doing something that you could have an impact in preventing transmission."

But the spread of the virus was more contained when this lie was told.  People died. The virus spread like wildfire in some areas while people believed this advice.


Think about that.


Why lie? Why not just prevent sale of medical grade masks...(try buying certain Clorox products on Amazon..”reserved for hospital and first responders) ...and advise how how to make a mask or utilize a scarf?


Now industries like cruise lines are depending on these experts telling the truth NOW...that there is a real protective benefit to wearing masks...as they try to safely resume business. 

If it’s just a “pat on the head” there could be real problems for these businesses ahead...





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As others have stated, my mask protects you more than me. And your mask protects me. Even if it’s only a little protection, it is better than nothing against a highly contagious virus. From reading this thread and seeing the pictures of restaurants that have already reopened, I have absolutely no faith that others care about me. 

If the cruise line requires masks, I think people will ignore it, like they do every other restriction/suggestion that they don’t like. 


I will be waiting until the requirement goes away, as much because of others actions as well as the impact on what is suppose to be an enjoyable relaxing experience. 


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3 hours ago, hazence said:

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes. 

While masks may block some droplets, Fauci said, they do not provide the level of protection people think they do. Wearing a mask may also have unintended consequences: People who wear masks tend to touch their face more often to adjust them, which can spread germs from their hands.“



For healthy people, both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend they wear masks only when taking care of those who are sick or suspected of having the virus. “

That was the advice early on. If you argue that they are only necessary now that the disease has spread...why weren’t we told by ALL THESE EXPERTS...to  grab... any cloth covering before so many people got sick in certain areas?


Why did they advise us not to wear masks+if this could have stopped the spread and saved lives like they say it does now?


How is a bandana or homemade mask suddenly offering more protection than it did when Dr Fauci made these comments? “They do not provide the level of protection people think they do!”







where have you been last several weeks?


Dr Fauci was technically right that for ordinary people not trained in putting on N95 masks, those masks do not eliminate risk of getting virus.


But any mask covering reduces chances by some extent for obvious reasons in a way that a regular shirt is not enough protection in winter but is better than being naked.


You should also by now know the objective behind those statements. They were desperately trying to prevent run on masks needed by actual medical people.


The current suggestion of wearing masks (covering of ANY sensible type) is NOT for wearer's protection but for reducing risks of him/her infecting OTHERS.


If you change channel to ANYTHING else, you will not have this confusion.


You wear masks mainly to protect others from you with small side benefit of reducing risk to you slightly.


Why do you think HK and Korea have been able to control spread better than the West?

Time to learn and adopt and that starts with changing the sole source of information


Edited by hal2008
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14 minutes ago, mac_tlc said:

As others have stated, my mask protects you more than me. And your mask protects me. Even if it’s only a little protection, it is better than nothing against a highly contagious virus. From reading this thread and seeing the pictures of restaurants that have already reopened, I have absolutely no faith that others care about me. 

If the cruise line requires masks, I think people will ignore it, like they do every other restriction/suggestion that they don’t like. 


I will be waiting until the requirement goes away, as much because of others actions as well as the impact on what is suppose to be an enjoyable relaxing experience. 




(or take Asian cruise where people tend to be more civilized on this matter)

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1 hour ago, barbeyg said:

I think at first they did lie to protect the supply chain of N95s and surgical masks. 🙂  Now, I think the reasoning behind the push for cloth masks is that the people they whipped into terrified masses will feel a sense of security by wearing cloth masks as they venture out into society.  And the mask will possibly slow down the spread by affording a very small bit of protection. 


I will only be wearing one when I have to.  I have asthma, and already get less oxygen than someone without asthma.  Wearing a mask makes me lightheaded if worn for any length of time since it cuts oxygen even more.  So, I wear when I go into a store, out of respect of others.  But, outside?  Where the sun is shining and the air is fresh?   You have to be kidding me.   If you are concerned, give me a wide berth.  I feel more confident taking supplements that boost the immune system.  That, washing hands frequently, not touching face with unwashed hands, has worked for years against the flu (for me).  👍


If you live in area where when you go out and can maintain safe 10 feet perimeter , certainly no need to wear mask. But imagine urban area where outside walking does not ensure safe perimeter.


If you are continuously jogging 8 feet behind someone, you are putting yourself at risk (if the other person is a carrier). In that scenario, it is better to increase distance or move to the other side.


This is not flu. Lot more contagious than flu. What worked for flu will not be enough.

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42 minutes ago, barbeyg said:

I will only be wearing one when I have to.  I have asthma, and already get less oxygen than someone without asthma.  Wearing a mask makes me lightheaded if worn for any length of time since it cuts oxygen even more.  So, I wear when I go into a store, out of respect of others.  But, outside?  Where the sun is shining and the air is fresh?   You have to be kidding me.   If you are concerned, give me a wide berth.  I feel more confident taking supplements that boost the immune system.  That, washing hands frequently, not touching face with unwashed hands, has worked for years against the flu (for me).  👍


According to ADA you do not have to wear a mask,  Cruise ships are required to comply with A.D.A.


"I am exempt from any ordinance requiring the use of a face mask.  Wearing a face mask poses a mental and/or physical risk to me.  Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, I am not required to disclose my medical conditions."


Department of Justice A.D.A. Violation Reporting Number:   800-514-0301

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