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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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10 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:

Thank you

@Sunshine3601, @barbeyg, @grapau27 , @Ocean Boy, @h20skibum, @DaniDanielle and

 @Ourusualbeach   Ken, should "something" happens to us, pls. cancel our cruises and my reservation at HI Express Cape Canaveral


I big thank you to Mr. President Biden for standing by us. He's a real "mensch".


It's after midnight and all around us people are awake. We're glued to the TV, if the air raid is sound, we're 2 seconds from our in house shelter. Hope it'll help....


Dani - we all care so much about you and your family and long term friends.  I pray that you all survive this incoming hell storm.

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8 minutes ago, SteelCityCruiser10 said:

🤞🏻 Hope we can sneak in the playoffs.  Playoff hockey is awesome.  Those 3 wins won’t come easy though.  Not too long ago I was thinking they had no shot so pleasantly surprised now.

As a long suffering Canucks fan it hope in the post season has been a longtime coming.  The team is struggling a little with a few injuries right now but all should be clear come game 1 of the first series.  

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19 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

I had serious anger issues last year. Somehow buying the new florida condo helped and now I no longer wake up so angry I cant sleep. Yes I dont want to live near them. I admit it. He snuck I to the safe 2 days after moms funeral. Even after I explained the house was in my name only, not my sisters he went right back and cleaned out the house. 9 days after moms funeral they had a garage sale. I went over to check the mail and like a bunch of hillbillies they piled up stuff on the tree lawn. They cleaned out MY bedroom. They had my HS year books out in the pile in the rain. Top of the pile was my parents wedding photo books. She runs a 2nd hand store and took whatever she wanted without asking me. 


I asked her what gave her to think it was ok to throw out stuff. She said oh I asked your sister. My sister has a 80 IQ and would agree to anything. She had no authority to decide what I got to keep. I was pretty angry last year. Probably miserable to be around. I woke up at 3 am so angry I coukdnt sleep. The doll my mom kept in a tiny rocking chair in her living room was my doll I got at age 3 moms tells me when I agreed to stop sucking my thumb and I quit as promised. Gone. They were there when my cousin at the funeral said she was collecting pictures of my moms family. How could they not know to keep pictures.... and took off with quilts some of which I got back recently when even now she remembers I said I wanted the quilts and relish tray. I said how could I decide what I want if you guys took it and I didnt see it was there? I said you coukdnt tell I was pissed when I asked why my stuff was sitting out in a pile in the rain. She said wel, she didnt know why I was angry, maybe I had a bad day. I was livid both times I confronted them.


It's like dealing with Larry Curley and Moe. I called his pastor even and called him a thief. Like there was a rolling tool cart really nice in the garage he asked to give to someone at his church. I said no I'm not ready to decide. He gave it away anyway. I told my gp doctor I had anger issues and he right away starts defending my hc sister. I'm sick and tired all my life no one is ever on my side. I'm always supposed to be ok with her misbehaving. And his family is greedy imo I dont care what he says. Hes broken every promise to us the whole marriage dealing with money. This is who is picking up mail for the taxes I filed .. I gave them the house. So mail still goes there. 


We talked it out recently. He says I need to get over it and move on. I said both sides of the family agree even a moron knows you dont go into someone elses safe without asking. And we dropped it. I'm moving to florida and it's a blessing how well that is working out. It was meant to be. I want my life back. Last year I was a very unhappy individual. Taxes got filed thursday. Missing a few papers I'm afraid, but best I could gather. Filed 5 taxes. The cpa and ubs are keepers. I couldnt find a cpa who would file trusts. Many cpa will not. My fix it guy evidently is muslim though idk but the cpa he uses I am sure they are. The women wear those head scarves. So when they were closed Wednesday I tried to tell myself it was something Muslim..whew it was. Very nice folks. So glad I found them. Yes I'm coming out the other end. You are so right. I cant wait. I've been generously giving them checks. I for sure want him happy, dont want my sister moving in with me. If money helps, heres more money. My sister does nothing but get her hair done and  nails done. She does no work. No cleaning, cooking, or any housework. He is a ball of energy. I'm willing to pay him off as my mom did. We paid off their mortgage and gave them a monthly check before she died. I want my freedom. It's my turn. He sold their house to move into moms is why probably the first time in his life he had a pile of cash. Hence him going crazy and buying the pick up. Give it to your daughter, buy a family car. I see a light at the end of this tunnel. My anger disappeared finally. Sorry if my anger spilled out on cc. 

So wrong in so many ways.   Thank you for venting as it will help you feel better.    Anger and holding it in is not healthy in so many ways.    You are a strong independent woman that did everything for your parents.   I am sure they dearly appreciated you.

It is now your time to enjoy life and be happy!

When do you start your new chapter in Florida?.    

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56 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

I hope you are bringing them luck for a win.  They are in the driver’s seat for a playoff spot.  All they have to do is win their final 3, but all three are good teams. 

Flyers need to win their last game and if all 3 of the teams ahead of them lose out, Flyers sneak in for the last spot. Flyers last win was against the Rangers 🙂

Edited by Jimbo
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@firefly333  Hey Jane..vent all you want..we're all here for you!  No worries there!!  Once you move, I sure hope you can enjoy yourself while you begin shopping for furnishing your new "digs" and enjoy your new location, which is a long ways from your "delightful" BIL

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22 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

Wednesday was the anniversary of my official diagnosis. Time sure does fly!  Physically things have changed a lot.  I am not going list those changes.  I think the one thing that has changed for the better is my love of life and those around me!  I give thanks for each new day!  So much love shown to me and my family.  An example of how we have been blessed, remember me telling about our new neighbor, on her own, came over and shoveled the snow off our driveway?  Well, yesterday she surprised us with a great homemade strawberry pie!  We are still having people bringing us meals each week to help ease the burden off Sharon and to bring a smile to our face.  And what I love the most is so often I still hear someone add their name to the long list from around the world of those that are thinking and praying for us.  So special!

@Ozark_Kid  what a terrific person you are that can have a great outlook and appreciation for life.  Truly an inspiration to us all 😊 

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54 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:

Thank you

@Sunshine3601, @barbeyg, @grapau27 , @Ocean Boy, @h20skibum, @DaniDanielle and

 @Ourusualbeach   Ken, should "something" happens to us, pls. cancel our cruises and my reservation at HI Express Cape Canaveral


I big thank you to Mr. President Biden for standing by us. He's a real "mensch".


It's after midnight and all around us people are awake. We're glued to the TV, if the air raid is sound, we're 2 seconds from our in house shelter. Hope it'll help....


Can’t imagine what you and your family is going thru, very happy Biden is a strong ally. You have taught us a little on what you have been going thru, obviously I can’t imagine being in your shoes . 

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25 minutes ago, Luckynana said:

@firefly333  Hey Jane..vent all you want..we're all here for you!  No worries there!!  Once you move, I sure hope you can enjoy yourself while you begin shopping for furnishing your new "digs" and enjoy your new location, which is a long ways from your "delightful" BIL

Hahaha. Did I mention him bragging about punching out his hc grandson. They hadnt moved in a month and 6 or so police cars were there neighbors told me. Yes the kid has a mouth. He has flippers for hands and had a leg amputated. Son of my bil favorite who is the one I mentioned taking my stuff to sell in her store. Yes I'm sure the kid has issues, but so does my sister. He called his mom the B word and others, so big shot bil punched him, 3 times. Kid called 911 and police came. Bil had to go to court and pay a fine and was on probation 6 months last year. So brave punching a kid with amputated leg and no hands. I think there but for Karen's money goes my sister. She can be mouthy too. 


I told him to stop. He said if the kids mom his daughter just would punch him out that would solve the respect problem. He doesnt listen to me. 


He wanted to fly to maine and I said I can book it. Oh we want to fly in and just drive around. He wouldnt hear of booking hotels ahead. He wants to drive around looking for a vacancy sign. Finally they gave up. Now they want to plan a trip to ireland and just go. He keeps saying stop in a pub like tv movies and share a pint. None of them drink. No planned hotels, just go and play it by ear. I'm refusing to rise to the bait. Let them do what they will.


To homestead the house karen my sister needs a ID with the address on it. Last year he said he did it. Not done. House isnt home steaded. He promised to do it yesterday. I'm paying the property taxes, they dont care. He makes promises he doesnt keep. Homesteading the house is the last thing before I move. She doesnt drive so no drivers license, but texas issues a texas ID and address has to match. 3 days ago I got the rejection letter from dallas property appraisal district. He told me last year he did update her ID but didnt. His bad memory always used as a excuse. One more thing then I'm free of here.

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Dani -DH and I watched ,for awhile ,this evening, the cable news networks’ reporting the situation in Israel.

The reports are personal to me as I am thinking of you, your  hubby, family, friends and neighbors.

So many innocent people bearing the decisions of the leaders involved.

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and hoping for better news come tomorrow morning.

Also-I think you will be able to keep your travel plans and

Ken will not have to cancel anything.So many people posting here are looking forward to meeting you and sharing your company on the cruise.

Sending positive thoughts in that direction for you.🤗



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1 hour ago, dani negreanu said:

Thank you

@Sunshine3601, @barbeyg, @grapau27 , @Ocean Boy, @h20skibum, @DaniDanielle and

 @Ourusualbeach   Ken, should "something" happens to us, pls. cancel our cruises and my reservation at HI Express Cape Canaveral


I big thank you to Mr. President Biden for standing by us. He's a real "mensch".


It's after midnight and all around us people are awake. We're glued to the TV, if the air raid is sound, we're 2 seconds from our in house shelter. Hope it'll help....



Oh Dani I just have no words.   Know we are all praying for you and the innocent people of Isreal. 💔

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1 hour ago, BonTexasNY said:

I can't seem to hit a "like" button but I can give you a big hug:

((((((((((((((((((((((DANI and Family)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I did hit the "Like" button on @dani negreanu's post but it's really me just acknowledging her horrible situation.


I did hit the "Like" button on your post because I like it and extend my virtual arms into the virtual group hug as well.

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1 hour ago, dani negreanu said:

Thank you

@Sunshine3601, @barbeyg, @grapau27 , @Ocean Boy, @h20skibum, @DaniDanielle and

 @Ourusualbeach   Ken, should "something" happens to us, pls. cancel our cruises and my reservation at HI Express Cape Canaveral


I big thank you to Mr. President Biden for standing by us. He's a real "mensch".


It's after midnight and all around us people are awake. We're glued to the TV, if the air raid is sound, we're 2 seconds from our in house shelter. Hope it'll help....


Dani we are all praying for you and everybody there.


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1 hour ago, firefly333 said:

Hahaha. Did I mention him bragging about punching out his hc grandson. They hadnt moved in a month and 6 or so police cars were there neighbors told me. Yes the kid has a mouth. He has flippers for hands and had a leg amputated. Son of my bil favorite who is the one I mentioned taking my stuff to sell in her store. Yes I'm sure the kid has issues, but so does my sister. He called his mom the B word and others, so big shot bil punched him, 3 times. Kid called 911 and police came. Bil had to go to court and pay a fine and was on probation 6 months last year. So brave punching a kid with amputated leg and no hands. I think there but for Karen's money goes my sister. She can be mouthy too. 


I told him to stop. He said if the kids mom his daughter just would punch him out that would solve the respect problem. He doesnt listen to me. 


He wanted to fly to maine and I said I can book it. Oh we want to fly in and just drive around. He wouldnt hear of booking hotels ahead. He wants to drive around looking for a vacancy sign. Finally they gave up. Now they want to plan a trip to ireland and just go. He keeps saying stop in a pub like tv movies and share a pint. None of them drink. No planned hotels, just go and play it by ear. I'm refusing to rise to the bait. Let them do what they will.

Disgusting!  Good to hear the court system wasn't in his favor. 


IMO, I would definitely not help him book any flights or hotels anywhere.   If he wants to fly and travel like a free bird - so be it.   

Time to turn the page and move on to a new happy place where you will meet new people and enjoy your beautiful new condo and the View!

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@dani negreanu Dani , we are all thinking about you , your family and your friends. I hope, your son has found a shelter where he can be safe . We are watching the news and what is happening over Jerusalem.  I can’t imagine what that must be like . 

Sending our prayers to Jack’s Israeli family. 

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3 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

I'm holding special positive thoughts of safety for Dani, Jack's sister and their families living in harm's way.

I'm seeing it building up too! We will be praying for Jack's sister and their families. 

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One more electric vehicle post?


At the NY Auto Show, Dodge* was showing off their not-yet-released 2025 full-sized, electric RAM pickup truck. with an almost 700 mile range (better than most diesel trucks), that can haul 14,000 pounds (that more than most other pickups) and go from 0-60 in 4.4 seconds (faster than most exotic sports cars).


The secret to this magic is a V6 gas engine that powers a generator that charges the batteries that provide power to the electric motor.  . You can plug it in at night or take it to a charging station and when the batteries run dry, the gas engine will charge the battery.


Technically, it's not a hybrid as the gas engine  is not connected to the transmission/drive train so it doesn't drive the car, just recharges the batteries. But with a 700 mile range, that should satisfy the most ardent back country, off-road adventurers.


It's the best of both worlds. How real world production models perform is yet to be seen & I'm sure it will be outrageously expensive when it first comes out but with time, price may drop??? And of course, it will suffer the usual first year teething problems but it seems like a step in the right direction. 


* Officially, RAM is it's own brand, no longer under Dodge.   But they will always be Dodge to me.

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