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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday December 31st, 2022


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2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I will definitely celebrate Champagne Day, New Year's Eve and will meditate for world peace.  As we bring the year to a close, I want to thank @richwmnfor getting the Daily started, and for everyone who contributes, whether on a regular basis or whenever they can.  I look forward to turning on the computer every morning to see what my friends are up to.


Yesterday was busy, but didn't turn out the way I thought it might.  First of all, we had a phone call that DH's aunt passed away at age 97.  She had been in frail health for the past few months, so it wasn't a surprise.  Then a couple of hours later, I found out a cousin of mine had suffered a fatal stroke at age 75.  Later in the afternoon, our son called to say that his DW's grandmother passed away in Japan; nobody seems to know just how old she is, but she is in her 90's.   I've heard that things come in 3's, and I've subscribed to that theory, but never thought they would all come on the same day.


I've got all our things packed and the luggage pieces only weigh about 30 or 34 pounds, so I'm well within the limits.  Today after I get my nails done, DH and I have to head to the Apple store because the AirTags I bought this summer aren't working.  I tried replacing the battery in one, but it still wouldn't connect with my phone.  Hopefully they can figure out what's going on, because I can't imagine they're only good for 1 trip!


Being a carnivore, I'm going to take a pass on today's menu suggestion.  I don't care for the mouth feel of mushroom in a sandwich.  Just thinking about it makes me shiver.  LOL  Instead, we'll be having our last meal of 2022 that will consist of lemon pasta with shrimp and a side salad at the kitchen table.  And wine - sparkly wine - Frexinet!


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the soul of Pope Benedict today.  Cheers to all with celebrations, and Happy New Year to all my friends here at the Daily!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Gerry, so sorry to hear about all your losses.  Enjoy your cruise next week.

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39 minutes ago, garlictown said:

😉Greetings from Amber Cove in the Dominican Republic from the three Amigos. 🎶We'll be celebrating the New Year (Zuiderdam) on the Lido with the various bands playing tonight!🎶

Katie, Dennis and Aunt Viviane (from Belgium)



Lovely photos.

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2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

@rafinmd and all,


My DH just got off phone. His sister (my DSIL) who has been fighting metastatic melanoma along with heart and blood clot complications has been taken to the hospital by ambulance.


Her son said, "She has severe pain throughout her body and her heart was beating way too fast. She isn't doing well."


I asked my DH if he wanted to leave for there now and he said, "No. We had a nice visit at Christmas."


Having seen her struggles over the past weeks, my prayer is that my 90 year old DSIL knows that it is okay to let go. I sense she does as, yesterday, she sent a long (for her) email thanking us again for our visit this past week.




I am doubly happy that you made the trip to have such a good visit with her.   May she be comfortable in her last hours and may the wonderful memory of that last visit bring comfort and healing to you and your DH.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Happy last Saturday of 2022 Dailyites!  This has been a most interesting year for me.  Yes I did a cruise, which was fun, relaxing and reminded me that I love cruising, which is why after retirement I keep on working.  I started on taking my health a bit more seriously, and finally addressing some of my problems.  I had to rethink the quote, why do it today when I can do it tomorrow.  I lost one of my best buddies this year because of her living through that philosophy.  And this time instead of getting angry, it taught me something about myself.


The best part of this year was finding the Daily, and meeting all of you.  You teach me, you make me laugh, you've made me cry, and being here with you all is like being wrapped in the arms of angels.

This is a place where we feel safe, we share our joys, and our disasters, and our dreams.  I know I am addicted to being here.  To find out what is going on with everyone, and to know that while we are all going through weird and hard times, we manage to pick ourselves up, and get on with living, and I think that the secret to that is that you all have joy in your hearts.


So at the end of 2022-for you all I wish a very Happy 2023, that you never lose the joy and the compassion that you share with others.


Tonight, no plans.  Far too many idiots that dwell near the holler.  They shoot guns up in the air, and seem to have forgotten that what goes up, must come down.  We are going to meet up with Penny mid afternoon.  She called last night, and said that Jessie was not feeling well enough to go out and sit and be with people.  I am going to go pay bills, and hopefully when we are done with our late linner/dunch (early dinner, late lunch) I can stop at the store, and pick up something to eat for tomorrow.  Thinking shrimp and asparagus for dinner.  I am making sausage cheese balls for breakfast.  I suspect that the DH will go through eggnog and Pepperidge Farm Christmas cookie withdrawal.    I am not in any rush to take down Christmas, not until the 7th.  




So well said.  Thank you Ann!


1 hour ago, 0106 said:

Happy New Year’s Eve!



On January 23, I made my first post on the Daily.  I had been reading for a long time but was nervous about posting.  I was amazed how you welcomed me with open arms.  Thank you to all who contribute.


“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”  Shakespeare 


And thank you for your contributions!  I really appreciated when you stepped up and took over the Meal of the Day while I was cruising.  That was so helpful and you did such a stellar job.  


@ger_77 Condolences to you for your family losses.   

@kazu I love the memes you post.  They always bring a chuckle to me.  

@garlictown Glad to see  you enjoying your cruise.  


Tonight when we celebrate let's raise a glass to all who are enjoying being on a BHB for the holiday, to lost laundry now found, to lost luggage now found, to friendship and comradery.  Let 2023 be the best yet! 





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Good morning all and Happy New Year's Eve!  We have our champagne chilling, and plan on getting Italian take-out tonight.  I won't be staying up until midnight unless the fireworks keep me awake though.  I'll pass on the meal, not a fan of mushrooms in any form. 😉  


Yesterday we finally met with the owner of the tree service that will be taking down the last 2 large Cottonwoods behind our house.  I'll be so glad when they're gone and I won't have to worry anymore about a tree coming down on our house.  No more waiting on HOA.  It won't be cheap, but is within the range we expected and very much worth it.  He said they may be able to get out here this week (they've been extremely busy with all the bad weather we've had).  My neighbor (the one whose house was hit by the tree) is having a couple taken down at the same time.


Gerry @ger_77my sincere condolences to you and your family on the deaths of your DH's aunt, your cousin, and your son's DW's grandmother.  So much in one day.  😞  


Melissa @HAL Sailerprayers that your DSIL can have a peaceful transition and prayers for you and your DH.


Sandi @StLouisCruisersthank you for the link to the thread with photos of our port of the day.  We'll (hopefully) be there on the Grand Australia so I really enjoyed the photos.



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I saw on Bill & Mary Ann's World Voyage thread that Bob @rkacruiser passed away recently. I don't recall if he posted on the Daily, but he certainly contributed much to the HAL forum. Mitzi and I sailed with him on the Niew Statendam a few years ago and meeting up for Happy Hour became a daily tradition. He always had Canadian Club and Sprite if I remember correctly. We continued to stay in touch by occasional emails and talked of cruising together again. Bob will be missed.

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Happy New Year to all the kind, wise and dear people here.  Even though I have not been on a cruise in over three years, I live vicariously through many of you who have been traveling.  I laugh and cry with you all, and I truly look forward to the posts every day.  I always learn something, and I am grateful to you all for providing some grounded reality to life.

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4 minutes ago, Overhead Fred said:

I saw on Bill & Mary Ann's World Voyage thread that Bob @rkacruiser passed away recently. I don't recall if he posted on the Daily, but he certainly contributed much to the HAL forum. Mitzi and I sailed with him on the Niew Statendam a few years ago and meeting up for Happy Hour became a daily tradition. He always had Canadian Club and Sprite if I remember correctly. We continued to stay in touch by occasional emails and talked of cruising together again. Bob will be missed.

Bob @rkacruiser contributed for a short period on a Float away thread @puppycanducruise Melanie and myself have posted on for over 3 years and I was saddened when I found out this morning.

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Very late getting back today.  I'll pass on the Champaign (juice if I make it to midnight) but love the days and the quote, and have been to Tonga a couple of times.  We have a warm spell right now and I did my walking outside today.  I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Mango Gazpacho, Basil Crusted Veal Rack, and Fresh Strrawberries a la mode as served on MS Ryndam, my last dinner of 2014.


Today’s care list:

Rest In Peace Pope Benedict
RIP Barbara Walters

Scrapnana in hospital
Cruisin Terri still waiting on furniture movers
lindaler still living out of carryon
Seasick Sailor’s friends with covid and Allen with bad cold
From the rotation:
Cruising-along niece awaiting a kidney
Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7)
HAL Sailer Sister in Law with aggressive cancer therapy



Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Last day ofKwanzaa
luvteaching DH back home
smitty34877 getting outside
Welcome home (sort of)  Cruisin Terri after a restful cruise
4 days for ger_77 (Rotterdam 1/4 to 1/25)
3 days for Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam 1/3 to 5/12)
Bon Voyage) (Koningsdam 12/29 to 1/7/23)
Cunnorl (Noordam to 1/2/23), crystalspin, Copper10-8,Vict0riann,  sailingdutchy(1/31  Kazu, Av8rix, crystalspin, Copper10-8, Vict0riann, sailingdutchty (1/31)  (Koningsdam  to 1/7), Damcruiser (Nieuw Statendam  to 1/14), Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam  to 1/25),  indaler and ottahand7(Volendam  to 3/18), and garlictown (1/3), Gail&Marty,richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam  to 5/12) at sea


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I wish all a Very happy healthy new year! 

@HAL Sailer I am so sorry for your news!  So glad you had that last visit.  
@ger_77 I am sorry your family is facing so much loss!    My wishes for peace and comfort for you all!  
On a lighter note, bravo on the suitcases!   I’m trying, lol! 
Yes on the Veuve,  love that I can some times get it at happy hour on a BHB.  We booked a couple for 2024 so fingers crossed.   
We have faced some nasty fog and ice here, Hope that’s in the past soon as well. 


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44 minutes ago, Overhead Fred said:

I saw on Bill & Mary Ann's World Voyage thread that Bob @rkacruiser passed away recently. I don't recall if he posted on the Daily, but he certainly contributed much to the HAL forum. Mitzi and I sailed with him on the Niew Statendam a few years ago and meeting up for Happy Hour became a daily tradition. He always had Canadian Club and Sprite if I remember correctly. We continued to stay in touch by occasional emails and talked of cruising together again. Bob will be missed.

Sad news! I met Bob @rkacruiser on a cruise. He was a fine gentleman who had a passion for cruising. May he RIP. 
Thanks for letting us know of Bob’s passing.

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How much we have shared this year....the Daily has been so full of compassion.... knowledge and joy....thank you....!!
Hope 2023 will be gentle and kind to everyone.....🥰
And for those needing any wild party ideas....GO FISH.....😅

New Year's Party.jpg

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49 minutes ago, Overhead Fred said:

I saw on Bill & Mary Ann's World Voyage thread that Bob @rkacruiser passed away recently. I don't recall if he posted on the Daily, but he certainly contributed much to the HAL forum. Mitzi and I sailed with him on the Niew Statendam a few years ago and meeting up for Happy Hour became a daily tradition. He always had Canadian Club and Sprite if I remember correctly. We continued to stay in touch by occasional emails and talked of cruising together again. Bob will be missed.


I am very sad to hear of RKA’s passing.  I enjoyed our conversations and his viewpoint in the Say Anything thread and thought one day we’d get to meet.  Much appreciation to @WCB for letting us know.

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Good morning on this last day of 2022!  Happy New Year to all my Daily friends. Rich @richwmn, thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. I thought your comment was spot on.  Thanks to everyone who posts here, I won’t list names because I’ll probably miss someone, but just know how much I appreciate everyone. 

DGD came over last night and is still sleeping. I’m not sure if she’s staying tonight. Our son ended up getting really sick after catching it from his girlfriend’s daughter. He ended up going to urgent care and tested positive for the flu. They recommended eucalyptus oil and Craig went searching for it, thank goodness one drugstore knew which location stocked it. Anyway, DS said it was a miracle and has really helped him breathe easier, especially when sleeping. 

Rest In Peace Pope Benedict and Barbara Walters. Gerry @ger_77, I am so sorry for your losses in your family. Yesterday must have been very stressful. @HAL Sailer, I’m sorry to hear about your DSIL and prayers for her peaceful passing. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, great news about the laundry!  How is your thumb?  Did you lose the nail?  Ouch. 

I will pass on the meal suggestion even though I love mushrooms, I just prefer them all by themselves or stuffed. I’ll celebrate champagne and have a bottle of sparkling wine that I need to get in the fridge. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good Afternoon, thanks for the daily fleet report.  The morning was busy running some errands that included a stop at ALDI.  At Aldi they have a spiced cookie that is seasonal and on sale,  spekulatius are very good and at 1.74 a bag I picked up several.  We will be heading out to the local Greek restaurant and then will have some freixenet when we get home.  I hope that everyone has a safe and happy celebration.


One of my favorite New Years Eve was on the Amsterdam.  


DH all dressed up


The countdown


After midnight we did continue the party in the Crows Nest


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My goodness - last week we were in the depths of winter, and today it feels like Spring! I was able to work in the yard without a jacket, taking care of the cleanup I couldn't do earlier because various health issues & the cold.What a lovely way to end this year and start the next. It looks like the warmth will continue for a few more days. I'll take it!

I didn't want the year to end without expressing my gratitude to all the lovely folks here on the Daily. Rich, thank you for your dedication & giving us something to look forward to every day. Roy, thank you for your concerns & celebration lists and also for your willingness to substitute for others. Thanks to the food & beverage department -- maybe in 2023 I'll actually make one of the recipes I've printed out!😀  Lastly, thanks to all for making this such a supportive and lovely place to visit. It helped me get through this year, for sure!

So, goodbye to 2022 and wishing everyone a safe & happy 2023, filled with cruising!

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56 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning on this last day of 2022!  Happy New Year to all my Daily friends. Rich @richwmn, thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. I thought your comment was spot on.  Thanks to everyone who posts here, I won’t list names because I’ll probably miss someone, but just know how much I appreciate everyone. 

DGD came over last night and is still sleeping. I’m not sure if she’s staying tonight. Our son ended up getting really sick after catching it from his girlfriend’s daughter. He ended up going to urgent care and tested positive for the flu. They recommended eucalyptus oil and Craig went searching for it, thank goodness one drugstore knew which location stocked it. Anyway, DS said it was a miracle and has really helped him breathe easier, especially when sleeping. 

Rest In Peace Pope Benedict and Barbara Walters. Gerry @ger_77, I am so sorry for your losses in your family. Yesterday must have been very stressful. @HAL Sailer, I’m sorry to hear about your DSIL and prayers for her peaceful passing. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, great news about the laundry!  How is your thumb?  Did you lose the nail?  Ouch. 

I will pass on the meal suggestion even though I love mushrooms, I just prefer them all by themselves or stuffed. I’ll celebrate champagne and have a bottle of sparkling wine that I need to get in the fridge. 

Have a great day everyone!

For your son Sharon.


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Happy New Year from the Noordam

       We had  a wonderful New Year’s Eve party last nite at the midship pool. They had cleared out all the loungers and set the band up at the far end of the pool. Had 3 large screen TVs doing the countdown. Lot of fun. I am sure it went on for long after we left! 
    Well today is the dreaded pack up day . We disembark in the morning( Monday) for the long journey home. 
    We were in Tonga for 2 days on this trip. It is a great port and the people are so warm and welcoming.  When I get home I am going to try posting pictures. 
  You are all in thoughts and prayers, and especially those that are experiencing heartaches right now. 
     My very best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe New Year!




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