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Are there any travel agents that provide advice beyond just booking travel?


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I'm on a travel agency search and so far have not had great luck in locating an agency that provides advice on topics such as:

+ is it more economical to book my own air and trip insurance

+ does the cruise handle special dietary needs

The agencies I've contacted talk a great game but when I ask more detailed questions about cruises or desired destinations, they send me URL's for me to do my own research.  I'm not seeing any value in a travel agency if they are mainly about booking travel.


Is that how travel agencies work now?  Maybe I have incorrect expectations of service offerings from travel agencies.

I'm seeking an agency that will consult with me and not just send me URL's for me to the research.


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First, we are not allowed to name or suggest travel agents. I presume you are dealing with on-line or internet agencies. Maybe a local brick and mortar store where you can sit down with a real person would be more to your liking. A local TA may not be able to give you the same deal (i.e. $$$) as a big on-line agency, but may be able to help you navigate the process and answer your concerns.

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these days many people use the internet to find out thing  so  Travel company are just booking sites

Some real TA's will answer your question maybe charge a fee for their time


Most cruise lines will do their best to meet your dietary  needs  just ask for the info to be put on your file  then talk to them once onboard


I would book your travel insurance from a 3rd party & not the cruise line  


Shop around  you can find good agents  but a lot of the online sites are just order takers

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30 minutes ago, BaumD said:

First, we are not allowed to name or suggest travel agents. I presume you are dealing with on-line or internet agencies. Maybe a local brick and mortar store where you can sit down with a real person would be more to your liking. A local TA may not be able to give you the same deal (i.e. $$$) as a big on-line agency, but may be able to help you navigate the process and answer your concerns.

Actually,I've phoned a few local agencies.  They sound great at first until I start asking questions that require a bit of research, then they tend to ignore the questions or answer me that such information is available online.  It seems to me that kind of diminishes the value of a travel agency.

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34 minutes ago, leishirsute said:


I'm on a travel agency search and so far have not had great luck in locating an agency that provides advice on topics such as:

+ is it more economical to book my own air and trip insurance

+ does the cruise handle special dietary needs

The agencies I've contacted talk a great game but when I ask more detailed questions about cruises or desired destinations, they send me URL's for me to do my own research.  I'm not seeing any value in a travel agency if they are mainly about booking travel.


Is that how travel agencies work now?  Maybe I have incorrect expectations of service offerings from travel agencies.

I'm seeking an agency that will consult with me and not just send me URL's for me to the research.



First, almost all cruise lines are able to handle special dietary needs, but if you have something really unusual, or something requiring very specialized preparation, that might be more difficult to find.  The important thing is to check with the cruiseline's SPECIAL NEEDS department prior to booking anything non-refundable (or with penalty)... and *not* the regular reservation agents.  Some of them can be counted on to get things wrong 😱 , and some things are more critical than others.


Sometimes the cruiseline combos of cruise/air/hotel are less expensive than doing it yourself, and sometimes NOT.  (For one thing, they often charge per person, so for those who might share hotel rooms, that might not be a savings.) However, with air tickets, usually (but not always) one would lose control of the flight scheduling, etc., and some people complain bitterly of inconvenient schedules.  We would *never* allow others to select our flights, especially when we know they'll look for the cheapest available, regardless of any inconvenience, etc.


Are there any physical travel agencies near you?  I don't notice many of them recently.  But if you can meet in person with someone, that might help.  (But no guarantee.)


And you can ask here (almost anything other than the names of travel agents!).

You could also try to find plans on your own, and then post them here for some other opinions.


As far as travel agent "help", what price point are you considering?  If the independent agents work on commission, it makes sense that they'll spend more time, and do more handholding, or help with special arrangements, for a $$$$ trip than with a shorter and very inexpensive trip.

Also keep in mind that some people may pick the brains of travel agents, and then go make their own reservations without involving the agent... and they are aware that could happen when they answer a phone call from someone they've never heard from before (vs. a client they've helped in the past).

For the same reason, some agencies may charge an extra fee for their services, beyond any commission they get.  (Some of those deal more with higher end travel, but it all varies.)


What is your "cruising/travel" background?  Are you contemplating your first cruise?  Or wanting help with something out of the ordinary because you've done the shorter/regular cruises, or such?


The CC members can be a wonderful source of information if we have an idea of what type of information one is looking for.




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Again, we cannot name travel agencies. I use an online agency and call specifically talking to the president of the agency.


Once we booked a cruise with a refundable deposit, and he told us that even our insurance premium was refundable if we cancelled. That is the law in NY state since the Commissioner of Insurance has ruled that there was nothing to insure. No one else seems to have known that.


And the cruise above was in the summer of 2020, We cancelled because we saw Covid was going to make the cruise impossible, and it seemed that the cruise line was waiting until they had final payment to cruise. Without his knowledge, we never we have received our insurance payment back.


So, there are TAs who know things and can be quite helpful. 

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We have always used a TA.  When our agent of many years was getting ready to retire (and unfortunately did not have a colleague to continue her agency) we had to start a search.  We were on a cruise and overheard a conversation that was obviously a TA.  We approached her and she was delighted to speak with us and go forward.  We now use her agency.  They are prepared to advise on tour providers in port, (they have a good deal of personal travel experience to draw from). 

My point is, TAs are out there that will help.  Finding one?   This agency belongs to a group called Virtuoso.   Not sure if you search that group if they have names of agents near you.   However saying that, our TA is not local to us, but neither was our other one we used for years.  Have you met fellow travelers who have an agent they would recommend?   

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My agent provides me with advice beyond simply booking .  She actively trains and loves to hear the tidbits I pick up here on cruise critic.  She will seek the best deal, negotiate on my behalf and provide some small gifts onboard. If I show her a deal from an online agency she can usually explain the hook .


 I have heard ridiculous events from other cruise passengers and they would have done better just throwing a dart blindfolded. 

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1 hour ago, leishirsute said:

Actually, I've phoned a few local agencies.  They sound great at first until I start asking questions that require a bit of research, then they tend to ignore the questions or answer me that such information is available online.  It seems to me that kind of diminishes the value of a travel agency.

It sounds like you want a 'hand holder' type travel agent, and they may no longer exist. The point being there would be a sizable fee for what you want. Doing the research yourself is how you learn to be a traveler, and it is great fun IMHO.

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Geezer Couple and others have made some valid points. It does seem that you either want a hand holder or a source of free information. But why would a TA do that for someone that they have no business relationship with? We have a superb TA who is local and in a brick and morter office. He provides us with all manner of information, but we have had a business relationship with him for nearly 20 years. I'm not sure that he would be as willing to spend time answering questions from someone who is not a client. 

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This post might sound a little mean, but it is not my intent.  The reality today, is that most travel/cruise agencies are all about volume.  What the OP wants is commonly referred to as "hand holding" and most agents simply do not have the time.  In fact, if they do have a lot of time it is likely they are not a very good agent.  We currently use two different high volume agencies and have an excellent agent with each agency (one with over 35 years experience and the other about 12 years).  Both of these agents are very knowledgeable, have the certifications to prove they spend time with continuing ed in their field, and know their business.  If you were to ask them about insurance, they would suggest you buy it (and of course their agencies sell insurance).  As to air, I can tell you the answer is to price-out air through the cruise line and also price it out on some decent online booking engines (or the various airline sites).  Agencies do not want to get involved in the air situation because they do not get a commission for selling air and it is generally not their area of expertise.


My suggestion to the OP is ask your questions here on CC :).  You will generally get fast answers, and if somebody gives you questionable advice others will quickly suggest alternative answers.  The truth is that when it comes to most travel questions, there is no best size fits all answer. 



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I find that the folks on this site have been my best teachers and advisors. I also ask questions on sites like Rick Steves and Trip Advisor forums.


My experience is that the majority know less than I do about the general ins and outs of cruise travel. When I ask a pointed question, I hear, "I book many of my clients at..."  They are dodging the reality that they have little experience in travel. 


Most travel agents only wish they had as much travel experience as some of you cruise critics!


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I have an excellent travel agent that I seldom use.  Why?  Because I can do most of it myself.   Ut if I am out of my depth, I will call her.  She worked/works for a brick and mortar agency that is part of a consortium.  They specialize in high end cruises.  I can book my own Carnival, Celebrity, HAL, MSC, Princess…you get the idea.   It when I saw a bargain fare on Crystal, I called her.  And when we were going to try Wind Star, I called her.  Only once have I got a small OBC, and a specialty meal.  But when she was invaluable was when I booked an odyssey of travel.  We started our travel going cross country on Amtrak, to San Diego.  When we went to check into the cruise, my sister could not find her credit cards.  We were starting with a Panama Canal cruise to FLL, continuing Harwich, with two more to follow.  Calling home, her daughters found her card holder with cards on the floor of her car, where it had fallen from her purse.  The TA arranged for us to send the cards to the Celebrity luggage facility in FL, under the guise of medication (they wouldn’t accept responsibility for the credit cards).  And a limo to pick us up at FLL, take us to the office and bring us back to the ship.

    When I cruised on a line that she didn’t have much or any experience with, I would collect the dailies and menus and take them to her when I returned so that if any clients asked about them, she had something in her files to refer to.    
  When you call a new agency, you should interview them to see what their cruise experience is.  EM

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Yes, a good TA will do the research for you.

When I booked my honeymoon, my TA charged a deposit before we even started. As long as we booked with them, the deposit got applied. But they weren't going to do the research for free. Seemed fair to me.

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Although we can not recommend a TA on CC, I can tell you how we found our TA.  We have a friend who does a lot of cruising and we asked them who they used.  They gave us the TA's name and we have been happy w her ever since.  She is a one person TA who is affiliated with a major TA group.  That is all that I can tell you - references are your best bet.


I will add several things about why a TA is good in addition to the rebates that you sometimes get from them and I will say that the rebates while nice are not the most useful thing that you can get from a TA.  You have someone on your side when things go wrong.  When the cruise company tries to work you over (I am being polite here) or they will not provide the proper service the TA is on your side.  They also have connections that you get you stuff that you did not even know were available.



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A few years ago we decided to use a small local agency  because they advertised in my magazine. So I thought I should return the favor. We have developed a relationship with one agent who now knows our wants and needs. She makes excellent suggestion. 
In March of 2020 we were in South America visiting family. It was not a trip booked with our agent since it was just air. But when Covid hit and airports started closing, we got very nervous about getting home. We couldn’t get through to American Airlines to change our flight. So I called our agent. She succeeded in getting through and changed our flight. We ended up leaving Quito on the very last flight before the airport closed. She was willing to do this for us because we were regular customers. We are now clients for life. TAs can give you an extra measure of protection, especially if you are traveling internationally.  So it’s good to develop a relationship with a local pro. 

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Before booking , interview the TA that you are about to book with.

Cruise Specialist?

CLIA Training , level.

Cruise Line training accomplished.

Years in the business?

You may be amazed at the Cruise Experience those large online cruise agencies 

Home Based agents have .


Only then consider his/her advice.


You may be amazed how many TA's are merely order takers.


Edited by MCC retired
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17 hours ago, leishirsute said:

Actually,I've phoned a few local agencies.  They sound great at first until I start asking questions that require a bit of research, then they tend to ignore the questions or answer me that such information is available online.  It seems to me that kind of diminishes the value of a travel agency.


I'll suggest that conducting phone interviews is OK for an initial inquiry to create a short list, but it is certainly not my preferred method for conducting interviews, especially when potentially hiring a vendor, or service provider.


When I get into more depth in the interview process, my preference is a face to face meeting, as I want to have the entire communication available, not just the spoken words. When I conducted final interviews to find a TA, I met with them, initially outlining our plans in the short/medium term, so the TA knew we were genuine potential customers, and they were competing for our business.


If you just phoned various TA's and started asking questions, then more in depth questions, you may wish to reconsider your interview techniques. If you are looking for a full service TA, I suggest expending the effort to go and meet them, as the relationship with a TA is more than technical help, it also needs to be a good personal fit.


BTW - As with any hiring or purchase, the first step is knowing what you want, so I suggest developing a list of your expectations from a TA, listing them as must have and nice to have. 

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23 hours ago, leishirsute said:


I'm on a travel agency search and so far have not had great luck in locating an agency that provides advice on topics such as:

+ is it more economical to book my own air and trip insurance

+ does the cruise handle special dietary needs

The agencies I've contacted talk a great game but when I ask more detailed questions about cruises or desired destinations, they send me URL's for me to do my own research.  I'm not seeing any value in a travel agency if they are mainly about booking travel.


Is that how travel agencies work now?  Maybe I have incorrect expectations of service offerings from travel agencies.

I'm seeking an agency that will consult with me and not just send me URL's for me to the research.


We booked many cruises with an agency that provided FREE basic insurance,The first time we called the company we were assigned to a TA who was extremely helpful .We never felt that she was trying to talk us into anything.


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It’s extremely hard to find a decent travel agent we almost always book our own cruises . I did use one a few years ago they had a free wine tasting, but agent we dealt with was just ok . As several people said they can’t give names . I would just check with friends and family.

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18 minutes ago, George C said:

It’s extremely hard to find a decent travel agent we almost always book our own cruises . I did use one a few years ago they had a free wine tasting, but agent we dealt with was just ok . As several people said they can’t give names . I would just check with friends and family.

It's not that they can't give names, it's the rules for these forums does not allow giving names. Any post giving a name will end up deleted.

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